jstayz44 ago

I LOVE YOU TOO! And, just because I used all caps doesn't mean I'm a shill! Lol. I appreciate your honesty, and understand that I triggered your reaction. I'll take you up on your promise, as I promise to you and the rest of the team of truly amazing OPS, and individuals working on this not to post something so stupid again, regardless of my mood. And, I think you hit on something really important: We, on this sub, believe that Pizzagate/Pedogate is real...but we don't get to feel the conraderie of working on a shared mission as much as we might if we did NOT have to work under the conditions of anonymity. We also are trolled every.single.fucking.day and it really fucking sucks. Also, I agree with you, many of us do this in the Voat vacuum, because we have few people in our actual realities to talk to about this stuff...and when we do, we are often shot down. We all put up defense mechanisms while plowing forward both by doing research and by raising awareness among non-believers...and we are surrounded by negativity. This is hard for all of us. I extend a cyber hug to you for a candid conversation, and I would like to consider you a new virtual anonymous friend, if I may. Keep fighting the good fight my friend...we are all with you!!!

NotTooLate ago

Why is this not all over the place right now?

witch_doctor1 ago

Great question. I am curious who leaked this...I haven't seen a definitive answer for that yet.

Hug-a-Root ago

Someone on twitter said Carl Cameron recently died from cancer. Does anyone recall that? It sounded familiar to me but I cannot find anything to support it.

pby1000 ago

So then Clapper and Brennan need to be executed for treason.

Banned4Truth ago

Listened to both. So they used "the Hammer" to bust into Hawaii's BC records and whacked the kid who was about to testify. Heavy mafia shit

Baconmon ago

51:55 - Investigator working on Obama's birth certificate case was killed a day before testifying regarding changes to the birth certificate.

Why the fuck would they be killing people to stop the investigation of his birth-certificate, unless he is fake as fuck.. They know how berserk the american people would go if they knew the truth..

AngB23 ago

Another audio posted here on voat. This one mentions Child Porn at about 7:00. Parts of it the connections breaks up but anyone know what this can mean? Blackmail? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1748267

crystalclear ago

I have posted a soundcloud track of tapped conversation between Zullo & Montgomery and "skin" and "child porn" are referenced. Nothing is clear about this situation: long con? or as I'd say a long sting? or we are gonna be shit out of luck again - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1748267

ArthurEdens ago

so no one ever gets prosecuted unless the mass public finds out.

AngB23 ago

A while back, 4chan had some guy who claimed to crack Wikileaks code and basically said we're all doomed. Something about the code dealing with U.K. and US but it was actually a reversed code? Do u think it was tied to this info?


WeCanDoThisThing ago

Who released this? This is obviously sheriff joe and that PD...did the guy end up dying of brain CA?

srayzie ago

He says Trump is a double agent. I wonder what he means. Like literally? Joking?

Baconmon ago

One comment from reddit says:

They mean it in a good way. Elite insider who knows all their secrets and turned on them.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Ya, I'd agree with that comment. That is how they seem to talk about it

srayzie ago

Oh nice!

DabbaDan ago

Still haven't gotten around to reading it, honestly. Just got back home, very little time to do the fun stuff today. Someone else will probably fill you in a lot quicker than I'm going to be able to.

AngB23 ago

Just listened to part 1 & 2. WTF?!? This is BIG and if arrests are not made, we are screwed. All the evidence is in their hands over a YEAR ago. Obama is Kenyan, killed people, and 900 MILLION Americans banking info, PIN numbers and pass codes hacked by our own GOVT. We need to start a class action lawsuit and demand to see lists by state.

This shit needs exposed/repilled to all.

witch_doctor1 ago

How about stealing Florida through election fraud? Yeah, this is huge...

GeorgeT ago

Wow! That's a monster. There is the evidence right there.

crystalclear ago

Listen to even more I found on soundcloud with Zullo and Montgomery https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1748267

4thesakeofthekids ago

I need a big favor. I can't listen to this right now. My girlfriend gets mad when she hears stuff about pg. Can someone post a synopsis or a rundown of what's in the audio?

educate_yourself ago

i feel u dude my family are basically mad at having to hear about pg stuff even though i keep it to a minimum. it pokes holes in their niceish reality me thinks

Long_Knife ago

Just ask her if you can borrow your balls for 10 minutes.

4thesakeofthekids ago

She'll get mad if I ask for my balls back. Lol

Mrs_Kravitz ago


lynn1314 ago

The reddit link above gives a rundown.

Gothamgirl ago

This is very very bad for America..... Are they the nigerian scammers to?

