gt8h65fg ago

This is too. I found it through h3h3 video. They changed name Childrens Joytv to HDtube Toys.

Lolwerefucked2hell ago

this is digging deep into the rabbit hole; there should be some shills that come to this thread that try and discredit this, saying it's just kids or some shit.

Is that why there's so much reference to pizza in them? To gluttony? To violence? To kids eating out of toilets? I doubt it.

Lolwerefucked2hell ago

Take a closer look.

I've gone through a scrupulous amount of time looking into those peculiar videos; I come to the same conclusion.

It's part of the larger scope of indoctrinating children at a young age (at a subconscious level) with grotesque and cynacil imagery, in order to, gosh, I don't even want to contemplate the purpose.

A few reasons I have for my speculation: there are, if you browse the multitude of these videos, numerous references to pizza (the defiling of pizza, throwing different assortments of food that wouldn't normally go on the pizza) and an EXTRAORDINARY amount of violence in them! Also, the thumbnails for the videos, all reveal similar nefarious symbols: it will be either, youth eating out of a toilet; some reference to cannibalism; needles; lotta images of the joker, killer clowns..

These images with a negative connotation deliberately appear off kid friendly search terms, superman, toys, roller coaster.. etc.

This concludes me to believe the worst in terms of the propriety of these shit videos; I wonder, if anyone even knows who these kids are, or where they really come from.

Pokes ago

Well that's disheartening. Thank you, I appreciate the reply.

Pokes ago

So, to recap it's not remotely pedogate related? It is or it isn't some sicko subjecting his daughters to "extreme pressure, pain, stress and anxiety?" I didn't watch it because i'm paranoid about being on here and even possibly viewing anything illegal, but I'm curious.

djklbd ago

There are sexual undertones to these videos. YouTube is allowing this to occur, and I would assume other social media platforms are as well. So yes, it is related...

StreisandEffect ago

If you're on iOS, try Azul (or any other youtube download app for that matter). Then you can download videos and avoid the ads and suggestions.

conspiracyprincess ago

YouTube bait for children for pedos. My only analysis. Besides the fact there is something absolutely wrong with this whole channel and it's scripts. Did I forget to mention the man with a pacifier ?

kazza64 ago

all i can see is a man sucking on a pacifier acting like a baby with a child sucking on a pacifier its disturbing to say the least and what possible education value could it have other than to groom children for paedophile activity in the future. the amount of likes is very alarming. how many paedophiles are there on this planet anyway ?

Greenmonster71 ago

This is just something made for kids that kids like. Don't understand why it's so popular thov


Fucking retarded.

meowski ago

"Extreme pressure, pain" LMAO you moron. This one looks like they're all having a good time. They're acting. It's cute.

captchaTheFlag ago

Here's another guy discussing them:

meowski ago

This video is funny. Nothing pedo about it. If you think this has anything to do with pedo. you're a pedo.

remedy4reality ago

Funny? you're a stupid piece of shit if you find humor in this... and I said CRYPTO PEDO, you dumb fuck,

do you know what that means ?

Lolwerefucked2hell ago

He's a shill or something; it makes sense because I think looking into these videos and delving more deep into the source could bring about some new leads, and this is why there will be attempts to discredit it as folly.

123_456 ago

I might be wrong here, but I honestly don't think this has anything to do with pedophilia. It's just weird is all.

djklbd ago

You don't notice some odd sexual undertones to these videos? Implied, and could only be really picked up by someone looking for that kind of stuff?

meowski ago

Most of these people don't have kids so they wouldn't understand. Let's stick to the real stuff and not invent pedos where they don't exist, mmm k? There are plenty of real ones to go after. Not some dad having fun with his daughters.

Geo_synchronous ago

Thats some creepy stuff. Nuff said.

evilwhitemale ago

Absolutely, and it seems Google doesn't stop it because it makes them money too

wtf_is_happening ago

Very sinister. Is this grooming? Is this mk ultra programming?

huhhh ago

These videos were trending a while ago a=and it wasn't organically. They're pushing this shit on people, extremely disturbing stuff.

evilwhitemale ago

Here's a guy going over them, too:

evilwhitemale ago

My theory on weird crap like this is that these are quickly produced trash used to make money from adverts, the most prolific ones feature Frozen, Anna, Elsa, various super heros, etc.

I think they're grabbing trending keywords and then produce these for a quick profit and have Chinese and Indian companies using real people or robots mass like and watch the videos to make them suggested and trending on people's feeds.

remedy4reality ago

this is unwatchable to normal people and normal parents would never let their own kids watch this shit

how could a single video garner 400 million likes and over 15.000 comments... and did you see the comments?

evilwhitemale ago

There are lots of people out there who just hand their kid an iPad or phone and walk away...

Notice how many videos like this tend to have gibberish comments? Comes from the kids mashing buttons. Things don't have to make sense to attract children...most people aren't good parents this day in time and rely on screens to do the babysitting.

anotherdream ago

5 million f$&king views? Something messed up is definitely going on... and daily uploads?

23eulogy23 ago of the comments was "😀 By the way.. I'm 7 years old and a girl" Perfectly spelled and punctuated

bopper ago

Somebody was asking how they could "block" this so their kids wouldn't watch it.

"Toy freaks is the same one I want gone. My 5 yo old has autism and will emulate other kids behavior and after watching one of these videos when to school and misbehaved not like him at all."

So maybe it is nefarious "programming." But why all the views? I should really turn in now. Things are nuts.

Poot_McGarvey ago

"Turn in?"

What do you mean?

djklbd ago

It means going to sleep

fartyshorts ago

Going to bed.

remedy4reality ago

wow... Youtube is suggesting this shit to your kid ?

Time to get your kid off Youtube

bopper ago

If you google "wiki toy freaks" everybody else is a bit confused too.

mathemagician33 ago

i also have no clue wtf this is. is it sexual? unclear to me. anyone know anything? the huge number of views is very odd...

pizzaequalspedo ago

Bizarre. Very strange indeed.

Catchthem ago

Dont get this either.. Not shure what i just watched.

bopper ago

I saw that a few days ago. I just sat there with no words, it is indeed one of the weirdest things I think I've ever seen, and look at all the views ... somebody clue me in ... beam me up ...

remedy4reality ago

civilization is doomed

remedy4reality ago

They are posting videos nearly daily. Recent video has 40 million likes after 11 days? Why are so many following this? Seems like its loaded with coded messaging and suggestive programming. The comments are an army of robots, all repeating the same thing... I'm fucking blown away by this.

Poot_McGarvey ago


evilwhitemale ago

It's not pedo related, they're gaming the youtube advert fraud, not pedos...well, I guess some of them could be pedos too.

They make shitty videos based on "kid related" terms from google trends, toss them up, and have Chinese and Indian companies using real people or robots mass like and watch the videos to make them suggested and trending on people's feeds.

Notice how rarely they speak English or any language? It makes the videos "compatible" with any child's appetite for random crap including their favorite subjects.

remedy4reality ago

ok... now it's starting to make sense. I thought we had an army of freaks out there.