revofire ago

Of course I would be defending freedom, but learn to spell next time.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

in this interview he mentions this guy

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Where'd this image go?


A witch hunt against artist! HAHA you guys are psychos and getting totally derailed from what is important with pizzagate. You would have to go after the ENTIRE manga and anime industry not to mention that there are studies which point to the fact that when pedophiles are allowed to engage with porn that they are less likely TO HURT AN ACTUAL CHILD. There are many even who suggest that the ultimate way of subduing pedophiles is to make them some form of virtual reality so that they are able to satisfy themselves without HURTING ANY MORE CHILDREN which is what the fucking point about pizzagate is supposed to be about!! NOT GOING AFTER ARTISTS THAT HAVE MOVED THEIR HAND WITH A PENCIL IN IT A CERTAIN WAY!! NOT TO MENTION ANY ARTIST WORTH THEIR WEIGHT WOULD HAVE PRACTICED DRAWING NUDE FORMS OF EVERY KIND OF HUMAN BODY! ARE GOING TO BE MUSLIMS NOW AND CHOP PEOPLE'S HEADS OFF FOR DRAWING MOHAMED OR NAZIS OR THOUGHT POLICE???????????????

Gandolf ago

This is some sick shit.

B_dog ago

Images like these should cause the PTB to investigate the 'artist.' The 'art' isn't criminal, maybe. The US protects artistic expression as much as any nation on earth. But the images are suggestive, period, and suggestive of possible criminal intent.

People have a right to be freaks to some extent and to make that public. But the public is right to be horrified and wonder what the artist may do in reality. Hiding in plain sight is a common theme recently.

markrod420 ago

..... Jesus fucking christ.

RexAxisMundi ago

Nice down votes. Fuck any pedo sympathisers. They are probably pedos themselves.

zunar ago

I am so disgusted and pissed off right now!

Chistock ago

Yes. Go to its pretty straightforward, use it like a web browser, paste in a web address. Once archived, you can download a handy zip file.

meowski ago

My main issue here is him receiving a government grant. But then again, I don't think any artists should receive government grants, period.

edit ok so it's not a government grant, it's a bush FOUNDATION grant? BIG difference there.

There is a whole genre of artwork of sexualized children called "lolicon" that is quite popular. You may have heard of it. While this is offensive to some, free speech is more important. I figure people can have their fantasies and draw whatever they want as long as no real people are being hurt or exploited.

chance_pictures ago

Bahahahaha! I'll cap you in real life, bitch.

chance_pictures ago

Yo, sick wordplay, broski. Nice argument, braaaaaaaah. Brah brah!

You're just mad you don't get to fuck those Catholic bois in their asspussies. MightyYetGentle. HAHAHA! That's like the go-to closet-pedo name.

BertieMcDuffy ago

Lol everyone in here going totally crazy over this and saying people should be hanged are basically exactly like the muslims with their muhammed cartoons.... we do not hang people over cartoons idiots!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Cartoons? Muslims? Wow U really are stretching it!


Thought police assault on consciousness.. not really.. youre the one that wants to criminalize moving you hand with a pencil in it a certain way over paper.. what if your toaster accidentally burns an image of a short female form on your toast.. should that be illegal as well?

chance_pictures ago

Trolls lols, bruh!

It's so myopic right now with you, bro, acting like Superman. You gonna save the world, as fucked as it is? It fucks me up more than you know. Some faggot painted pictures, and they don't conform to your worldview, or it's upsetting knowing that you're part of the species that made this art. What does that say about us? "It's just everyone else who's fucked in the head." Nah, there's a little bit more nuance to this.

Look into this artist, but be prepared to get the fuck over it if you find it's just some weirdo who likes to paint fucked up shit. I'll say it again because I think it's important: Don't dictate to people what art is and isn't okay to do.

That's all I'm saying, you fucking nigger.

murphy212 ago

I don't think it's about the artist. Indeed I don't go to mental hospitals to criticize the drawings made by patients there.

The point is this guy is an institutional artist. His work is shown, exhibited, promoted and subsidized. He is acclaimed and applauded. People who criticize him, who say his fantasies shouldn't be encouraged by public funding are labelled religious fanatics and unsophisticated rednecks whondon't understand art. (look up the media coverage about the controversy his subsidized exposition is Marseille end-2015).

This is an illustration of the neo-Bolshevic cultural revolution. Everything is relative and equivalent, art lost its aesthetic ambition, two hairy guys ramming each other's lower intestinal tracts is just as beautiful as a couple making love, pedophilia is a legitimate sexual preference, etc. etc.

chance_pictures ago

Wow, no argument to be made. I'm gonna go eat some babies brb.

remedy4reality ago

It's panic mode in the Pedo Empire.

chance_pictures ago

I'm not a fresh account, and I say don't dictate to people what they are or aren't allowed to paint, the words they can say, etc.

Everyone in this thread sounds like CTR, like a bunch of babies who've never been on the internet before. It's lewd art of underage kids, not actual kids. If the guy's not an actual pedo, and didn't actually hurt children, this is all a great distraction.

And this art normalizes pedophilia like FPS games normalize gun violence, bruh. Come at me. Call me a shill for pedos.

eggmunkee ago

Quick! Someone call Islam as we desperately need a murderous mob of idiots riled up by an offensive image, since there's nothing legally wrong with this.

