DeathToMasons ago

Wow , good catch. He continually makes a case that if an adult and say, a 15 yo hook up, it is ok and the adult should not go to jail because they are in love. I tire of having to point out how shallow and unsubstantive this is, so I won't. Besides, most understand this is not healthy, only Bill needs to udnerstand it.

DeathToMasons ago

I Bunns a last name?

DeathToMasons ago

I wondered the same thing, and I came up with some luke warm results. There are tons of pizza places with 1523 in their address. There is also bill 1523 that is referring to keeping marriage for straights only. I believe that is the idea. But this does not fit. Wonder if I should compile all the pizza joints with that address. Wonder if it is a waste of time?

equineluvr ago

Mary Kay Latourneau was MARRIED when she began her affair with her 12-year-old student.

It is interesting that her father was also a teacher who had a sexual relationship with his student!!!

"In 1978, her father was elected once again as a Republican to the California State Senate. He intended to run for the U.S. Senate in 1982, but his political career was permanently damaged that year when it was revealed that he had fathered two children out of wedlock during an affair with a former student at Santa Ana College, where he had taught political science."

DeathToMasons ago

SaveTheChildren is a shill. When you view his or her comment history, he is always bashing Tranny's no matter what topic. Or accusing somebody of being a Tranny. Always. This seems to be an attempt to portray PG researchers and readers as biggots. I for one could care less about Trann'ys one way or another. However, I have yet to see you mention George Clooney's wife A-male Clooney...I mean Amal Clooney. Here is her pictures, judge for yourselves. Title Here Title Here Title Here Title Here Title Here Man legs Title Here Title Here

Now again, nothing wrong with it, but keep in mind George and the media have been carrying on non stop about how "Amal" is going to have a baby. Can Tranny's hatch babies out of their ass now, or is this part of the Trans agenda that eventually is supposed to open the door for pedophiles?

DeathToMasons ago

You screwed up, you said too many "pizzagators". Suggest you have contempt for them. Which means you are against them. Which means you are here to shill or troll. Either way, be gone. You have no game. Doesn't work here. And take your 1 month old account with you.

Touchdown50 ago

Why do I feel that harrison fords near Collision with a taxing airliner a couple weeks ago when he landed was some kind of set up?hollywood trying to create a distraction away from pizzagate? 3rd flight problem for Ford?

DeathToMasons ago

Yeah, and the damn that didn't break because there were arrest that didn't happen.

Touchdown50 ago


2BuckChuck ago

No, his viewpoints trump any "context" you can conjure up. What he has publicly stated regarding his personal beliefs on adult-child sex, is the defining "clue". To go beyond that in some pseudo academic search for possible truth, is idiotic.

SmilingWide ago

NICE TRY pedo shill.

DabbaDan ago

KidGlove sounds too... you know, creepy, touchy, pedophilia-y. Kid Love, apparently, according to EvaEverywhere, is totally innocent and acceptable and everything shouldn't have a problem with it.

Wait a second...

equineluvr ago

It's called plausible deniability. "Hey, it's a take on 'kid glove."

Perfect "cover" for the patently obvious.

2BuckChuck ago

Sure it is. Keep telling yourself that the guy who said "society has a problem with 35 yr old adults having sex with 12 yr old kids because they are BACKWARDS......".
Has a production company called kid LOVE....
and YOU believe it is a play on words with the phrase "kid glove". He's a demented pedophile, judging by his own words, and you are either a brainless sycophant, or a pedophile like he is.

equineluvr ago

Thank you! There are many here who lack critical thinking skills and insist on extracting single elements from a picture to analyze separately, then insist "Nothing to see here, folks! Just move along..."

ALL good investigators look at the picture in toto,

DeathToMasons ago


NotTooLate ago

Nice try princess. High five on embarrassing yourself so thoroughly.

Fateswebb ago

A play on kid glove huh. Boy that's a stretch.

naturallyfree ago

Milo is a genius

SmilingWide ago

Milo is a pedo-apologist.

SmilingWide ago

This forum was compromised literally the day after #PizzaGate came here. Maybe before...

2BuckChuck ago

Mahr is a pedophile supporter by definition, using his own wrords regarding Mary Laterno. It is not speculative or just a possibility. He ws explicit in his beliefs. Now. You can draw a bunch of other conclusions from that starting point.

