GeorgeT ago

Rock Creek Park has been notorious with mysterious dissapearances.

gt8h65fg ago

The tunnel looks locating under the mansion burnt recently? Near the Howard Uni. nvm its different place

stellarcorpse ago

Alex Jones says James Alefantis is innocent so nothing to see here.

gt8h65fg ago

Don't be so scared. Chill.

iamthepizzanow ago


doubletake ago

when you visit, Don't Forget The LUMINOL!

equineluvr ago

I'm with this guy:

heroic1539758 ยท yesterday

Your post is beautiful and historically interesting, but most of the references for the addresses you share ain't worth much. Radaris, for example, is not a viable source of information. You are not using the proper ressource to find the actual owner of the properties you put out. Use the following public web site (like I did a while back to verify the claims of Yoichi Shimatsu) and you'll see there is no correspondence between what the private web sites tell (might be a collection of all the adresses Alefantis ever lived at, liked someone suggested was the case for him in a Radaris review) and the official names of the proprietors.

Let's take the first address: 3334 N ST NW; WASHINGTON DC 20007 is owned by a guy name William B. Broydrick

crazimal ago

equineluvr or pasta luvr?

When this was posted in a prior thread, you said the same shit, which does not make sense.

To put it short and sweet, no reason a person needs be the recorded owner of a property to have something to do with it.

Ever heard of renting? Ever had a job? etc. There is no reason to dismiss the association of assefantis with these addresses because you didn't find one of them in some property records search you claim to have done.

Since you're into copypasta, i will also add my copy answering your last paste of the same drivel:

This seems like a false "debunking."

Before diving into the address list one by one, I have to point out that just because alefantis hasn't been proven to own the properties does NOT mean he has nothing to do with them. A safe house is not safe if everyone knows you are there, likewise a drug house, illegal brothel, etc.

In the context of criminality and conspiracy, you would fully expect him to have little or no provable link to the properties. Here we have something in between. Some connection, some suspicion....

The fact that there is some documented connection suggests to me that these may not necessarily be the sites of greatest interest. Then again they may have been used criminally then abandoned to avoid attracting suspicion.

It would be interesting to analyze the likelihood of proximity to tunnels in D.C. since there are so many. Are 1/20 properties in D.C. Near a tunnel? 1/10? 1/100? If 1/100, it might be odd for one person to always have addresses near them. But what about other factors? Tunnels often run under parks or other open spaces, for example. Liking to live near a park is normal, so a person who likes to walk dogs or do yoga in parks might gravitate to areas with parks (and tunnels under them).

Pasta, meet pasta.

Pokes ago

I read his post and was wondering whether he's correct about the no correspondence b/w web sites an alefantis addresses part. In lieu of a response demonstrating that, i'm skeptical. What do we know Alefantis owns?

anotherdream ago

Great post! Bring those sick f$&ks down!

racoonbite ago


Northern_Soul ago

Superb stuff. This is one to bookmark and study!!

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle [PIZZAGATE NEW TUNNEL DISCOVERY. Connects At Least 4 Of Alefantis's Properties ](

awarenessadventurer ago

this is incredible work. Props to you Orangutan.. you are my hero.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Sitting around and exposing after the fact is not enough anymore, pizzagaters have to get dirty. We have to investigate and interview people. We know the scope of this and in mass numbers we can protect ourselves.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Overview it with the subway system as well! I know a few of his properties are position over these tunnels.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

So, can anyone in the DC area find these tunnels and check them out? I'm assuming there is a way in/out... how else did Discovery Channel get a whole film crew down there?

BackAgain ago

And in some of Alefantis Instagram pictures it shows men digging into his basement floor. Could be innocent foundation work but you never know

Geo_synchronous ago

I can't wait until they prosecute these murderers. Punishment should be what ?

  1. Boiled alive in acid.
  2. Hung from their eye sockets with rushy fish hooks ?
  3. Tossed in an emptied in ground swimming pool with 3 very hungry pissed off grizzly bears ?
  4. Have a trillion Jack Jumper ants from Australia, poured over their naked bodies ?
  5. industrial wood chipper ?
  6. Remove every bit of skin they have real slow like with toe nail clippers ?

GeorgeT ago

Grizzly bears would vomit, even they would not digest such filth. Feed them to that horrible oil-sick like monster from Creepshow 2.

iamthepizzanow ago

I like the wood chipper option, fantastic. Would watch.

dingomeat ago

They revel in torture, their greatest fear is death itself.

Geo_synchronous ago

But only when its them delivering the torture. Not receiving it. Well I mean like the torture I mentioned. Wood chipper ? Not fun.

Catchthem ago

I still remember a picture of a workingspace from Alefantis where he dit not have much furniture in it, but there clearly was a map from the town on the floor. Scroll down 10 pictures Now who is looking at maps of the city often? when being just a Pizzaman.

Ocelot ago

That map doesn't look like DC to me. Can anybody confirm?

noworldorder ago

There seem to be markings someone made on that map.

dingomeat ago

Well, pizza places actually would look at maps, if they did delivery. But this being JA, I'm sure that's just their plausible deniability.

TamalepantsMD ago

no one uses paper maps for navigation anymore. it's all gps/on a phone.

noworldorder ago

CPP doesn't deliver.

Catchthem ago

I think the only delivery he aranges is something much differend. But yes thats their cover, they talk about Pizza delivery..

itsafuckshitstack ago

also archived it

thisneedstoend ago

thank you!!

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Wow! Great Article l. Thanks for posting it. I always knew Alefantis was liying, about there being no basement!

itsafuckshitstack ago

speechless. this is outstanding work!