I am all for investigating and prosecuting if this person may be actually involved, but I'd rather not mirror medieval thinking proudly.

50hurtz ago

What is this artist doing with a grant from the government? That isn't normalizing? I thought the government was for us and they didn't support pedophilia? But they funded that guy. Whats up now? Protect this artist now.

justice4kidz ago

geez. what else in the name of "art"? no one should ever let this hang publicly, much less give a grant to him.

roundhouse1776 ago

Kim Noble is her name, she was one of their victims.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Can someone seriously find out how to get names ect.. of who bought this filth and expose them!

equineluvr ago

whatonearth ago

No. Was founded by a completely unrelated person from Minnesota.

cakeoflightylight ago

How is there a farmer from Minnesota with money for a Bush Foundation?

whatonearth ago

He became the head of 3M and became wealthy that way. He also died in 1966.

chance_pictures ago

If he's hurt children, that's one thing. But this stuff he's painting isn't real, as in it's NOT real children, unless he's used real children as reference? But prove that first. Yeah, these paintings aren't that appealing, so just avert your eyes. Personally, I think some of em are fucking hilarious -- the Ronald McDonald one especially. All you babies must be shocked given it's your first week on the internet.

Here's my point: At what point do we say "it's okay to burn THESE books, but NOT these books"?

That's right, it's a question without an easy answer. I say stop burning books altogether. Just stop. All you morally righteous outrage-Orwells need to get off your high horses first. I'd read the interview that was linked in the thread. Some interesting things the artist says:

SC: Do you get feelings of guilt from doing this work?

SM: Oh yeah.

SC: But you’ve said acting out any of those images is impossible for you.

SM: Yeah, it’s impossible for me for many reasons. Growing up disabled, I know what it’s like to have a rough time of it as a kid. For me to impose adult sexuality on a kid would be impossible to do. But I do think I am a pervert.

It's clear this guy has questionable fetishes. Yeah, no shit?

What the faggot paints in the privacy of his own home is none of our fucking business. This is a distraction from ACTUAL human trafficking and REAL pedophiles, who actually hurt children. Right? Or do I deserve the noose too for speaking too many uncomfortable words? Don't tell other people what words they can and can't use, or what they are and aren't allowed to paint. His style's shit as it is, doesn't understand value or how to use color. He doesn't need authoritarian cultural marxists to tell him that.

And, yeah, his art normalizes pedophilia like FPS games normalize gun violence. Grow the fuck up, you crybaby millennial dipshits. Think for one fucking second, and lurk more bitch.


yes exactly and any artist worth two shits practices drawing all kinds of nude human forms.. and you would have to go after the entire manga industry as well.. this is the same kind of bullshit thought crime nonsense as making it illegal to draw muhamed or expelling children for drawing guns at school or book burning

VieBleu ago

Look I am not one of the holier-than-thous that overpopulate this place, I am sick of their self-righteous borderline witchhunt bs BUT honestly, if all manga disappeared tomorrow in a flash from the earth I'd be just fine with that. This crap too.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seriously? You think this shit is funny? What in the hell could be funny about any of those? I don't give a shit if this fuck was using his imagination! Who but an Evil Fuck with sick Pedo thoughts would paint this! He should not be profiting from this, and certainly needs to be kept from women, animals and children! I suggest the electric chair!

chance_pictures ago

What does that say about you and me that we're part of a species that has the capacity to create art like this? I'll let you come to your own conclusions on that, but they're not springtime fancies, just as a forewarning.

Haha! I'm sure the world would all be sunshine and roses if you had your way and all the pedos were given to a cleansing fire. Lurk more.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

There are very talented recording artists, however the filth they sing about renders their talent void!

Good vs Evil, and this time Evil will never rule again!


Why dont you move to saudi arabia.. you seem like you would fit right in! They ban scribbles there as well.. you cant draw muhamed!

chance_pictures ago

I get you're trying to fight all the evil outside yourself, but what about the snakes living inside you, metaphorically speaking? Isn't that what the Devil's supposed to be, the worst parts of us? Seriously, you're sounding like CTR right now. Just fucking stop. I'm not even part of the pizzagate investigation shit, so you're just wasting your time typing at me.

Lalalola89 ago

Jesus Christ... This is getting fucking worse everyday

The_Kuru ago

It's not the George Bush family. Some guy in Minnesota named Bush that was with 3M.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Evil POS MFer Filth! Stu needs to be in a stew!

sponiatowski ago

Not art. Drawn porn. He is a competent painter. His choice of topic is grotesque. Who would buy such art and hang it in their home? I mean, even as a joke, it's not funny.

Xpol ago

Nicely said.

Do you know why its drawn? Because you can't legally posses real pictures.

If your looking at children to get aroused. In person, in pictures, or in "art" you are a sick fuck.

sponiatowski ago

That's an art exhibit best not attended. Hopefully it was a trap of some sort. I feel sorry for anyone who walked into the exhibit accidentally. Hey...didn't we both just do that!?! But maybe that explains why it was government funded and how difficult it is to sift through all the people to find the dregs of humanity.

hashtaggery ago

For the love of God and all that is holy -- please let this nightmare end. Evil seems to power-up entering Super Evil mode.


theyre fucking drawings and paintings.. you are being distracted form the main point of pizzagate which IS NOT LETTING ANYMORE CHILDREN GET HURT... his little finger paintings arent hurting anyone

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree!