Blondmyth ago

"It is full of pedophile innuendos."

That hasn't been established yet, though what is extremely weird is having Trump as the bad guy in the movie.

SaveTheChildren ago

You guys Trump is clearly a part of this. He's transgender his whole family is transgender they're all a part of the occult. Trump is an elite stop thinking he's an outsider.

retardfaggot ago

Can we pm somehow? I've discovered this and felt it lately and I thank god I'm not alone. Ivanka has huge hands, she was never pregnant, melania looks trans species, trumps hands are in fact rather small, his fingers are relatively proportional, males normally have a long middle finger

SaveTheChildren ago

/v/transvestigation you're not alone, you're not crazy! If you click on my name you can send me a private message I'd love to chat.

retardfaggot ago

Hey man I thought Michelle Obama was odd but then it became obvious. You go back and look at the ooooooold first ladies, its absolutely true. Barbara Bush is absolutely alisar Crowley. Please excuse my user name I don't know what I was thinking when I chose it, it was after r/imgoingtohell got shoa'd on plebbit. But now EVERYTHING is compromised. I'm surprised people like George Webb are still alive.

redditsuckz ago

We really have no idea who the hell is what anymore...

Justin Bieber might even been born a female and Miley Cyrus might have been born male...and this would have been far fetched a few months ago but now not anymore.

These "females" have fuller beards then some men....

10 Guys Who Were Born Female

SaveTheChildren ago

Thank you for that youtube!

I shared it on my sub. Hope that's okay.

SmilingWide ago

Trump is a paid actor. Anyone who thinks the globalists don't own every horse in the race is an idiot.

SaveTheChildren ago

Correct. The new world order is already here.

srayzie ago

I can't believe you just said that

TheTrigger ago

He thinks anyone who's ever had a camera pointed at them is transgendered.

SaveTheChildren ago

Close. Almost anybody that's on TV or in the movies or in politics or super rich or an elite or part of a royal family is transgender.

srayzie ago


SaveTheChildren ago

Why? It's the truth... when was the last time you took a good look at that freak tranny family?

srayzie ago

Most of the submissions that you have posted on voat is in the Tranvestigation sub. Maybe you just have an obsession with transvestites for some reason. But I see nothing Tranny about that family. Trump obviously loves beautiful women and he has a penis because he has 5 kids. We've seen the kids grow up thru pictures. Ivanka is gorgeous and has children. I don't know where you are basing this all on. I don't know if you're just a shill or just seriously confused.

rail606 ago

Hes wrong about trump but check out obama.

srayzie ago

K I'm gonna go watch it now. But I believe this. I've read all about it. Crazy!

SaveTheChildren ago

Apparently you don't understand how surrogates work and you think that trannies are beautiful. All of trumps 'wives' have been trannies.

srayzie ago

Just humor me. Tell me how you came to this conclusion. How do you know who the transgenders are and who's not? Especially in regards to the Trumps.

SmilingWide ago

It's really hard to tell who the trannies and the real women are now, because the fashion industry has all the real women dressing up like trannies so the trannies can camo better.

srayzie ago

Trump has been around for years tho. Transgender confused people just recently started being portrayed as some brave hero for coming out. You guys can call him whatever you want but he's not transgender. Michelle Obama is another story tho!

SmilingWide ago

I didn't say he was a tranny. I honestly don't know or care about that.

SaveTheChildren ago

All of the trumps are trannies.

There's a reason trump loves Ivanka the most and has pushed it into the spotlight the most. It's the best at passing. All the others are complete dog faces.

You come to the conclusion by not just assuming their gender is what they present (clothes hair etc are not indicators of gender). We look at the body proportions and other indicators of gender to come to our conclusions.

It's all a big show. Trumps over-the-top 'masculine' behavior and womanizing is all just a made up story to hide the tranny.

srayzie ago

Ok. Not trying to be mean but I think you need to talk to a counselor. These are not normal thoughts. Your sense of reality isn't right.

SaveTheChildren ago

not an argument.

TheTrigger ago

I'm convinced that he's some COINTELPRO type shill, who's sole job is to make voat look bad/unhinged.

