TrishaUK ago

OH MY GOODNESS IT IS A SNUFF MOVIE!!!! PLS SLOW THE VIDEO DOWN TO 0.25 OR LESS AT :55 SECONDS IN YOU CAN SEE THE BULLLET! ----------------------------------- I reported this to Manchester Police over a week ago saying it looks like a SNUFF movie to me. Still no reply.

TrishaUK ago

UPDATE: I just reported this to the police in England, will see what they're response will be. 1. In this video her son, who looks to be +- 4 years old to me, is literally smoking a cigarette? 2. And in this one it looks like they actually SHOOT a man. I know acting is good but if you slow it down it looks real! The subject matter is quite disgusting too, it looks like shes 'hiring' her son out to a paedophile.

TrishaUK ago

This is a report here in UK, I don't think reporting it to them will be taken seriously, they already put out a report saying if they find people with pedophile images etc., they are hoping not to have to prosecute as it is a lesser offence, and that they should only concentrate on people who have actually commited an offended!! Their reasoning? they are to overwhelmed with the amount of Reports! I wish we were like in the USA when it comes to sentencing etc regarding pedophillia. I guess it has been going on far too long over there that it is just not a surprise/shock any more. SAD!

TrishaUK ago

This is not the worst one, are we watching an actual 'snuff' movie?........This one linked is SO BAD! Like she has just been paid by a pedo for her sons service, then the man is shot and killed! I linked the vidme to #PIZZAGATE on youtube (who was the original one where I saw this 'Artist') Who do I report it too? RSPCC? I reported the WorldCorp one, with Skippy shouting and tormenting the child in the shower cubicle. They, the RSPCC, passed it onto Manchester Police, then I heard no more about it.

HelpMeExpose ago

If anyone is having trouble getting on the Website, I made a video on it yesterday. This is the same video in the article above. Tony/Heather Podesta Sponsors Maria (PEDO) #PIZZAGATE

TrishaUK ago


TrishaUK ago

Thank you, I tried the link on mine, it works here in UK, maybe it depends where you are. But thank you for that!

equineluvr ago

Superb thread on this topic posted YESTERDAY.

organic1 ago

I don't doubt that at all. So sad. These creatures need to vanish from the face of the Earth.

rooting4redpillers ago

Maria Marshall, artwork titled: President Bill Clinton, Memphis, Nov. 1993 | 2000 | DVD projection, ed. of 5 | $12,000 (sold) at TEAM.

SOLD - for $12,000

Added: Trying to learn about this purchase via Guggenheim web pages, but for the last hour, the pages won't load. Maybe later.

Added: Maria Marshall's President Bill Clinton was purchased by Bill and Ruth True. Here's an article about them:

true believers - Seattle collectors Bill and Ruth True combine a taste for the cutting edge with an abiding commitment to their community. | Sept 2007

Excerpts and Fun Facts: Widely considered to be among the top 200 art collectors in the world ... they also make their collection available to the public, free of charge, through their non-profit gallery, Western Bridge. ... one piece out of every show is pledged to the University of Washington’s Henry Art Gallery [currently featuring MOTHA: Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects - Taking an inclusive approach to transgender, gender non-binary, and gender transgressive identities and expressions...] ... Bill True is chairman of Gull Industries. Founded by his father and grandfather as Gull Oil in 1959, the petroleum distribution business expanded into real estate, becoming one of the 25 largest companies in Washington State by 1998 ... Both Gull Industries and the Trues donate to a vari[ety of medical, educational, and arts-related causes, as well as to Democratic politics. The Trues are renowned for living with difficult work, raising children in a house with an Alfredo Jaar installation of Rwandan boys watching an execution. Sam Taylor-Wood’s video of a woman laughing and crying hysterically was in the kitchen, a Dan Flavin in the stairwell, a Tony Oursler under it. “We like edgy work,” she says, “work we’re challenged by, that makes people uncomfortable. I just love it when friends come in and say, ‘I hate that.’ It’s the biggest insult in the world not to have an opinion.”

