gamepwn ago

Oh god no no no :( John Lennon was always my icon I always looked up to him. That album cover with the babies though....oh god. We truly are living in the Matrix...

detcmon ago

The Beatles were never heroes.

bopper ago

Hey, you're a musician, I'm curious about your opinion on the Paul conspiracy.

And you're right, you had to have "been there" and experienced it.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Get everyone full of drugs to talk about good ideas but take no actions. Content with their servitude. Bread and circuses!

DeathToMasons ago

That is not proof, it is an accusation and an assumption. No need to act as if you found something. Downvote.

Narcissism ago

Check out the connection to Gordenston school where prince Charles went and where the Beatles manager developed the sound for them. Mentioned in Dr John Colemans book The Committee of 300.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Beatles and heroes are two words that do not belong together, ever

kaelar ago

I used to love to watch VH1's "Behind the Music" series - each week they would present the history of a band we all knew and loved. We'd see their journey from humble beginnings to megasuperstardon to inevitable crash/burn/rehab/legal trouble to redemption as the band would announce that they are getting back together and this time, the music is real!

But I soon noticed that the story was nearly identical each and every time - kids with talent would sign a phenomenally bad contract, rocket to stardom with the requisite booze and drugs and personal drama, then seemingly overnight their lives would plummet into personal and physical and financial ruin.

I started to wonder if this wasn't being done deliberately - that the entertainment execs would deliberately exploit the natural narcissistic and grandiose delusions of flawed (but talented) kids, keeping them sedated with pills and booze and limos and spotlights, while the suits were redirecting as much cash to themselves as possible.

I now know that not only was I right, it was much, much worse than that.

adam_danischewski ago

See my comments on for more details to see what the Beatles really were and what's really going on in this world with regards to them. Archive my posts and disperse them, they are absolute truths and not easy to find data that is very relevant to the current world situation. I'm not joking around or "supposing"/guessing.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Not everything is controlled and trying to convince you that it is, well that's an intelligence technique. If something breaks through that is out of their control they attempt to co-opt it. They will claim decades later that it was all their idea. This is a common technique.

numbat ago

The Beatles didn't have to pay to fuck teenagers they did it for free. It was probably one of the other totp bands that Sir Jim fixed it for

20Justice4All17 ago

Heard that too. Jones basically said Lennon was disgusted by the satanic Pedos and was somehow exposing them right befor he died. Raised Lennons profile in my eyes

Joe10jo ago

And of course Lennon would know because of god only knows what went down in the Dakota during the time he lived there + Polanski's days. Wow!

keepthefaith ago

What went down in the Dakota? You're talking where he lived in NY?

Joe10jo ago

Sorry for the late reply. Had the flu so I wasn't on my phone/computer much. So yeah, the Dakota. Just interesting considering that this is the first I've ever heard of Lennon being linked to pedo rings and being that he lived in the Dakota & Polanski filmed Rosemary's Baby there + years ago I remember reading an article where it talked about Lennon having a heated argument with Polanski in the Dakota and it was surmised that the subject of the argument was something to do with Tate's murder. And then, of course, there's the rumors of Polanski being involved in pedo snuff. So the way all the players have the Dakota in common, that's all....

Earth_Against_Evil ago

Just for the record, I don't think John was into Satanism, at least not at the end.

From Bring on the Lucie (Freda People):

We understand your paranoia But we don't want to play your game You think you're cool and know what you are doing 666 is your name So while you're jerking off each other You better bear this thought in mind Your time is up you better know it But maybe you don't read the signs

Well you were caught with your hands in the kill And you still got to swallow your pill As you slip and you slide down the hill On the blood of the people you killed

Stop the killing now Do it do it do it now

Also, Bowie hired an exorcist to clear the demons out of his house, (and presumably, his life) And Leonard Cohen lived in a monastery for years to escape his demons. The occult targets influential people, but not all of them are into the truly horrible shit. I imagine alot of them get into it as a means to be avant-garde, and end up distancing themselves once they realize what's actually going on.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

