mikerasmussen ago

My last comment:

"This outline of events is compiled from third-party sources including court and law enforcement records along with interviews of those involved.

1987 – Sig Hansen and Lisa Eckstrom married after Eckstrom became pregnant. Within a month of the marriage, the parties separated – without ever living together as a married couple – and Eckstrom filed for divorce. After the birth of their daughter Melissa, Lisa Eckstrom claimed that Hansen was not the child’s father. Hansen protested and demanded a paternity test which proved that he was baby’s father.

1990 – When the child was two years old, and in the context of a larger custody battle, Lisa Eckstrom accused Hansen of sexually abusing his daughter – allegations that Hansen strongly rejected. The Snohomish County and State authorities completed an investigation into the allegations, including interviews by social workers, review of medical evidence and a polygraph that Hansen volunteered to take and passed. The prosecutor’s office concluded there was not sufficient evidence to support the claim by Lisa Eckstrom and refused to file charges. The State of Washington also declined to pursue abuse charges against Sig Hansen. These allegations were again resisted in the divorce action, where Lisa Eckstrom also accused Hansen’s parents of abuse. As part of the divorce proceeding in King County court, the court-appointed child psychiatrist and the guardian ad litem for Melissa Eckstrom both found that Sig had not abused Melissa. After an extensive investigation and during the ensuing six-day trial, the King County judge reviewed all the evidence and considered the testimony of witnesses from both sides. After this trial, the judge concluded that the abuse charges were groundless, made an express finding that neither Hansen nor his parents had ever abused Melissa, and awarded Hansen visitation rights to his daughter.

1993 – Despite his best efforts to fulfill his role as a father to a daughter that he loved, after a number of months it was clear to Hansen that Lisa Eckstrom was working to poison the relationship between Hansen and his daughter, ruining his ability to be a positive influence in the child’s life.

Fall 2010 – Almost 20 years after Lisa Eckstrom’s claims of abuse were disproven, Hansen’s daughter, Melissa Eckstrom, reached out to Hansen by saying she wanted to attend law school and needed $300,000 up front. Hansen agreed to meet Melissa Eckstrom if the meeting was moderated by a professional third party. She agreed. Before the meeting could take place, Hansen and his wife received a series of phone calls from Melissa’s mother, Lisa Eckstrom, culminating in a call in which Lisa Eckstrom demanded that Hansen pay $300,000 by January 1 or she would take the false claims of abuse to the media.

December 23, 2010 – In spite of the phone calls from Lisa Eckstrom, Hansen agreed to move forward with the monitored meeting with his daughter. During their meeting, Melissa Eckstrom said that she needed the money for law school, and that if her father didn’t want to give her this money, she would never contact him again. The amount she asked for was nearly double the estimate for her preferred law school at that time.

At the conclusion of this first meeting, Hansen told Melissa Eckstrom that he was happy that she reached out to him, and wanted to explore re-establishing a relationship with her, and to introduce her to his wife and two children, but voiced concerns over the demand for money.

December 29, 2010 – At a later meeting, the facilitator reminded Melissa Eckstrom of her promise to not contact Hansen again if he was not willing to pay $300,000. Melissa Eckstrom replied that it was not her desire to contact the media but she would “finish her book…about my life… and get it out there,” a comment interpreted by the social worker as a consequence for refusing to pay her money.

December 29, 2010 – After the meeting with Melissa Eckstrom proved unsuccessful, Hansen and his wife contacted the Snohomish County Sheriff’s department to report their conversation with Lisa Eckstrom, which prompted a police incident report of extortion. According to the Sheriff’s Incident Report, when the deputy contacted Lisa Eckstrom, she made claims that the mediator who was arranging the meeting with Hansen and Melissa Eckstrom was “nothing but a crooked social worker” and that Lisa Eckstrom planned on suing the mediator; and that if the deputy shared Lisa Eckstrom’s address with third parties, she would sue him.

May to August 2016 – An attorney representing Melissa Eckstrom again contacted Sig Hansen with a threat to file a lawsuit publicly accusing Hansen of abuse.