SmilingWide ago

The mods here are pedos and they've been censoring people since day one... Don't need any help from anyone to look bad/unhinged.

rail606 ago

Eh hes absolutely correct if he was talking about Michelle Obama or Michael. Trannies is a common thing in the occult. It opens you up to demonic possession which gives you more power/intelligence. Go look at a party at the bohemian grove. Or any elite party. They all wear red shoes and dress up like women the first thing they do once they get behind closed doors.

Now is trumps family tranny? I don't really think so. Melania might be but trump is a man. A good 30% of hollywood is actually tranny. They have a great laugh when Christians have wet dreams about the same sex. It is a way to laugh at us. And it is pretty funny lol. Everyone idolize's celebrities. Everyone wants to have sex with them. Your favorite star is more then likely not the sex they advertise.

equineluvr ago

If Melania is a tranny, then she underwent surgery at a VERY young age a long time ago, back when it: (A) Wasn't that common; and (B) Surgical techniques were not perfected.

Check out these photos of her at age 17 in 1987. She is gorgeous and 100% female!

retardfaggot ago

She looks like a small boy, as did ivanka as a child. Ivanka also had a striking resemblance to baby Donald Trump, she very well could be a clone who was made to be transgender. There's more to this than you guys crying shill are claiming.

rail606 ago

This one in particular. See the wide shoulder width and the flat chest. Still i will say without a doubt if Melania is a man she is the most believable tranny to ever exist and it would make sense she would Trump Michael Obama in every-way. I refuse to think about anyone in the public light sexually for this very reason. You just can't tell anymore what someone is sugery/makeup is too good. Caitlyn Jenner is not the first. He is just a poster child for their campaign to bring hollywoods faggotry to the surface without public recoil.

TheTrigger ago

Everyone idolize's celebrities. Everyone wants to have sex with them. Your favorite star is more then likely not the sex they advertise.

Good thing I don't pay attention to any of that.

bumbleberries ago

I searched it but nothing popped up. Someone probably edited it in.

EDIT: Woops, my mistake. It certainly was there. Nice catch!

DeathToMasons ago

Well you did not do a good search. Because I found an article mentioning Maher and Kid Love Productions.

bumbleberries ago

Oh, you're right. That's strange because it didn't pop up before, sorry!

DeathToMasons ago

Sorry not needed! I usualy modify the search to a back date.

DawnofTruth ago

Oh yeah...this thread is REAL successful. Look at all the upvotes!! (cue in 'canned laughter')

DeathToMasons ago

So far a lot of upvotes in a short amount of submission time. Seems like Maher is off limits to you. Is this your job?

mediaisevil ago

What is your problem? Seriously.

Gorillion ago

He loves dem shill shekels. And probably child rape too.

He's a CTR/Whateverthefuckthey'recallingthemselvesthisweek shill.

reasonedandinformed ago

Please add the following link to your post for more context. In this short clip, Maher explicitly condones pedophilia:

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I like how all the guests just play along and laugh. No one even says "Umm, you're a little off-base there, Bill." Just shows how long people have been compliant to this sort of thing. "If I wanna keep my job, I have to shut up," that mentality really has become part of the Hollywood culture.

DeathToMasons ago

I noticed the same thing. Rollins made the most sense, but when Bill asked if he was agreeing with the other woman, he meekly shrugged yes. The audience was akwardly silent for most of the exchange. Bill really looked exasperated that people did not share his view that a 35 yo woman having sex and a baby with a 13 yo boy was not cosher.

gt8h65fg ago

BILL MAHER ADVOCATES FOR PEDOPHILIA (Short version) (Please share/tweet/etc) (

Its already pointed out 4 days ago. Read top comment.

DawnofTruth ago

OMG. This is why this pizzagate gets ridiculed!!

Did you know the term 'pizza' became a code word within the last 10 or 15 years though? No one was using that term back in the 90's.

This thread is fueled by ignorance and/or immaturity.

Voat is starting to sux.

DeathToMasons ago

Leave then?

WixFix ago

IMO, Pizza became "WIDELY ACCEPTED" as a pedo term in the 90s.

It was a "SECRET" many years before it was widely known. That's what "secret code" means.

This also applies to the pedo triangle in Flight Of The Navigator.

