adam_danischewski ago

Here is another Beatle, Jimmie Nicols, who was likely an intentional victim, when you look into the Beatles meteoric rise to fame, the signature thing is how undeserving the Beatles really were musically and style wise. They were little degenerates in the gutter, a pack of unimportant Greasers who were lost in the world. The world admins are the reason, as I stated in my other comments - for their success. One of the things the world admins like to do beyond make it clear to everyone that they can take anyone and make a superstar out of them - is to show them how quickly they can "drop them like a hot penny at the lotto cash-in line". That's what they did to Jimmie Nichols, who put on display for the world the other-side of what the world admins "are capable of":

"While appearing on the radio show "Fresh Air" hosted by Terry Gross in April 2016, Tom Hanks noted that he was at least partly influenced by Jimmie Nicol's experience with the Beatles when he wrote the script for his 1996 feature film That Thing You Do!" Cryptically cementing the situation of this poor guy into the world collective.!

"During Nicol's brief time with the Beatles both Lennon and McCartney would often ask him how he felt he was coping, to which his reply would usually be "It's getting better". Three years later McCartney was walking his dog, Martha, with Hunter Davies, the Beatles official biographer, when the sun came out. McCartney remarked that the weather was "getting better" and began to laugh, remembering Nicol. This event inspired the song "Getting Better" on 1967's Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."

And, it continues today with contemporary modern acts covering "It's getting better", Kaiser Chiefs, "Getting Better":

naturallyfree ago

Interesting links to follow up with. I have puzzled over the ease of replacing realPaul knowing how good, good guitarists are, bass or other. He had a wonderful voice with long notes better than most, maybe not a great range but that's normal. Personally I love watching the realP because he plays his guitar from the top of his head to his toes, wonderful rhythm and balance. He seems to have a long strut area if that's what its called on the guitar. Longer than the newPaul can handle with his guitar whose voice is not as good and he only plays from the waist down though he does try to bring the neck and shoulders into it. He can't get the head, ever, from what I see. Unbeknownst to realPaul what was about to befall because newP was not created overnight.

You can see the Liverpool boys just amazed at the sh1t happening on stage in one clip with the hoola dancers. They are looking at each other, truly in disbelief, whilst they had been put into some costumes shiny and long coaty things. I need to organize this into something comprehensive. Their songwriting is truly a personal saga which helps.

adam_danischewski ago

The Beatles are more than simply a band, the Yellow Submarine is a Virtual system. You live in a GOD computer, you pilot a human body. When you die, up to 125years old (your lifetime) you are in LIMBO, that puts you to a virtual system usually (E.g. Heaven, Hell, Beatles Yellow Submarine world). The Beatles have a different home world than Earth, they were actually kicked out of a sphericule (giant machine like the Death Star). Sphericules are actually sentients, and the people within them are often their own thoughts that have "grown legs" and started walking around. When they have a problem with one of their "thoughts" they banish them. That was the point of the Beatles homeworld, a place for the Big Kahuna (sphericule) to put those he didn't like. From there it was a devolution process to move them to the Yellow Submarine Virtuality where the Blue Meanie would torment them. Thereafter, that style was not satisfying enough for him so he cut a deal with the Queen to move the Yellow Submarine to Earth. Keep in mind those who are put through this are not your typical gutter criminals, they are basically people who were obtuse/annoying. The way it works now is they get to be made rockstars in the world yet are tempted by the Head of the Rothschilds into acts of murder and debauchery and if they fall to thievery - then the Blue Meanie, who here on earth is a hideous Jew monster (with a grotesque organic computer) in an underground base (under Albequerque, New Mexico) runs more severe expiations on them (fire and brimstone style). Many people co-experience the Beatles virtuality or took on various roles of being at the Beatles homeworld or in the Yellow Submarine virtuality. Everytime the Age of Pisces is set up to run on the world stage, the Beatles make their debut due to the agreement. They donated their songs to "world heritage" and this particular song "Hey Jude" obviously has to do with their arrival in this world, "Hey Jude" "take a sad song, and make it better" not worse or you will be with the Jew Blue Meanie soon. As far as the feminisation of the song, it seems to simply be an encouragement for them to experience women in the world and be on their best behavior. Unfortunately this time around they killed several bandmates and have been absolutely annihilated by the system.

naturallyfree ago

Interesting metaphysics. In the physical sphere I put it here as a placeholder to go on to add comparative videos to track evidence that backs up theory of what is likely to have happened. I don't have time to put it in order yet so I will just show you who wanted the power they had over girls especially, people generally to kick off their MK dabbling into a globalist agenda. I believe that my instincts are correct that Paul rejected both being ensnared into a pedoexperience at the elite level and refused to go along with government meddling. The result was so barbaric and horrific a brutal slaying to force the agenda on the others. And I wonder what wikileaks learned of it. See these dudes from govt behind their set at a huge concert? Do they look nice friendly chummy fans? uh, to get the full feel and context, all the info is there to watch and see for yourself.