Pisstubes0351 ago

I dont mean to be gullible off the bat, but the dude is giving addresses out and everything. You can't just memorize the sequence of events as he's stating them, no way.

minusco2 ago

Alefantis and Vaccines https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1486744


abcdefg222 ago

I'm so confused? What's the big reveal?

bopper ago

Glad you asked that and not me. ???

Baxterbaxter ago

OMG Andrew Breitbart died unexpectedly 5 years ago... is this what he knew and was about to expose?!?!?

palmitespo910 ago

You bet your sweet ass

SayWhatNOWAY ago


Look who talks about Obama's big spy machine!

Dressage2 ago

Obama is probably smoking his Changa from his drug dealer in CA on the French Polynesia island pacing, not knowing if he packed enough underwear in case he has to stay longer than expected. Moochelle is not there to do his laundry.

thelastcoldwarrior ago

Did they get to Carl Cameron, or is he just as dirty as (((Fox News)))? They've been sitting on this for years, apparently.

Now we know why they went after Roger Ailes.

JrSlimss ago

Clement Freud and Rupert Murdoch being in-laws wasn't suspicious enough for you?

pnwpatriot97 ago

Holy shit they still are waiting to expose Obama with Fox because of complications with Rupert Murdoch. All these special connections.. SO MANY NAMES. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO ON SOUNDCLOUD. "156,000 victims blah blah" - I'm only 10 minutes in and typing this because of how much shit they are bringing up. The kind of shit we have all been talking here on voat about for a long time. DO NOT DELETE THIS THREAD MODS. OP hit gold.

BorisBadenov ago

Murdoch is good buddies with a Saudi prince who stepped in a few years ago when Fox was having financial difficulties. This prince, Alwaleed, is now the number two owner of Fox. It goes on and on and on with "dopey" Alwaleed but perhaps the biggest issue is that he is one of the people Moussaoui named as a main financial backer of al Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks. Does Fox know that its number two owner is a major supporter of terrorism? Of course they do and it's a serious scandal that for whatever reason keeps failing to erupt. Here is Fox News reporting in 2010 that Fox News is a terrorist organization.


Here they are confirming it again in 2015.


2017 isn't looking much different for Fox or anywhere else. Alwaleed still has his own divinity school at Harvard, for example.


Brennan is probably a Wahhabi. Hillary's "body woman" seems to be a Saudi spy whose family is associated with the Muslim brotherhood. Khalid al-Mansour, Alwaleed's partner, helped Obama get into Harvard. Foreign countries are definitely hacking the US, but it's not all Russia.

juhos ago

This is huge but what do you mean by this?

Vault 7 will ultimately expose pizzagate.

hafen ago


He sounds like a pompous LARPer, but the guy's interesting nonetheless.

juhos ago

It looks like it was posted over a year ago. A lot of what this guy is talking about can now be confirmed from the vault7 shit from wikileaks. Like, literally naming some of the programs used by the CIA. Had I listened tot his a year ago when it was posted I would have thought it too far fetched. It's now confirmable. He talks a lot about Brennan and Clapper and how they lied. We now know for a fact they lied. This guy was on point-- a year ago.

ansipizza ago

In an internet where important evidence mysteriously disappears every day, setting the soundcloud files for "no downloads allowed" is awfully silly. In the reddit thread, someone mentioned making a backup, and sure enough, the backup is also installed on a web site that doesn't allow straightforward downloads.

PizzagateBot ago



With python you can scrape soundclouds with the package soundscrape. On linux, this usually works to install and run

git clone https://github.com/Miserlou/SoundScrape.git

cd SoundScrape

sudo python setup.py install

soundscrape https://soundcloud.com/stephenlemons/fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree-part-one

The link titles are correct but the content titles are reversed if you DL them they need to be renamed part one to part two and vice versa.

You can find scrapers for pretty much every popular site. There is a powerful youtube scraper that I use as well https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl

Papa_John_Podesta ago

I made a post that was removed. I wont bother reposting it. You can find it in the removed submissions link under the title "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree - Audio".

E: Relevance: Post has audio download links.

lynn1314 ago

Record the file using Total Recorder as it plays live. That's what I'm doing.

GeorgeT ago

That's the best way. As for videos I carry two Iphones and mirror copy it.

Nigredo ago

Except metadata wouldn't be recorded and it would be difficult if not impossible to determine the authenticity of the file

GeorgeT ago

Voice recognition software validates it.

lynn1314 ago

Metadata is in the files.

Raps1 ago

The file information is in the html and will accept direct downloads, but it's a bit obfuscated. Try this:


Copy the page URL, paste into streapocket and wait for your generated download link.

rwb ago

Total Recorder is a marvel! Thanks for providing.

nnfx ago

Yeah, I just created an account there, becaue "To save this, create an account or log in" Now I was allowed to save it TO MY FUCKING PROFILE. No downloads.