Rmm ago

His art is so profoundly troubling . It's a "criminal mind" sicko pervert


ok but some artists are not criminals themselves when they produce art like this.. i think this guy is a creep.. but you may perhaps have an artist exploring another persons perception with their artwork and the end result would be the same.. going after artists only for their art is a dangerous road to go down and the same as thought police or expelling children for drawing guns or nazi book burning or muslims banning the drawing of muhamed.. also any good artist practices drawing nude human forms of every kind

roundhouse1776 ago

WTF is this shit? These people need to be sent to hell where they belong.

MyUSA2017 ago

This is so disturbing on so many levels.


okay going after artists is a little much.. certain styles of art depict females in an ambiguous way where small woman like humans are not actually depicted as girls but full grown women.. He says that he pictures them as women in his mind and he gives these girls woman like features.. children do not actually have curvy hips like that

this kind of artwork is also common in japanese manga and anime and its not always directly translatable to pedophilia

SayWhatNOWAY ago







SayWhatNOWAY ago

Says a freak Pedo supporter!

Godwillwin ago

No. They are children. They are wearing childrens clothing -- when they're dressed. We are not stupid.




Godwillwin ago

children. He even admits that he prefers drawing girls. and not all of the girls in his drawings have curves.

Furthermore, I have daughters, and many CHILDREN develop curves and breasts at 10,11, and 12. The majority of 13 year old girls are TOTALLY curvy, but they are still CHILDREN!

cakeoflightylight ago

Do you think drawing naked means drawing in an act of sex with demons and beasts? Pooping? Bullshit.


Ahh you cant even define his art clearly as any certain age group.. art is subjective and you could make the argument that they are simply short or small female forms. Stu mead might be a creep but you would have to go after half the anime or manga artists out there if you went after him. here is a game where you fuck a short female form but shes supposedly an adult.

cakeoflightylight ago

Maybe you should reconsider your own morals.

JastheMace ago

and you believe that shit?


i think this guy sounds like a fucking creep but it sets a dangerous precedent going after someone just for what he drew or painted.. art is subjective and protected by the constitution as a for of speech or expression.. and again i personally think this guys is a creep but there are other artists that just draw short women with defined sexual features and ive seen people in pizza gate threads label them as cp producers which is a dangerous road to go down.. AND like ive said every artist practices drawing a range of different kind of nude human bodies.. that is what helps artists drape clothes over basic human forms.. so just making it illegal to draw a nude child is the same kind of assualt on consciousness as thought crimes like children being expelled from school for drawing guns

cakeoflightylight ago

Images of child pornography are not protected under First Amendment rights, and are illegal contraband under federal law. Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code, defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age).Jul 6, 2015 ... (11) the term “indistinguishable” used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults.


"This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults" You just proved me right dumbass!

cakeoflightylight ago

If you read my other comment, I just admitted you were right and I corrected myself with the word "EDIT."

JastheMace ago

Our tax dollars at work....if only we could get important symbols to people....and display them in urine and feces....maybe I could get grant money for that?

Proii_Pariah ago


(I'd love to be articulate but those are the only words my mind can muster for this)

Godwillwin ago

This is seriously disturbing. It's as disturbing as the drawings of Fiona went through.

Ronald McDonald??

MostPostersAreShills ago

You guys are beter than the FBI. Seriously every 30 minutes I come back here and another huge evidence is dropped.

50hurtz ago

Thats what happens when authorities cuck themselves and we have to do their fucking job for them. Cops, stop being such pussies, be a whistle blower, expose this fucking filth. We know you know it's going on. Do the right fucking thing you bunch of bitches.

JastheMace ago

Everyone is better than the lying, murdering, fake news skit running, real bombing and terror making FBI. Oh yeah, let's not forget all the false convictions using 'dog hair' and all the perjury.

concernedaboutitall ago

Here is a video of him. I skimmed it, seems safe. I did notice he has a congenital joint disorder.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Oh he is going to have more than some disorder, he needs to have his bunghole turned inside out with a clothes hanger bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep!

starhawk777 ago

im mildly surprised.

remedy4reality ago

W was on his daughters little morning show yesterday pimping his shitty art and feigning normalcy.



youre being distracted from the main investigation

unclassified ago

Yeah, that guy should have his head caved in.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I see why they cut the endowment for the arts.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I reckon one of the demonic creatures in his paintings is the Krampus, a being from northern European lore who comes on Christmas to kidnap, torture, and eat children who were too bad to warrant a visit from Santa:

Very messed up.

Edited: bolded for emphasis

roundhouse1776 ago

Also a lot of the "art" has young girls with panting dogs and/or implied bestiality. The dogs represent men. Many other paintings of his and artists he likes have owls everywhere. Owls are a symbol that represent Lilith, a demonic figure in Jewish mythology

From Wikipedia: >In Hebrew-language texts, the term lilith or lilit (translated as "night creatures", "night monster", "night hag", or "screech owl")

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Omg! This freaking nasty ass shit is NOT ART! He should have his penis cut off and shoved down his throat! The same to anyone who buys this Evil filth!

