hacktheplanet ago

the prostitutes name was also domino (old english for "mask")

HunkaHunka ago

is one of the men sitting down dressed a priest?



The NASA lies are probably to hide the real space program, and not at all to keep people from learning the Earf is flat . It is unbelievable how many Noob truthers get sucked in to that obvious Pentagon Rings/CIA cointel psyop. The leap of faith required to believe that the entire population of the Southern Hemisphere is in on the conspiracy is mind boggling, let alone how many more in various other disciplines. The great deception coming soon to distract from the Elite's satanistic pedophilia and human sacrifice rituals to honor an ancient Pagan Deity will be the limited hangout partial disclosure of what they found in Antarctica, why else would Wikileaks publish pictures from there, remembering how the lead up to #Vault7 was deployed? I think there have been no high level arrests because they're buying time to get Soros' 3 million march on DC to remove Trump and to finalize their Hail Mary Antarctic Super psyop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwJ1JLDWyyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu854P7gzJ4

Mellowmountain ago

thanks - I'm continuing the search as we speak

Mellowmountain ago

I believe you're right, good eye!

Mellowmountain ago

I tried this, but I don't think the results provide anything reliable. sometimes things seem to match up, but I think it's just coincidental. I tried following the instructions exactly, and also many variations of overlapping the film on my own, but it all seems to be obscure. Also, I feel this would only work if we had the original cut of the film. Anyone who claims they have the original needs to prove it, I've never seen concrete proof of that yet.

lopus ago

Very good find! I read about Lord Longford when I was doing a little research in "Savilegate". Think this makes Kubrick's death even more fishy. Here is more about Lord Longford's (aka "Lord Porn") relationship to child killer Myra Hindley: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/oct/14/ukcrime.weekend7

Grand_Deception ago

This is like an episode of criminal minds... Well done

Cleareyes ago

yeah this has been interesting looking into. Now that you bring up criminal minds, i was looking at the cast list for this movie and saw Thomas Gibson as Carl Thomas. I used to watch criminal minds so i knew the name, went to his wiki page because i remembered some recent incident he had that was in the news and saw this

"His mother was a social worker, and his father was a lawyer and liberal Democrat who served in the South Carolina state Senate and House. He was raised Roman Catholic"

I mean i have nothing but "social worker", "liberal democrat", "roman catholic". I'm not saying anything about Gibson but he fits the profile and is in this movie. Enough for me to have doubts and questions out of the gate.

Mellowmountain ago

ha, thanks!

commontruthseeker ago

Why is no one talking about the Nicole Kidman connection in this movie?! Have you not heard of Fiona Barnett? Nicole is a satanic ritual abuse survivor. Her father was a sick satanic monster. Look up Fiona Barnett.


Her testimony is pertnear match for Cathy O'Brien's, Aussies have got it bad too..

Cleareyes ago

This one i'm currently trying to wrap my head around. Nicole came out and has been vilified for asking people to support their elected president no matter who it is (Trump was just elected). She divorced Tom, married keith urban years later and her kids with tom wont talk to her because she left scientology (i read about a satanist crowley connection to scientology). I saw Urban crying, real pain, during kelly clarkson performance singing a song about her husband showing her that "a man could be kind and a father could be great" (Lyrics, her dad abandoned her). I would be suspicious of any celebrity Australian now knowing what a cesspool underbelly their leaders turned the country into for decades, but for some reason i get a genuinely good guy vibe from him, but i could easily be wrong since i never saw him in person. Maybe he's one of those people that are trying to "fix" her like that one MK victim who said she had a savior who knew about it all.

Mellowmountain ago

so true, I think this is why Kubrick cast her. I'm going to look into it more

Northern_Soul ago

Maybe i can help, Cliff Richards name popped up during operation "Yewtree".

