VieBleu ago

"What they don't tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 -- human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors," Debi Vinnedge of the pro-life group Children of God for Life said about the ugly truth of the flavoring chemical industry. "They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors."


Catchthem ago

Fuck You paid SHILL!

VieBleu ago

whoop whoop

PhlebotomyConspiracy ago

Prove this to be untrue.

doolord ago

What does this have to do with Pizzagate. Your account was made 40 minutes ago and it took you 9 minutes to post this shit.

Catchthem ago

I dont need to.. this will get deleted soon! Your BabylonFalls friends post also..

eyeVoated ago

Your tactics are about as useful as your measly life. Time for a career change, loser.

Catchthem ago

What the fuck are you talking to me Asshole! Defending your Pedo Loving Shill friends? Fuck You too!

eyeVoated ago

Rofl. When you get through your anger and become enlightened, you'll say the most powerful three words to yourself: "I was wrong".

Best of luck, grasshopper.

Catchthem ago

I wasn't wrong at all about those 2 Shill posts from your friends.. They got deleted! So Fuck You Shill Asshole Too!

eyeVoated ago

So a mod deleted something, and I'm the shill? Super logical thinking there, Cheech!

Catchthem ago

You run out of arguments? Fuck you Shill

VieBleu ago

You are the winner of Shill Fight O' The Day!! Congrats, here's your bleu diamond 💎 and well done. This post is totally dodgy.

Catchthem ago

Haha lol Thanks! They only give me more energy to fight even harder..

VieBleu ago

Posted it here too - nice archive of our battle. Congrats you have only the 2nd Bleu Diamond ever awarded. : )

I don't know where we are going but we aren't going down here without giving them some grief before we go Others that come here only infrequently need to be warned about how this entire place is compromised. I actually will be surprised if they take this shit post down, but they may because they wan't to prove me wrong today. I have given major flak to wecanhelp/sensitive who are the same shill mods.