sunajAeon ago

OK so this guy did security for the worst traitors and villains (ones directly involved in Pizzagate) and we are supposed to fall in line with this guy??? Where was his police action when he was obviously witnessing the activities of these criminals? If anyone sees the real deal with these miscreants it is their bodyguards-whole thing looks foul

quantokitty ago

Don't think of yourself as a beggar ... potential victim of the Cannibal Elite, maybe ... :) joke ... that was a joke.

Look, anyone doing any type of good we should support ... I am not saying to treat anyone not doing exactly what we want as an enemy. What I am saying is not to lose sight of OUR goal and OUR agenda. So while I may applaud someone going to Mumbai and interfering in a sex trade operation (and I would), it has NOTHING to do with #pizzagate and stopping what is taking place here.

Again, we have all seen and read emails that would seem to imply we have a huge problem in the upper echelons of our government that needs to be weeded out. Further, there is evidence that the constituency base that were NARROWLY defeated in last November's presidential election are still there and resisting, and ready to re-elect these same characters into power the next chance they get! Nothing has been done to impugn the character of the leading players in the email scandal and those that are an extension and enabler to it so Podesta, HRC, Pelosi, etc. ARE STILL VIABLE!!! This means to support, but NOT make whoever is going to Mumbai on a quest your leader, your support system, your knight in shining armor. That person is not going to accomplish YOUR goal, he's going to accomplish HIS.

Keep your eye on the ball. We need someone to help us here and accomplish this mission of knocking these positional, key players out of the political arena and out of this game that they started! That is central to success! Their reputations have to be so tarnished and sullied that no one will ever listen to them again. It seems the easiest way for that to occur is for a real investigation to produce charges that end in them being arrested. But with the weight they carry, it can't look as if the charges are politically motivated. Since this investigation involves the incredibly creepy subject of pedophilia, it would seem that this goal could be accomplished. Most people have an inherent hatred built into them that translates into being repulsed by pedos. However, it's very difficult for people to believe that someone who is powerful, charismatic, and giving lip service to lofty ideals to be engaged in such perversion. Therefore, we have been unable to even get this constituency to believe it when shown evidence on tape! We have an entire day of Biden fondling children on YouTube and, yet, the population under the delusion that the dems are leading them to a Utopian society can't even translate his hand on a child's breast to be criminal! When you have that type of DEEP SLEEP and DENIAL going on, it's going to be rough to make headway! It's why we need to stay focused and complete OUR GOALS and NOT SOMEONE ELSE'S.

Hope I'm being clear here. I'm not impugning white knights, lord knows we could use more. I'm just saying it has to be OUR Sir Galahad fighting OUR dragons.

samhara ago

You will fail to defeat the Mass Media vis the Mass Media - unless you get the ownership changed.

Also, This guy is promoted by imposter and sell - out "Alex Jones."

samhara ago

FB Page is gone

Hopevoats ago

What does it mean? Controlled opposition or a breakaway with inside info?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

1min58s does not equal 1.5mins.

Millstone ago

Oh boy. I hope he stays safe.

Dressage2 ago

You are the type of American the elite pedos fear the most. Just a guy that loves his country and we slide over at the dinner table to accommodate someone fighting evil!

Psychanaut ago


privatepizza ago

It's fine with me, just checked it. Still down your side?

Psychanaut ago

wow great. thanks. I had to "appeal" I think it' s cool now. thanks

21yearsofdigging ago

Right on man!! Glad you are out there Craig

privatepizza ago

PedoBlast -- PedoDown -- PedoClean -- PedoBust -- PedoBustOp - OpPedoBust -- OpPedoRing -- OpPedoElites --

A clear name which tells exactly what it is will be difficult for the media to twist. For public awareness also, we need to be clear exactly what this is. My humble thoughts...

Hobgobbin ago

Pedodium. Pedo + Odium (Latin for Hate.)

samhara ago

Pedophobia not Pedophilia are the ones who get off on hurting children "Hate Childer"

The word you just made up means "Hate Children" in Latin.

What you need is "Pedophobia" "Odium" Hatred of those who hate and want to harm chlldren.

Hobgobbin ago

Nice. How about pedophilodium then?

