Interesting. I thought they had divorced.

missyshimmy ago

That is one sick woman. And I also, wonder who that guy Colin James Mcintosh is that trolled her youtube for that post. Also here is an article from the guardian.It gives excuses for the trauma she inflicts on children and not herself.

Terraeri1 ago

I found this archive but can't get the videos to play, dunno if it's just my shit connection or what, but others might want to try

HelpMeExpose ago

Krag Narok Posted On My Video 11 hours ago-

At 0:45 seconds the bus reads Hampstead Heath number 24, can google earth it to find co ordinates. This is the area infamous for the poor children here in the UK. I believe this child may be linked to the satanic circle involving Ricky Dearman. The BBC even did a piece for him covering, much like the American media did for James Alefantis and Podesta. I will research further into this but there is a definite connection.

ObamaFAG1 ago

just went to this POS's site and "the site has reached its bandwidth limit" and can't be viewed.

joe_hill ago

Please save all you see before posting here

GuannaRue ago

I hope OP and others saved/archived this info. I think this is huge! This gives me the extra boost of hopefulness that we can bring this down!

Truewarrior ago

Seeing this art from just a few of whom the Podestas collect from and support it just blows my mind that just because it's been slapped the label "art" that these people get away basically child exploitation imagery and it's praised. Just like Marina Abramovic, presenting sacrifice, death, satanic ritual and passing off as esoteric art. This is there loop hole.

DerivaUK ago

Website now not available. She certainly lives in an elite area as evidenced in that first video. I know the area very, very well.

LeChevalBlanc ago

"All of these works are technically produced to an impeccable degree, but you may not want to take your children to this exhibition. In fact you may wish that Marshall had left hers out of it as well."

Takeitslow ago

Not to be a pain here but 6hrs in and OP and others didn't archive. The site is down. Let's hope the info stays when the site comes back up.

GuannaRue ago

If it comes back up.

leahxpearl ago

I'm getting 509 error...did anyone archive???

pipo44 ago

I could not see her web page, motive bandwidth limit exceeded here my screenshot

leahxpearl ago


Stosh21 ago

You would think these sick fucks would want to lay low...but they're so damn arrogant, they rub shit in our faces. I hope these sick bastards get what's coming to them.

DeathToMasons ago

More suggestive creepy bullshit from the untouchables.

equineluvr ago

She uses her two sons in her "work."


OhRutherfordBehave ago

Wow I cant believe these people continue to pull this shit even after they've been exposed. Tony Podesta, you think you are above hanging from a noose. You think you can do whatever the hell you want. Let me remind you, you aren't and you cant.