Operation Yewtree was a police investigation into sexual abuse allegations, predominantly the abuse of children. The investigation, led by the Metropolitan Police Service, started in October 2012. After a period of assessment it became a full criminal investigation, involving inquiries into living people, notably other celebrities,as well as Savile. Here is just a lil snippet into a very dark world....

https://s1.postimg.org/f86tr44nj/1n4yro7e.jpg Elm guest house – Gay brothel or pedophile paradise

A ring of rich and powerful people are said to have used it as a sordid playhouse – a venue for a paedophile ring of VIPs, and were allegedly snapped and videoed with kids lured from a children’s home. One boy has alleged he was tied up, forced to perform a sex act and made to watch men having sex. A politician, top cop, judge, bishop and household names off the radio and TV are among those said to have been part of the ring between 1979 and 1982.

A list seized by police, names many big names visiting the child brothel, including Cliff Richard....

https://s14.postimg.org/npvx28l9d/734379.jpg The “accused list” and or “guests”

The list also includes a number of senior MPs, a high-ranking policeman, a leading tycoon, figures from the National Front and Sinn Fein, an official of the Royal Household, an MI5 officer, two pop stars and the traitorous Soviet spy Anthony Blunt and. Source dailymail.co.uk

( To keep it neat, i have embedded the following statements with the relevant link taking you directly to the MSM news article )

In another major outing of the pedophile culture, Scotland Yard obtained video evidence of a UK Politician "Murdering a Child in a bizarre ritual." A Scotland Yard official said "these accusations are true" - and another 261 prominent people including politicians and TV stars are suspected of partaking in the horrific evil of child abuse/murder. Some have speculated the criminal ritual is used as a form of blackmail to compromise individuals - and that high level people are preventing prosecutions.

The U.K. probe known as Operation Midlands was shut down in March for "insignificant evidence" despite a quote from MP John Mann saying "that the victim total could be in the many tens of thousands." The probe had video evidence, and several victim's testimonies, including Alex Wheatle, Steven George, George Smith, Darren, Thomas, Nick, and several additional witnesses. The claims are backed up by retired Scotland yard detectives. Yet the probe was shut down, and at least 114 documents just vanished.

One document that turned up after 30 years showed that the Thatcher government knew and was told about the Westminster officials' odd sexual behaviors. The CIA and KGB even knew about what was going on and hoped to blackmail the VIP pedophile ring in exchange for information.

Sixteen MP's were named in a 1984 dossier of VIP pedophile abusers documenting the influence that the the Pedophile Information Exchange lobby had on Westminster. A whistle-blower goes further to state that 20 powerful elitists abused children for decades, including a female MP. The ultimate goal of the pedophile lobby was to lower the age of consent and push the pedophilia agenda, which several people tried to do.

Even the High Court judge to the Queen, Lord Justice Fulford, tried to lower the age of consent to four. — yep four years old.

Another official, Patricia Hewitt, former Labour cabinet minister, was caught trying to push the pedophile's agenda to make incest legal and lower the age of consent to the age of 10.

The Pedophile inquiries which include investigations into Kincora house, Elm Guest House, Dolphin Square, St.Helena and the Lambeth Town Hall basement were covered up and ignored to protect the establishment from embarrassment, just like other investigations. Investigators were told to back off investigating because a royal was suspected to be involved and several others even warned police, including MP John Mann. Buckingham Palace and Balmoral Castle have even come up in the current investigation as a witness has claimed he was sexually assaulted there at the age of 16.

Children are being put below politics, because psychopaths are in control and believe that they are entitled to abuse children. It's even alleged that they used children's foster homes as a supply to fulfill their sick urge.

This is just a small piece of the world wide epidemic of V.I.P child abuse. It doesn't take an individual with super-charged mental powers to see that government, "is not the SOLUTION to the problem, government IS the problem... WORLDWIDE"

To understand why...

The Bilderberg group, an elite coterie of Western thinkers and power-brokers, has been accused of fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors.

