ListenUp ago

I don't mean to start anything with you, there's a lot of disinfo surrounding this case...because if you discredit the mother, you can discredit the case. There are people saying Ella was complicit in the abuse of her children, which is not true. I've been battling disinfo agents on this premise for almost a year now. One woman, Angela Power Disney is the single source for this, unsubstantiated. She claims to have viewed (for 3,000 euros) video evidence of Ella masturbating her 3 year old son to sleep, as well as snuff videos produced by Ella herself, supposedly obtained through an MI5 computer hack of Ricky & Ella's computers. She's not worried about what was supposedly found on Dearman's computer, but what was supposedly found on Ella's computer. However, when Ella reported the crimes committed against her children her laptop and mobile was confiscated as evidence. Once in police custody, had police found this alleged evidence you would have heard about it. The evidence would have been used in court, yet the court documents say nothing about this. At all. Once the police had possession of laptop and mobile, do you think it could have been hacked by MI5? Maybe...but doubtful. No, this woman is straight up lying to discredit the case because Ella didn't agree with the recording of every conversation they had and making it public.

From my post "Getting To The Root Of The Hampstead Situation", a description of Ella, pre-cover up “Originally from the city of Rostov in southern Russia, Ella Draper – or Ella Gareeva as she then was (and has returned to) – attended Moscow State University, where she graduated with a masters degree in history of art. “It was in Moscow in the Nineties that she met a British banker who would become her first husband (Will Draper). “She became pregnant and moved to Britain around 17 years ago to raise their son; he still lives with his father (Will Draper) in the Home Counties. “The marriage eventually ended, but she kept her married name and went on to have two children with the actor Ricky Dearman.”

“The Past of an Abuser as Father” “Mr Dearman has never provided financially for the children, except £10 per child per month taken off his benefits during the last 3-4 years. He hardly ever spent any quality time with them at home. He would never read a book or play games with them. The only game he seemed to play was the “tickling game”. I wasn’t happy about this since it always led to some kind of abuse. For example, Mr Dearman wouldn’t stop tickling children even though they would scream for him to stop. Besides, he would normally start this odd game late in the evening when the children would already have taken a bath and be ready for bed. This would send them hyper and those situations would almost always end up in arguments since I wanted to protect the children. Furthermore, all of a sudden James started to dislike Mr Dearman. Mr Dearman responded with humiliating remarks and attempted to discipline James in strange ways. For example, he would lock him up, while I was at work or shopping, and he would give him a bucket to pee and poo. This would almost always also result in arguments. He also harassed me sexually, pressuring me to have anal sex with him. He then bought a gigantic artificial penis suggesting for me to use. On many occasions he attempted to get me to watch online pornography. I objected to his perverted sexual attempts, threw the sex toy in the bin and asked Mr Dearman to pick his stuff he had in my house and not to come there again. (2007) However, he came to school to “surprise” the children and often stalked us, showing up from nowhere: in the park, or on the way to school and in shops. I warned him on many occasions to stop doing this. But he requested to see the children. Many times he came and knocked on my door without prior notice and several times he broke in through the garden door. On one of such occasions he was violent and humiliated my mother by screaming and hitting her. He ran away before I dialed the police. Since stalking continued, I applied for an Emergency Court Order, and a Non-Molestation Order was granted for a month initially and then extended for 8 months while proceedings for contact were going on. I sent Alisa to Russia to stay with my parents. Unfortunately her passport ran out and she ended up staying slightly longer than anticipated. A week after my application, his solicitors applied for a Prohibited Steps Order since he claimed that I was trying to take the children out of the country. This was dismissed and there is currently no such Order in place. Mr Dearman also made an application for contact. This was eventually granted in spite of my concerns for the children’s safety. He started to see them regularly: every Saturday from 10am to 6pm. However, contacts were not going well at all. Mr Dearman was consistently returning the children late. He rejected my advice regarding their diet and was returning packed lunches of home prepared food. Alisa and Gabriel were frequently getting sick during contact. Many times they vomited while in his care or after they came back home. Sometimes they developed headaches and stomach aches. I blamed this on food that Mr Dearman was feeding them with. My solicitors and I have sent numerous reminders, requesting not to feed the children with processed, sugary snacks. On one occasion Alisa developed high fever and hardly moved. I contacted the emergency doctor’s line and almost took her to the emergency room. Not only were the children returning sick or becoming sick shortly after, each time they were coming back in a terrible emotional and psychological state. A lot of Mondays or first part of the school week were missed as a result and affected the children’s education.”

Ella is an intelligent woman, cared about her children's health and objected vocally about Dearman's "perverted sexual attempts." There were prior violent episodes with Dearman this video shows the non-molestation orders from 2010. There is history of abuse. There is an on-going re-investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission as stated in this letter

So while I'm sorry if I come on a little strong, I've been in this battle for two years. Discredit the mother, discredit the case. I believe the children's testimonies. ~K

ListenUp ago

"If she ever wants to be convincing..." The facts of the case are convincing enough. It's not a story she has to "sell". She is a mother who's children were being abused by a father with a violent past. Ella already lost her two children, she doesn't have to go around to the likes of you and sell you a story. You either want to help her get her children back or you're opposition. Pure and simple. I believe the children and think they should be returned to Ella, she was not complicit in their abuse.

ListenUp ago

This story is NOT about Abraham Christie. This case is about the abuse by the father and his cult. Period.

cantsleepawink ago

Don't know if you saw this post I did on that video:

TheBlackSunCult ago

Abraham Christie is MI5 sent to help remove the children from Ella and keep her under MKUltra.

ListenUp ago

What a load of bullshit. No, Abraham is not MI5...shills abound in this arena. This is the satanists method of distraction and also a straw man argument.