He was into Satanism. He described himself as antichrist.

bopper ago

Good points.

naturallyfree ago

This is actually very interesting and I believe possibly a piece to setup a firewall against a debunking otherwise truths. Disagree vehemently. Heroes in the Beatles very most likely existed until Govt controls which appear in videos. Funny they never figured they would be posted for all the world to see 45 years later! I'm working on comparisons. It's known that I am because they have been trying to take them all down now that I am deep in the comparative analysis. I might miss some of the interviews from back in the day so if you can download and save them, do it soon. Thanks

ArthurEdens ago

I think it's the Stones not the Beatles.

kestrel9 ago

It's a textbook atheist communist song. Live your delusion by all means.

followthedolla ago

please not zeppelin, please not zeppelin

kestrel9 ago

BS. Drug induced utopian fantasy. Imagine there's No Borders, No God, No laws against raping kids and animals. That's the end result of his legacy from that song. That the sugar pill song has any merits...that itself is the illusion.

e-traiu ago

Bizarroworld. It finally happen. We broke time.

awakenaware ago

In early days of Beatles there is evidence of crowds been hired (especially when they went to USA first time) to create popularity and mass hysteria.. It was definitely a social engineering experiment.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The Beatles were being used early in their career and they broke out of it - that's what they were up to in the second half of their career. Shit like this post is an attempt to co-opt that rebellion. They became powerful enough to do whatever they wanted.

bopper ago

Yes, they were recruited from a local girls school, at this point in their "careers" it was probably more about PR and money.

I agree about the social engineering coming into the picture soon afterwards.

Trs0817 ago

Lennon was a commie propagandist

FreeRebel ago

Excellent research by Alex Constantine on this and other relevant cases.

equineluvr ago

Good for you for waking up. There never were any heroes.

When you suckers stop falling for conmen like "Dr." Phil who are blasted into your brains via the Boob Tube, then I'll be impressed.

Vanscribe1 ago

Thats not true there are plenty people seem to think being an icon musician pr athlete or person who makes alot of money=good honest upstanding role model and or trust worthy. Lots of the freindships and connections people form to become billinoares and millionares are done from dirty horrific dealings such as these. Im more inclined to think people like that are the opposite of good.

Its a cold dark and scary world for the most vulnerable especially when those who have a duty to protect them are cowardly and apathetic to there suffering.

PizzaDestroyer ago

Is there more to this than a screenshot of a sponsored facebook post? Please add to the post. At least post a link to the facebook article.

bopper ago

This is an actual album cover some nut artist wanted them to do ("avante garde") but it was recalled and replaced, the original if it can be found is worth a fortune. These guys were just being really stupid, and agreeable, play along to get along so to speak.

PizzaDestroyer ago

Did you mean to link to something? Or are you talking about the picture in the facebook post?

bopper ago

Sorry, I'm being confusing. I was referencing something else that always gets brought up with this Beatles and Saville topic, i.e. a controversial album cover the Beatles did. Of course, I'm not the OP here, just making sure you know.

quantokitty ago

This is alleged. I'm not saying The Beatles aren't scum (they most likely were/are), but it could have been any number of groups. I need more than this ... not much more, but more.

FreeRebel ago

"Some have speculated"?????? Come on, man. This fails because it comes nowhere near factuality.

zunar ago

I look at people differently now. Not only politicians, hollywood and singers but also when I'm in public. These demons are everywhere and I'm on watch. We must save these children!

bopper ago

I'm an older guy, now when I walk through a park where kids are playing, I feel like a creep!

karenrussell63 ago

meanwhile the real creeps feel right at home

bopper ago

Yeah. Unfair.

bopper ago

Jerry Lee. This was not that abnormal for his religion back then. And it was his cousin (not first cousin).

Kinda creepy. They have a good relationship now though he's about a hundred years old.

bopper ago

Yes. I feel sorry for Lennon, for several reasons I won't get into here.