The chairman ... is 73-year-old Viscount Etienne Davignon. In an extremely rare interview, he played down the importance of Bilderberg. "I don't think (we are) a global ruling class because I don't think a global ruling class exists." Will Hutton ... who attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1997, says people take part in these networks in order to influence the way the world works. Source http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4290944.stm

ONCE YOU JOIN THE DOTS, YOU SOON DISCOVER WHO ORDERED THE KID-NAPPING OF MADDIE.... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/madeleinemccann/2512536/Madeleine-McCann-was-snatched-by-paedophile-ring-to-order.html


Piscina ago

That should be a thread on its own. Lots if info.

Pizzaagent ago




BertieMcDuffy ago

I am amazed anyone noticed the books in that scene, even if it took many years to do so :D

ScientiaPotentia ago

Marxist Zionist of course. There is a blood red menorah to the right.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Watch the 1:30 min split cut. The messages and symbolism become more obvious.

quantokitty ago

Nice. Good eye.

I also think the estate name "Somerset" should be investigated. Roy Radin had a mansion out that way. It was a long time ago, but a model swore she was filmed and raped. She was disregarded, but the news kept printing stories about how she was being watched and threatened. They cast her in the role of a "crazy" much like they did with Clinton's victims.

Mellowmountain ago

I just checked, the estate is called "Somerset"

quantokitty ago

Yes, but what does the name mean or symbolize? Is it, as some suggest, Somerset England? Or is it Somerset Maugham who was very much into the occult and a person that Anton LaVey referred to often. Does it have to do with Roy Radin who really did have a mansion and threw parties like this? Gore Vidal spoke of a black and white ball that he attended. The party was thrown by Truman Capote and was in the honor of Katherine Graham -- yes, THE Katherine Graham of WaPo/propaganda fame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7C-O_N3TVw Black and white ball info starts around 3:57. Mia Farrow was there. What part did she really play in all this? Or was it the Rothschild's parties? Vidal also spoke of them. http://www.messynessychic.com/2013/08/27/a-surrealist-parisian-dinner-party-chez-madame-rothschild-1972/

Ample4th ago

Welcome Back, Kotter actress Melonie Haller? I remember reading about this in Maury Terry's book "The Utimate Evil" about a deeper investigation into the Son of Sam, Manson cult murders.

quantokitty ago

Yes. Here's the link to a story about it. http://www.upi.com/Archives/1981/09/08/Theatrical-producer-Roy-Radin-who-was-accused-last-year/5736368769600/ It doesn't tell the whole thing. She said she was being drugged. This was after the incident and while she was in New York trying to get her life back together. There's a taste of the dismissal she received from Peter Levenda's book "Sinister Forces". I like Peter Levenda, but the account he gives does not show her in a favorable light. https://books.google.com/books?id=ev4BBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT217&lpg=PT217&dq=melonie+haller+drugged+and+followed&source=bl&ots=wYWhnskCNx&sig=8RD7RDeRkCAD5l0SufR8Ct91yj4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjEqo_JztnSAhVBzoMKHT8FCXgQ6AEILTAD#v=onepage&q=melonie%20haller%20drugged%20and%20followed&f=false

conspiracyprincess ago

Yea totally, like the man in the bunny costume getting head...🤔

Chasnigga ago

Look at the top painting in the mirror. The hanging body appears to be posed exactly like Dahmer's vics, and just like the sick fuck art at Tony Podesta's house.

rodeo13 ago

A member of the Magic Castle in LA (another members-only club that has reciprocal privileges with the Magic Circle) killed themselves recently, inside the castle itself.

Chasnigga ago


rodeo13 ago

A magician named Daryl Easton.

Mellowmountain ago

and furthermore, to your magic circle find, this was taken from the wiki on the organization "The motto of the society is the Latin indocilis privata loqui, roughly translated as "not apt to disclose secrets" (lit. "incapable [of] speaking [of] private [things]") ; members give their word not to wilfully disclose magic secrets other than to bona fide students of magic. Anyone breaking this or any other rule may be expelled."!!