March 2017 – Currently, the lawsuit is in front of the Washington State Court of Appeals after the Superior Court agreed that it needed further review before proceeding. Attorneys for Sig Hansen have asked for the case to be dismissed before trial, as this issue was already litigated in a six-day trial that fully exonerated Sig and the law prohibits the same question from being tried again. Attributable Statements

Statement attributed to Elizabeth Stanton, retired from a 25-year career at the Washington State Division of Children’s Services, where she devoted several years supervising and managing investigations of referrals from the community, including healthcare professionals and others, alleging child abuse and neglect, and working with law enforcement and the legal community.

“I was hired by the attorneys of both Sig Hansen and Lisa Eckstrom to monitor Mr. Hansen’s visitations with his then-infant daughter, Melissa.

“Throughout all my observations of Mr. Hansen, he was always a loving and dedicated father. He absolutely never showed any type of behavior consistent with abuse, which was reflected during the trial that exonerated him. In fact, I was deeply touched observing a young man who was having that first experience of bonding with his infant – it was very moving. I was also moved by the joy that Mr. Hansen’s mother showed interacting with her first grandchild, a little girl – something she never had, as a mother of all boys.

“The real tragedy is that ongoing accusations and acrimony from Lisa Eckstrom prevented Melissa and Sig from forming a relationship. Mr. Hansen and his mother and father were and are compassionate people devoted to their family and the broader fishing community; the epitome of the ethical, strong Norwegian family. In my professional and personal opinion, you could not find a more loving environment for a little girl to thrive.”

Statement attributed to Edgar Hansen, brother of Sig Hansen.

“There is never any doubt that Sig is a great guy and a wonderful father. He is absolutely innocent of any of these terrible lies.

“From the get-go, all Sig wanted was positive things for Melissa, to be a good father, and to bring her into our family where she would be welcomed and loved, but his ex-wife robbed him of that chance.

“This has been a set-up from the very beginning. We thought this nightmare was over after Sig was cleared in a court of law, but sickeningly, that was just the beginning.

“Over nearly 30 years, Lisa Eckstrom and her family have come after Sig and our family three times, trying to smear our good name and get our money. Now, they wait until the guy has a heart attack, and then kick him when he’s down. That’s the very definition of evil.”"

mikerasmussen ago

There is no way Sig did any of this. That drawing is obviously done by an adult and while Melissa may have been molested the Judge in 1990 declared that is was not Sig and he passed a polygraph. Then 6 years ago they tried to extort $300k out of him and I suspect they are trying to get a lot more this time. If she wanted justice she would just go to the police but instead has been suing him for the past year. It is going to appeals court because this is double jeopardy. No one remembers clear memories from 2 years old. If someone molested it could have been anyone. I think the mother has put this in her head and she should take a polygraph. Read the facts: Sig Hansen Case Facts

NeedPolyGF ago

She can come to the Pedophile Pride Parade at https://voat.co/v/pizzagate2/1730224

DopeandDiamonds ago

There is no way in hell a two year old drew that. No way. They do not have the fine motor skills yet. Look at the two drawings of the girl. The left shoulder has the same angle leading down to the arm. No two year old could draw that once let alone twice the same way.

Seriously. There are huge problems with this. Two year olds draw stick figures with big heads. Nothing is proportionate. The head match the body size here in relation. A toddler literally cannot hold a crayon or marker tight enough to make the curls of the hair and add the bow. They don't have the concept of scaling something down to fit the paper.

2 year olds are the reason we have finger paints.

Edit: I am a counselor and have dealt with children who have been violated. You cannot ask a two year old the kind of questions that would lead to finding out if they have been violated. You go based solely on witness statments, medical reports and physical evidence. The drawing doesn't match the age she is now in relation to it being drawn in 1990 and the drawing is far too advanced for it to have been made a two year old. We don't have the full story.

mikerasmussen ago

Do you know about false memories and childhood amnesia? I think that is a big factor here....