His mom killed early of course ... he couldn't go to the store in NYC w/out someone offering him smack. Very tortured life.

Like all of us, he was a contradiction, can't put it in better terms just now.

bopper ago

Yes, he was a wise cookie, and was a dreamer, but he had his "demons" too. Rough life.

JustObserving ago

Thank you for this interesting piece. Somehow Lennon reminds me of Michael Jackson in this clip.

ASolo ago

Corrupt as in the sense of 1. Offering an alternative belief system in competition to Catholicism and Christianity 2. A belief system that has inherently mystical elements that lead to occult study.

strix-varia ago

I definitely think John was shot because he was saying way too much about the vultures on camera during his bed-ins.

ASolo ago

I'm neither christian or any religion but it is a clearly stated goal of the protocols of zion that massive confusion among the world's religions is a necessary step in their plans.

SaveTheChildren ago

They are also all ftm trannies

culofiesta ago

The Beatles were heroes even though John beat his first wife, neglected his kids and probably beat Julian? Sean said he was mostly raised by Paul.

nevermind that they were the Madonnas of their time, taking trends other people started and taking the credit for it.

YingYangMom ago

I'm not sure what to make of Lennon's song "Imagine" lyrics:

Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people living life in peace, you

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you

Sounds a bit like the New World Order agenda to me. I mean no Heaven and no Hell, no frontiers, countries and no religion, a brotherhood of men?

bopper ago

lol Edit: I just mean, he might have been tripping a bit, also he was a bit naive but well intentioned. I guess.

momojaja ago

Well there were lots of rock stars into that sort of things back then. Jimmy page comes to mind. Long forgotten through the fog of time. There will be no repercussions as this people are old now.

keepthefaith ago

dear prudence...

Sermo_Ludere ago

Heroes? LOL! Why would any of these puppets be 'heroes', ever?

chipsandskips ago

beatles were never heroes.

they were/are luciferian demon worshipers.

its plastered (intentionally) all over their albums and songs.

keepthefaith ago

Grow up.

Yuke ago

What a load of shit. Stretching like Armstrong, all over the place!

GeorgeT ago

Case of Jekyll & MrHydes - they look as though they wouldn't hurt a fly. I also read that Beatles were into satanism. Have to dig up on that. I have so many books I forget. It's a tangled web. One thing I can never ever understand, how is it possible for the a same guy to write such extraordinary song as Yesterday and be able to abuse under age girls in the same breath. If soneone could explain it to me. Walt Disney - makea cartoons for kids, and molests them and puts pedo images as well?

bopper ago

I don't think Paul was a child molester, I know a lot about his and their situation. He was a kid, and had several illegitimate kids. One of them is on facebook but her page is very bare and she won't answer PM's. She tried to sue him, long story. The darker and occult stuff started after 1966. Edit: Not sure about Faul being a pedo or not but my guess is no, other weird stuff, yes.

keepthefaith ago

You need serious help.

bopper ago

Yeah, got it, okay.

Amino69 ago

The age of iconoclastic regard is upon us.

SnoopGoatieGoat ago

That's how they get into these powerful/popular positions. By being in the in crowd and they get there by schmoozing the right people.

Jem777 ago

Excellent response from ASolo. The Beatles were nothing more than a social engineering experiment created by Tavistock specifically created to break down moral values in western ideologies. The intent was to break apart the ideas of so called "nuclear families" into social chaos, sexual confusion, loss of identity, etc. They were a tool of the elite who had been social engineering during WW11 in the Hitler regime. The most famously British intelligence & satanist Aleister Crowley. Most people do not yet realize that Sigmund Freud was also involved in fact has a statue in his honor and Hitler was such a fan. Of course you can add the Rockefeller Foundation & the Rothschilds. Could go on don't get me started.

keepthefaith ago

No need to get started. Leave the Beatles out of this. They are too Liverpudlian for your nonsense.

