PizzaPartyOver113 ago

So I fell like this is something that we shouldn't skip over, I have a gut feeling that this is how pedo networks do business in the public eye. Whenever you see a "Toy Freaks" video in their "home" it is always empty and the only thing there is toys and nothing is on the walls at all. It's like the house is only made for filming. My gut is telling me that these are how people network their kids, sell content of their kids, and this is how they distribute their content an receive money through views that are manipulated with the help of YouTube. These channels are just active accounts to have their illegal money be filtered through and becoming clean untraceable money. This is where all the info is at. The "Toy Freaks" channel is based out of. Granite City, Illinois and the guy slipped up on showing his liscence plate number on his truck in a video. He has an Illinois liscence plate 1613480. Trying to see if there are any legal searches I can do to get an identity. Notice how bare the house looks, it doesn't look like any kids live there, the walls are empty and these people should be rolling in dough with the views they get. It's as if the house is only used for their filming or whatever goes on there. It doesn't resemble a home with children at all... Here's the vid.

PizzaPartyOver113 ago

To think this is just YouTube fraud is a bit irresponsible. The amount of videos coming from these channels daily with the view count, there is no way in hell YouTube wouldn't catch on right away or suspend their accounts. This could be for child porn for all we know and this is how it is networked. Either way, child porn and child trafficking are both horrible. Twitter has been shown to hide pedo networks why not YouTube. For it to be the fastest growing industry I'm willing to bet that's what this is. Pedos are like "Furries" they communicate in very very strange ways. Very! These videos seem pretty up there with the creepy status. Half the videos on the channel are "for kids" but the rest are very strange foreplay almost. Sickos love to steal kids and produce CP and sell and network this content, maybe even the kids if they get away with it. I wouldn't just brush these videos aside. We have responsibilities as adults. I want to find out these people's names

evilwhitemale ago

This is more youtube fraud and less pedo but I'm sure they aren't exclusive.

These are interlinked channels that use trending terms about "Elsa" "frozen" and Spiderman, etc to get kids to watch. They don't speak so that they can target all languages...

They manipulate youtube's ranking/suggestion system using comment and view bots, which then pushes these vids into the suggested videos for people, so they can make money off the ads. It's fraud...

remedy4reality ago

Google is going down if they are tied to this shit...

remedy4reality ago

you must be joking... I think we both know what the story of the decade century is and this would be only a sliver of what has been revealed over the last 90+ days.

Just what you up to lately? You seem way out of character.

remedy4reality ago

You report the video. I'll do what I want with the video.

Again.. Youtube and advertisers are not writing checks for manipulated content.

superesper ago

/pol/ found even worse channels recently.

Channel "MaddaKenz": (features cheese pizza at 1:50, then some bizzare shit fetish stuff, then a kid getting kidnapped from her room out of her window.) The longer cut of this video starts out with another kid crying:

Channel "Toys AndMe":

reasonedandinformed ago

Final link (barbie video) is filled with the pedo swirl symbology (background, on her mirror); plus Barbie is very sexualized toward the other dolls. Plus the rocking movement of the dolls seems to strangely mimic sexual actions below the camera line. If not for the broader context, I may not notice this. But if you are paying attention given these other clues, it is hard to interpret any other way than this.

remedy4reality ago

wow... you are way off on this one Eva IMHO

400 MILLION VIEWS on a single video? C'mon, your power points do not justify what we're looking at here. I was a kid once and this shit would have pissed me off with its obnoxiousness. These videos are crushing normal kids content on Youtube.

mysecretidentity ago

craaazy toys is fucking weird too

remedy4reality ago

eva.. do you have a rational explanation about the proliferation and content of these channels? I find it hard to believe Youtube or advertisers would not be aware if the views of the channels were being manipulated for profit. News stories are running on some with the most popular channels.

JesusRules ago

Notice the Crescent moon and star in the video "Running Scare" at 0:56. Here is some info on the Star and Crescent in the context of Satanism:

Antonius ago

I loved how that RUNNING SCARED video clip ended!

remedy4reality ago

Here is the original thread from yesterday and I am the OP... I took it down this morning because I didn't really care for the way I presented it, but I am glad I submitted it in the first place because:

THAT IS IT !!!! I knew something was fucked up but I didn't make the money laundering connection. The room in the movie is nearly identical to all the rooms in this genre on Youtube.

noworldorder ago

Quentin Tarantino is not affiliated with the movie 'Running Scared'.

PizzaPartyOver113 ago

That's weird, the trailer for the movie mentioned him as a producer a while back. I own the movie and have thought this the whole time lol. Still doesn't negate the fact of the similarities of the videos

remedy4reality ago

Thank you.. I was going off information above and may have misread it. I will edit.

Julie12 ago

Great thinking!!!

abortionburger ago

My daughter is fucking obsessed with these videos and a lot of them don't sit right with me. Specifically check out "the engineering family" it gets my mom senses tingling every time.

remedy4reality ago

Turn that SHIT OFF !!

Get her some violin lessons ;)

abortionburger ago

Lol! Well since I'm a violinist, that shouldn't be a problem ;)

remedy4reality ago

that was just random chance, so don't think I'm NSA or some other 3 letter agency lol

abortionburger ago

haha I figured. I've already doxxed myself like a moron so I wasn't worried about it either way.

PizzaPartyOver113 ago

Holy shit that channel is kind of disturbing after watching that pedo scene from the movie. It's pretty much the exact same thing going on in both videos.

3141592653 ago

Yes, I see the similarities there . Very disturbing

3141592653 ago

Creepy...I will check that out now

3141592653 ago

Something's not right there...