Mellowmountain ago

and also, in the shot you posted some of the stars on the wall in the background are upside-down too

Mellowmountain ago

wow, good find. Also this in this shot just moments later, I noticed the barbie box has an upside-down star (aka pentagram) http://i.imgur.com/fyQEuGd.jpg

pbvrocks ago

Wow, and nice work..Kubrick famous for these little "messages"...MI6 has the first "model" with Seville and all his cronies..looks like we have duplicated it in DC minimally...rings within rings...

Mellowmountain ago

I think people in the power structure learned early on that employing pedophiles is a great way to maintain control. It's the ultimate form of blackmail. The subject can be made to do whatever they want because of their secret. I bet they first realized this long ago this in religious circles (i.e. the vatican) and then it found its way into government.


That's exactly what George Webb said 3 months ago, the best blackmail value is sex with a young boy, but again Hellary turned up the volume to eleven and started filming the rape and killing of babies, that is why she thought she was a shoe-in for POTUS, thought we've had a black man as POTUs, next logical step would be breaking the ultimate glass ceiling of a woman POTUS and also why she still thinks she's untouchable. That's what is on Weiner's laptop; the rape, torture, murder and cannibalism of babies, the ultimate blackmail material, and we all know it. Anyone with that evidence needs to release it right fucking now. I'm talking to you NYPD Chief of Detectives, Mr. Robert Boyce..

paulf ago

That is a spectacular catch OP.

Mellowmountain ago


paulf ago

Really great stuff. I've watched EWS dozens of times with the knowledge that nothing is in a Kubrick film by accident and I didn't pick it up. Guess I was distracted by other things in the frame :)

Ample4th ago

Was about to say the same, really good find!

EricVikingurr ago

Has anyone looked into Kubrick's suspicious death? I found this post. Blog post from 2010 (https://suspiciousdeaths.blogspot.com/2010/09/stanley-kubrick.html)) Its odd how once again, a mysterious or "sudden" death occurred surrounding this stuff.

HunkaHunka ago

it was Kubrick's strange death which sparked the whole research community's fascination with his films.

What did they cut from Eyes Wide Shut?



Do you know that Terry Semel may have had Kubrick murdered, and :


Redpilled_Canadian ago

Wow just read through that, very eye opening. I definitely think his final movie coming out exactly 30 years after the moon landing was no coincidence... I am going to watch this movie and read through this 3 part series on all the hidden messages in the movie. Part 1 - Hidden messages from EWS

RoadRunner1 ago

Arthur C Clarke author of 2001 was a pedo, he worked with Kubrick on the script to film version. Kubrick moved to UK in the sixties and probably got access to the Eyes Wide Shut/Rothchild pedo parties in high society. EWS masked sex scenes filmed at Rothschilds mansion.

rodeo13 ago

There's another Vigilant Citizen article about Aleister Crowley that mentions Arthur C. Clarke as an OTO initiate. No doubt Kubrick got a lot of info from Clarke. https://vigilantcitizen.com/hidden-knowledge/aleister-crowley-his-story-his-elite-ties-and-his-legacy

TaosDeiopW ago

Kubrik was a genius. That's for sure.

But I wouldn't call him a hero.

Maybe he knew all this shit because he was in it too.

Maybe, he wasn't acting against his masters, but doing his masters' bidding. For thess satanists, there is this rule that they need to inform us of the shit they do or plan to do against us. Pedophilia being one of the evil things they perpetrate against us. 9/11 comes to mind also, clearly there are a shitload of subtle references about 9/11 in movies prior to it happening.

So maybe they used Kubrik to "inform" us about what is happening. But in this subtle way. The same can be argued about Alefantis' Instagram posts and what not. I'm sure they love to rub it in our faces, but also is their way of informing us.

Not saying Kubrik was a pedo. But also, I, myself, do not elevate him to hero status. I am just critical of anyone these days elevated to "hero" status.