Someone having a browser plugin that works for audio download?

neverobey ago

I guess, he meant the software. There are plenty of programs like that. I am not familiar with american software download pages. Just check the platform you trust and search for "recording" "soundcard". What you need ist a program that can record sounds coming from your soundcard.

jstayz44 ago

Yes, please provide pol link. The vibe of the shit hitting the fan soon is freaking me out...and if the shit hits the fan and pedogate doesn't open up, I'll go Comet Ping Pong on something or/and someone. Rant over. My apologies!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Bro. Why would you do that? It doesn't matter what your personal feelings are, We all have strong feelings about this... BUT HOW THE FUCK, can't you comprehend how fucking irresoponsbile this comment is.

Like, your only answer is going to be"well these people can't keeping getting away with this"

Which I would agree with totally. But everytime you make a stupid comment like that, you're lessening the chance that anything WILL Change. There's only one possible outcome from statements like that... Either discrediting or censoring these forums. That's the only possible consequence to saying stupid shit like that.

And it makes it hard for rational people to trust you. Because Shills do exactly what you're doing, in order to get others to voice their vindictive feelings as well... It's fucked up. Stop if you're not a shill.

jstayz44 ago

Bro, I was just venting frustration. I've posted way more positive comments than negative. Everyone here has moments of weakness among all of this. My apologies to the entire team doing fantastic work here. While I have moments of weakness, I'll never give up this fight. Long story short...I ended up working in a field that had nothing to do with helping children. I ALWAYS said that if I were to "quit today" I would turn to helping kids in some capacity. I am now sick and not working, and have spent more time trying to help to make connections here...and to be positive for other OPs, than I have on any other "extra" item in my private life. As a matter of fact, I spent last evening reading the GAO report on Human Trafficking from June 2016-a fucking piece of shit, mind you...mostly because it lacks any true impact evaluation whatsoever on the efforts of various federal agencies to combat human trafficking. I am turning to my efforts toward what the government is really doing, because we know what they are not doing. In the short term, without a writeup, I can say that the recent judiciary committee meeting held on this subject was "for show" mostly. I've lost respect for Mr. Gowdy for this reason, but won't completely write him off yet. So please accept my apologies - and this goes to the entire team of REAL OPS- if I dampened your spirits, I apologize. I was also trying to joke when I said "going Comet Ping Pong," but my delivery was clearly off. Happy to have everyone here, working hard, and even ok with being called out. We have to be honest with each other here.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

God this gets me excited.......more than my wife got me last night.......this could be amazing! Please please let the Civil War begin.....we got places to go and people to ............

AngB23 ago

I'd rather not have civil war and open Gitmo specifically for corrupt assholes like Obama, Clapper, Brennan, HRC, Soros and throw in all the elite pedos too

dougG ago

Better see you on the front line then....

Ocelot ago

Why would you wish for Civil War?

bopper ago

This would be revolution, not Civil War. Revolution lots of innocent people die. The economy would collapse. Much suffering. But it may happen anyway.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Offers the best chance to really clean out the bad folks.....if we go half measures lots will just hide for years then go back to their practices and begin the damn Satanic plan all over again and people in the future will be in the situation we are now. So I would rather it get "messy" now than some fake ass catch a couple people and act like everything is just fine.

educate_yourself ago

dude i totally agree with you if this were an isolated incident. this is a small part of a plan that is hundreds if not thousands of years in the making and we are but a proxy between things more evil and malevolent than us. the main issue with going to fight is that the bad guys win if we kill their pawns and even if we do succeed in killing lets just say "all" the pedo satanists, the new leaders of the country willl be approached by globalist pedo satanists who will make them an offer they basically have no choice but to accept, in regards to rebuilding and financing the entire country. this is how they made unimaginable amounts of money during the american civil war, as well as the french and british revolutions and others. if we fight them we will not get those in charge and they will ensure sufficient destruction of infrastructure that will leave us in serious need of financial relief, which will come with very shitty satanic strings attached.

thats imho, and what history suggests... i do agree though half measures are also entirely pointless

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The money is fake....just a trick....we can make our own currency and just declare the old Rothschild money null and void....issue bonds in the Oil and mineral wealth in the US.

educate_yourself ago

i understand this and historically that is how some people fought the bankers but like 1812 happened because andrew jackson convinced congress not to re sign or pass (cant remember which) a bill to centralize and privatize banks in america (under rothschild satanist banker guidance and control) i think it was to privatize banks and then make them bank promisory gold backed notes rather gov't national resource backed then to store the gold all in a single vault or house then to be used to stock banks and set national prices aka centralize aka federal reserve.. and when jackson made it not get signed nathaniel rothschild or one of them sent the northern brit canadian pawns in on the states to wreak havoc and drive national debt up and cause endless problems until banks were accepted so yeah we can just start issuing our own money but the pussy ass bankers will hire and buy so many people and tactics to ruin and rape and stop us that we need to have them locked up or lynched to even stand a chance