Another Add: Here's an article that briefly mentions the Trues, if you're interested in the subject: Is Permanence Best? A New Model of Art Collecting | Oct 2002. Excerpt: The project works something like an investing group, something like a football pool: Members pony up $15,000 a year for three years, and Farris uses this money to buy art. The art cycles through members' homes every six months or so, and eventually the collection will either be donated to a museum or administered by a foundation that will loan it out to museums. The tax benefit of the donation--based on the value of the works at the time of the donation--will be divided among the members.

TrishaUK ago

Excellent thank you :)

TrishaUK ago

Unbelievable, I am beginning to agree with the person on here who said that the 'artwork' is where the money laundering is happening! This crap wouldn't get £1 off me!

ArthurEdens ago


pizzaequalspedo ago

People that appreciate depraved garbage like this and consider it art are clearly not decent humans and especially should not be the people that run our lives politically, or provide our entertainment.

We empower these sick people.

rooting4redpillers ago

Then there's another category of people who don't appreciate it, don't begin to understand it, and even find it revolting, BUT, they pretend the opposite - to be accepted in certain social circles. Lots of these ones, wandering around galleries and clubs, looking and speaking like idiots, playing the role of fabulously hip.

wtf_is_happening ago

Australian artist Polixeni Papapetrou has also used photos of her young daughter in her art (which often has an M K ultra-ish vibe). For example this:

This stuff is so common I'm starting to wonder if that's (ie pics of young kids in inappropriate contexts) is where the money is in the contemporary art scene. (And to most perhaps, if the mother is the artist, then it's a victimless crime.)

TrishaUK ago

Oh my goodness I was not expecting that. What an exploitation of your own child! Wonder if it would be taken seriously if reported as inappropriate? Came across this odd artist is too: Ami Rawlinson: the picture 11th down looks like by the same artist as the one in John Podestas office? What do you think?

TrishaUK ago

IT IS A SNUFF MOVIE!!!! (imo) PLS SLOW THE VIDEO DOWN TO 0.25 OR LESS AT :55 SECONDS IN YOU CAN SEE THE BULLLET! - I reported this to Manchester Police over a week ago saying it looks like a SNUFF movie to me. Still no reply.

rickman ago

One of Maria Marshall's art videos is of her young son Jacob eating oysters. There's a quote on her site where she says some people associate oysters with sexuality. why have you got your kid son eating them then for adults to watch?

Remember oysters feature on the birthday flyer for Buck's restaurant. So blatant its a code or metaphor for something.

TrishaUK ago

Good connection! These people are all connected - sick

remedy4reality ago

This is why Trump is proposing to ELIMINATE federal contributions to 'arts and humanities'

TrishaUK ago

I agree totally with his decision!

cantsleepawink ago

Completely agree with him on that. The satanic perverts are killing off the real artists, just as the music and film industries have been completely coopted and perverted.

cantsleepawink ago

Here's a video from her vimeo channel entitled Bewitched

Tavistock mind control bullshit. Clearly she had a disturbed upbringing. The interview you showed with her indicates to me that she is no intellectual. That's not what her work is about. More experiential. Interesting that the art world does not delve into that. Usually any art critic worth their salt examines motivations behind an artist's work. Take the Guggenheim for example:

Many of Marshall’s video works have featured children in troubling adult situations. Often, their titles are derived from the utterances of her children. When I Grow Up I Want To Be a Cooker (1998) features footage of her son digitally altered so that it appears as though he is smoking. I should be older than all of you (2000) reveals a wide-eyed child lying in a box, surrounded by slithering snakes. When are we there? (2001) is a six-minute loop that winds through the corridors of a nondescript institutional building, ultimately ending up in a room in which Marshall herself stands; the camera approaches and focuses on her skin, which appears to move as though touched by phantom hands. For Puzzle Fit (2002–03), Marshall taped a group of preadolescent students, outfitted with microphones, in a disco; images of the students commingling and dancing appear with subtitles of their gossipy discussions on a four-part split screen, as 1970s dance music plays in the background. For 3 Minute Wonder, screened on London’s Channel 4 in 2006, Marshall created three films each consisting of three-minute deconstructed biographies of her son, her grandmother, and herself.