Godwillwin ago

I bet Tony podesta has some of this twisted filth hanging in his bathroom

SayWhatNOWAY ago

These freaks was in OUR WH running OUR country, and this is the sick Evil Filthy Shit they all think is art! My God, everyday seems to be darker and darker, the more the shit comes into the light!

Godwillwin ago

Why won't they stop them already?!! Or at least investigate so they can find the evidence necessary to make arrests 😥😓😥😓😥😓😓😓😥😥😥

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I am hoping they are making sure they have a enough hard evidence, they will only get one shot, to get these Satan Pedo Spawns!

Godwillwin ago

I know I keep telling myself they have to cross t's and dot i's to make airtight cases, but then I see something like this and can't help but cry.



SayWhatNOWAY ago

I think many of us researchers will have PTSD when this Evil is finally and totally revealed.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Am I on a list now?

JustObserving ago

A symbol which seems to be prominent in many of his pictures, also the ones on his instagram, is the violin. I wonder if this is another symbol used by pedophiles. Wikileaks shows 8 results with this keyword, including this

Thank you for listening as I blah, blah on about some seemingly, meaningless point (like people not listening to speakers at events - my latest annoyance - but so important); for persevering thru my strident opinions (kids and drugs, argh!); for understanding that this Gemini is well intentioned wh ​en​ she pushes the limits (napkin folds are imperative for proper table presentation; and first impressions really matter!)

Please excuse me for making a digression but this mail strikes me as odd. Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I wonder why did Capricia Marshall put John Podesta as BCC.

cakeoflightylight ago

More code words than we could ever understand.

starhawk777 ago

(((Stu Mead)))

Piscina ago

This dude needs his dick chopped off

Godwillwin ago

I can't. I can't take anymore. Send this stuff to The FBI. It definitely warrants investigating


why dont you go after people for their thoughts in their own head while youre at it

Godwillwin ago

I clearly stated INVESTIGATING. Those are children. That is not normal. If that's what he's painting then he's likely in possession of child porn if not making it - both illegal.


You dont know that for sure! But anyway if anyone would know if hes looking at child porn or not.. its the NSA.

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago


honestly could be interpreted to be adults.. art is subjective, why dont you go after people for their thoughts while youre at it.. and you should think about moving to saudi arabia while youre at it.. they dont like people drawing certain kinds of pictures there as well!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

My God! I do not drink, but I am seriously thinking to start!

Godwillwin ago

Who is this artist :(

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

And another link stemmed from his page:

Godwillwin ago

BABYART. The name is BABYART. Oh my gosh, and yes there are babies and children. There are women too but more are children.

How is this on twitter? How are these freaks not investigated? No one draws this stuff without actually being a predator and likely a cannibal and organ trafficker according to the drawings.

JustObserving ago

Child fuck, animal fuck, demon fuck, you name it.

msgtw123 ago

Here is a gallery in California making money off the sick pedophilic artwork.

equineluvr ago

Not to my eye. The Mead freak's work has a cartoonish quality that the Bush work lacks. Also, the Bush pieces use broader, more generalized/blurry strokes while the Mead is more specific/precise.

But I am no expert. These are just my thoughts.

concernedaboutitall ago

Perhaps Mead is his MK ultra personality.

equineluvr ago

oh my GOD!!! Unbelievable.

Figures the Bush Foundation would support this garbage!

HeavyBrain ago

OK I've been around chans and countless gore sites, but what the fucking fuck is this and how isn't this fucker charged for CP, when normal people get thrown in jail for loli doujinshi.

I am not to happy to know that there is a possibility that my taxes fund kiddy diddlers.

markrod420 ago

It should not be illegal to create art. Even disgusting art that is utterly repulsive like this. However I would investigate why it is subsidized and who made that choice. Also the artist needs investigating. Because they are all probably kiddy didlers.

HeavyBrain ago

I would investigate why it is subsidized and who made that choice

Thats what I am talking about.

eggmunkee ago

I'm all for that, but I don't think people understand principles if they are calling for this person's death for the art only.

markrod420 ago

completely agree. Everyone is always happy to erode their own freedom as long as it is done to harm their opponent. They never think about the long term consequences of that erosion. Like setting the legal president that art is a punishable offense. That will be no good for our society in the long term.

je-sui-pepe ago

because art and child porn are two different things. In an illustration no one is being defiled (except the viewer) but in Child Porn children are actually getting hurt. I don't defend the subject matter but you cannot prosecute an artist for an illustration.

HeavyBrain ago

And thats what I dont understand I live in a country where I could get in hot water for having Simpson rule34 on my HDD.

Meanwhile in the US the artist would get a grand.

Its a sick world on so many levels.

suckcoke ago

Well, we're all on a list now.

WixFix ago

Get his buyer list. Arrest the muthas.