Cleareyes ago

I keep thinking it's two options - its one of those serial killer things investigators allude to, many of those psychopaths on some deep level want to be caught so they keep pushing boundaries and leaving clues. Maybe its the same with these guys? Or maybe its like if they're open about it and get away with it for so long, it acts as a sort of informal social license or unspoken public approval if no one stops you.

keeper1 ago

I don't see Kubrick as a hero either. In fact, I've long seen him as a serial misogynist in his films. In The Shining, the novel (by Stephen King) features two little boys as the ghostly figures, not two little bloody girls. And Full Metal Jacket was infuriating in how it dealt with women--the camera angles, everything--and then to top it off, the most reviled villain in the film is a Vietnamese woman sniper. When I watched the movie, I was like, "What?! Seriously?! There are things you can lay at the feet of women, but WAR, dude? Not so much." And then there's A Clockwork Orange with its over-the-top violence against everybody, but women in particular. Then Kubrick leaves the last chapter of the novel out of the film--the chapter where stupid teenage boys do stupid shit but then they start to figure out that maybe all of this energy they've been using to be destructive could possibly get put to CONstructive uses. I don't know how the author Anthony Burgess felt about Kubrick's film, but I'd be interested in knowing. Kubrick may have been some kind of genius, but he was a twisted genius, if that's the case, at least IMO.

HunkaHunka ago

'The Shining' hates MEN more than it hates women, like 99% of 'horror genre' films. The villain is 99% male in all of this shit. The Shining was one of the worst pieces of man-hating propaganda in history. The message of the film is that a perfectly normal man will go insanely violent if there is no one around to 'police him' . Jack Torrance is all set to take out all his frustrations in life on his vulnerable young son and wife, only because HE CAN, because he's got them trapped with him in an isolated hotel which is closed for winter season which he is caretaker of for the winter. People who wonder why N. American or western men look for wives in other nations or cultures after the white women have been raised on a steady diet of 'man-fear' and 'man-hate' and 'horror' and all the other brainwashing shit which Western women are subject to. Men are supposed to virtue-signal and beg and bribe and grovel and foot-rub their way through this laybrinth of feminist paranoia and hatred to eventually find the woman who will 'tolerate his presence' in her life long enough to reproduce. Its fucking pathetic. So they look elsewhere for a wife, hoping to find a woman who hasn't been traumatized by fictional male blood suckers,fictional male monsters, fictional male serial killers. fictional male mass shooters etc. since she was old enough to be plopped in front of a TV at age 3.

keeper1 ago

Yeah, I didn't like the treatment of Jack Torrance by Kubrick in the movie either. In the novel, Jack is pretty clearly being psychologically tortured by outside forces. He's not really the villain, just another victim of the Hotel and whatever darkness is going on there. He's the tragic hero archetype really.

Since I don't personally know a single man who has sought a wife from outside of America, I can't speak to the rest of your argument here. Though maybe that's a counterargument in itself. Apparently in my neck of the woods, men and women seem to do okay finding relationships that work for them.

HunkaHunka ago

Stanley Jewprick and the rest of their cult of feminist oligarchy zealots have been demonizing white males since they faked the Jack the Ripper bullshit well over a century ago.

conspiracyprincess ago

Maybe his way of subliminally normalizing it?

Mellowmountain ago

I've wondered sometimes if Kubrick was in the cult himself. But I either believe he wasn't in it but knew about it, and he wanted to warn us. Or if he was in it, he wanted out and the only way was to tell everyone through these coded messages, because if he came out about it up front they'd probably hurt his family.

Proii_Pariah ago

Last time I watched it I rented it from Amazon, but searching something like "watch eyes wide shut online free" is the way I usually go.

dFrog ago

Very nice. I sincerely hope we get to see Kubrick's original cut some day, if it even still exists.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Have you seen the long cut version where you split the screen and start one side at the beginning and the other at 1:30mins?

I watched it and it was confusing at times but there are many scene which have unmistakable messages

For example;. On one side Bill is being lectured by Zigler that "He doesn't know what kind of people he is dealing with!!" and in the other side it is showing the scene with the pedophile Japanese business men being caught with the 12 yo girl. The answer; the type of people Bill was dealing with are pedophiles.

