Narcissism ago

9/11 was definitely a NUCLEAR EVENT. This is the best video on the Tower demolition. Fusion nuke fireball in the towers, mini nukes in the basement and mechanical floors.

Truewarrior ago

Trump even said in an interview right after it happened that nukes were used.

kestrel9 ago

here is a link to the FoxNews article: "CIA is said to have made most of its programs unclassified to avoid legal consequences for transmitting classified information through the Internet -- a move that increased the risk of outside groups pirating the cyber spying tools. WikiLeaks also revealed the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt is a hacking base, and the website provided the methods by which agents obfuscate customs officers to gain entry to Germany, pretending to provide technical consultation." Technology is great, your TV rats you out as someone who criticizes the Left and then your car kills you. Meanwhile, pedos and CP infect the world and victims get their organs sold at the end of the day. Gotta love those Open Society folks.

abcdefg222 ago

Upvoat and take this over as he official vault 7 post. All others new vault 7 posts are being deleted. This could be huge. We had to work together on this.

Truewarrior ago

Let me know if you were able to hijack this.

Truewarrior ago

Were you able to take this post over? Are others still being deleted?

abcdefg222 ago

Trying to hi- jack this post. Sorry! No other vault 7 posts have been allowed to stay up-- they are all being deleted and this needs YOUR immediate attention bc we need a community where we can investigate and share and not a place that is going to censor key topics. The CIA is pizzagate. A smoking gun could be in these files and we have to work together in coordination but we cant do that if you don't allow us to discuss what is happening.

Strait8 ago

Shouldn't you post link wikileaks release OP??

Password: SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds

Stuff we all suspected being proven true. Btw, your tv is a bug for CIA...

abcdefg222 ago

QWhere are the vault 7 posts from this morning with the release info?!? I just want to be sure they weren't deleted.

abcdefg222 ago

I just posted the following and it was deleted per rule1. What is going on?!?!?!?............................................... Where are the vault 7 posts from this morning?!?! I cant find them. Deleted? This is relevant to pizzagate bc the release is regarding CIA practices and the CIA is deeply involved in pedogate/pizzagate.

Anyone find anything yet? "“There’s no question that there’s a fire drill going on right now,” said Jake Williams, a security expert with Augusta, Georgia-based Rendition Infosec. “It wouldn’t surprise me that there are people changing careers -- and ending careers -- as we speak.”

sufinomo ago

Could somebody give me a basic gestalt of this Anthony Wiener stuff?

Psalm144-1 ago

Just more shiny things...

Gothamgirl ago

I think some of the contents of his cloud storage on Hillary may be on this website. Warning lots of flickering on these pages.
I went through as many files & links as I could. Some files can be download but I haven't tried. Here is what I have found so far, A rundown on MK Ultra. Pages of email addresses for government & international persons. (maybe overseas contractors.) Familar names mentioned like John Kerry. Lots of illuminati websites. People are being cloned. Amanda Kleinman is a clone of a George Washington. World trade 7 was taken down with "atomic" explosives & the reason many 1st responders have cancer. They're injecting std's into people of color. Gentials become deformed and mutilated, overseas. It talked of an individual's murder. It talked of a upcoming Florida rapper. He may be a medical experiment? Not sure. They're creating mk ultra-ish music. Disney is doing sinister things with children & lots of names are given. I have missed alot, so an investigation is really needed. If this was just a scam website I was fooled & I apologize. I am not trying to mislead anyone.

equineluvr ago

"People are being cloned. Amanda Kleinman is a clone of a George Washington."

Oh FFS!! LMAO!!!

aaallaboard ago

Can you elaborate on this, looks like a seriously risky click.

Truewarrior ago

Whoa! Where did you find this. I'm scared to look. Lol.

Gothamgirl ago

Someone posted it on another thread here.

dougG ago

It is not not an"Anthony Weiner trial", it is an FOIA request by a random website that is two Years old hence why it isn't being reported anywhere besides there own website and zero hedge. Its unlikely that they will supply the unredacted files but Hillary, Huma or Weiner will be there or on the stand or anything close to that.....

CeepsNo ago

Two events closely related in time might not have anything to do with each other

MichelleObamasPenis ago

Court cases get postponed all the time, just fyi. Like 50% of the time.

derram ago :

MY POTUS- TRUMP 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "If you are tweeting about #Vault7 & Anthony Weiner hearing, look again! Hearing NOW POSTPONED!! Why? @JudicialWatch what is going on?"

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