cakeoflightylight ago Hotard - looks like they are calling each other a hotard.

burntheswamp ago

Example of fake claims.

  1. The menu that was "hacked."

  2. The comet sign "is really baphomet" because of the moons.

Alex Jones is partially correct that there is false information inserted to distract us, but that false information was used to distract us from the core of pizzagate itself.

The core of pizzagate -- that is, the initial discoveries that started the investigation -- are the following facts:

  1. James Alefantis or his friends on Instagram depict pizza in sexual contexts.

  2. James Alefantis is friends with Podesta.

  3. James Alefantis uploaded several photos on his Instagram which can be interpreted as references to child abuse or pedophilia.

  4. Tony Podesta collects imagery which can be interpreted as references to child abuse and pedophilia.

  5. Tony Podesta is friends with convicted pedophile Hastert who abused and molested children.

  6. John Podesta works for Hillary Clinton.

  7. Hillary Clinton and her Husband flew on Lolita Express with Epstein, a convicted pedophile.

  8. The Clintons took an interest in releasing Laura Silsby from jail after being arrested for kidnapping children.

  9. Laura Silsby's defender had a warrant out for his arrest for human trafficking.

  10. John Podesta was invited to a spirit cooking event by an artist who depicts human sacrifice and luciferianism in her work.

  11. Two locations near comet pizza had logos that matched FBI-documented pedophile symbols.

  12. Hillary Clinton was seen at one of those locations.

  13. Both locations removed the logos when they were discovered as pedophile symbols.

That's the kind of stuff that started the investigation. There has been much, much more since then -- too much to enumerate here. At no point did anyone suggest, in those initial stages, that "Hillary Clinton rapes children in a pizzaria basement" or anything of the sort. That was a claim that was made up and attributed to us to distract and discredit.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Don't fall for this! Jones and 60 mins just happened to say that Comet PP was not with pizzagate on same day! Come on, this is all BS.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Huh? I don't understand what you're saying here.

abortionburger ago

@cakeoflightylight, this is a good post but we need sources. Please repost with links :)