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I really hope he does what he says he's going to do, and not get scared off like other pizzagaters!

reasonedandinformed ago


privatepizza ago

I like this : )

quantokitty ago

Before anything, you need to join OUR AGENDA. Our nation's capitol is bleeding and you're talking about going global? Seth Rich was gunned down and died for us. If that was a comrade, you'd go on your merry way and travel to Sweden or wherever the hell you're going and not find out who did it? Really? You'd just leave a friend on the beach in the sand?

If you're wanting to help, you need to follow OUR core values and that's cleaning up America! Find out who the hell killed Seth Rich and go after the Podestas, James Alefantis, and The Cannibal Queen to find out what jargon they were using and what they were talking about in those emails! We also have a home grown terrorist organization called MS-13. If you're so big and bad and have all these connections, why aren't you going after them? Once our country is cleaned up, yes, be my guest and follow the trail ... but until then, I'm not getting on this train. You can distract me all you want, but I don't know who you are and I have a hard time believing you'd want to hop around the world without getting the people poised to win the next election out of position and IN JAIL!

Dressage2 ago

Upvoat, damn it!!!!

privatepizza ago

Appreciate your opinion Quanto, and have always appreciated your posts. I believe it's already global. A great number of people here aren't US citizens, however appreciate that although the investigation is centred on the states, its tentacles reach throughout the world. This is a world wide issue, cause and investigation already.

I appreciate that you feel it's better to keep it to your country, and hey that's fine with me. I feel people should go with their own feelings on this, and feel free to do whatever they personally think is effective.

All of us, together, working in varying international locations and with varying skills, contacts and networks, together, we can make a difference.

Yes, the US is infested. The disease isn't contained however, and for us to concentrate on one festering sore when the body of the world is covered in festering sores, isnt going to be the most effective way of dealing with the disease, imho.

quantokitty ago

Thank you for the good words. Of course, people can do what they like. It's imperative they follow their own conscience in this, but the example you offered of treating sores is not a good one. You don't treat the sores, you treat the underlying infection causing the sores. The sores are just signs of a systemic problem. There is the disease, and the pedophile elite are the disease. That's what I'm suggesting going after. We don't have Wikileaks drops on all these other countries. We do, however, have substantial proof of what group of individuals is involved and part of THE DISEASE. To scatter your seeds in a wild goose chase around the world where you're plugging up isolated incidents is not effective. That one sore will be replaced with a new underling that will gladly set up a new operation of trafficking.

The individuals outlined in the emails lead us to Haiti and Africa. If you get rid of THE DISEASE, you rid Haiti of that problem and the sore goes away. There needs to be clarity. It's because our group has been so effective that there was a false flag. It's because our group was so effective that we have disinformationists and shills bombarding this site. It's because we've been so effective that 60 Minutes has lent their weight to debunking the notion that something is wrong. In other words, we were so effective that the pedo elite noticed us and were forced to construct a new narrative.

If Sweden has a problem, Sweden needs to fix it. Once it's fixed, it can then help somewhere else. The same with the US. We KNOW who's involved. Because of Assange, they've been identified. To turn your back on that and go on an adrenaline high of skipping around the world makes no sense with regards for pizzagater's efforts. Does it mean not supporting you? No, it doesn't mean that. If you are who you say, and you do do what you outline, of course, those efforts should and would be supported. But it's not the solution here. We need someone who's going to fight for us here. We need the MS-13 gone! We need the pedo elites gone! We need the major political players knocked out of position so they can't make a power grab in the next election. Time is tick, tick, ticking so if someone is not willing to play that role, we are wasting our precious time in totally supporting something that is doomed to fail.

If you think being Shadow banned is something, you wait to see what happens to people who speak out if someone like The Cannibal Queen is in power.

samhara ago

We've got to pop the blister.

Only way to do that is to focus on the Mass Media.

Get their license revoked. Force them to back down and announce it.

Like "Alex Jones" was allegedly forced to do - but working instead on the side of good.

quantokitty ago

We have FOUR YEARS to get the Cannibal Elite out of power. If we don't do that, they will win the next election. Especially, if people run off to France to solve their pedo problem for them. It means our country and this administration gets zero credit and the vast constituency that HRC has is not dissuaded from its belief system. This is very dangerous. Very. Four years is not a long time. We need someone here ... in the US ... that is going to help uncover the nightmare. Until then, we need to dig, dig, dig. These lizards are cracking. They don't like the spotlight on their activities so let's do it all the more.