equineluvr ago

2005 Leitsysteme zum Neuen? Consuming Passions, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton Fear Gear, Roebling Hall, New York Bidibidobidiboo, curated by Francesco Bonami, Fonazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin FIGURE IT OUT, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill ORIGIN: MOTHER AND CHILD, curated by Andrea Salerno and Carmen Zita Ferragamo Gallery/Project Space, New York Will Boys Be Boys?, Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, Denver and Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, Galleria Rafaella Cortese, Milan Fade to Black, Umea Kulturforvaltning, Umea Press Play, Green on Red Gallery, Dublin 2004 National Collections, South London Gallery, South London Mind the Gap, Kunsthaus L6, Feiburg Dimension Folly, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea, Trento Presences et Apparitions/une visite particuliere, Fonds Regional d'Art Contemporain, Marseille; Borusan Center for Culture and Arts, Istanbul Silent Screams Difficult Dreams, Arndt + Partner, Berlin Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Dresden, Zwischenwelten, Dresden 2003 The American Affect, curated by Larry Rinder, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (catalogue) ThrowBack, Team Gallery, New York Ninos, Centro de Arte de Salamanca, curated by Cristina Zelich, Salamanca (catalogue) Chile in Time, Gemeentemuseum Helmond, curated by Frank Foenjet, Helmond (catalogue) Urban Collisions, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, curated by Kathrin Becker, Berlin (catalogue) 2002 l?Herbier & Le Nuage, Musée des Artes Contemporains de la Communauté Française de Belgique, Honru (catalogue); Fogh Art Museum, Harvard University, curated by Linda Norden, Cambridge Nuit Blanche: plus qu'une image, Aux Anciennes Pompes Fúnebres de la ville de Paris, curated by Carolina Bourgeois, Paris Self/In Material Consciente, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo per l'Arte, curated by Eric Mangion, Guarece d'Alba Slow Motion, Ludwig forum fur Internationale Kunst, Aachen New Acquisitions, Musee des Arts Contemporains, Grand Hornu Family, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, curated by Jessica Hough, Ridgefield Private Affairs: A Contemporary Video Exhibition, Kunar Haus Dresden, curated by Angelika Richter, Dresden The Collective Unconscious, Migros Museum, curated by Hieke Munder, Zurich 2001 Casino 2001, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, curated by Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn, Ghent (catalogue) Urban Nature, Goteborgs Konsthall, Goteborg Inaugural Program, Le Studio at Galere Yvon Lambert, Paris Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear, Team Gallery, New York Video Jam, Palm Beach Institute of the Arts, curated by Michael Rush, Palm Beach Unlimited, Art 1 32 1 Basel, Basel (catalogue) Beau Fixe, Center Photographique d'lle-de-France, Paris In a Lonely Place, National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, curated by Greg Hobson, Birmingham Chelsea Risign, Contemporary Arts for Culture and Arts, curated by David S. Rubin, New Orleans (catalogue) Double Trouble, Borusan Centre for Culture and Arts, curated by Binnaz Tukin, Istanbul (with catalogue) My Generation, Atlantis Gallery, Mark Nash and Alexandre Pollazzon, London Wonderland, Baklar and Huntington Galleries, Massachusetts College of Art, curated by Lisa Tang, Massachusetts (catalogue) 2000-2001 Pretty Crimes, The Laing Art Gallery, Tyne-Wear Museums, Newcastle; travelling to: Glasgow Museum of Modern Art, Glasgow and York City Art Gallery, York (catalogue) 2000 GMI Screen, Leicester Square, curated by katia Garcia and Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, London Some Secrets, Kunsthalle St. Gallen, curated by Dorethea Strauss, St. Gallen Sensitive: Photographie & Art Visuels, Le Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel, Cahors Topologies, Whote Box, curated by Lair Rosenkranz, New York Faith: The Impact of Judeo-Christian Religion on Contemporary Art at the Millennium, curated by Christian Eckhart and Osvaldo Romberg, Ridgefield (catalogue) 1999 The Sexual Child, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, organised by Peter Coviello and Amy Honchell, Brunswick Hi8, CAPC, curated by Alexandre Estrela, Cuimbra Shiny, Shiny, Team Gallery, New York Common People British Art between phenomenon and reality, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo per l'Arte, curated by Francesco Bonami, Torino Space Place, Kunsthalle Tirol, curated by Hubert Salden, Salzlager 1998 Screening, Beaconsfield, London The Art and Science of the Unborn Child, 210 Gallery, Welcome Trust, London

Martin Herbert, "Maria Marshall: Make Believe, Make Like, Make Violence", Parachute, Violence/Psycho Issue, July-August-September 2006 Pierre-Yves Desaive, "Maria Marshall, Brussels: Taché-Lévy Gallery", Contemporary, Issue 81

2005 Paola Noe, "Maria Marshall: Raffaella Cortese", Flash Art, October-November. Francesca Pagliuca, "Maria Marshall: Galleria Raffaella Cortese", Tema Celeste, October Marco Ligas Tosi, "Maria Marshall:Raffaella Cortese", Arte E Critica, August-September Barbara Pollack, "Fear Gear:Roebling Hall", Time Out New Cork, July 7-13. Laszio Murphy, "Maria Mashall", Zero2, June. Silvia Dell'Orso, "Maria Marshall", La Republica, May 28. Kenneth Baker, "Marshall at Ratio 3", San Francisco Chronicle, May 7. Richard Dyer, "Maria Marshall", Contemporary, May. Nancy Princenthal, "Maria Marshall at Team", Art in America, February. Prets a preter: Acquisitions et rapport d'activities 2000/2004, Frac Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Marseille

