Vindicator ago

@intolarsage, please review the submission guidelines for v/pizzagate research posts in the sidebar. This is an unsourced discussion post which belongs in our speculative sub, v/pizzagatewhatever. Removing per Rule 4.

pby1000 ago

"How come some US agency can't just look into it" Watch Conspiracy of Silence on youtube. The government agencies are in on it, so they will protect each other and cover it up. I am talking about the FBI, CIA, local law enforcement, etc. Some of the pedos are very, very high ranking politicians, including certain Presidents.

Watch this video. The Secret Service was providing security.

Now go watch the coin toss at the last Super Bowl. That is also on youtube. Pretty creepy!

The_Roman_Numeral ago

You will get many answers,but this here is all you need right now. Here's a comprehensive run down of where we are at the moment and how we got here. Seriously easy to understand, fully sourced and excellent.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Ok, tell us about the creepy art class for children aged 6-11, run by an incredibly creepy artist.

Maybe, the way you see life this is normal, but it really isn't.

Please tell me how this after-school art class is normal.

bopper ago

Trump is alpha male all the way that I can tell you. Ape has too much pedo stuff going on, as well as JA's instagram. Look, that Ryan guy is a straight-shooter, can't you read body language?

Aizlynne ago

Who the hell rents pizza for an hour? Anyone?

bopper ago

Well that particular FBI office may simply be passing it on up the chain, is what I'm hearing.

bopper ago

Majestic Ape has never played at Comet Ping Pong? In their music video they joke about pedophilia. I don't get that. Then playing at a kid-friendly all ages place?

bopper ago

Well they have all the evidence they need, they have the texts. It's not a fabrication, the guy is a pretty straight-up guy. How could he have fabricated such a thing? And he would have to be a great actor wouldn't you agree?

bopper ago

Why does Comet Ping Pong have creepy pedo bands playing there?

bopper ago

I don't understand why JA was so defensive about not liking kids, like he told Ryan? He made a point to say he doesn't like kids?

bopper ago

You don't think Alefantis actually called him? He's proved it. And shown the text messages.

Psychanaut ago

I wrote this to explain why it's not really exactly as you are saying. The worked hard to make it sound crazy, when it's very clear: Everything is meticulously sourced...

Dressage2 ago

Most of the government is corrupt and in on the child trafficking.

VIP740 ago

AskPizzagate would probably be a more appropriat forum. I think James Alefantis is just a name. I wouldn't get too worked up over a triangle spiral, especially if it doesn't match the one depicted in the FBI document almost identically (although the Besta Pizza logo seems a bit suspicious to me). I do think something is going on, people have been convicted (such as Jeffrey Epstein). The reality may be a bit different from what people are envisioning though.

While it's not exactly PizzaGate, I think Conspiracy of Silence and An Open Secret could give some insight into the possibilities. And of course, the Catholic scandal demonstraits some disturbing things happening long term on a large scale are possible.

badastrid ago

This is what passes for entertainment here: two shills in retarded discourse.

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

"how come some small US agency can't just look into all their data on their phones remotely, and see where they are meeting up and just find them in the act"

Because that ritual child rape and sacrifice ring exists only in the deranged imagination of the pizzagaters. But of course that pizzagaters will make up insane rationalizations claiming that the whole world is in on it.

twistedmac11 ago

You really made a username just to insult Pizzagaters? Who's the deranged one again?

The Franklin scandal, the Dutroux case, the Hampstead children, Jimmy Savile, The I really need to go on, or are you capable of understanding what I'm getting at?

Dressage2 ago

He is on the lower end of the pay scale. When he gets carpal tunnel syndrome he will find a new line of work. McDonalds, perhaps? Ohhhh no they are probably going to go out of business due to runaway Twitter accounts.

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

"You really made a username just to insult Pizzagaters?"

Yes, to mock you for being a bunch of insane conspiratards who bought into a ridiculously stupid conspiracy theory which couldn't be more obviously fictitious. In short to mock you for failing epically at thinking critically.

"The Franklin scandal"

Which is another baseless conspiracy theory.

"The Finders"

I don't know what the fuck that is.

"the Dutroux case, the Hampstead children, Jimmy Savile"

None of this examples are in any way similar to the impossible complicated and nonsensical pizzagate narrative which is a textbook insane conspiracy theory. You're just trying to create a false equivalence between the baseless outlandish pizzagate allegations and real child abuse cases for which there's actual evidence.

"do I really need to go on"

You can go on for as long as you want but you will never be able to provide a real life example that is as impossible complicated and nonsensical as the pizzagate narrative. Pizzagate is Illuminati 2.0 with ritual child rape and sacrifice.

intolarsage ago

I mean that is a pretty big accusation to make, that all these powerful american politicians are engaging in this. but the evidence is pretty damning. like the construction underneath his restaurant, the symbols on nearby pizzerias. they could just be doing this in poor, third world countries where they won't be charged

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

"but the evidence is pretty damning"

What evidence? There is zero evidence of a crime. Pizzagate is entirely built on lies, speculation and confirmation bias.