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah I say we do mandatory DNA test and anyone Rothschild or any of their puppet Bloodline families gets a one way ticket to Madagascar for life. Unless we can prove they partook of the Kiddie BBQ....then they must pay the ultimate price.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It really would crush countries with our the Reserve Rothschild fake money.......the people in the US would be way better off with in three four years. We would have some rough times but frankly they are the ones who are at risk. They only own fake wealth. And they are soft and squishy......hard metal will make them leak. We are 300 millions. They are doomed....and now we have DNA.....we can test everyone for Rothschild and the Goyim Puppet bloodlines.....and deal with the ones that come up related. And that is all they care about....their stolen wealth and their bloodlines....go straight at those items.....offer their lower tier goyim puppets amnesty if they can prove they havent eaten of the kiddie meat. This can be done....we just have to institute a general panic and they will give themselves away.....look at the ones already moving to New Zealand? LOL.....there is no where to hide from a drone.

Bishop1991 ago

Because nothing gets done without civil war. Once you identify the virus you don't just shrug your shoulders and hope it goes away, you purge the shit out of your body until you are fighting fit again.

JustAnotherUser ago

Comparing people (your own people in the case of civil war) to viruses may not be the best approach when in hopes of a worthy outcome. A civil war would kill a lot of people (civilians) and the only thing dividing people at the moment is opinions. People are in no way ready to go into a civil war over these ideals spouted by the left, most of the left don't even know what they're fighting for, they're definitely not going to die for it.

Civil war isn't even on the table at the moment, there's nothing to really fight for or rally behind, the deep state war, however, that's the war being waged that we need to focus on. People will die but you probably won't hear about most of them. Or if you do it will be a headline briefly for twelve hours then onto the next. This whole talk of civil war that I've heard a few times recently is a whole load of bull though.

Bishop1991 ago

I didn't compare any people to viruses. Civil wars are never fought over people.

Saying "Civil war isn't even on the table at the moment" is a pretty ignorant statement to make. It is hard to see but civil war does not start like a frog falling into boiling water, the water slowly warms up to boiling point. We take news and happenings as daily occurences and tend not to notice but the history books will tell this story by events within decades.

It happens as a crescendo of injustices against people until they cannot bare it any longer. The exposure to DNC corruption, to media bias and misinformation, goverment drug and child trafficing, the fake war on terror, forced immigration etc. It may not happen within our lifetimes but repulicans saw the corruption of their party with G.W Bush and democrats have seen their corruption with Obama and Hillary. That is why Trump got into power, he is a populice candidate with no allegience with anyone.

JustAnotherUser ago

"Saying "Civil war isn't even on the table at the moment" is a pretty ignorant statement to make."

"It may not happen within our lifetimes"

Which one is it?

I think you're failing to understand that there can't be a civil war if people aren't willing to die. Civil war means a country fighting (and killing) it's own. There is not a chance in hell that people are even on the verge on wanting to kill one another over the things you mentioned. People would like to see justice brought to those who are screwing us about but I'm failing to see how you can jump to civil war from that. You mention media bias, corruption and child trafficking like those things in and of themselves are going to spark a civil war which is ridiculous.

I mean seriously most of the population are barely even aware of these 'injustices' let alone are they going to die for them. I'm going to stand by my point that civil war isn't an option and is completely irrational based on the current times.

Bishop1991 ago

My statements do not contradict one another. You said it was not possible at this moment in time and I explained that we are currently leading to civil war. There only needs to be one catalyst in order to spark a civil war, it is ignorant to say that it isn't on the table at the moment because it is always on the table and the recent events have made peoples trigger fingers very itchy.

It doesn't take most of the population to over throw a corrupt government, only a small percentage is needed.

evademoney2 ago

soros grp attendees are mad and throwing his grps under the bus!!! live on #missingdcgirls. I will push this to happen in case you didnt notice. I am a colonel.

NotHereForPizza ago

/pol/ link?

DabbaDan ago

As per the reddit submission, there's this link. I'm just propagating it, I haven't reviewed it quite yet. Maybe later today.

NotHereForPizza ago

God I don't know how I missed that...

I guess that's what running on three hours of sleep does to you.

AngB23 ago

I missed it too. Apparently stuff dropped the same day as London Terriorst? This shit is REAL and BIG. If head's don't roll over this and Americans don't wake up, we're doomed

DabbaDan ago

No biggie, that's the benefit to having a lot of eyes all looking in the same direction.

Dejure ago

Very good info dumps on the reddit page

behindthetoilet ago

It'll be gone before lunch.