PawnsInTheGame ago

If we can audit all their fake charities their whole operation will come crashing down.

artfullyours ago

I agree and just commented on another post that the public, the families of these missing kids need to yell and keep yelling until the heat is so hot that something is done. You can't expect strangers to care about your kids like you do...something has to be done. Communities need to keep the police accountable. This is crazy... kids can't even go anywhere anymore.

reasonedandinformed ago

Leverage #BLM in social media...will begin to squeeze the LSM and expose them for hiding the truth.

44NJ9 ago

Don't forget to get people to watch the Dr. Phil episode where the lady said she was breed to be a sex slave for the elite.

Gbuggers ago

They use some for the sole purpose of breeding babies so they can sacrifice the babies. No one knows they are pregnant no records of birth.

SoberSecondThought ago

Here's a bit more detail on how it would work.

First, understand that for a politician to be involved in some sort of public anti-child-abuse or anti-sex-trafficking organization does NOT mean that he or she is actively abusing anyone. No vigilantism or jumping to conclusions, please! For many of them, it is likely to be insurance against being swept up in a scandal, or a way to ease their conscience. There may even be a few who are entirely innocent, who hate what is going on, and have associated with anti-abuse charities as a form of quiet protest. What we infer from this is not guilt, but knowledge of bad things going on.

So one useful task would be to build a list of past and present politicians who are connected with such groups. Again, let me stress that this is not for the purpose of rescuing children or punishing pedophiles. It is for the purpose of applying pressure on the politicians, drawing attention to the problem. These are people who have already put themselves forward as caring about this issue. They need to get petitions, letters from their constituents, questions from journalists. Two excellent questions to ask every single one of them would be: What are you doing to help the President combat this horrifying practice? And: Do you have any comment on the gigantic increase in arrests for sex trafficking since President Trump took office?

For additional ironic lulz, you can cite the Washington Post article by Colbert King, which specifically asks readers to help the President do this. Of course, King was referring to Obama, but who is going to be so petty and partisan where kids are in danger?

You can, of course, do the same with any politician. But the ones who have cultivated ties to organizations like NCMEC should be the first to hear from us. We know that this is a sensitive topic. It is guaranteed to get their attention, fast.

The second part of this is to get local media and local police involved, especially in DC, but all over the country. Just ask those same two questions of everyone you can reach. The trick here is that you do not have to mention Pizzagate, and indeed you are better off NOT mentioning Pizzagate, or Pedogate. Think of this as laying the groundwork for red-pilling. There is huge awareness of Pizzagate already, but not nearly so much awareness of the wave of sex-trafficking arrests, or Trump's executive order. Let them make those connections on their own.

Ask the question in a non-threatening, non-partisan way, as any concerned taxpayer and citizen would do. If it helps, reference the recent town hall meetings in Washington, or one of the interviews with Chanel Dickerson. Search around and see if there are stories about nearby jurisdictions. If you live in Arizona, for example, you might throw in a reference to a recent story from New Mexico. Ask, "What are we doing in our town about this?" Local media love that kind of angle.

There is a wave of understanding slowly building out there. It is easier to see in DC than in other places. Asking these questions is legal, it is safe, it doesn't require hostility or a whole lot of cleverness. And your contribution WILL count.

Rmm ago

Wish I could upvoat you a thousand times over! They have been asking for it let's give!

ArtificalDuality ago


Google Operation Gladio.

More advice of mine.

chordwonder ago

I'd bet cash if Beau Biden's cases were reviewed we'd find innocents were convicted & the guilty were allowed to roam free. McCain will blame everything on Cindy, like the cowardly, corrupt, most likely pedophile, Neanderthal he is.