Jem777 ago

Nonsense. They were used by the elite. Victims as well I am sure but a specific social engineering plan planned in Tavistock. Before you say nonsense you might want to consider some researchers might be actual whistleblowers with real evidence...just sayin

neverobey ago

There is so much more to the Beatles! They were in the Thelema Cult and honoured Aleister Crowley many times in their work. There are lots of conspiracy theorys about them connected to the Mason Family, being created by a higher power like the Illuminati and so on. Here you find a list.

ASolo ago

It's unfortunate that a good percentage of Beatles fans are still Beatles fans and will most likely die Beatles fans without the realization that they were a British social engineering think tank Tavistock experiment to begin with. They were all avid Crowleyist and Occult themed entrepreneurs, the cover of the Beatles Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a collection of British Spooks, Crowley, and other spooks tasked at bringing eastern religions to the west to help corrupt western ideologies.

I am also sorry you are just now on the inside of this curve. Do not worry, you will be alright.

For a reference gif. of the cover follow this link:

You may start by asking why Robert Peel's picture is included. He is the key to unlocking the entire cover. Peel was British Home Secretary from 1822 to 1830. The Home Secretary is of course in charge of the Home Office. Although the Home Office was formed in 1782, it wasn't until the arrival of Peel in the 1820's that the police services (and especially the secret police) were brought into it. This was Peel's specialty. He is sort of the father of the British Secret Service. He didn't invent it, he just coordinated it and expanded it. Just above Peel on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's, you find Aleister Crowley, who was recruited by the Home Office from Cambridge in the 1890's. Just as the Beatles promoted yogis and Cheiro, they also promoted Aleister Crowley. Why would they do that? The common interpretation is that the Beatles found him fascinating as a tarot reading mystic, in the same vein as their yogis. Or that they dabbled in Satanism like many other 60's bands, mainly for the purpose of looking cool or avant garde. But that isn't the right answer. The right answer is just below. Also above Peel on the cover is Sri Yukteswar Giri, whose ideas were imported from India into the US with others like Vivekananda and Krishnamurti in the 1890's and afterwards.

I have shown in a recent paper that this importation of mixed Eastern ideas at that time was a long term operation by Western Secret Services, initiated in the 1870's by the Theosophical Society. After reading that paper, you can uncloak Sri Mahavatar Babaji, Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, Terry Southern, and William Burroughs; and from reading subsequent papers in that series, you can unveil Wallace Berman ,Larry Bell, Richard Lindner, H. C. Westermann, and Karl heinz Stockhausen. In this way, you will finally understand the link between all the people pictured on that cover. You will also be able to pull in Peter Blake and Robert Fraser, who designed and directed the cover of Sgt. Peppers, respectively. The album cover is linking them all to various secret services, in the US, England, and English controlled India.

For more indication of that, all we have to do is look at the name of the album: Who is Sgt. Pepper? Well, just listen to the first line of the lyrics of the first song:

'It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play.'

The album came out in 1967, so twenty years ago it was 1947. First year of the CIA, which leads us in. Of course, the Beatles weren't American, they were British, so we should look at what the British Secret Service was up to in 1947. The research isn't difficult, which makes it all the more surprising no one has done it. Google on “Pepper MI6”and you find a Major John Pepper who was head of BSC in 1947. What is BSC? According to Wikipedia and Google Books, BSC is “the SIS cover organization in the United States.”²

SIS is just another name for MI6, the British equivalent of CIA. Pepper succeeded William Stephenson as chair of BSC. The BSC is the British Security Coordination, which even Wikipedia now admits was a covert organization setup in New York City in 1940 upon the authorization of Winston Churchill “to mobilize pro-British opinion in the US.” This “massive propaganda campaign” was mobilized from Rockefeller Center. It was supported by the OSS, the precursor of the CIA. The front for the BSC was the British Passport Control Office. Notable employees of BSC include Roald Dahl—who wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Willie Wonka), Ian Fleming (James Bond), the screenwriter Eric Maschwitz (later BBC and ITV head and creator of Doctor Who), Dorothy Maclean (Findhorn Foundation), and David Ogilvy (the father of advertising). As you can see from this list, the propaganda campaign extended into the arts, including literature and—as we now see—popular music. The Beatles themselves are telling you that the BSC “taught the band to play.” Which means EMI and George Martin were involved. Although I found no confirmation of it online, we must assume Martin was another employee of BSC, “mobilizing pro-British opinion in the US.” What other group mobilized pro-British opinion in the US more than the Beatles?