"like the construction underneath his restaurant"

How does a construction underneath a restaurant(first of all what restaurant?) stand as evidence of a crime?

"the symbols on nearby pizzerias"

There isn't any symbols, there is one symbol on the Besta pizza, that is nothing more than a design of a slice of pizza that resembles a symbol used by pedophiles. You can search and find those types of resemblances anywhere.


Bottom line, there is ZERO evidence of a crime. No Victims/victims families/friends coming forward, no witnesses, no one coming out to speak against it, no physical evidence of any kind and the people being accused are not being investigated for such things. The police labeled pizzagate as fictitious, along with fact checking sites and multiple media outlets that looked into it(and I shouldn't even have to mention this, cause the ridiculousness of the pizzagate narrative and the complete lack of evidence should be enough to instantly recognize it as a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy theory).

Pizzagate is an echo chamber of cognitive errors.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Some of us have actually survived this, way before it had a name. Many of us have been excommunicated from our families, put in institutions, drugged, brainwashed, just for bringing it up. Some of us have siblings we couldn't save from suicide. There are victims.

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

"Some of us have actually survived this"

NO YOU HAVE NOT, YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOT YOU LYING PRICK. You haven't survived the doing of a fictitious ritual child rape and sacrifice ring. The fact that you have been abused or not does not add weight in any way to the ridiculously stupid pizzagate conspiracy theory.

"There are victims."

No there are not victims of pizzagate you ridiculous lying prick. There are zero victims for the pizzagate satanic ritual child rape and sacrifice ring that exists only in the mind of deranged conspiratards.

twistedmac11 ago

LOL UH OH the shill came unhinged. The irony is that said unhinged shill is the one literally going out of his way to come here, create an account, and call US the deranged ones.

MyNameIsLuka ago

But, no, he isn't irrationally angry.

twistedmac11 ago

No rational person would respond by e-screaming that there are no victims, lol. He's working hard for his minimum wage shill paycheck, don't you know? ;)

MyNameIsLuka ago

Well, this is an interesting response. Why are you so angry?

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

If I invented some bogus allegations about you and your family claiming that you're a bunch of child raping and murdering pedophiles, and then start talking about children who have been abused like you did and conclude with: There are victims...would that seem honest and logical to you? Cause that's kind of what you did.

However, I'm sorry if I was too aggressive in our conversation, but this pizzagate thing really boggles my mind.

bopper ago

You know Alefantis has the FBI investigating him after the Ryan threat right?

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

No he doesn't, you ridiculously gullible fuck. I swear you people have shit for brains.

bopper ago

Yes because that guy made JA mad for exposing Pegasus.

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

I'm not that angry, it's just a natural reaction when faced with absurdity.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Please, people. Upvote my comments so I can participate in downvoting this guy!!

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

And what does down voting an account who is gonna get banned anyway and I will change it in the next 10 minutes exactly achieve?

MyNameIsLuka ago

It would help a newcomer to see you have no support here.

It's incredibly creepy that anyone would work this hard at discrediting us and the research we are doing. Who are we hurting? Why does it bother you so much? I can't imagine your answer is something more compelling than taking the chance that we are right. It's kind of sick, in my opinion. What if you are wrong?

bopper ago

He's the resident troll. He's an idiot. Hey troll why did Alefantis threaten that pizzagear guy?

PGIsRidiculousAsFuck ago

"It's incredibly creepy that anyone would work this hard at discrediting us and the research we are doing."

Well that's because you don't realize just how ridiculous, irrational and detached from reality you people are. And I'm not trying to discredit you or "divert your investigation" as some deranged minds here are claiming. I'm here to mock you for being a bunch of insane conspiratards who bought into a ridiculously dumb conspiracy theory.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The situation cant be taken down that easily because it implicates too many powerful people. A huge amount of our government would have to be dealt with. All the way from congress to our police force.

pby1000 ago

It goes higher than Congress.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Oh I know. Bush Jr. is likely the grandson of aleister crowley.

intolarsage ago

Do you think this was leaked, or did Citizen Investigators really do all the work and put the pieces together

nomorepepperoni ago

Clues into it were brought by the Podesta emails Wikileaks leaked, along with Comet's sketchy Instagram. From there, pieces started being put together.

If there's one thing you should take away, it isn't even this so much as the multiple ties to pedos and possible traffickers. Hastert, Epstein, Laura Silsby, Jorge Puello (for starters). Are the Clintons and Podesta just very very unlucky? Decide for yourself.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Well it started with the Podesta emails, which showed John Podesta was likely involved in pedophiliac activities. This prompted people to start digging on James Alefantis, because he was mentioned in the podesta emails and his high level connections in the DNC. Also connected Tony Podesta who is a saudia arabia lobbyist in DC because of his obvious pedophiliac and masochistic taste in art. They all have a masochistic taste in art.