LaDonnaRae ago

LOL! I think it is safe to say he has left this world.

S3v3n007 ago

Gah, that's so depressing to upvoat but you're probably right. Like, really right.

S3v3n007 ago

Speaking of Anonymous, am I the only one confused as to why they haven't gone after Podesta/ or Pizzagate, for that matter? Is there an Anonymous Hotline we could call?( ...& do we hit *69 before calling it, so that way WE'RE "anonymous calling Anonymous"?) Haha, ok but really. What prompts Anonymous to act? Isn't it scandals like these?

equineluvr ago

03/22 = 322 is the number of Skull and Bones.

micha_ ago

He bought houses from Rothchild.

HoocOtt ago

going for the rabbit hole and diving in.

If Anon knew Brock knew...

And the drugs that induce heart attacks are not many and can be counter acted.

Having and using Nitroglycerin pills would be a good example of a drug that is pretty easy to get and would allow Brock to survive a drug induced heart attack.

stellarcorpse ago

Good theory actually.

GeorgeT ago

There are few great episodes on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory focusing on the energy weapons.

Stormer-chan ago

No dubs, if Anon had gotten dubs there, he would not still be alive.

MAGANator ago

Rope is too quick and clean. They deserve acid.

quantokitty ago

Good summarization. Hoping the feddies or NYPD have something on him. They can use that as a bargaining chip.

stellarcorpse ago

And in their next snuff film; will feature a middle aged short man with a wannabee Andy Warhol hairstyle.

stellarcorpse ago

Of course it's possible to be a Rothschild by blood and then be adopted? But for what purpose? (makes me think of the Omen movies!) Alefantis (alleged) parents are of Greek heritage . More likely there is an unwavering connection by society, secret society. But anything is possible and could be both for all we know. These people work in strange ways.

equineluvr ago

They adopt out their spawn all the time. It helps them to "hide."

This is ALL about BLOODlines.

stellarcorpse ago

surely possible.

stellarcorpse ago

please ad full link. I don't believe in coincidences like this. They are going to off him.

stellarcorpse ago

10 years of butt fucking someone does not get you a pass it seems?? Ruthless and cold hearted.

cakeoflightylight ago

Not the only link - Podestas are like his best friends. Is this just disinformation?

samhara ago

"friends" Those folks likely are loners,

It's Mafia, they kill their own for "business".. No hard feelings. "Nothing personal"

Phenomenonanon ago

Probably was a warning

alliecapone ago

If only those dub dubs had been at the's worth another shot

ShinyVoater ago

It'd be interesting technology that let clones grow to full adults faster than normal.

ArthurEdens ago

seriously true

SelfReferenceParadox ago

also, voat is now 100% confirmed compromised.

So leave for some non-compromized site.

sweetholymosiah ago


SuperJohnWayne ago

Yep, I've watched my comment points swing wildly after refreshing. I've been suspicious about this. Some mods are shills, and the forum is infected with shill users. They upvote each other, and the mods control the nature and visibility of submissions and comments.

brandon816 ago

I have an honest question for you. You seem like a reasonable person from your comment history, so I feel I can be honest with you. Why is it largely only people who post solely in v/pizzagate that agree with this mentality?

Do you not realize that the guy you replied to here literally had an entire bot army (50+ at the time of it's deletion) dedicated to manipulating votes, and is in fact the very kind of shill you despise?

Or read any system announcements regarding removal of votes from deleted users and posts?

Or know that votes are now being cached, along with other things, in order to keep the system from going down every day at peak hours?

Or have ever been a moderator of a subverse, and have figured out that the only control of posts that you have is deleting them?

I'll give you your point about some moderators and users possibly trying to control the discussion here. But, keep in mind that the majority of the people here in v/pizzagate came over from reddit. As in they waited -this- long, through all of the other bullshit that reddit has done, before finally giving up and moving. They aren't exactly the brightest people, both the moderators and the people posting / voting here.