'Many of Marshall’s video works have featured children in troubling adult situations.' Interesting that the question 'Why?' is never posed. Seems to be mainly aimed at an audience with an appetite for such things.

organic1 ago

It would be excellent if we could organize a protest at these sicko artists' exhibitions with appropriate flyers. Once we bring attention to those who the monsters support and bring them down, we will begin to chip our way to the top. If we can destroy these "artists" careers, and essentially find out what they're about and put them in jail essentially should they actually be involved in child abuse, which seems 99% sure they are, then the head creatures' funds and avenues are dried up. I think this is a better place to start with protests than a disorganized street display about Pizzagate. Where is Abramovic's next exhibit going to be? What other artists do they support, and where will they be promoting their sick shit? These are our targets. Someone should also be there with a tablet showing the videos such as the one above to those who are walking by without any intention of entering the exhibit, and another person there wearing a GoPro to capture the images of the ones who are entering the exhibit. Just my two cents, but I think it's a good place to start an organized front.

TrishaUK ago

Sounds excellent! I live in the UK though :( I am POSITIVE that if 'normal' people like us were to see the pictures etc of these sickos there would be more of an can we get these pics, ie ja covered in blood, girl taped to table, some of the dam pedo art of dead children in water, a row of little girls with hands tied behind their backs and bottoms red raw, disgusting pamphlets of the 'music bands' that play at these 'family friendly' blood is boiling, I want something done, but unless the public see these pics, we are seeming to be 'crazy' conspirators!

organic1 ago

Hmm... I'm sure a little bit of research would show that Abramovic has UK connections as well. Probably some "artist" friends or she may be having an exhibition somewhere nearby. Her followers for the stupid Abramovic Method seems to be a global phenomenon. Seeing as she's beloved by Lady Gag, has she ever come to the UK or has plans to? This would be a perfect time to red pill people in your area either through Twitter or at the concerns. Hell, both if possible. The Twitter campaign during her Superbowl performance about her activities with Abramovic was pretty successful.

TrishaUK ago

Will check. :)

4thesakeofthekids ago

Protesting these artists is just going to give them free press and draw more people to their work. People love stuff that has shock value. Protesting them could have the opposite effect you're trying to achieve. Think Ozzy Osborne, Alice Cooper etc. One could argue they achieved a higher level of fame and fortune from being shocking and controversial.

strix-varia ago

Ah, Alice Cooper....a now born again Christian. But unfortunately he's not cool anymore, and certainly would not be cool being born again. Sigh...

Judgejewdy ago

I like this idea.

organic1 ago

Thank you!

pizzaequalspedo ago

The occultists have basically taken over the arts and the public funding of art is basically a wealth transfer to the depraved.

TrishaUK ago

Excellent and this is why Nancy Polosi had another idiotic episode trying to defend the 'investment' to 'education' haha

strix-varia ago

Totally sick of art right now.

rooting4redpillers ago

Thanks for yet ANOTHER example of fucked-up, psycho bullshit called ART. This shit is financed for a reason, and it aint because it's beautiful, OR mass market consumable. A WHOLE LOT is NOT RIGHT about the lucrative art business in this world.

TrishaUK ago

I wholeheartedly agree!!

organic1 ago

The one titled "I saw you cry" makes me believe he was tricked into killing his pet. This is one way they traumatize deeply. Get the child to love and care for an animal, then make them kill it or kill it in front of them.

ArthurEdens ago

so cruel on so many levels