jstayz44 ago

Thank you, I will watch it as well. And, as kazza64 mentions, look after yourself. There are times that being involved in this as a victim that have caught up with me when I least expected, and always when I thought I had it all under control.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

You summed that up very succinctly. Caught me out more than a few times, especially the whole pedo thing, the evil involved and the interconnectedness of this mess can really bring you into a dark place. But together we can make it through, we have support here, like you! So thank you :) :)

jstayz44 ago

Thank YOU for your kind note! Yes, this is very dark, and we certainly need to support each other. Most of us are here for the same reason...save the children who are in bondage and keep others from suffering the same fate. There is no better cause. I may not be the best investigative OP, but I can surely play a supportive role. Thank you, again, for your note. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself!

pbvrocks ago

Love the line is the post "if you have been researching things for a decade..." I about 20 years in now on some of this stuff and agree with the poster..cannot believe it all ties together..common thread? CIA

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Thanks! Gosh you've done well - back then you were a cuckoo moonbat for getting into this stuff, 9/11 was my red pill. It's quite funny though, with the older generation, a few of them got into JFK big time, learned some interesting stuff from listening to them. My main focus on that was gold standard/fed protecting itself but it all seems to also have similar connections and 'groups'; yup CIA a BIG part of all this shit every time for some strange reason.. really strange how so many roads lead to CIA, especially with children involved.

CIA seems to just be the intelligence/permanent operational wing of the shadow government. When was the last time they busted some terrorists or did anything good? I can't remember ever reading 'CIA rescues orphans from pedo ring'.. etc. Meanwhile they can easily break most encryption used by such people, but crickets....

Wonder if CIA is just as important as the Clinton Foundation in the long run. The main thing is due to their OPSEC its harder to get info not leaked via WL. I hope trump fucks them or disbands them. How many intelligence agencies does one country need? NSA + FBI should be able to handle everything needed (ext/internal). NSA are slimy industrial espionage fuckers too, hopefully less kid fucking though... we'll never know likely.

LolturdFerguson ago

At Camp Hero in Montauk, there are still security guards patrolling the compound, even though it was abandoned in the 70's.

3ft thick concrete was poured into the underground access of the compound and evacuated suddenly.

We uses to sneak in there when we were teenagers. Take our trail horses on the back side and crawl through the fence.

The entire barrack was left just as it was in the 70's. Still dishes in the sink, curtains on the walls, etc.

They left in a hurry, and still don't want anyone to know what was underground.

Speculation include Nazi tech, aliens, underground complex, etc.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Fascinating independent POV thank you very, very much for chiming in. Leaving in a hurry seems to correlate with events towards the end of the documentary. As if they didn't want a single bit of attention. I'm amazed no one has broken through that concrete though. Wonder if there is a way to attack it chemically so it's silent... You may find a bunker towards the end of the piece to be of great interest, I'm curious as to if you knew of this part or not.

Is the concrete poured part close to the main tower? An engineer once told me what you see above ground is at least 1/3rd more underneath, so that tower must surely go a few floors underground as it is...

LolturdFerguson ago

There is a large communications satellite right in the middle of town. About 5 miles away is the bunker. Going in through the back you see several underground entrances that appeared to at one time have airlocked bay doors. Those doors had huge "bolts" (don't know the tech term) in the sides that would extend outwards into the sides of the tunnel. You can tell that's how they were constructed because there was a bay door that was scrapped behind the complex. It reminded me of a fallout door.

The concrete was poured over those doors I believe. And no, it's solid, thick and unmovable. You wouldnt have time to chemically alter it bc of the patrols. One guard in a white, unmarked windowless transit van type vehicle, circling around 24/7.

The horses used to get spooked too. We had to leave them to graze up on a hill overlooking the camp.

My friends and I were just being stupid teens, but the whole place had a very scary vibe. You can tell something bad happened (happens) there.

Montauk is a hub for ET activity as well. I never believed in UFO's, etc. Until I actually got to witness one come over the horizon on the beach, hover above us, then pewwwwww, disappear at light speed away from us. The entire beach seemed to rumble.

We were at a bonfire, and there were hundreds on the beach at that time. People were freaking out...screaming and running to their cars. Us locals were used to it. We commenced our teenage drunken bonfire, lol.