WixFix ago



1998 – McKnight Foundation Artist Fellowship, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

1992 – Bush Foundation Artist Fellowship, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

1989 – Jerome Foundation Artist Fellowship, Jerome, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


2014 MOHS exhibit, “Stu Mead: Road to Hell”, Copenhagen, Denmark

2013 Galerie Crystal Ball, "Monster Girls", Berlin, Germany

2012 Galerie Toxic, "Order-Chaos”, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

2012 Taco-che, "Fente Asia”, Tokyo, Japan

2011 Märkisches Museum Witten, "das widerspenstige Fleisch" (Rudolf Schlichter), Witten, Germany

2010 Villa Merkel/Bahnwarterhaus, "Family Jewels", Esslingen, Germany

2010 Aeroplastics contemporary,"Alchemy of Delusion”, Brussels, Belgium

2009 The Horse Hospital, "The Impossible World of Stu Mead”, London, England

2009 loop – raum für aktuelle kunst,"Öffentliche Erregung", Berlin, Germany

2008 Bongout Gallery, "Mollusk Kollektiv", Berlin

2006 Institut de Cultura La Capella, "BerlinTendenzen", Barcelona, Spain

2005 Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2004 Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, "When Love Turns to Poison", Berlin, Germany

2003 endart, “Stu Mead”, Berlin, Germany

2003 Un Regard Moderne, “Stu Mead”, Paris, France

2003 Emily Tsingou Gallery,"Please Don't Make Me Cry", Curated by Georgina Starr, London, England

2003 Track 16 Gallery,"Le Dernier Cri: Legendary Publishers of the International Underground", Los Angeles, California, USA

1999 Kiehle Gallery, St. Cloud State University, “Stu Mead”, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA

Freemasonsrus ago

I think I'm just gonna start painting pedo shit for a living. Apparently it pays really well and I'll be super popular with H-Wood, DC and NY! What a deal! /s

JustObserving ago

Excerpt from the interview:

SC: With Japanese Manga, five-year-old girls have the same body as thirty-year-old girls. What age group are you depicting?

SM: Women of all ages are beautiful and I merge them together when in what I depict. I think that’s typical of men who use imaginary females in their art as a fantasy vehicle. I hate to admit it, but that’s what I do. Girls can be power figures but a woman is darker. A women in my work is – I don’t know, what’s the world – "menacing." I’m attracted to these pictures of girls because they’re shorter than me. I’m a short person so they’re somebody I could control.

First he explicitly makes a distinction between women and girls and afterwards he says how he's attracted to "these pictures of girls". That's a not so subtle tendency to pedophilia (besides all his BAM-IN-YOUR-FACE-pictures).

pbvrocks ago

This art got a grant from the Bush Foundation? WTF?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Freaking figures!

LA_Trump ago

Is there any videos of W Bush actually oil painting? I find it hard to believe he had a hidden oil painting talent.

Godwillwin ago

I've saw him in a pic painting in an article a long time ago when his presidency ended. They were discussing what his future plans were after whitehouse

21yearsofdigging ago


Thrulkggls ago

OMG that is absolutely HORRIFYING! How can this be permissible??? If this isn't child pornography, what is??????

Astrodreamer ago

at least it's not photography! i wonder who's buying this stuff? friends of John & Tony I bet.

Atatarkus ago

"Highly nsfw" that's the understatement of the century those so called works of art are the epitome of obscene, the style of the drawings reminds me of the kind of puerile, lewd cartoon imagery you find emblazoned on t-shirts, ashtrays, lighters etc. in cheap souvenir shops in Spain, except the images are of children. Absolutely disgusting, how can this sordid shit be called art by anyone nevermind funded by the political elite.


These are simply nude females forms that are small or short.. Art is subjective and you cannot persecute someone for moving their hand across paper in a certain way with a pencil in it. These are some pornagraphic cartoons from a well known artist and can be interpreted the same way.

ravensedgesom ago

This "artwork" should be sprayed with holy water, given a prayer, burned, and buried.

Rmm ago

you can say that again.

msgtw123 ago

Art for Pedos. Would love to know who actually buys his "art".

AnonymousRider ago

That shit is pedo as fuck. That motherfucker deserves a noose!

markrod420 ago

It's art. It's fucked up, the fact that it is SUBSIDIZED is SUPER fucked up. But it's art. It is an expression of free speech. It does not itself merit punishment.


oh yeah lets just start killing people for drawing pictures.. the guy sounds creepy as fuck and who knows might have done something actually bad but he is protected by the first amendment to draw whatever he likes.. but your logic half of anime artist should be hung

ExpertShitposter ago

Actually....yeah, they should. Pedo nigger.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

People have their first amendment right to discuss him facing justice. The truly disgusting thing about this is that he's subsidised by important people and has an audience, presumably of important people. I'd want all of them investigated. Especially those that gave him the grant

Trs0817 ago

Fucking moron. I don't give a shit about the first amendment when people are drawing shit like this. There are Japanese pervs that draw Loli that deserve the noose as well

revofire ago

I sure hope you go first. Moron.

Aniabub ago

If these were photographs and not paintings he would be fucking arrested. I see it as no different

je-sui-pepe ago

it is different and he was probably painting from experiencing it himself as a child? I don't know... the art is horrific but drawing something like that is different than it being a photograph. Whether you agree with it or not. in a drawing no-one is getting hurt. same with a book or story. We dont have to like it,, i certainly don't and i would wonder about anyone who had this type of art in their home.





conspiracyprincess ago

Oh geese you're one of those people who justifies perverted art. LMAO you are a pathetic. May god be with you.

EVERYONE IGNORE HIM. He's just a troll, nothing to see here...Just wants to stir the pot.

Aniabub ago

If you think its acceptable for a grown man to draw pictures like this and recieve grants for it. You are so very much part of the problem.