Voat lets the good in with the bad because who's to say what was once good is now bad or vice versa.


reasonedandinformed ago

You are actually debating an exposed pedo...clear from his own statements that he supports an adult raping a 13-year-old. That is what it is: Statutory rape. There is no such thing as consent of a 13-teen year old having consensual sex with an adult, but the sick and evil pedo creeps think that this is fine. It is the basis for things like the Man-Boy-Love association. There is no distinction for these sick people for even a father having sex with his son or daughter as long as they are "in love." He got called out when he explicitly supported Maher for explicitly supporting man-child sex.

WixFix ago

Hebephilia (11-14 yo) If you take a turd, coat it in slime, and stuck it in the limelight, it would still outperform Maher.

DawnofTruth ago

Prove it please.

The Internet wasn't even around (or in its infancy) in the early 90's so there was no reason to keep things coded.

reasonedandinformed ago

You are a laughable imbecile...on top of being an exposed pedo. The combination convinces me that YOU ARE BILL MAHER!

redditsuckz ago

Olsen Twins were born in what year did they do the "gimme pizza" commercial?

Gimme Pizza Slow

Big - Tom Hanks (1988)

Pizza box on the floor = symbolism + Tom Hanks 30 year old character hanging with a 13 year old kid in a shady hotel in NY.

Plot of Big;

A young boy named Josh Baskin (David Moscow) wishes at an old machine to be big, despite the fact that he does not believe that it is going to work. He is very surprised, therefore, to find himself big in the next day. Now he looks like a 30-year-old man, but he still behaves like a thirteen-year-boy. He decides to go with his best friend (Jared Rushton) to New York City to find the machine that can fix his wish. There he gets a job at a toy company and develops a relationship with Susan (Elizabeth Perkins). Currently, he must learn to get used to the adult world he always wanted to be part of. Would he still like to remain an adult?

Mystic Pizza (1988)

equineluvr ago

Thank you.

It should also be noted that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been exposed as pizza-pedo stuff.

TMNT franchise popularity peaked in late 1980s-early1990s.

Also, TMNT imagery has been used in COMET PING PONG advertising (see Instagram account) and also on the PIZZASLIME Instagram (Michael Jackson body, TMNT face).

SmilingWide ago

Sounds like pedo grooming to me.

Gorillion ago

Before email there was this thing called mail. And before iPones there were these things called phones. And before web pages there was this thing called the printing press. And before google maps, you walked or drove places and businesses needed special symbols on their signs so pedos would know it was a safe space for creeps to come hang out.

Unless they were whispering their overt pedophilia up each other's asses in their private rape dungeon, they needed a fucking code language you moron.

FFS there was a whole drama about shit written down on a fucking napkin.

Edit: aaand you're a bluefag pedo shill.

SmilingWide ago

Yeah, I agree with the bluefag pedo shill part...

WixFix ago

The internet was around in the early 90s, but before that people wrote words on paper and sent them to mail carriers. Another way was over the phone. What you imply is that there was no secret communications concerning pedos before the internet, which on the face of it, is ridiculous. Sometimes logic and common sense are more important than "proof".

reasonedandinformed ago

The guy is an idiot pedo. He is just here to distract.

xbryn ago

Voat is starting to sux.

Yeah. These past couple of waves of redditfugees have really dragged the quality down.

HashTagFU ago

Bill Maher is a recycled intel agent. He was in Badfinger back in the day and supposedly killed himself.

DeathToMasons ago

That is a disinfo site. It included legitimate cases like Hicks/Jones and grouped it in with absurd examples like Morrison/Lemmy etc.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

This stuff is all disinfo. They fake deaths, but this stuff would be too obvious. Bill Hicks is not Alex Jones, Jim Morrison is not Lemmy and the Columbine shooters (who are supposedly the south park guys) did not commit their massacre and create & release the South Park film in the same year as this dumbass website claims.

HashTagFU ago

I will have to look at Morrison/Lemmy. I never believe all of this stuff but I'm convinced they put a lot of truth in their disinfo so I assume much of this is true.

madhatter67 ago

There is no way on earth Morrison became Lemmy....I'm open to most things ....But jeez

HashTagFU ago

I couldn't find the comparison on that site. To be clear, I'm not saying that happened. DeathtoMasons brought it up and I wanted to check out the analysis. Any idea where that is?

DeathToMasons ago

That site is disinfo. I can give you an easy example. They did a story on the challenger crew. Problem. The original source showed all the astronauts alongside a picture of a living person with the same name and looking the apropriate age that the astronauts would be if they had survived. Here is the original post from the original source. Now look at the two pictures of Judith Resnick.

