witch_doctor1 ago

Where did you find this audio? This is crazy...what really gives me chills is that I am an OG Birther and have followed it very closely since day one. There was a point in the investigation, shortly after the 2nd Zullo/Arpaio press conference where Zullo mysteriously stated that the investigation had "taken a very dark turn"....well, now we know what that is...at least in part...

crystalclear ago

Was available all this time on soundcloud under "The American Report" account. I don't have the best of hearing and so I waited thinking someone else would listen and post it. Finally listened to it again and there was no doubt in my mind what was said. I'm still just not sure what it means. It could mean Montgomery found a pedogate stash (makes sense CIA would have it) or could it mean one or some of the players are implicated or some dirty cops or dirty people tried to profit from the cp? What does it mean?

witch_doctor1 ago

I have no idea on that one....but it seems that if Zullo was interested in it, then it was at least tangentially related to his Bob Ama birth cert. investigation?

crystalclear ago

Oh they recv'd info/evidence about birth certificate. 10/6/14 Next to last page of this Doc 3

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah, I knew about the BC info being passed on to congress, etc...what I meant was that for Zullo to be asking about the cp drive, it likely means that it involved govt officials, because he was investigating the BC fraud...which involved many govt officials...Pelosi signed off on BO's eligibility, Hawaii officials, etc....

crystalclear ago

Interesting as I have no memories at all of the BC issues other than the people accessing the passport files of the three.

witch_doctor1 ago

It was a mess that the media has refused to cover to this day. Basically there is hard evidence that Bob Ama's BC and Selective Service card are poor forgeries...birthplace and actual father are speculation at this point. Maybe Kenya, maybe Hawaii...we really don't know who this guy is after all this time. The Zullo/Arpaio press conferences are all on Youtube...really a must watch IMO... When you see the dates of the pressers and the media reaction, it will feel very similar to PG.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Who is in this conversation? Not Zullo, because they discuss Zullo. Montgomery and who?

crystalclear ago

It is Zullo - he calls Montgomery on phone and is recording. They are talking about other MCSO cold case posse member(s) or people - Sergeant Travis Anglin and think I remember Randy someone?

Bluebirdsolitude ago


Jem777 ago

Analysis Corporation.... Quarles Harris jr.

Been accessible freely since at least 2008.

Jem777 ago

Yes He is specifically talking about CP also about having audio. The reason this is being leaked is all out chaos. The last straw was Comey being asked in an open hearing to the house last week. They asked Nunes & All intel agencies and Obama Admin for two years to address this. He received immunity from Comey to produce the classified documents. He went to agency first then followed law instead of leaking it out.

Everyone lied.

carmencita ago

Comey needs to go. Now. And heads must roll.

Fightforright ago

Yeah. Comey is awful!

AngB23 ago

This is crazy evidence. Child Porn Drive? Tampered with? Is this maybe what they use to blackmail or what is this? I wish the next part wasn't a bad connection. It's like he was saying more but you can't hear it.

crystalclear ago

I know!!!!! Is CRAZY can't hear that part. Have you seen anyone else share this? Tampered with which way? I'm wondering if someone decided to try and profit from it and use it?

AngB23 ago

First time I've ever heard it or heard about it. Who's the Zulio (sp?) guy? This is, IMHO, BIG eveidence.

crystalclear ago

He was part of Sheriff Arpaio's CCP ( Cold Case Posse) - Is fascinating story but here is one article to read about these tapes. Go back and listen to the "Fruit of the Poison Tree" tapes to get caught up to speed most quickly . Arpaio’s Posse Investigator Mike Zullo’s Secret Recordings

AngB23 ago

Thanks for the info! I lalready listened to both part 1 & 2 which were F*ing mind blowing. I seriously just sat speechless for like 15 minutes letting my brain catch up to what I had heard. Granted like u said, Montgomery may not be a pillar citizen, at least he found a conscience. And as we know, they helped taint his image like apparently they do to ANYONE who tries to come forward or not cooperate with the grand plan

What easier way than to plant CP in someone's computer. Which then is a guessing game- TRUE Pedos vs planted. Or I guess just shooting them between the eyes like that poor guy with the Birth Certificate. If arrests are not made to ALL these elite asses, we have zero hope.

Jem777 ago

Was going to post with the connection to George Webb youtube. I realize everyone goes Nextel over George but he stated this two days ago as the Mango filled with Heroin flown into Chicago from Pakistan was breaking.

This is devastating evidence.

AngB23 ago

Do you have a specific link to that or a day #.

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