How are these supposed to be interpreted other than what we are doing? Particularly that one with the black dudes huge dong with the obvioisly young children on his lap. Please tell me how that is acceptable?

And dont bring childrens drawings into this. This man is an adult.

shoosh ago

Why don't we say let's, and by ''let's I mean police-fbi" start investigating anything that looks criminal abusive and sexual toward children.
First amendment is not the right to commit crimes and break laws. It is a illegal to engage in cp, pedo activity and is not narrowly defined as images on a computer or printed out 8x10 real life photos. This is information to begin investigation.
Your thinking is mutilated and mutated nonsense that's slid the world down a slippery slope of degradation to where they can't think clearly enough to identify and take action. And we've landed here today because of it.

revofire ago

Are you retarded? The 1st Amendment protects ALL speech. "It is illegal", oh wait why did I ask if you're retarded... I must be retarded to even ask the obvious. This is why no one takes us seriously, because of you.

shoosh ago

The first ammendement does NOT give you or any other perpetrator the right to commit crimes.
CHILDREN have laws protecting them against abuse representation, or they did before you shitheads flooded every kind of media with your desire to represent children in an abused sexual manner.

You're wasting my time. You are a waste of oxygen.

revofire ago

You do realize that the 1st Amendment protects against infringement of speech? At one point did you dispel that?

shoosh ago

I'm not sure how you're connecting your comment with child protective issues?


sure this guy sounds like a total fucking creep but if you just started randomly going after artists then you would have to investigate half of all anime or manga artists not to mention all the people that do "studies" of the nude human form.. every artist worth his or her weight would have at least practiced drawing naked children at one point or another to learn how bodies are put to together and how to drape clothing over them

if you start going after artists only for their art specifically you are no better than saudi arabians who wil chop your head off for drawing muhamed or nazis

50hurtz ago

What is this particular artist doing with a grant given by the government? That in of itself says they support pedophilia, no one in their right mind would purchase this art, especially a government that claims its for the people. I await your answers.

shoosh ago

No, I'm not talking about people who do scientific studies of the human form. Let me make it clearer. Studies of the human form isn't sexual.

These pictures are not only sexual, but their bdsm. Their making children do sexual acts. That's not studying the child human body in a non-sexual way, it's using art to portray bdsm and gross sex acts.

Can you get the difference here?

I'm not trying to be rude or condescending, I realize that leftwing push has desensitized and normalized shit so much that people have lost any sense of discernment or basic evaluation. I was almost there so I understand.

revofire ago

And yet they are still pixels, I'm sure you're saving lots of kids man.

shoosh ago

And yet you are an ass. I'd call you retarded but that would be an insult to genuine medically diagnosed mental disabilities.

Might wanna go to a shrink and have yourself analyzed.

I'm happy to say that p-gaters are saving lots of kids. Check out the busts lately? Is your name on it? .... just a matter of time I'm sure.

revofire ago

I'm sure my name will be in there, yeah why not. Let's all throw our names in. I'm sure you retards will figure something out eventually. Maybe when you learn that feelings don't trump realz, you'll get something done.

I wish you liberal trash would go somewhere else.

mrvoater ago

In a recent video interview with Hannity, Bush indicated he has some painting instructors. Not surprised if this guy is one.

whatonearth ago

The Bush Foundation is not related in any way to George W. Bush's family.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago


devnulll ago


Lowbatt34 ago The Bush Foundation was established by Archie and Edith Bush in 1953. Over the next several decades, Archie, Edith and the Foundation’s successors supported a range of initiatives from their $3 million dollar estate. Wonder what other "artists" they supported besides this sick creep, Stu Mead.

umpteenth ago

Archie and Edith? Really? lol

Lowbatt34 ago

That's pretty funny. Hadn't occurred to me when I posted. I am glad you pointed that out. With all of this insane pizzagate stuff, it's good to have a light moment now and again.

whatonearth ago

At least you actually looked it up, unlike all the other people in the thread who assumed it had something to do with George Bush's (unrelated) family.

Lowbatt34 ago

I am relatively new to Twitter/Voat/Reddit and learning about trolls and shills and liars, oh my.. I don't want to come across as one of those jerky jerk-faces.

VieBleu ago

Yeah, here's their stated goals - Mission

The mission of the Bush Foundation is to be a catalyst for the courageous leadership necessary to create sustainable solutions to tough public problems and ensure community vitality.[4]

long story short - must be weirdos if this is what they think makes a vital community.

123_456 ago

The fuck.

Baxterbaxter ago

Here's his FB page:

I don't know how to archive - what can I do to help? ( I have the time if someone wants to give me some pointers)

murphy212 ago

Go to and enter the urls you need to archive.

Truewarrior ago

That's fucked up.

SwampdrainerNo1 ago

What the FUCKING FUCK!!!!

gurneyx ago

ugh sad that they hide under the guise of art...

debeauvoir21 ago

Please everyone I need you to chip in, to archive everything on this guy! As much as you can, as fast as you can. Now that this is out he'll soon know he's being scrutinized. All his social media and online presence needs to be backed up. I've only done a small amount, there is a lot.

50hurtz ago

chance_pictures ago

I'm just gonna shamelessly leech off your comment's visibility. Thanks for posting this stuff, bruh. You must be new to the internet and human experience in general, only 12 days. How adorable!