Here is the article on the same topic from the site you linked. Now look at the two pictures of Judith Resnick. Did you notice how your site purposely changed the astronaut picture? It was not the original sourced picture form the original article. They chose one that does not look like the same person. And from the hair style, not from the same era. Why did the switch? My guess is to make them look less similar. That is classic disinfo. They had all the original material, but chose to switch one set of pictures up.

Just giving you the lowdown on this game. Also, the commenters on that site keep refering to "clues forum", and that is a known limited hamgout site.

HashTagFU ago

Gotcha. I guess the fact that I now wonder about the Challenger disaster based on the pieceofmindful website makes me think their misdirection isn't working all that well. But I get what your saying. If the other website posted this first then POM is running a disinfo campaign by muddying the waters. Hard to know what is true and what isn't on the web.

I think has done more to convince me that there is a lot of hinky shit going on than any other website. He is non-committal to the veracity of POM.

Again good propaganda relies on a mix of truth and lies.

dookiehowzer ago

kid love productions sus af

DawnofTruth ago

Oh stop this shit. I personally grew bored of Bill Maher and don't support radical liberals but this is stupid, based on nothing. Why is Voat allowing these unfounded slanderous threads? The other was about Rob Reiner. This forum is becoming another immature GLP.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

"I personally grew bored of Bill Maher and don't support radical liberals"

LMAO canned response much?

DabbaDan ago

Same exact line as the "Look, I voted for Trump, but even I have to say..."

Attempt to pull people a little bit into what they're saying. Makes it sound a bit less like copy-pasting off a daily emailed scriptset, makes them more "realistic" and "relatable."

Concern Trolling?

Guys, guys, guys... we're dealing an 'A' student on the disinfo classes CTR... ShariaBlue, whoever, took.

This guy, this guy was probably the entire class's "Hot Shit Guy."

Wew. Careful here.

reasonedandinformed ago

Get informed, and stop complaining when someone finds something that may be relevant. The name of the production company is real. It is a fact. The reference to Maher supporting pedophilia is contained of his own statements:

DawnofTruth ago

"May be" is key.

Do your friggin homework instead of riding the coat tail of an unsubstantiated rumor.

reasonedandinformed ago

The irony in you asking me to do my homework when you are completely uninformed and too lazy to look is palpable. You spend your energy calling out people for providing good information that's relevant, and you won't even bother to research on your own. Maher explicitly says in the video clip that there is nothing wrong with an adult woman having sex with a 14-year-old boy, viewing it as an acceptable form of love. It is one of the most concrete statements you can find from a celebrity supporting pedophilia. Go somewhere else because you are a waste of time in this forum.

DawnofTruth ago

I am NOT debating the 'fact' he owns it. I am against the implication that he is a pedophile or at minimum, supports it. Got more? If not get a grip!

DeathToMasons ago

He already stated that he thinks adults and underage should be allowed to be together and that society has the problem. He thinks the female teacher who was jailed for becoming pregnant with a 14 yo boy was in jail for being in love. His show was produced by Kid Love productions. He puts himself on the radar. We will keep looking. Regardless of your hissy fit.

DawnofTruth ago

Mary Kay Letourneau and Villi are STILL together with 2 teenage daughters!!! So who the phuck are we to say what is right when it comes to underage consensual relationships???

conspiracyprincess ago

Well of course they are still together! Victims can succumb to their abusers. This is a known fact. The abuse has burnt a damn hole in their brain. And this is exactly why it's not ok!!!!!!

DeathToMasons ago

Hello, society has always said what age is ok. You want your 14 yo son to have a baby with a 35 yo woman? Hell no. Children cannot consent even if they are willing. The adult should know better. Now I know what your problem is. Your shit won't ride in here. Society has spoken and it is not acceptable. Test the waters somewhere else. Wrong forum, and that is an understatement.

reasonedandinformed ago

At this point I'm calling you out for either being too lazy to look or CTR, but either way your comments are worthless in this forum due to ignorance. Did you not review the link I provided, where he is on video making statements in support of pedophilia? I am making this very easy for you. Just click on this link, and spend 45 seconds watching as he explicitly condones pedophilia:

DawnofTruth ago

Are you kidding me? Are you even remotely familiar with that case??? They have been together for over 20 years!!!!!

