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PDragonfly ago

Sending you love, Lynn Schirmer, Carolyn Hamlett, and all survivors!

This made me cry, in a good way. Thank you. has been up since 2004. Back then, when I found out about the Wayback Machine, I got so mad that they could just copy a website without permission, I put a robots.txt file on the server to prevent it. I finally remedied that mistake a few years ago. The journal drawings date from between 1999-2005.

The spiral is an image trope often used to signify going into a hypnotic state, a cliche at this point really. If you look at media from the 1960’s, which is when my early programming was done, its use in that context is fairly ubiquitous. From this perspective, it’s kind of funny that the perps actually used it as a triggering device. In programming, vortexes are used primarily for internal system control. The conditioning trains us to “see” vortexes with the minds eye when we try to access parts or memories that are off limits. Seeing them with the mind’s eye instantly produces a flood of fear and pain from the torture which was paired with sight of the image during the original conditioning session.

I wouldn't worry too much about triggering folks with spiral images, as this is mainly an automated, internal process. It wasn't intended to be triggered by external stimulus. There are many other images and texts that are however.

I realize it's difficult for people to understand or even get close to understanding this type of mind control. It may be helpful to know that at base, it isn’t really that complicated or mysterious. It’s classical conditioning, Pavlovian association, except that it primarily impacts how the mind works.

Please don’t get discouraged if all this research into pedogate is stymied. Mind control has been fully operational for decades, at least 4 generations at this point, and the tech is ever improving. There are more than a few high level public officials who were raised in the labs like I was. From the perp point of view, it is an incredibly effective and valuable weapon. The military will spare no expense to prevent its exposure. It will take a collective effort to overcome them.

As my friend Wanda says, “One day, the world will know!” I’d add, the world will know, and will fight it! Thanks for the thread, and keep up the good work.