MysticMa ago

I agree, short side RIP OFF "The BAND-AIDS" Pick the "SCABS" and "RELEASE" the rising infected volcano's of PUS and "DIG OUT THE CORE" so "HEALING" can Begin!!!"

quantokitty ago

Exactly. It would be analogous to a member of the French Foreign Legion or Canadian Mounted Police arriving on our shores telling us they're here to stop the pedo rings. We'd be like, huh? It's OUR job to stop it, and it's not our job to go to France or Canada until our mess is cleared up OR unless we have scum here that links to scum there. Then we can help expose them.

CardinalOfKek ago

There are many groups out there I know are involved in breaking this down. There exist in nearly all Social Media Platforms. They are selective as there is a hardcore intel op against ordinary people trying to break this. You will find portals in the Chans, on Twitter, here of course. Kekistan resists Pizza too.

The way I see it is that the evidence is all there and least to bring to court high level perps. The propblem we have is first getting people to understand just how sick tthe beliefs of these people are. The 'Truther' community out there has a spectrum of opinion. What any forensic psychologist must do is understand the beliefs of these people. You must research the occult, see Thelema and Theosophy, but not be tempted as these folk are. All of that is deceit. Only by trumpeting their 'Secret' beliefs for them do we expose them to the light that will unite.

You do not have to believe it yourself. Be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.

You best shield in this is Jesus Christ, however if not a believer humour breaks down the barriers of cognitive dissonance. Meme away!

** Interesting facts.**

  1. Did you know the CIA have been caught using Bronie accounts?

  2. Did you know that there are known DNC IPs showing up inside of OP Deatheaters anons response to Pizzagate. It is Heavily infiltrated.

  3. David Brock, former boyfriend of Alefantis is Linked with Lady Lynn De Rothschild who has denounced Podesta for screwing up the DNC campaign. 8chan anon poster predicted Rothschild involvement in taking out David Brock the Brains behind Shareblue a multi national parent company whos media arms shill for the DNC and Pizzagate, via heart attack. It did happen. He survived however.

The only way to stop infiltration is to know the signs of a shill. They will protect the Occult.

Remember Tolerance is not the supreme virtue. Hate Evil, know Evil, fight Evil; but do not ket it corrupt you and bring you to the Dark-side. Love your Enemy. Fight not to destroy people but redeem them.

Some however will not be redeemed. They must be destroyed lest their Evil spread further.

samhara ago

Problem is the Corrupt Judges.

Check out what happened with the "Pizza Connection" trials in Palermo Sicuily in the '80's

They had to build their own trial chamber, jails, and hired private army to protect the trials.

Prosecutors were both executed [mob hits] soon after the convictions were upheld.

And this is a case where everybody in the city wanted the perps taken down.

In our situation the public at large are led to believe that *we are the perps..

Re-establishing an honest Mass Media is number one. Without that, we've lost before we've started.

Rigg5 ago

A couple bullets could fix all this.

southartful ago

Project Blowtorch

"Cleaving away the shackles of our most vulnerable children" - in latin

PizzaStreamerLive ago

'Chain Reaction' would be a good name. It's like this entire investigation has been. A little piece of evidence exploding into something bigger with every link and connection. Also breaking the bonds and restrictions on all the kids.

Edit: Not too keen on it all going on on Facebook... why?

Amino69 ago

Come on, look at this Chuck Norris clone with a fuck off History channel banner on his Twatter account, really?! I'm interpreting this as a big ol' honey pot. Whenever there is a 'heads up' or 'something big is about to go down', I take it with a huge dose of salt!! Why would a warning be given so overtly, giving those who are under scrutiny time to destroy evidence, hide and prepare?! When 'it' happens and if it even does, it's likely we'll know nothing about it until after the event. Life just doesn't play out like a Bourne film.

MysticMa ago

I heard him on AJ Fri, I Think... Anyhow that was the EXACT 1st Impression I got with a bit more. I get the idea (thought) but what I question is the emphasis of making this a reality TV show which is what I took from listening to him talk about what HE was going to DO!!! (emphasis added). At this point all of us have seen, read and researched so much in 6 mo. So, I agree that we need to TREAD carefully (walk soft, carry big stick) discern with caution since it seems like there is possible agendas at play. That said, I pray this is the real deal! :^)

samhara ago

Sounds like the movie "NETWORK" and yes, "Alex Jones" is "Howard Beale"

IN that movie the Netork Admins got the idea to have a show based on Terrorists.

