Silverlining ago

Illuminati connections to pizzagate...look for the gate keepers, like NCMEC and ICMEC

@sleepawink @SturdyGal FYI

Honeybee_ ago

This is f*ING awesome guys! I'm signing up immediately, I was just looking for a tool like this, great find!

Vindicator ago

@throwaway89209834, I just gave this a "Potential Lead" flair to get folks in here to check this out. You rock.

privatepizza ago

What an awesome tool, and with the NCMEC map you've made an incredible resource. So many people to research, I hope others come in and dig !!!!!! Chapeau! Pinging @honeybee_ @cantsleepawink

Honeybee_ ago

Please in the future can we add to John Shehan - INHOPE and THORN (Ashton Kutcher/McCain Institute) and also add Jeff Koons' wife Justine Wheeler Shankbone Koons, for she is connected to the corrupt Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families out of NY.... video coming tomorrow

Honeybee_ ago

throwaway89209834 ago

I generated the CSV data with code that scrapes html data from the website, so it is not 100% accurate because the web developer didn't stick to certain conventions always.

As you can see, there are some elements that did not get connected for some reason that need to be referenced and connected. And some of the html elements, instead of listing the business they are associated with, they would list a title like you can see "The Honorable Dennis DeConcini" has a business connected that says ""U.S. Senator (Retired)" because like 99% of them listed businesses in that same field so there are a couple like that.

What's interesting is that even looking at the web pages, I didn't realize that both Dennis DeConcini and Manus Cooney were on BOTH boards, ICMEC and NCMEC.

privatepizza ago

Understand, and thanks for pointing that out. Hopefully we get some eyes on these people!

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Software For Mapping Connections Visually NCMEC Organization Map NCMEC Organization Map