SuperJohnWayne ago

You've made good points, and I agree with man of them. I did realize I was replying to a bot. Because I have been suspicious about submission and comment manipulation and since submission on this topic would be deleted, I made a comment about it, and thought that replying to a bot would give my comment more visibility.

The system of cached votes explains a lot. I didn't consider this because sometimes when I give an up or down vote, it registers immediately, but other times not. For example, sometimes if I down vote a comment or submission that has zero down votes and refresh the page, there will still be zero, other times it will register. Therefore I suspected censorship or favoring either of certain comments or me.

My main irritation is with the immense shilling here, which you agree is occurring, and the possible involvement by some mods, which you likewise think possible.

Thanks for your reply. I think many v/pizzagate posters tend to question or call out almost everything and everyone that seem suspicious. On here and other platforms, we've dealt with so many shills, misinformation, psyops, larpers, and censorship leads us to easily be suspicious. I think we do have to be careful because perhaps the cabal wants to destroy our trust in each other so that we look to the government as our false rock and comfort, as they continue their corrupt reign over us.

quantokitty ago

Agree. It all points to pathetic when the you string together the obvious. What you're left with is a cabal.

murraryrothbard ago

I don't know if I can buy that alefantis is a rothschild. I tend to think of brock as the major player and alefantis being the little guy. When has a rothschild ever run a business that actually requires hard work and manual labor? You'd have to go back to the 1700s. Maybe just lucky guess at the heart atk claim? I mean it was getting obvious the elite were not happy with brock.

If he is a rothschild something is strange that he doesn't fit the usual character type.

micha_ ago

Alefantis bought properties from Rothchild.

stellarcorpse ago


sweetholymosiah ago

more like he's a minion, and he's being sacrificed

murraryrothbard ago

Ok, looking back maybe "major player" may have been the wrong description for brock but relative to alefantis I tend to see brock as a bigger fish. I agree he does appear to be on the chopping block. It would be nice if people would not be so enamored with power that they stop and see how they will be used up and spit out when they are no longer useful.

GeorgeT ago

Microwave pulse at a distance, person drops like a log. Coroner analyzes - sudden heart attack. Case Closed.

Deflo56 ago

Show me that EKG. What he said.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Holy shit, that was one hell of a prediction!

srayzie ago

The other day I watched that video, someone here had posted, of the man claiming to have had sex and did cocaine with Obama. He even did a lie detector test. I was curious so I looked up more. 2 others from his church claimed they had sex with Obama too.

So back in like 2007 or 2008, when Obama needed to have a clean slate, they were trying to clean up anything in his background that could ruin his run for president. So, after that guy in the video came forward and wouldn't shut up, he was murdered. This is what is crazy.... All 3 men claiming they had sex with Obama died within a month and a half!

Moral of the story... They don't mess around. (I can't look for the links now, but if anyone wants them, I will go find them again).

equineluvr ago

Larry Sinclair.

Ocommie killed his church's choir director lover, Donald Young, too.

srayzie ago

My gosh. What a mess.

Silverlining ago

srayzie That would be interesting to have the source on, if you have a few minutes to dig.

Ann_laurie ago

I've seen that story here on Voat, and am confused. About 3 years. ago I was looking into the murder of Donald Young, Obama's boyfriend that was helping him on his campaign. I looked up Larry Sinclare, who said that he had a brief relationship with Obama, where Obama smoked crack. I sent him a fb request, which he accepted and have conversed with him a few times. I believe it was Ted Nugent who originally posted that Larry had died, but that was false. Larry is still very much alive. There's been several deaths contributed to Obama but Larry isn't one of them.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. Well that's weird!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Bet there's lotsa folks shakin in their boots about now.

LaDonnaRae ago

I wondered if someone was trying to get rid of him, but I doubt it is "because he knew too much". I think we are seeing more evidence that the "silent coup" is actually occurring.

LaDonnaRae ago

That explains a lot.

