mooteensy ago

Love it! Your hard work is much appreciated. Sending it to everyone I know!

Psychanaut ago

Thank you so much! It hit 2k views in one day. I hope they are all first timers with the info!

quantokitty ago

Upvoat for you. Have got to reward excellence.

Now dig, dig, dig.

MaidenMotherCrone ago

Nicely presented! This is definitely something I can share. Thank you.

HillBoulder ago

Unless I missed something I didn't see anything about Laura Gayler forgive me if I'm wrong

Psychanaut ago

Nice one. She's inside the European Adoption Services arrest part at the bottom, because it connects via Hait/Bill Clinton.

JustObserving ago

Fantastic! Already sending it around. Thank you!

Psychanaut ago

Just hit 1k views everyone. thank you so much. This is because of Voat shares and info from us all> Thank you for all feedback.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Awesome work! Here's another one (part of a series) celebrated for its ability to convert skeptics and newcomers:

Edit: added that it's the first article in a PG series.

thisisnotagame ago

Who is the ball less jerk who voted this down?

Psychanaut ago

lol! :)


Great this needs to be printed and handed out

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Absolutely excellent work!!

Psychanaut ago

Thank you! All public record too!

Psychanaut ago

Yes it was Mc Cain's campaign manager in Colorado, which is what is written.

MONOLITHicide ago

definetly will share this. easy to read. tried sharing other references but are cumbersome i feel to read and interpret

Psychanaut ago

thank you. it's written 100% for that purpose.

Psychanaut ago

One of the comments on the article: "Wow none of this was on the news, what's going on here".

THIS IS WHY I THROW MYSELF INTO THESE ARTICLES. Thank you researchers and vote commenters. This is the only way we have to bring this to light. The "authorities" are against us/it.

Psychanaut ago

Trying so hard to put the information out for all people so it cannot be systematically whipped from the internet. These are answers on Quora, which allows full links, images, text as long as it's sourced. I overly source to be sure, so non-believers and outsiders can enter the information slowly and easily and without commentary. The information needs no commentary, we know what it is. Just putting it all together, helps outsiders understand why this is all happening through the shouts of "fake news"

AngB23 ago

This is awesome. Thanks for all the work involved in this. If any non believer sees this and still think PG is fake, they're completely ignorant.

Psychanaut ago

Thank you! Please share as it slowly converts people...comments at the bottom of the pieces are like 'wow, why isn't this on the news'. bingo!

Psychanaut ago

Thank you so much. I throw myself into it, so no one can say there is no evidence. Spreading it everywhere to combat the whipping of the internet with all the sources and data. Thank you. Please share widely. I get a lot of comments/feedback and I constantly update with any new info/suggestions from readers/researchers. We're all in this together for now until everyone else wakes up.

thisisnotagame ago

I posted it on Twitter :)

Psychanaut ago


SaneGoatiSwear9000 ago

be careful of being hit by a car or getting magical kidney cancer... or shot twice in the back of the head.

if they can't wipe it from the net, sometimes they wipe the authors.

ffs protect the fuck outta yourself.

humanity vs. the slave owners. that's exactly what is happening.

and no world war will distract us.

Psychanaut ago

I hear you. After Alex Jones folded, I redacted my information to remove overt references to JAlefantis. I redacted his name on Instagram shots. I am writing ONLY on Quora so that it's like I'm writing just about it as a cultural happening with a reward attached to debunking it. know what I mean?

AngB23 ago

Already shared and still doing so. All of the PG researchers like you need the platforms you deserve. The reward to debunk is brilliant. It forces people to research for themselves and when they do, the reality it's all true is undeniable.

Psychanaut ago

Thank you so much. Honestly just reading these comments after I do one of these is what keeps me going. But yeah, getting the support and feedback, tips and comments from everyone really helps. People astonish me daily also, with what they find. We just have to keep reaching a critical mass so it can no longer be denied. I see there is a "fake news" segment on MSM tonight, that's why I'm pushing this today as much as possible. Thanks again.

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