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chelseaclinton ago

What if we found out what their contracted or "approved" freight companies are? We could then see who's involved with those shipping (and storage, likely) companies. A way to collect the information would be to cold call the museums and pose as a new shipping company eager to outbid their current provider and naturally ask who that is.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Shipping MUST be a key part of this puzzle. I cant remember the exact details (it was months ago) but:

  • one of the DC PZG targets was linked to a web developer
  • that web developer had 'speciality' shipping companies as customers too
  • I am sure it was a DC web developer, and Im sure it was related to one of the suspicious DC pizza companies

My point being transport has to be key in this business and we should do more research there

HELP NEEDED: Sorry I cant provide better detail so does anyone know if its possible to find all my old comments? If so i will be able to dig up the original info.

chelseaclinton ago

Who's connected to logistics and a person implicated in PG?

madhatter67 ago

Frank guistra?