2004 Robert Pinto, "Dimensione Follia", Work, Autumn. Kim Levin, "Shortlist: Maria Marshall", Village Voice, June 16-22

2002 Aura Satz, "Maria Marshall", Tema Celeste, November-December. Maria Godfrin-Guidicelli, "Le monde merveilleux de Maria Marshall", Marseille L'Hebdo, November. Peter Suchin, Maria Marshall: Fine Lines at Site Gallery, Sheffield, UK, Contemporary, September. Charlie Finch, "It is Time, Once Again, To Kill the Past",, Spetember 20. Rachel Shuman, "Art Choice", Time Out New York, September 12. Christine Macel, "Just the Two of Us: Vidéo Sentimentale", Art Press, May. Nike Vallström, "Konsthall: Händelserika dagar pa Konsthallen", Götenborgs-Posten, April 13. Von Frank Keil, "Einatemn, ausatmen", Frankfurter Rundschau, April 11. Mikael Olofsson, "Obenhaglisgt gang pa gang pa gang pa", Göteborgs-Posten, March 26. Caterina Testart, "Fem fragor", Göteborgs-Posten, March 8. Andreas Schlaegel, "Maria Marshall at Arndt & Partner", Flash Art International, January-February. Melissa Dunn and Charles Gute, "Casino 2001", Flash Art International, January-February.

2001 Martin Engler, "Der Knabe in der Schlangengrube: Carravaggio trifft Kubrick: Maria Marshall erzeugt Bilder von alttestamentarischer Wucht", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 28. Karsten Umlauf, "Was soll der Kinderblick?", Kultur Joker, December 21. Martin Engler, "Schön und Bedrohlich", Badische Zeitung, November 28. Martin Engler, "Die Vivisektion des Privaten", Kunstbulletin, November. Tassilo Schneider, "Faszinierende Zumutungen", Stadkuner, October 4. Kim Levin, "Shortlist",The Village Voice, September. Midori Matsui, "Maria Marshall", Casino 2001, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent, Belgium. Martha Schwendener, "Review", Time Out New York, April 12. Christopher Bolen, "We Did You Not", V Magazine, No. 10, Spring. Stefano Pasquini, "Hidden Gems in a Crowded Fair: Arco Madrid", New York Arts, April. Charlie Finch, "Sings of Life on 26th Street",, March 26. Kim Levin, "Voice Choices: Spring Arts", The Village Voice, March 6. Christine Temin, "Mass Art's 'Wonderland' brings fairy tales to life", The Boston Globe, January 30. Mary Sherman, "MCA creates a Wonderland", The Boston Herald, January 28.

2000 Claude Lorent, "Les angoisses de Maria Marshall", La Libre Culture, November. Lizzy Balogh, "Vidoe Displayed: Marketing Mixes Forms", PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, September, Volume XXII, No.3. Keith Patrick, "Sensitive, Printemps de Cahors", Contemporary Visual Arts, September, issue 30. Véronique Dupont, "Monstres sacrés", Numero, September. Christine Macel, "Maria Marshall", Sensitive:Photographs & Art Visuels, Le Printempts de Cahors, France, June. Michael Rush, "Review", Art in America, March. Adam LEhner, "News" Open Season: Adam Lehner on Lawrence Rinder", Artforum, March. Jolene Thym, "No Puff Piece", The Oakland Tribune, January 20. Kenneth baker, "Growing up in 18 seconds. Brief, powerful videos at CCAC", San Francisco Chronicle, January 19. 1999 Andrea Scott, The New Yorker, December 13. William Harris, "Making Viewers wonder Why They're Uneasy", The New York Times, December 5. Kim Levin, "Voice Choices: Short List", The Village Voice, November 30. Matt Damsker, "Photo, Video Ehibits Show Off R.A.W. Galleries", Hartford Courant

bopper ago

"Maria Marshall (born 1966) layers corrupt adult behavior onto assumed innocence of childhood, revealing the childish desires which support 'mature' culture."