ArtificalDuality ago

I am Dutch you dumbfuck.

It has EVERYTHING to do with pizzagate because that is a global scale epidemic. New Babylon will be burned down to the ground by The Righteous Light of Justice. Get out you luciferist shill.

ArtificalDuality ago

Proof of Satanic Child Abuse and Disposal

Now go shillingly be stupid elsewhere.

FreeRebel ago

Unification is a word already owned by Moonie cult. If you say Re-Unification? It almost sounds like it means deprogramming from that cult.

newguy68 ago

Armored Bison ?

evademoney2 ago Another Ex Seal Outraged To Say The Least.

Dressage2 ago

I know several SEAL guys. One DEF group guy (SEAL team 6 group). These guys are tighter than if it was his relative. They will give their lives for one another. That is what makes them a SEAL. All this movement to defend takes is a phone call to each of them. Kinda like Blues Brothers putting the band back together.

MolochHunter ago

Name: Society for the Preservation of Innocence

Covers everything from paedophilia to the media normalisation of the sexualization of children

FriedJewBurger ago

Sawyer is another freemason faggot jew shill, obviously.

SmilingWide ago

I don't know about anyone else, but I have Good Faith.

Vanscribe1 ago

Wow this makes me so happy to see this finaly somebody with the tools resources and bravery to take this on. I wish I could help.

sunajAeon ago

Nice words, but all of major Police orgs know about this, but they wont prosecute-so what makes this guy special? if it was just a matter of blowing a few people away, yes, but it isn't, this looks like someone riding the wave of publicity (q.v. David Seaman)

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Again, he has a task force network in preparation. Federal and Local law enforcement as well as political allies and funding. This is a Navy seal with connections. They will film and document everything. This will happen.

sunajAeon ago

That is a JOKE this isn't a Seals mission-it is a police action this looks like BS these guys are more Like Seaman, looks good, sounds good-full of shit cashing in on the publicity

The_Roman_Numeral ago

You obviously haven't been following. No need to argue this point, since it doesn't change that its at advanced stages right now, and everything is falling into place.

sunajAeon ago

You are entitled to your limited understanding of the big picture

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Your big picture is unique to you, we all have ours. In the end nothing we say will sway anything of what is to come. Hope you get that. ;)

sunajAeon ago

I hope you are right, but if the FBI isn't cracking any heads (except low level street activity) this is talk

Freemasonsrus ago

NotInOurCity was started out of Texas. I have two friends involved there. They are coordinating with special ops/LE to make busts Ina no around the Houston area and are currently expanding into other cities. You can contact them about starting a chapter in your city. I think it would be great if Craig's group was called NotInOurCountry as possibly a national level group. Just a thought. These guys were super successful over Super Bowl weekend. As you probably know, Houston is considered one of the main hotbeds of human trafficking. Interesting to look back at the investigations that were going on in Houston in the early 80's wrt child trafficking and of course, it's GHWB home town turf. They recently had a DA elected in Nov who was directly tied to Soros through campaign contributions.

Also, everyone please support and watch the documentary "I Am Jane Doe". You can call your local cinema and ask for a screening to be done in your city. Or set up your own screening with your own group like a local church. I believe you can contact the people from the documentary and setup a screening. The documentary focuses more on young girls who end up being trafficked, but it is important to open people's eyes to the issue and then bridge the gap to the trafficking of infants/children under 10.

FireGrilledJew ago

what a crock of shit. US navy seal needs to go back to his shriner klown lodge.

FireGrilledJew ago

If you want to avoid these self-appointed, johnny-come-lately "leaders" and all their ridiculous masonic shilling, come to the new Pizzagate newsgroup, where the ONLY thing that's censored is self-appointed US military faggots promoting their own egos and bullshit snake oil products:!forum/pizzagate

FireGrilledJew ago

is this a picture of freemason jew "navy seal" kissing his boyfriend after returning from the fake "killing" of bin laden?

US Military = loser homosexual freemason satanist faggots who haven't won a war for 50 years.

FireGrilledJew ago

Sounds like another johnny-come-lately, self-appointed jew/mason "leader" of the movement, whose mouth didn't start running until this got popular on its own. No need for this freemason "leader", go back to your lodge boy, and tell them it didn't work.