If he's hurt children, that's one thing. But this stuff he's painting isn't real, as in it's NOT real children, unless he's used children as reference? But prove that first. Yeah, these paintings aren't that appealing, so just avert your eyes, m'kay? Personally, I think some of em are fucking hilarious -- the Ronald McDonald one especially.

All you babies must be pretty shocked given it's your first week on the internet, but here's my point: At what point do we say "it's okay to burn THESE books, but NOT these books"?

That's right, it's a question without an easy answer. I say stop burning books altogether. Just stop. All you morally righteous outrage-Orwells need to get off your high horses first. I'd read the interview that was linked in the thread. Some interesting things the artist says:

SC: Do you get feelings of guilt from doing this work?

SM: Oh yeah.

SC: But you’ve said acting out any of those images is impossible for you.

SM: Yeah, it’s impossible for me for many reasons. Growing up disabled, I know what it’s like to have a rough time of it as a kid. For me to impose adult sexuality on a kid would be impossible to do. But I do think I am a pervert.

"It's clear the individual has questionable fetishes." Yeah, no shit, Freud.

What the faggot paints in the privacy of his own home is none of our fucking business. This is a distraction from ACTUAL human trafficking and REAL pedophiles, who actually hurt children. Right? Or do I deserve the noose too for speaking too many uncomfortable words?

Don't tell other people what words they can and can't use, or what they are and aren't allowed to paint. His style's shit as it is, doesn't understand value or how to use color. He doesn't need authoritarian cultural marxists to tell him that.

And, yeah, his art normalizes pedophilia like FPS games normalize gun violence. Grow the fuck up, you crybaby millennial dipshits. Think for one fucking second, and lurk more, bitch. 12 days. Get the fuck out of here, or respond. I'm here till Friday.

VieBleu ago

I agree with you EXCEPT, there is absolutely no need for this to be paid for with taxpayer money. That shit has got to stop. There should just not be arts funding if we can't draw the line and stop making Christians pay for "Jesus in a Urine Bottle" and Buddists paying for "The Rape of Ghandi" and atheists paying for "A White House Christmas" and etc. Because I also don't want to pay for this shit EVER -

chance_pictures ago

Yeah, that's a whole discussion in itself. I don't think the arts and humanities should be funded by the state. It actually limits freedom of expression, I think.

VieBleu ago

Turns out as I read further, the Bush Foundation is supposedly not related to government funding but was put together by an "Archie and Edith" Bush. Ok so no taxpayer funds here, but seriously, how does this "philanthropy" do anything but inflict new levels of pedo porn on our eyeballs. Anyway I am sick of the holier-than-thous and glad to see someone else taking them on, I went round and round with a lot of them about how ever star in the sky or in a decorating scheme isn't SAAATAAAN coming to get us. ::eye roll::

VieBleu ago

Turns out as I read further, the Bush Foundation is supposedly not related to government funding but was put together by an "Archie and Edith" Bush (already sounds like a disinfo campaign). Ok so no taxpayer funds here, but seriously, how does this "philanthropy" do anything but inflict new levels of pedo porn on our eyeballs. Anyway I am sick of the holier-than-thous and glad to see someone else taking them on, I went round and round with a lot of them about how every star in the sky or on a barn door isn't SAAATAAAN coming to get us. ::

TheWhiteKnight ago

I must disagree.

Rage mode on: This kind of fucked up shit you dare to call art should be no problem? Its out in the fucking open. It isn't in the privacy of his own home. He has been sponsored by te goddamn Bush Foundation for god sake. We all can guess who likes this kind of shit, sick fucks, perverts and other low life scum. Fuck that shit! Everything, and I mean literally everything that is making childeren(real of not) into sexual objects, without teaching us something morally good, should be destroyed and the pretent artist should be fucking hung. If this makes me a NAZI according to your standards, great. A rather be a NAZI then a fucking pedo sympathizer. All people watching very young girls or boys digital or real, with or without cloting should be hung, period. They are ticking timebombs. Sooner or later they will give in to the urges. Our society gets sicker and sicker by the fucking day and people are defending this shit as fucking freedom...FUCK THAT BRUH! Rage mode of.

Natural law is about not hurting other people but also doing what is morally good. Indeed no people are hurt directly by this art. But according to me this is on a very thin line, this is not doing morally good. This 'art' is showing of your a pedo to other pedo's or pedo symphatizers. It's customer base is pedo's or pedo symphatizers. This 'art' is offending to sexual abuse victims and possibly arousing to pedo's. This 'art' has a goal, is this goal to teach us something morally good? I don't think so. Should we as a society accept this as a normal practice among our people? Should we encourage this as art? If we allow this what is next, normalizing pedophilia? Which is already happening as we speak... We should act as a society, if we don't what will be next?

iamthepizzanow ago

Well said.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

As to the burning books question it's quite simple. The quote refers to books of ideas, not jerk off material of satan fucking prepubescent children. If we must go down the slippery slope of all porn being banned, then shockingly I don't really care

chance_pictures ago

Will you guys let me write in peace!? I'm just kidding. What're you saying?

As to the burning books question it's quite simple.

I think it is. Don't burn books, or you're literally, literally literally, fascist. That's like your initiation into the school of fascism. "Okay, [insert fundamentalist religion here] son, burn as many books as you can find!"