DopeandDiamonds ago

Yes I know a lot about both.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yeah, if the daughter is 28 now, 1990 would be 27 years ago. Earliest she could have been born was 1988, so in 1990 at most she was 2. This drawing is suspicious to me. Why would a child call it a poty pot? I am having real issues with this story.

The_Kuru ago

This "Daily Mail" keeps popping up for US scandal stories and I just figured out that it's where you want to send your fake US scandals to be published because it would probably be hard for an American to sue them. But to someone in the US they think it's a legitimate British news outlet.

The_Kuru ago

Looking at the sketch again, it is dated 1990 so the girl would have been 1 or 2 years old when she drew that if her current age is 28. There are details in that drawing that show it wasn't drawn by a baby.

Forgetmenot ago

Those drawings omg! It shows you how the rules of evidence need to be changed to successfully prosecute pedofiles. I really hope trey Gowdy and sessions and chaffetz are up to the task. Right now there is too much Leeway for these sicko judges to protect pedos. This story that you posted really illustrates that.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

HOLY CRAP! WOW, one of the guys I kinda liked, I have a boat and fish too and have loved Deadliest Catch since it's debut. This one kinda hits home for me, no words if allegations are true.

YingYangMom ago

I don't think a daughter would willingly accuse her father of raping her unless she was positive that he has. The drawings and her testimony as a child are very persuasive, to say the least.

quantokitty ago

If it's true, he belongs in jail. Bastard.

The_Kuru ago

That sketch is suspicious. It looks like a small child's drawing with mature handwriting on it.

quantokitty ago

Please read the affidavit again. She's saying "I" who I take to be the psychiatrist/therapist so, yes, that's mature handwriting on there.

YingYangMom ago

Maybe she was questioned later on, when she was older (4 or 5) about the incident?

mikerasmussen ago

They are saying Melissa drew this at age 2 years of age as far as I can tell. When a court appointed psychiatrist interviewed her he found that while someone may have molested her it was definitely NOT Sig. His name was Dr. Dunne I think. 2 year olds can barely communicate. I think the truth will come out that it was Sig's ex wife that put the idea that Sig molested her into her head. Look up childhood amnesia and false memories.

YingYangMom ago

Not sure I like this false memory theory. It was used to discredit victims of SRA and protect the pedo abusers. I also have children and I know for a fact that a 2 year-old can very well explain what happened to him/her without problem. When Melissa says that she doesn't like her daddy because he hurts her bum and that he puts his big peepee there, she's almost certainly not making this up. At that age, they can't be coerced yet. They can't lie. Their brains have not developed enough yet to be part of a deception. That's my take on it.

quantokitty ago

Does it say how long the abuse went on?

YingYangMom ago

I can't find anything that would suggest that the abuse went on for years. It only says it happened after her parents got separated in 1990 and that the maternal grandmother and mother found Melissa's rectum to be blue and discoloured. I guess she drew the diagram at 2, but that while explaining what had happened to her, it was indeed Ms. Bridges that wrote the ages and names on the drawing. Note that she confided in Ms. Bridges and also the examining physician, Mr. Dunnes.

quantokitty ago

You know what, the article is written so poorly that you might be right. I'm not seeing that it said it stopped anywhere in the article. It would be highly unusual for a two-year-old child to have those kinds of memories. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it is unusual. Then there's the fact there's no follow up on the abuse at the time. If a psychiatrist found evidence ... ???? And if there were physical evidence "on" the child, I'm taking this to mean semen. Not sure why the child wasn't rushed to the hospital since semen would prove it happened. Lots of questions about this story. I tend to believe victims of this type of abuse, and I'm on that side of things, but there are lots of unanswered questions for me. Hopefully, more will come out about this in the trial and support her allegations.

YingYangMom ago


PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

it could have been the dr writing what she told him as she was too young to write at that age.

equineluvr ago

That article needs a TRIGGER WARNING. It triggered me.

Sig Hansen = JEW

Jews gonna Jew.

'Nuff said.

InfoWarsDotComFan ago