FireGrilledJew ago

WHere was this great hero "navy seal" until now? If he was so interested in this subject, how come his freemason mouth didn't start running about it until now that he's decided that he's a "leader"?

FireGrilledJew ago

I don't give a fuck about this self-appointed "hero" navy seal, or anything or anyone that comes from its freemason lodge.

Is he any relation to jewess Diane Sawyer per chance?

banenya ago

Just tweeted it out. Here's how I see it. #Pizzagate can bring America together against our true enemy: the Corporate Globalist Elite. Those kids have no one else. We gotta rise up!

The_Roman_Numeral ago

This is exactly what is needed. Important things mentioned that the common researcher does not have access to. Funding, federal and local law enforcement, and political allies. The reason he has spoken about it publicly is because of all of the above. This can only go more public if the MSM decide to character assassinate or paint this new group into an enemy of the state. These guys will do it smart and by the book. That's the way to get things done.

All of you that have contributed positively towards this, with all the amazing citizen investigation, this would not have been possible without your hard work.Thank you and no matter what,keep at it.

quantokitty ago

It's a global problem, but WE need to concentrate on what happens in the US .... we need to get rid of the pedos in our government and charge them, otherwise we will not have another chance! Taking it global at this point is just diffusing the power. Focus here, arrest and convict those involved, THEN follow the global trail. All countries need to take care of what's happening inside their own country first by getting rid of globalists.

Rmm ago

If this could happen it would be like Christmas for the rest of my life. I am in to help but need to think HOW

V____Z ago

Let's look at this two ways: it could be the deep state trying to corral us, OR this could be an angel among us, someone we've been hoping and praying for.

But as someone earlier asked, in a now deleted comment, why would he make this public?

Omnicopy ago

Well we're fasting and praying, at least I am so forward march! No looking back!

V____Z ago

I truly believe that the fact there were no false flags or ANYTHING negative at the pizzagate rally, the fact that i t was SO positive and such a success, is the result of spiritual intervention. That's my strong feeling, because we just had so much going against us, i can really see the hand of God here....

FriedJewBurger ago

thanks for exposing yourself as a jew pedo shill.

Cleareyes ago

Not too sure, maybe to give hope or illustrate the type of guys willing to fight for kids? Only takes one well-timed hero to inspire others to be heroes. Hoping it's that anyway.

Clinker ago

Ex US Navy seal team is what the fucking elites fear most. There is nobody I support more than for Craig Sawyer to assemble a team and take care of this without having to take the country through hell. It can't be as simple as a gofundme page but this is worth the world to me. Get rid of these disgusting beings that have ruled humanity for millennia.

sunajAeon ago

This a lot of hype-Seals are an elite team but they are trained for the BATTLEFIElD with modern weapons-this is a POLICE ACTION and the use of a Seal is superfluous and frankly a little absurd-and a seal team working with the establishment is even more ridiculous-the very reason why nothing ever gets done is BECAUSE the establishment is neck deep in Pizzagate and controls the narrative

FriedJewBurger ago

Why would they fear a bunch of homosexual faggots who haven't won a war in 50 years?

dmthirdeye ago

^ Something you would never say without the safety of a keyboard

Clinker ago

Wouldn't it just be such a crying shame if the elites (and we know who they are) decided to Seth Rich themselves?

Cleareyes ago

I like that one, the acronym too fits the cause. That helps with "branding". Don't want to frame it as commercial but unfortunately that's what grabs people's attention more effectively.

FriedJewBurger ago

riiiiight…..and it helps jews shill their bullshit snake oil products too.

Cleareyes ago

Branding? yes, it helps all forms of promotion for businesses or causes

jangles ago

This video will make you happy to be an american

privatepizza ago

Indeed! Who needs Alex Jones when we've got these guys on board ; )

pizzahunt42 ago

He was on with Alex Jones. Ended up watching a few more videos about him. The guy seems legit.

It would sure make for one hell of a docu-series

FriedJewBurger ago

On with "alex jones" = jew freemason shill satanist pedo faggot

Cleareyes ago

Soldiers of Sunlight = S.O.S?

Omnicopy ago

Stop messing with a name, if God wants us named He'll name us!