"It's quite simple." "Neuroscience? It's really quite simple." "You'd have to be a fool to dissent."

The quote

What quote? My shitty faux quote? "It's okay to burn THESE books, but NOT these books"? This quote? . . . That quote? That's just like a character speaking -- like I just made up a character that's speaking right there. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you. I thought neo-nazis were at least supposed to be literate, more so than marxists?

The quote refers to books of ideas, not jerk off material of satan fucking prepubescent children.

My "quote refers to books of ideas"? No, I'm referring to physical books, but, yeah, also to the metaphor of burning "bad" ideas. Bad, ideas! Ideas! Bad boy! No! No, you're a dangerous boy!

Let me make this as clear as I can without being too much of an asshole: there's no such thing as dangerous ideas. There's only dangerous action. Ideas and words and art are objective and make no intrinsic impact on the world. People do. Seems silly to be defending a perverted painter, but this shit's important. So listen up!

You're talking like a fascist, but that's your right. To tell you to stop would go against everything I believe in, which is: the potential of the individual to manifest his or her free expression without fear of retribution. I bet Charlie Hebdo would say the same, lest they be hypocrites. So, please, proponent of book burning, continue.

If we must go down the slippery slope of all porn being banned, then shockingly I don't really care

You're an enigma wrapped in a Adobada burrito. No, it's not "shocking" to me that your solution is to ban the bad things that make you mad or uncomfortable. Nothing shocks me anymore. Nothing. Except how hungry I am. That's shocking! I just ate!

ps: don't keep replying to me, unless you want your face to be a permanent shade of crimson.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

  1. Talking about the saying about burning books as related to authoritarianism, it was books that they found might threaten their ideology. Ie, books of opposing ideas. Pictures of children being fucked by Satan, wud you like to tell me what that contributes to our freedom or humanity? I'm not saying we should round up every drawing of children being raped, I'm just saying you comparing these drawings to books of intellectual relevance which were destroyed to keep people in the dark is ludicrous and dishonest.

cakeoflightylight ago

First Amendment doesn't protect child pornography. Pornography means anything visual or written. Look that word up in a dictionary. I'm actually concerned this is in the public realm at all and I do think art like this, as well as snuff films, should be and are illegal. EDIT: apparently I am wrong. I thought it was just real imagery until I looked up a dictionary definition of porn recently but the US code doesn't cover paintings.

chance_pictures ago

I do think art like this, as well as snuff films, should be and are illegal.

So the world becomes utopian when the deplorable are done away with? Is your vision of what the world should be objective and morally righteous? Are you an aspiring Nazi or cultural marxist? Then you should be an authoritarian!

I think you're conflating art, which doesn't hurt anyone -- unless you choose to get offended, which is what you've done -- with the capturing of naked children by photography or film, which is absolutely abuse and should be stopped. What's the phrase -- "no animals were harmed in the production."

Just apply that same logic to this. No children were harmed in the making of these paintings. Just avert your eyes like you've been doing all your life. How did you even find the internet? I don't wanna make assumptions, but I don't think your church allows discussions like this.

cakeoflightylight ago

EDIT: apparently I am wrong. I thought it was just real imagery until I looked up a dictionary definition of porn recently but the US code doesn't cover paintings.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

I wonder what paintings Bush has done the he hasn't shown the public.

whatonearth ago

The Bush Foundation doesn't have anything to do with the Bush political family. The political Bushes are New England old money, while the Bush Foundation was founded by Archibald Bush, a Minnesota farm boy who got rich working for 3M.

equineluvr ago

What a joke!!

"The mission of the Bush Foundation is to be a catalyst for the courageous leadership necessary to create sustainable solutions to tough public problems and ensure community vitality.[4]"

FriesischShipping ago

What if it is bush working under a pseudonym? Looks like his brushwork (I'm serious).

iamthepizzanow ago

Can you post comparison? Could be something.

Blacksmith21 ago

It sure as hell it looks like his style.

RonBennington ago


remedy4reality ago

W was just on his daughters morning show today. The second I looked at this shit from Stu Mead I recognized the strong similarity between the two. I also cannot find a single photograph of Mead, anywhere.

equineluvr ago

Got a link to some verified Bush original paintings? Thanks.

EDIT: Oh never mind. I found it below.

minusblindfold17 ago


thisHoCwilltumble ago

That's part of the reason I wonder

EQJ ago

His Tumbler account. Absolutely disgusting!

Godwillwin ago

I am so disturbed. What is wrong with these people. They truly are demons on Earth. Nothing else can explain this evil obscenity. All the baphomets are pretty telling too


Thats mild as hell.. what are you talking about?!

cakeoflightylight ago

A person beating up a kid, bloodying his nose, and stomping on his head is mild? I will assume from your username that you are just a troll.

Markb63 ago

Tell us where to put some heat and light on this sick sob.

Antonius ago

This is so sickening...pedophile to the max.

goodguy1367 ago

Wow... Now that is some seriously fucked up "art".

ThePuppetShow ago

Can you provide a link for the grant? Unbelievable were paying for this guy to draw this sick bullshit.

EQJ ago

I just googled him. He's listed under the bush foundation website. Yack!

remedy4reality ago

Money laundering and pay for play through the sale of SHIT ART.

hmmm.. where have we seen that before or since ?