Bob Dylan's real link to the Rolling Stones

From Theosophy to the Beat Generation

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation

The time has come to strip yourselves of your idols and retain what was good about those experiences and discard the rest so that you can become who you are meant to be.

Do not look at it as a loss but crawling up from something that was an illusion to begin with, and that you were not alone in believing the illusions.

DeathToMasons ago

"Miles Mathis" is always a good read. But I do not believe "Miles Mathis" exist. I think it is a spook think tank. I think like all spooks, "Miles Mathis" gives truth to gain your trust and then deceives you about conclusion that should be made. Also, this supposed character "Miles Mathis" is connected to Simon Shack, the fake 9/11 half truther that says no planes it the WTC. That is inccorect. Mathis said Shacks rediculous 9/11 clues was a great video.Mathis also used to praise Alex Jones, before he got negative feedback. Then he changed his tune. Mathis also never takes on anything happening now and focuses on the past. "Miles Mathis" is an upper tier Limited Hangout that targets veteran truthers, and tries to head them in the wrong direction. But I was not fooled. There is no Miles Mathis.

bopper ago

Um, planes hit the towers you say?

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Simon Shack is accurate in his observations. You should consider who is the only person to sue NIST regarding 9/11 and you will have the answer to what happened. No planes hit the towers. It defies physics.

bopper ago

Don't know why people push the planes nonsense when dozens of pilots have said that a 747 cannot fly 500 mph at sea level, they would completely break apart ... only way is if they were on a complete nose down descent. Spot on about the only suit against NIST, and with good reason.

ASolo ago

Its something to consider and never, nowadays, out of the realm of possibilities. However, being that he is one of the only one's writing with that kind of caliber, along with his subjective and semi-fluid style indicate to me anyway that he is genuine. I for one particularly enjoyed the piece that implied that the entire 'modern' art movement, those pop icons like warhol and pollack, haring, lichtenstein, were introduced and endorsed by the elite to flood the market with cheap production art which would only increase the value of their own, classical art stolen in the war.

bopper ago

Wow, never heard that about the art, always wondered why Warhol was deemed a talented genius. The emperor had no clothes.

projection ago

A+ Mr ASolo. Very informative.

Severin ago

You quote a lot of Miles Mathis. Did you know he's also an "artist". That's right. His favorite subject is underage white females. It's just his artistic dedication to studying this subject in great detail, it's not like he's a satanist jew pedo disinfo shill or anything.

ASolo ago

This has always been a concern of mine, however his artwork does not indicate an unhealthy predilection present in most of the 'artists' investigated here.

awakenaware ago

Excellent summary.. Upvoted. This does add to the big picture. Just as legitimizing pedophilla is part of the long term goal.

VIrginiaPerson ago

Don't forget the Charles Manson connection to the Beatles. I mean, who knows what Manson's real game was, but the Beatle's angle was easily believable because of the occult references in Sgt Peppers and the White Album.

redditsuckz ago

Just above Peel on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's, you find Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley Satanic Baby eater hiding in the back of the Beatles Album Cover;

The Beatles...dismembered baby dolls;

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

That almost looks like a very large slice of pizza on Ringo's lap...hmmm

ASolo ago

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -Jiddu Krishnamurti

Krishnamurti was, himself a victim of sex trafficking, manipulation and abuse by CW Leadbeater, also tasked to introduce eastern mysticism to the west.

Charles Webster Leadbeater (/ˈlɛdˌbɛtər/; 16 February 1854 – 1 March 1934) was an influential member of the Theosophical Society, author on occult subjects and co-initiator with J. I. Wedgwood of the Liberal Catholic Church.