Another example is in the final scene of the movie Bill and wife are in the store. Their daughter disappears with the 2 old men from the party earlier. The opposite scene is Bill and Wife talking about betrayal. Bill later checks on his daughter asleep in her room. Above her bed a painting spells S-E-X. Message: they sold their daughter to the cult.

There is no doubt Kubrick was killed for making this movie.

Mellowmountain ago

I hope it's out there somewhere. But I still think there's so much in the version that was released.

I think this is why Kubrick shot the scenes so many times. Actors reported that he would reshoot scenes over and over and they were often very similar takes. I think Kubrick knew they would fight it from coming out, and he overshot so that If they tried to delete footage, he'd have hundreds of alternate takes so that he could re-edit it. He was just building a mountain of evidence.

Proii_Pariah ago

Ya know, in The Shining, Kubrick would change small elements of the scenery from shot to shot as a vehicle to evoke the ghostly spookiness he wanted to create. I wonder if he might have been tweaking set elements in different takes and the actors just weren't observant enough to realize the subtle changes.

FeLpZ187 ago

How is that spooky?

Poot_McGarvey ago

If the background areas in a scene are subtly changing, in a way that is almost perceptible but not quite in focus, its more likely to give viewers a uneasy feeling about the scene.

fartyshorts ago

I know there's some really surprising examples in The Shining that make you go "How the hell did I not notice that?" once it's pointed out.

dFrog ago

That makes a lot of sense. He's so detail-oriented, I would pretty much expect him to operate that way.

Lowbatt34 ago

Good catch on Longford. In 2013, Vigilent Citizen posted an indepth analysis about Kubrick's subtle placement of objects relating to NWO satanic cult stuff. Last scene of the film, in toy store, the little daughter of main characters takes the hands of two adult men and walks off, parents oblivious. aboutfilmhttps://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/the-hidden-and-not-so-hidden-messages-in-stanley-kubriks-eyes-wide-shut-pt-i/

ScientiaPotentia ago

They weren't oblivious. They sold her. It's obvious from the split cut movie.

rodeo13 ago

I read that piece a couple of months ago & it really did "open my eyes". I really need to watch that film again.

eggmunkee ago

This vigilant citizen article does have a lot of good analysis on the symbolism and messages in Eyes Wide Shut. MK-ULTRA, Sex Kittens, Masonic stuff, etc. Ties a lot of things together for one movie, especially for one which actually got released in theaters.

Mellowmountain ago

I saw that too! and check this out, I don't think anyone has caught this before - at the end of the movie just before the daughter walks off with the two men, we see a woman walk into the frame, and it's the child's babysitter from the beginning of the film. Look at her hair, shape of nose, and face, it's her:

http://i.imgur.com/IZJRFRq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dQrrLBS.jpg

This is no mistake, Kubrick knew what he was doing, saying that those protecting the child (parents and babysitter) were giving her away in the end. Not to mention the fact the daughter is wearing butterfly wings, a common symbol for Monarch Mind Control.

HunkaHunka ago

and that apartment was set in The San Remo, the same building where Dodi Fayed lived in real life with Princess Diana on the same block as THe Dakota , where Rosemary's Baby's couples apartment was set.

Mellowmountain ago

I interpret the end of the film as though the couple has to make a choice, they join the satanic ring and offer their daughter, or they fight them off. They chose to join the ring and offer their daughter, just as Mr. Milich did. When Milich's character finds his young daughter having sex with the two men he says he's "going to call the police". Then later he says it's ok because "they have come to a different arrangement". Maybe he realized this is what you do when the police don't help. Sounds like the Jonny Gosch case to me.

Proii_Pariah ago

Wow! That is totally her!

Now I'm going to have to go back and re-watch a number of these Kubrick films with an eye to finding all the Easter Eggs he clearly left.

Mellowmountain ago

There is so much buried in this film. I have even more that I will post to this thread.