SaneGoatiSwear44 ago

claim without source


known criminal anti-speech pro-censorship shill expertshitposter made a nice graph. and 2 posts on the front page today bitching i had been upvoated, one by shitposter, one by another user, show my ccp going from 1800s to 3200s in a couple days. points now - points before the magic jump. (at the bottom) - puttitout threatening, making claims without evidence ( i didn't upvoat myself ffs.) - puttitout threatening ban again, for having done nothing.

basically, in an admin-level attempt to silence me, they have manually manipulated my CCP, and banned any user that upvoats me in an organized fashion, but completely allow the users that put 18,000 downvotes into my account to continue using voat, harassing users, attacking them, silencing them. those abusers of voat are protected by the now 100% confirmed shill @puttitout

Pokes ago

Nice, my comment contribution points always find their way back down below a hundred no sooner than they approach the point at which I might be able to downvote things. I've thought I was paranoid for observing as much but your post is making me think the mods have shills among them.

ArthurEdens ago

I guess all those celebrity deaths last year were sacrifices for Hillary to win

thelastcoldwarrior ago

He's too far down the path, maybe snuff film level far.

dFrog ago

/pol/ is always right.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Hey, So I am not too familiar with 4chan... Which is probably retarded of me since apparently that's where all predictions come from while I just sit over here and get pissed off every time I look at the voat front page... But my question is, This is just a random Person saying this? Like Is "Anon" just any person who posts? I'm obviously well aware of the FBI anon threads... But this is just somebody random, Correct?

dFrog ago

Yeah, just an anon.

44NJ9 ago

Wonder how he feels knowing they are probably still coming for him. Wonder if it's as bad and the little stolen kids felt?

mooteensy ago

It will be.

dtneslo ago

Praise Kek for life force drainage! Please spread drainage to Comey O mighty Kek!

mysecretidentity ago

I highly doubt it's even real, he will just use this to argue against the investigation to say it's causing undue stress and health problems.

But the prediction itself means nothing, TPTB are getting so predictable its almost like we've seen this shit play out 100 times already.... Same with the false flag the other day everyone was expecting one just by the date

LawofTruth ago

FBI anon?

ArthurEdens ago

That's amazing. Brock ain't out of the hospital yet. (Rockefellar died of heart problems this week too)

Silverlining ago

Arthur - Sympathetic [black] magic?

ArthurEdens ago

Come again?

Silverlining ago

Sympathetic magic - an example, when you stick a pin onto a voodoo doll and your victim dies - or has a heart attack.

ArthurEdens ago

You think that stuff really works?

kestrel9 ago

David Brock, before his 'heart attack'

alliecapone ago

His eyeballs kinda look like he's all hopped up on nose candy. He is one odd looking mofo

Orange_Circle ago

Adderall eventually kills 'em all.

Narcissism ago

Typical look of a Pedo Narcissists.

alliecapone ago

Good, makes em that much more identifiable. Like "pedo glasses"

cakeoflightylight ago

a face only a mother could love

unkyshaun ago

Or a gay pedophile pizza boy.

Vic138 ago

And the drummer from Boston (the rock band). Rockefeller had so many heart transplants that he must have had a zipper in his chest.

Probably all coincidences though. I bet Brock is scared though, maybe the failed attempt will work at shutting him up.

Narcissism ago

Ha ha the zipper gets my up voat.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Keith Richards is another one who had blood transfusions in Switzerland. He was perhaps still is a heroin addict.

ArthurEdens ago

He also smokes 5-10 packs a day. Everyone always wonders how he hasn't died yet, now we know

ArthurEdens ago

Zipper in the chest. Haha. Yea, Brock couldn't come through with a Hillary victory and couldn't kill the corruption stories. Adios.

LaDonnaRae ago

Rockefeller was 101, FFS.

pray_the_gay_away ago

And he already survived 5 or 6 heart transplants iirc.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

That was actually a joke article, with no factual evidence. But he does have his own medical team outside of the country, which is why the rumor started in the first place.