Originally a priest of the Church of England, his interest in spiritualism caused him to end his affiliation with Anglicanism in favour of the Theosophical Society, where he became an associate of Annie Besant.

bopper ago

Great quote. I've heard it.

bopper ago

What about the Paul replacement conspiracy?

Joe10jo ago

I'm absolutely convinced if for no other reason than that certain facial features don't match up.

bopper ago

Well it's a closed case for me after about 5 months of research, but what really seals the deal is Sir Paul's autobiography "The Memoirs of Billy Shears." condensed version is "Billy's Back." It's ghostwritten and in such a way that protects him legally from previous non-disclosure agreements. He's into the occult but deflects and excuses it.

No one else but Sir Paul could have written the book, it's too detailed. He's 4 or 5 years older than original Paul (James Paul McCartney) and a couple inches taller, and lankier. They are two different men. What's even weirder is that he's the same guy as Vivian Stanshall of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band.

His entrance into the band, being facilitated by British Intelligence (I know, insane, but I'm convinced), was the beginning of the break-up, as he was a workaholic ex Scottish born studio musician narcissist perfectionist who drove the rest of the guys crazy. They were all traumatized by the whole thing, esp John who had lost his childhood mate.

Sir Paul (real name William Bill Shepard) took over the group and it's musical direction (in 1966, right after James Paul died, and the music got spooky and melancholy). Anyway, fascinating story, and he wants credit before he dies. He's not very likable, though he tries hard in the book to win people over.

He is behind, most believe, the production of The Winged Beatle, and there is hidden documents and evidence that will be coming out, at least after his death. ("Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken WINGS and learn to fly, all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arrive." This speaks of his finally being set free from the Beatles to start his own group Wings.)

Sorry for the rant. Below is a brief segment where Sir Paul is plainly referred to as William. There's other video stuff like this but I've taken enough space up here.

Joe10jo ago

Hey, sorry for the late reply; had the flu. Thank you for all the info! ..... and ahhhh, so that's where the docu gets the name The Winged Beatle. Can't believe I didn't put 2 n 2 together before now, lol. Soooo, what are your thoughts on the way the original Paul died? Car crash or pushed from an airplane or..????? And what I've never been able to make sense of is this... when someone's replaced, what's to come of the family members on both sides, i.e. the real person's family & the family of the stand-in? etc......

bopper ago

Oh no problem I knew you probably read it. You see the comment below that I "really need help"? That's what I used to think of others :) I cannot handle the flu, I'm a baby!

This is an open secret amongst the old rockers. Keith Moon was big buddies w/ Faul and was sitting at a table at a party with him just hours before Moon died. The Who referenced the newcomer (Faul) w/ the lyrics "the parting on the left is now parting on the right, and the beards have all grown longer overnight." Speaking of the different (literal) hair partings of Paul and Faul, and (as many would recall) how, to help hide what was going on, all the Beatles instantly began to grow their beards out :)

That they are two different people has been forensically proven, by facial pros, voice recognition analysts, and also by a DNA paternity suit by his daughter Bettina who lives in LA, she's German (before they were famous they played in Hamburg for a while). She's on Facebook but won't answer my PM requests (don't blame her).

The book "The Memoirs of Billy Shears" or the condensed version "Billy's Back" answers all these admittedly knotty questions, the biggest one being how did Faul learn to play left handed (he plays right handed when recording). That was my, and others who play guitar ... our biggest question. There are some good radio interviews also, just youtube Mike Williams interview death of Paul McCartney (he's a musician too).

"The Life and Death of Paul McCartney" is a good book, it's on Amazon, good reviews.

Paul died in 1966 in a car wreck (a fact not just my thoughts), it was hard to identify him as he was so damaged, near Liverpool. A girl was with him that he had apparently picked up, they identified her by her suitcase belongings, she was running away from home (see the story in their song "She's Leaving Home"). Faul played the song to Brian Wilson and he and his wife cried.

