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Gothamgirl ago

I think some of the contents of his cloud storage on Hillary may be on this website. Warning lots of flickering on these pages.
I went through as many files & links as I could. Some files can be download but I haven't tried. Here is what I have found so far, A rundown on MK Ultra. Pages of email addresses for government & international persons. (maybe overseas contractors.) Familar names mentioned like John Kerry. Lots of illuminati websites. People are being cloned. Amanda Kleinman is a clone of a George Washington. World trade 7 was taken down with "atomic" explosives & the reason many 1st responders have cancer. They're injecting std's into people of color. Gentials become deformed and mutilated, overseas. It talked of an individual's murder. It talked of a upcoming Florida rapper. He may be a medical experiment? Not sure. They're creating mk ultra-ish music. Disney is doing sinister things with children & lots of names are given. I have missed alot, so an investigation is really needed. If this was just a scam website I was fooled & I apologize. I am not trying to mislead anyone.

equineluvr ago

"People are being cloned. Amanda Kleinman is a clone of a George Washington."

Oh FFS!! LMAO!!!

aaallaboard ago

Can you elaborate on this, looks like a seriously risky click.

Truewarrior ago

Whoa! Where did you find this. I'm scared to look. Lol.

Gothamgirl ago

Someone posted it on another thread here.