cakeoflightylight ago

Russia - really... Mkay.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Notice there was no news segment of the lying Lara Logan sent away for six months for getting outed for FAKE NEWS ON 60 MIN! They are hardly one to trust.


Aloha808 ago

JA had a guilty look all over his stupid pedo face

Forgetmenot ago

Alefantis is a major player in all of this. They are pulling every string, calling in every favor, this is clearly a full court press to stop the investigation and awareness from spreading. They are desperate to shut the narrative down; this is abundantly clear. The more they say don't look at thi, nothing here, it is fake! the more curious people will grow. to quote dr Phil : the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. In the past they have resorted to assasinations to silence witnesses and investigators when the media was ineffective at shutting down the narrative. (Franklin scandal for example) . They have resorted to false flags to distract the public and hijack the news cycle. These are violent sociopaths who think nothing of committing atrocities and have no moral compass. At the center of all of this is alefantis that the elites have done everything they can to protect. Who is this man that they protect with every tooth and nail at their disposal? If it was not so tragic I would be watching this with a bowl of popcorn. Amazing the daily events that are occurring!

stellarcorpse ago

The million dollar question.

carmencita ago

Thanks for the info. I did not watch. I wanted to boycott 60 min. Also I hate JA so much I could not stand the sight of him. He is a spoiled overgrown sissy baby. Wha! Wha! Cry Baby. Boo Hoo. The 49th most influential person in DC and he needs 60 min. to defend him. Gag me with a spoon.

21yearsofdigging ago


V____Z ago

Interesting how James is always pushing the establishment/CIA/Soros narrative. When he was first being interviewed about pizzagate, like on NPR, he started with the "fake news has real life consequences" and from there, the "fake news" meme was launched. This guy works for the deep state, no doubt.

stellarcorpse ago


V____Z ago

Cernovich is pretty awesome. Big ego, but he's kind of an autistic, and I think. He just says whatever he feels is true. He's brilliant and a lawyer. They're messing with the wrong guy.

The little bit I saw from the video above has 60 minutes quoting Cernovich as if he's saying saying something untrue or even preposterous, and yet these are proven facts we see in mainstream media daily: Clinton's inner circle is filled with pedophiles and people involved in sex slavery" (something like that).

This short clip has so many holes to punch, if I had all night I would. One thing to note is that James was whining about someone saying they wanted to kill him (on the Internet). Just yesterday, after the protest, David Seaman had someone on Twitter with a blue check mark (verified "important") say "get shot" and "I bet you love to suck baby dick". So is 60 minutes going to have David on to cry about how he's treated?

60 Minutes. Brought to you by the Rothschilds.

And by the way LOOK at James in this. He literally looks evil, his facial features, and after watching his mom, Phillipine Rothscihld being interviewed on Charlie Rose, I can tell you these two even look the same during interviews.

dFrog ago

One of their staff Twote that they were going to destroy Kek during the episode. Hopefully, /pol/ will show them the error of their ways.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I stopped watching after Pelly said Trump calls it fakenews when it doesn't fit what Trump likes!

micha_ ago

You should have mentioned, that they attack him in that show viciously. You never heard of Cernovich before? Mike organized the deploraball. Brilliant mind:

I know Mike Cernovich as someone who actively spreads knowledge about the pedosatanic rings, but he is not convinced of pizzagate though.

11-11 ago

reply to: but he is not convinced of pizzagate though.

He made is clear on 60 Min that he is very convinced that pizzagate is true

Whatyou said he said about CP - was just about CP. He did not say that pizzagate isn't real. He said - It IS real.

micha_ ago

Ofcourse it is real, but he is not pushing it, because not enough evidence. Just the same that AJ said. If those two sharp minds say so, one should think about and reflect, why that is so.

V____Z ago

I'm not sure about that, what did he say that makes you think he doesn't believe in pizzagate?

micha_ ago

I have no idea whether Comet Pizza is the center of this pedophile ring. The evidence isn’t strong enough, which is why I have not named the parlor as being part of a sex trafficking ring.

V____Z ago

No one is saying Comet Pizza is the center of this pedophile ring, so he's not disagreeing with anyone here. As for being a part of the ring, we are calling for an investigation because that is how you get evidence! So again he's not disagreeing with us, all we are saying is that there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant an actual investigation that INCLUDES Comet, and that no serious or obvious questions have been addressed yet. And why the the DCPD straight up LIE about having conducted one?

He's speaking as a lawyer, and what he is saying is factually accurate. It doesn't mean he knows something's up, but none of us know what the "center" of the ring is, it's likely not even in America. It's probably the Vatican.

I do think he's on our side on this, just being lawyerly.

TamalepantsMD ago

Pizzagate is not about CPP being the center of the pedophile ring. I think any serious investigator knows that it is not. To try to make Pizzagate solely about CPP does a disservice to the investigation and mislabels it, bc it is ultimately about a mass ring of government-accepted (if not funded and endorsed) child exploitation. JA's laziness is what broke the door open to evidence of this world, hence the pizza connection.

remedy4reality ago

I did see it... Scott Pelly and the entire piece may have been the biggest disgrace in the history of journalism.

It was laughable.

bopper ago

He can join Dan Rather in the hall of shame.

remedy4reality ago

Interesting that you say that. Rather was actually a victim of a CIA sting on the Bush AWOL story. Have you read Russ Baker's book on the Bush's ?

bopper ago

Yes it was great. Honestly I've forgotten a lot ... I remember watching the whole 60 minutes fiasco with Rather, Bush and the National Guard. I've always wanted to go back and re-read it, it's so well documented. I've been in the little fighter pilot hang-out bar Baker mentions, where Bush dissed his pregnant girlfriend, at Ellington Field.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Wow, amazing all these, sudden dismissals of JA being involved in pizzagate! All on the same day! Hmmm!

AssFaceSandwich ago

A lot of us have never liked or trusted AJ. Seems like obvious disinfo to mix the good info with the bad, in a nutty way.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I have never trusted Jones or Beck! $$ is their end game!