This is why it is such a tragic story (among many many other reasons), the families had to go along, and a lot of money was paid out, and agreements signed. But people talk, and that's why the rumors persisted. Faul had to decide if cutting, to a large extent, ties with his family was worth it. (Not totally, I'm sure they still were in touch.) Linda M. knew of course. I know it all sounds insane, you have to read the book. It is incredible really. But only Faul could have written it.

Lady Madonna (song) is a day by day recount of the week that John was informed and everybody scurried about trying to figure it all out, w/ manager Brian Epstein. ("See how they run.") The song "Band on the Run" is about the same thing. Lyrics "the undertaker drew a heavy sigh ... and the FIRST one said to the SECOND one there, I hope you're having fun. Also, "stuck inside these four walls," etc., he's complaining about being stuck w/ the Beatles. "Sailor Sam" is a reporter who threatened to print the story the very next day after the accident, but they paid him off and sent him on a cruise. (I kid you not lol.) That's why, in Lady Madonna, "Wednesday morning papers didn't come."

And on and on. There's so much more to this, that's why it's so fascinating to me ... really ever since the rumors broke back in 1968 when I was a kid (my older brother had all their records). Whew, sorry for all this. If you ever check into it PM me if you would, and let me know your thoughts, if able. I'm not going to check my grammar here! Take care, write anytime.

Joe10jo ago

The funniest part of all this is that I can't get these damn songs/lyrics out of my head, but thank God we're talking about the Beatles instead of Jackyl, LOL . So wow, injured in a wreck so bad he was barely identifiable!?! Okay, ready for another question regarding, say Bettina..... wonder if she continues to get royalties?? It's all so intriguing!!!

bopper ago

Goodness, I wrote you three paragraphs and poof, didn't save them. Google "paul's daughter bettina" and you'll get plenty info.

Here's her facebook page. (It's skimpy.)

And here's the Italian scientists that endeavored to prove Paul didn't die and came to the opposite conclusion. (It's a very complex story/situation.)

Joe10jo ago

Thank you for the info!!

bopper ago

You're welcome. Stay sane :)

bopper ago

Thank-you I'll check it out.

Joe10jo ago

Talk about staying sane, Get this.... I may have discovered a new lead in Pizzagate and it's only a town away from where I live. I'll send you the link.

bopper ago

Yeah, I know about the songs getting in your head, and to me it can be a bit spooky, everybody says the same thing after they imbibe the truth on this. Yes, his parents had to identify him, by his belongings etc., his teeth were even too messed up to compare dental records (again, I kid you not). He ran a red light (just like the song says, "didn't notice that the lights had changed"), and a "lorrie" (truck) T-boned them.

Not sure about royalties, the paternity suit was fraught with problems, it's confusing, her mom's dead now. The DNA didn't match hers 'cause it was Faul's so they believed they were hoodwinked and given false DNA. However, the judge overturned that because the mom persuaded him that she'd always been faithful to Paul. It's complicated. Maybe I'll link you. Don't know how it all turned out.

The song Michelle is to another of Paul's illegitimate kids (check the lyrics) whom he forsook but tried to make up for it with the song, something like that. Don't know where she is. Google "paul's daughter bettina" and you should get plenty info. Here's her facebook page.

And here's the Italian investigators who set out to prove Paul was still alive and found the opposite.

keepthefaith ago

You truly need help if you believe this.

bopper ago


ASolo ago

Idk. I've followed some of it but im not entirely convinced. Part of me thinks the story is just another cloak to add to their mystique.