The town is mum on the camp. Yet you can find all these little souvenir and book shops that have all the Montauk Chronicle books.

Z11Mama ago

Is there a link?

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

There is a magnet link at the bottom of the post if you are a torrenter. Just open e.g. qbitorrent and hit top left button (add link) and paste that last magnet link in at bottom of post. I'll help seed but it is a public torrent.

awakenaware ago

You could say theres a link as far as child exploitation, mind control and how it relates to Cathys book Tranceformation of America.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Fuck I'm an idiot. Thanks for posting that. Link != URL/magnet lmao... >_<

The other huge, glaring link here is CIA, missing children and nationwide application of this program according to Al Bielek... Montauk is just the site that we know about. It also links to Project Monarch/MK Ultra which we all have come across at various stages investigating the older elite, especially the way they react to certain key words..

newworldahead ago

Well, I must be an idiot too because when I read "Is there a link" I immediately thought the person was referring to a link in order to see/download the video. Anyway, whatever it is you guys provided an answer to both interpretations ;)

rwb ago

Hmmm... I see no link, and have no familiarity with torrent. Where does one go to watch this, in non-tech speak?

newworldahead ago

BitTorrent is a peer to peer file exchange system. You download your file from multiple "peers" instead of downloading it from a central server.

You first need a torrent "client" to start downloading torrents. uTorrent is a popular choice (http://www.utorrent.com/)).

Then paste


in your browser address bar. On the resulting page click on "Save torrent file". Then open the .torrent file using uTorrent. This should start the download. Here is a link if you need more help to setup uTorrent: http://www.wikihow.com/Download-Torrents-Using-uTorrent

rwb ago

Thanks for the explanation and the link.

kazza64 ago

thanks .... will watch ..... look after yourself

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Thank you :) Luckily had good parents whom while I was getting into a brief stint of child acting at single digit ages, kept me away from that shit. I do remember some strangers/people in that industry at parties etc, who were far too friendly and keen to know a little boy... one swanky as fuck party I can remember, they were eating live octopus and the rest, slightly weird shit for an early-mid 90s, non Japanese crowd anyway... My experiences were more of the latter type in the OP. Described and visually depicted exactly the same in this documentary. The accuracy, imagery and flood of memories it bought up again was unsettling to say the least.

I'd recommend you scrub up on body language before you watch it, makes it even more chilling. Body language, tone and responses to questions are a pretty critical facet of my work these days, can tell you those people in that documentary are either A) coached by absolute professionals for years and practised for it in similar way or B) telling the truth in majority of cases. Only one or two lied at a few moments and I believe because they were ashamed of what they did as explained later..

Enjoy and take care too.

SturdyGal ago

CROM_God, your comments are extremely insightful. Thanks for the comments and the great link.

kazza64 ago

once you've been exposed to paedophilia there is no going back

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

You're right. It's the ultimate red pill and the sad part is the more I discuss it with people I know, the more people I find out have been fucked with as a kid. I'm nearly getting towards a point where more girls I've been with/know well have been fiddled with than not............................... enough said. They all carry the scars today from it too.

kazza64 ago


palmitespo910 ago

The most interesting part of my life about this investigation, I think, is that back in 2008-2010 /b/ was absolutely flooded with child porn. It didn't stop me from going because I equated that "horror" to the "horror" depicted in the death threads in /gif/. They were equally disturbing to me, and I tolerated both of them eventually because they were there and I couldn't stop it from being there, and I loved the community (as queer as that sounds). At this point in my life, even that soft core non-nude shit shows up and it's immediately reported.

I believe Pizzagate truly resensitized me.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

I too found earlier internet easier to run into that stuff, especially if just looking for normal porn. It was like oh well, that's not what I was after, next... 56k.. god damn. In my country 16 is age of consent, so teen porn when you're a younger kid isn't so much of an issue... these days though understanding the gravity of the situation it is much different. You're a little lucky in some ways, it was a honeypot after the SHTF not long after from memory... I saw that place once or twice in the earlier days but decided to be safe and stick to Abovetopsecret, before they started splitting threads and killing stuff, when we dug into Fukushima and figured it all out within a few months. That really scared them because it was an epic collaborative investigation like this, just before many people paid any attention to what the internet said. Had experts in all fields giving input, man we nailed that son of a bitch with evidence and it's proven further correct with every bit of news today dribbling out.