Cleareyes ago


EricKaliberhall ago


privatepizza ago

It's past time. #BringItOn

JesusRules ago

Now following on FB.

samhara ago

LInk is dead for me

Cleareyes ago

me too, told everyone i'm deleting my account though after pizzagate breaks and i don't need to argue online anymore lol

pocketfulofstones ago

I keep getting "page not found"

the link worked for you?

edit: found it...

doubleherpes ago

I think "Sonlight" might be a bad idea, given the amount of buggering performed by members of various clergy, as well as a "fleshlight" being something you stick your dick in.

Chain breakers is secular, has meaning that doesn't need explanation, and can be used for other anti-coercion efforts (immigrant slave labor, wage slavery, forced marriages, etc.)

BaphometBat ago

Solomon Laboratories of Experimental Psychology, Richard L. Address. 3720 Walnut Street ... Solomon Labs, Psychology Labs, Psych Labs, Soc. Science. Album

From image: CBW research under MK/ULTRA where, a Subproject 139 designated "Bird Disease Studies" at Penn State.

Guess who was studying Avian Flu? None other than Tim Alefantis... Cousin of James Alefantis

Race for universal flu vaccine with Tim Alefantis

Dammmnnnnn 74302947923479273

Dressage2 ago

I have seen Tim Alefantis described as a cousin and brother to JA. Do we know the actual relationship?

doubleherpes ago

Dude. Full stop.

First of all, don't use imgur. We all know why.

Thirdly, what the fuck does some dude's cousin being a scientist have to do with anything? You can't just say these things and expect the rest of us to infer what relationship you're claiming to exist between them.

Secondly, MKUltra as most of us understand it was mind control. Bioweapon development would be a completely different lab setup, you wouldn't mix the two.

Fourth, a cordial fuck you for spamming the same response to me in two different threads. I don't want to have two identical conversations with you. You better be upvoating me for my extra effort at least.

SturdyGal ago

Upvoat for cordiality

BaphometBat ago

Does Donald Trump Have A Secret Twin Or Clone?


44NJ9 ago

omg fleshlight. agreed about sonlight. secular is better.

FireGrilledJew ago

Yeah, the amount of buggering by jewish clergy is really out of control:

We need to stop these jews, because their religion openly condones pedophiilia, which is why so many jews are fucked up homosexual commie garbage.

doubleherpes ago

I wouldn't trust any of the Abrahamic religions (AKA that guy who attempted to murder his own kid). Buddhists seem chill though.

C1RWON ago

Break this chain


doubleherpes ago


BaphometBat ago

Solomon Laboratories of Experimental Psychology, Richard L. Address. 3720 Walnut Street ... Solomon Labs, Psychology Labs, Psych Labs, Soc. Science. Album

From image: CBW research under MK/ULTRA where, a Subproject 139 designated "Bird Disease Studies" at Penn State.

Guess who was studying Avian Flu? None other than Tim Alefantis... Cousin of James Alefantis

Race for universal flu vaccine with Tim Alefantis


doubleherpes ago

Dude. Full stop.

First of all, don't use imgur. We all know why.

Secondly, MKUltra as most of us understand it was mind control. Bioweapon development would be a completely different lab setup, you wouldn't mix the two.

Thirdly, what the fuck does some dude's cousin being a scientist have to do with anything? You can't just say these things and expect the rest of us to infer what relationship you're claiming to exist between them.

Fourth, a cordial fuck you for spamming the same response to me in two different threads. I don't want to have two identical conversations with you. You better be upvoating me for my extra effort at least.

dmthirdeye ago

Sounds like you got your flu shots !

FreeThem ago

We need to mobilize and spread this to the outside citizens of the world.

All countries have been pillaged. All nations have been pimped.

This is more than an American problem. This is for humanity, we have come together and figure out what's important.

thatguyiam ago

These globalists in power now shold be referred to as Globllists Against All Nations

...they truly are

BaphometBat ago

Solomon Laboratories of Experimental Psychology, Richard L. Address. 3720 Walnut Street ... Solomon Labs, Psychology Labs, Psych Labs, Soc. Science. Album

From image: CBW research under MK/ULTRA where, a Subproject 139 designated "Bird Disease Studies" at Penn State.

Guess who was studying Avian Flu? None other than Tim Alefantis... Cousin of James Alefantis

Race for universal flu vaccine with Tim Alefantis


dmthirdeye ago

Solomon Labs really... they don't even try to hide it

FriedJewBurger ago

We need to mobilize and spread that he's another freemason faggot jew shill self-appointing his jew ass as a "leader".

C1RWON ago

privatepizza ago

Hear hear. THIS.