FreeRebel ago

One thing I've noticed, years ago some really persuasive photo comparisons were posted to the web; now they are no longer found. The disappearance is what I find noteworthy. It's a dog that didn't bark.

bopper ago

I think you should research it, it answers a lot of questions about them.

strix-varia ago

I totally believe that Faul McCartney is not Paul McCartney. Just ask one who was vindicated...Heather Mills.

bopper ago

Yeah they demonized her and she was pretty traumatized, and still is. Sad.

keepthefaith ago

She's an ASSHOLE. She was one long before Paul came on the scene, for fcks sake.

bopper ago

The guy is a big JERK narcissist. Original Paul probably would have had a sweet disposition like George had he lived.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Could we all stop using the term narcissist please. It was made up by a psychiatric pedophile. He's an asshole, that will suffice.

bopper ago

Okay, give me a clue, what should we use? Maybe you're shooting the messenger? Maybe it's semantics? Words and meaning change? Origin is Greek mythology regardless who hijacked it. Google it, makes sense to use it.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

I'm revealing that an insult in common parlance was developed by a pedophile, therefore the term was developed by a sick mind and is redundant as a psychiatric measurement and as a means of insult. In fact, I think it's part of a plot to keep people in their places. To dehumanise us to the point of clinical definition.

bopper ago

Thanks, maybe so. But Greek mythology origin still. Maybe "egoist" is better? How about prima donna, or just proud, or "full of themselves." Anyway, take care.

allconnected ago

are you miles? Some great stuff on your site. Veers off a little with some of the genealogy stuff. the connections are several cousins removed, and I think at a certain point if you go back far enough most people of european descent are connected.

Otherwise thanks for all your work and research.

ASolo ago

No, I was just quoting.

bopper ago

Before it's deleted ... the guys were kids at the time, not likely they were pedos.

Possibly some form of entrapment or blackmail going on maybe.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Yeah yeah and Lennon wasn't into black magick.

bopper ago

"Yeah yeah yeah." Is that a joke lol. My point above is that they were kids at the time of the alleged Saville meeting, who knows what Lennon got into later. He was a mess but I can understand why. Certainly Faul was into the occult, and well actually yes, Faul exposed them to this, they had seances etc. "Memoirs of Billy Shears" reveals a lot about it.

redditsuckz ago

This image with the Beatles and dismembered baby dolls should have been a big clue;

keepthefaith ago

Is the pope a catholic?

Jimmy Page

Bill Wyman

David Bowie

Chuck Berry (RIP I guess)



FreeRebel ago The drummer for Lynyrd Skynyrd, Thomas Delmer Pyle, aka Artimus Pyle...

bopper ago

I know, sad stuff, train wreck of a group (or rather plane wreck).

Jem777 ago

The Pope is Jesuit but yes catholic. Research the historical truths of the Vatican or why Roman Catholicism was founded after the Romans carried out the crucifiction.

keepthefaith ago

Research this? I don't have time. Provide a summary and I'll read it.

YingYangMom ago

Watch this if you want to know more about Pope Francis, the Jesuit Order, CIA, the Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church. It's an excellent and very compelling docu:

keepthefaith ago

I will. Thanks yymom.

YingYangMom ago

Anytime :)

HillBoulder ago

Rolling Stones too ill bet you

Empire_of_the_mind ago

There is a big difference between banging 14 year olds in the 1960's and raping little kids.

bopper ago

And ... they weren't 50 year old's.

keepthefaith ago

Just as bad, idiot. go back to your 'paul isn't real' retardation.

keepthefaith ago

Its all trauma, doofus.

TacticalAutism ago

Let this be a lesson for all. Don't let musicians, actors or other celebrities be your idol. There are many worthier people out there that do not have even a morsel of recognition from others.

jstayz44 ago

Agree wholeheartedly @tacticalautism. Some of my idols include people on this sub verse working their asses off to save children!!

Betty_Swollocks ago

Terry Fox and Dick Hoyt are my heroes.

GuannaRue ago

Trying to figure out why you were down-voated...

strix-varia ago

Probably someone who thinks they are a musician, actor or celebrity.

sponiatowski ago

Never let a rock musician be your idol. They are false from start to finish. The only thing you can count on them for is their entertainment value.

strix-varia ago

And that's pushing it, saying it is entertainment, especially with what you see and hear these days with mindless "pop crap".

anonOpenPress ago

Elvis? Alive?