YingYangMom ago

Great post, thanks.

equineluvr ago

It appears that most, if not all, of her videos are looped.

This one sounds especially creepy:

The New Yorker, December 13, 1999 – Maria Marshall On the debut of last year’s controversial debut, in which the artist’s toddler was seen (on film) blowing smoke rings, this British artist continues her mindbending takes on child-rearing with three laser-disk projections featuring the kindergarten set. By far the most arresting and disturbing work is the silent, “Don’t Let the T-Rex Get the Children.” It opens with a shot of a licking tongue, then slowly pulls back to reveal a little boy with a shaved head and a demonic grin, straightjacketed in a padded cell. The loop is less than two minutes long, but its creeping pace feels eternal and the anxiety is almost too much to bear.

HelpMeExpose ago (Look at the picture of the 2 adult legs and 2 children legs combined)

bopper ago

As in "heart within a heart" symbol?

equineluvr ago

Poster: "Dawn of Dad" ("I Should be Older than All of You")

TweedleDee3000 ago

Somebody needs to kill this pedo bitch.

TweedleDee3000 ago

btw, Marshall is a very common surname that so-called "jews" hide behind, think Penny Marshall from Laverne and Shirley, Peter Marshall, etc. This is a jew pedo bitch that needs to have its skull smashed open.

nosy ago

HEY - keep this violent anti-semitic bullshit to yourself.

no one on this forum advocates smashing people's skulls open.

are you trying to bait pizzagaters into anti-semitism and a violent hate speech so they can be discredited?

also, you violated voat's rules of service: "You agree not to encourage harm against people."

i would report you but i want everyone to see what you are doing

bopper ago

And who is married to Penny Marshall?

Ang68 ago

Catherine Agnew claimed Penny Marshal was part of the Nazi/satanist ring.

bopper ago

Googled Catherine Agnew and got a Voat thread :)

equineluvr ago

Rob Reiner.

It's one big pedo Joofest.

abcdefg222 ago

Where's the podesta advertisement?

TweedleDee3000 ago

Are these some of the "complex video works" Tony the fat fucking pedo POS shows in his underground "torture chamber"?

I seriously hope someone pops a cap into this pig's skull.

GuannaRue ago

I have no problems with anything you said.

ObamaFAG1 ago

I have no problem with any one who would pop a cap in this fat fuckin pig's skull and we can add to that list, John Podesta, Hildabeast, and feel free to add your favorite Satanic child murder to this list.

nosy ago

yes, let us all turn into a bloodthirsty mob calling for vigilante violence against anyone who looks suspicious.

you and your ilk are doing a great job of setting this investigation up for censorship and worse

ObamaFAG1 ago

Member for 5 days...LOL FUCK YOU

dootdootbeepbop ago this one is pretty gross... basically a naked boy draped in a cloth. Laying in a box (that seems like a coffin shape/size), surrounded by snakes and such.

wtf_is_happening ago

Illustrates getting traumatised MK ultra style.

SaveTheChildren ago

I read a few days ago in a thread here that suggested that exact torture technique. I guess I could find it if you were interested since I think I commented on it.

equineluvr ago

Good video! Thank you for exposing this crap.

HUMILIATION OF THE VICTIM is a key component of the abuse inflicted by those sick sadists. "Mister, can I go home" and "Love Me' (the kid in the makeup on the bike) reflect that. I can't stomach visiting this site and clicking on the other videos.

BTW, your narration has improved dramatically. :)

HelpMeExpose ago