adam_danischewski ago

The members of the Beatles were all swept up into Satanism and black magic witchcraft. They are not "powered up" now and they never were yet they were taking the credit - and that's all you have to do to "open the door" for horrible things to happen upon you, especially if you are them. The Blue Meanie Jew under Alberquerque cannot wait for the Head of the Rothschilds to sweep them into black magic, pin murders on them and then end their lives prematurely so that he can start expiating them fire and brimstone style. If you start digging you will see the signs, check their styles out, their symbols. They took credit for the killing of Stuart Sutcliffe, that really got the ball rolling for them (he was actually killed by the Head of the Rothschilds).

"Sutcliffe's popularity grew after he began wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses and tight trousers.[37] Sutcliffe's high spot was singing "Love Me Tender", which drew more applause than the other Beatles, and increased the friction between him and McCartney. Lennon also started to criticise Sutcliffe, making jokes about Sutcliffe's size and playing." --

"The Beatles first began performing in the late 1950s in jazz clubs in England and West Germany. These clubs, always located in the seediest part of the cities, served as a marketplace for prostitution and the circulation of drugs. Beatle biographer Philip Norman writes: "Their only regular engagement was a strip club. The club owner paid them ten shillings each to strum their guitars while a stripper named Janice grimly shed her clothes before an audience of sailors, guilty businessmen and habitues with raincoat-covered laps." (Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 81)" --

Stuart Sutcliffe - murdered (brain aneurysm)

Paul McCartney - murdered (induced car accident) and doppleganged

John Lennon - murdered (shot)

George Harrison - murdered (cancer)

Here is what they really looked like when they first started:

Here is them throwing up Satanic hand signs (666 on the left, devils horns on the right):

naturallyfree ago

I have to trust what I see. Looking at the sets of their early gigs they are clean of symbology. Only shortly before realPaulMcCartney disappeared were the backdrops of said satanic symbols, whatever that means. Looking at the microexpressions and listening to the vocals, watching interactions, it looks like a couple of golden years before all falling to total control (Govt I speculate). Yes, I think it was Pete Best who took them out of the strip clubs and put them on the rocket launch pad. He was certainly rudely dismissed. Out of jealousy it seems. Apparently one can pursue the positive in music for awhile. Listening to the lyrics they wrote also before realPaul demise is proof positive. Following that George Harrison maintained an extremely high standard in musicianship. Yes, it may have cancered him and that is the price you pay for rocket flights. I assume it was Brian Epstein protecting them while capitalizing gloriously on how far they could take it. I find Yoko a highly cispect character and in light of her bff the author of the financial hit man it doesn't stretch the imagination very far how that role was well played. Looking for where the nexus of the pedogate overreach finally exposing pizzagate at such a poignant moment in time intersects with mkculture. I expect to find a lot of misinformation and disinformation, just like realNikolaTesla or anything else killed before it time, requires having a great inner truth meter that is well cultivated. I recommend cultivating one as all artists in all mediums do.

naturallyfree ago

This is an extremely important video that has been taken off of my 'history' in 2 different places. I spent a week finding this person's upload. I have now downloaded it. Complete conspiracy theory chills strike with respect to Paul. The other uploads talk about how the only person live is Paul singing. That the others are lip syncing and apparently it was all a funny event. They brought in the local neighbors and others and the organizers didn't know it was lip syncing. But that is just backstory context. With all we have learned about pedogate, elites, and the stories about this band, if there was a Julian Assange /subverse on wikileaks I would put it there. With respect to replacement people, there are pros afoot in government intelligence. This is important evidence for comparison. An interesting band to study.

naturallyfree ago

So sorry. It's been removed by YouTube. Indicating that my theories are excellent. Yep, it's that good.

naturallyfree ago

IAMA going nuts. It's back. Yay vevo. If realPaulMcCartney murder was due to his rejection of elite pedophilic overtures, it could explain all the cat and mouse with this particular video but it doesn't really stand on it's own. I am a little scared to put the library of comparisons up. I want to share with you what I see about the interactions between the musicians, the vocals, the personalities and show what happened. When I do I will include the exposes written back in the day when traveling bands from Europe came to the States and talked between themselves. This was written by Uni papers at the time. It's quite the place to start. Especially as it relates to replacing people, such as Julian Assange. Specifically by the intells.