ArthurEdens ago

His medical records are sealed so it's still rumor but not proven to be untrue. No doubt in my mind he did blood transfusions though

LaDonnaRae ago

Meanwhile, other people die waiting for their FIRST heart.

ArthurEdens ago

Of all the 101 years he stunk up this planet, it's an interesting week for him to die.

unkyshaun ago

Interesting time too .Spring equinox and on a day of ritual sacrifice on the Satanic calender. With pizzagate in full swing maybe adrenalized baby's blood was in short supply lol.

S3v3n007 ago

WHOA, that's creepy. Ironic & appropriate as well, his timing.

quantokitty ago

I've seen this predicted by a lot of people. And he didn't die so don't know what to make of this.

I'm not a follower of this Anon and have no idea where this Anon even posts. I keep seeing this alleged agent quoted and have never taken the claims too seriously, but that's me. Still, it's interesting and should be noted.

thelastcoldwarrior ago

Anon is Pepe.

JeremiahSinclair ago

"Anon" literally just means an anonymous poster on the image board/discussion side 4Chan and other similar sites. "FBI anon" was a poster claiming to be an FBI agent.

Silverlining ago

Is Anon just someone not logged in and without a user name?

JeremiahSinclair ago

Yeah, so the way 4Chan works is you can leave a name or not. Almost no one does, resulting in an "Anon" label. So "Anon" just refers to someone somewhere in the world who posted on 4chan. "FBI Anon" refers to someone who claimed to be an FBI agent, and it's always anyone's guess if they're a "LARPER" (Live action role player, basically someone claiming to be in a position of power taking to 4Chan to leak info for fun/trolling/manipulation,) or actually who they say they are.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for clearing up the confusion. Like I said, I don't follow the FBI anon posts. I do sometimes see them reposted here, but it's random.

JeremiahSinclair ago

No problem!

samhara ago

He could be dead; But they don't want anyone to know that. i.e. They want to assure the workers in the Rat Lines that nothing is coming down. He could be replaced by a double a la likely, HRC and Assange. He could have retired to the Riveria and had his job taken over by a double. He could be at the bottom of the river off Foggy Bottom , and someone of whom they can control the speech and story, has taken his place.

quantokitty ago

What you're saying would be considered outrageous a few years ago. Now? You're being a realist. Who knows what happened. All we know is that the Cannibal Elite have a ready supply of organs to transplant if he needs them.

madhatter67 ago

good luck finding a body double for a weird looking fuck like Brock

henryleelucas ago

He is so greasy

Piscina ago

This comment made me LOL

44NJ9 ago

I guess cocaine makes your heart strong.

sweetholymosiah ago

that and fucking

44NJ9 ago


sweetholymosiah ago


Amino69 ago

Especially when it is analy ingested.

Orange_Circle ago

Stevie Nicks.

44NJ9 ago

And mixed with the tears from an abused child. It makes you live forever... or so they say.

Piscina ago

Did they not succeed in killing him? Or are they setting the groundwork by making it look like he has heart issues, so that when they do kill him, no one suspects?

micha_ ago

I don't believe this would be done slowly. Way too dangerous, that he becomes frightened, someone goes to police and then the target could be under surveillance.

Orange_Circle ago

What police could he go to?

micha_ ago

Any local police station and media. You don't understand how conspiracies work, do you?

Orange_Circle ago

The DC police already showed they are in the Pizzagate pocket.

What media would touch it?

micha_ ago

Conspiracies only work, if not everyone is involved. That means going public and going to the police usually means protection.

Orange_Circle ago

The DC police lied about investigating PizzaGate, why would they protect David Brock?

He's really in a position where he has no one to turn to.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Or are they going to fake his death?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yeah heart attack may just be their cover story.

Gorillion ago

Was hoping for an exploding off-brand buttplug.

swaglord123 ago

lol that would be far less suspiciouss

ansipizza ago


Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Do you have a link to the whole thread from this anon?

hauzer ago

The link is literally in the picture.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

haha - sure is! thx!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I don't, but here is the twitter post :

Maybe someone in there has a link