equineluvr ago

Sexual abuse of children is sexual abuse of children. Period.

The satanic/Luciferian component need not be present to inflict serious, lifelong damage on the victim.

Besides, the LAW does not differentiate between "satanic" child abuse and non-satanic child abuse.

Therefore, your argument is academic.

NotHereForPizza ago

Read the last sentence. If I was analyzing this dude, I would call that a tell.

Meh, you're the mod...

NotHereForPizza ago


Isn't this meta discussion, too? Rule 4.

burnerdrone04 ago

I agree. Before this whole pizzagate thing broke, all I knew was pedophiles bad. But that was before I learned about SRA NWO, organ harvesting, kidnapping and trafficking and all this other shit which is several orders of magnitude worse than American Beauty style statutory rape. Regardless of why/how so many politicians became involved be it belief in ritual magick on the bad end of the spectrum, or momentary lapse in judgement under the influence of alcohol with underage prostitutes on the... less guilty end. It is very clear that we do have a swamp. Mass take-down of the legitimate legislative branch would be a good start. Then term limits. Then mass take-down of the deep-state government. Then some sort of transparency or oversight for f*#(& sake.

madmanpg ago

One aspect in particular that has irked me for a long time is that drawn pictures of underage characters are considered "child porn". This includes depictions of known fictional characters like The Simpsons. That's scary for a number of reasons.

  1. In the case of known fictional characters, there is a public consensus that these characters are NOT REAL. THEY DO NOT EXIST. Therefore, how can depictions of them be depictions of actual children? By the same token, a scene of Homer Simpson choking Bart is a picture of actual child abuse, which is preposterous.

  2. The suggestion that fictional characters hold the same rights to protection as actual human beings diminishes the impact of actual child pornography on actual victims. It makes a mockery of true abuse of children.

  3. Making fiction illegal is ultimately an assault on freedom of speech and freedom of expression. This debate is centuries old, but those of us living in America are living in a time of fanatical liberalism with regards to speech. We should be unafraid to stand up for the speech of artists and writers, no matter how repugnant we might find their ideas. Those who fear the chilling power of hate speech laws, speech codes, religious objections to speech, and other assaults on free speech need to understand that this falls under the same purview.

  4. Pedophilia is a fact and will always be a fact in human beings. That truth is unpleasant but must be addressed. Another fact is that there are pedophiles who live in our society who do not harm children, nor do they engage in activities that cause harm to children, such as consuming child pornography. These people should be seen as responsible citizens holding their urges in check in order to respect the rights of others. Fictional representations may aid them in maintaining this control, and if it involves no child abuse in production, it seems to me that this should be a public obligation to protect such material. I think everyone here would long for the day when fake child pornography is more available than the real thing.

More than anything, the fact that government spends any time going after fictional erotica in a time when child pornography is available in enormous volume around the globe is an insult to everyone who pays into that government. Prosecute actual crimes that harm, not thoughtcrimes that offend.

zzvoat ago

Purple is the well-known color of the NWO. Note HRC black and purple suit and bills purple tie at her first press conference after losing the election. It was not a coincidence.

Don-Keyhote ago

Did the rticle not mention predatory homosexuals or were you too cowardly to? Sexually mature and willing girls shouldn't even be on oUr radar. Look at hollywood, diddling boys is the greater crime because they grow up to offend as well

burnerdrone04 ago

It didn't. I take it the author of the article was involved with producing the "non-abusive" type of CP using child models in lingerie and provocative poses often with their parents permi$$ion. The angle from the author that was new to me was his familiarity of how the CP distribution networks operate. It didn't cover rape, molestation or any other form of abuse that happens privately. Only the stuff that is turned into CP for distribution. In the case of sexually mature and willing, I still view it as harmful because of my moral views and I also think that there are certain things you just shouldn't introduce to kids (like drugs). I don't think it's okay to give a kid drugs because they are willing. I don't think it's okay to shoot child porn because the kids are willing. I believe pornography in general distorts sexuality and causes interpersonal relationship problems at a minimum. If you're talking about a 17 year old girl who want's to pose naked for money, I still object because of moral reasons (unless she is a nude model for an art class... see grey area).

blobster ago

Very interesting! I am currently trying to find definitions on pedophilia, pedophobia and adultism......the term Paraphilia seems to be an umbrella term for...engaging in sexual behaviour that is atypical and extreme.....is this how psychology is being weaponised? To break these "groups" into compartmentalised behaviour?

WixFix ago

2 kinds of pedos,

1) the stupid, clumsy, not right-handed, brain damaged idiots, and

2) psychopaths, who are likely brain damaged but not stupid.

DeltaBravoTango ago

I actually read that article back in the day. It's so weird having it come back to the surface.

sponiatowski ago

"The pedophiles are not power hungry, the Luciferians are, and they are using pedophilia to drive their agenda." I keep hearing estimates that 30% of the U.S. Government is involved in some form of human trafficking and pedophilia. What that means is that the U.S. Government is 20% Luciferian with about 10% being Renfields to the Luciferian's Dracula. Yet the 10% may be helpful in catching the 20%. Yes, that does seem a little "normalizing" but sometimes one has to step away from God to fight evil.