This wasn't forceful pedophilia. This was consensual under-age sex and guess what?....they are ACTUAlLY in friggin love!!!! Imagine that.

reasonedandinformed ago

I just realized that Bill Maher is amidst us on Voat. From your "logic," it is perfectly OK if a middle-aged man has sex with a 13-year-old girl as long as they are "in love." It amazes me that you're so transparent and revealing that you yourself support pedophilia and criticize those who do not. You don't even seem to understand the meaning of the word pedophilia, where pedo means "child" and philia means "love." You have been revealed to all through your comments.

DeathToMasons ago

You slipped. I think it is time for you to go. No healthy adult thinks like that or wants to make a case that if teens and adults are in love they can fuck and have a family. Just do yourself a favor and crawl away, delete that account and come back with a new one and a fresh start. Nice try.

reasonedandinformed ago

A 34-year-old woman is documented having sex with a 13-year-old boy, and you find this perfectly acceptable since "they're in love." You're as sick as the creeps we're trying to put away. Go find a pedo forum and leave us alone.

mediaisevil ago

It is not slanderous it is fact. Did you even click the link?

DawnofTruth ago

What link? The IMDb link? If so, yes. What the hell does that prove? Cause he owns a company called Kid-Love? So every inference in a name has a hidden meaning? So Fruit of the Loom people must like apples or homosexuals, right?


The mere statement 'no wonder he protects pedophiles' is slanderous. Voat, please remove this

DabbaDan ago


He owns a company named KID LOVE - that's OBVIOUSLY nothing you stupid assholes! You're trying to beseech the name of KID LOVE! UGH! DELETE THIS NAO REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

DeathToMasons ago

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

mediaisevil ago

Pedophilia is rampant in Hollywood and here you are saying the name "kid love" is no big deal. SMH

Then you keep asking for it to be removed, you are behaving like a low level shill.

DawnofTruth ago

Holy chit....I am not denying this is a real issue, problem, epidemic ....what I am saying is, besides someone owning a company called Kids Love, what else do you HAVE?????

So the owners of ALL kid-related venues do so because they are attracted to kids? What friggin nonsense.

I would gladly consider Maher being a pedophile if you have more because this would never ever make it to court let alone trial.

DeathToMasons ago

We also have his own words endorsing sex and family making between teens and adults. You are going in circles and not getting anywhere. Tap out.

mediaisevil ago

It's just a lead Bill Mah.. urm I mean DawnofTruth, you have a nice day.

DawnofTruth ago

It's just a lead???? Why don't you get more ducks in a row before you start leading the blind though?

You take a 'fact' then reinvent and distort it to mean something else. You NEED more before you start smearing a name.

Hey, you have the word 'evil' in your user-name. That means you MUST sacrifice young children and worship satan.


mediaisevil ago

OMG I triggered a shill.

DawnofTruth ago


See? can't even get THAT right so now we're left to trust your judgement?

I am pointing out that this thread is ridiculous.

You guys are using some form of cyber contortion to link everything together.

I personally think Maher is gay. Nothing more. In fact, I don't even think he's got the personality to be around kids.

And again, pedophilia (in my book) is the rape, kidnapping, torture, mutilation and sadly at times, the sacrifice of children.

I do NOT think a 14 yr old who agrees to have sex is considered a victim. And many pedophiles have been grouped together without much distinction. An 18 can email a 14 year old and say "I would love to have sex with you" then.......go to prison and go on the registry.

There are degrees of this.

What Podesta, Clintons, Bush, the Royals, Epstein etc are doing is part of a 'child satanic ring'. They kidnap these poor children and enslave them.

That is VERY VERY different from an 18 year old having consensual sex with a 14 year old.

Bringing it back to this have NOTHING on Bill Maher. There's enough 'factual' shit to weed through. All this thread is doing is adding deflection, conjecture and bullshit to an already horrific problem.

mediaisevil ago

"There are degrees of this."

Of this?

Sounds like your a member. Do you play domino's on pasta or pizza DawnofTruth?

Gorillion ago

Definite Pedo leanings. I actually think this one may not be a CTR/Bluefag but some kind of Nambla-esque creep.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yep. Maybe it is Maher himself. Why would a sick pervert who supports child rape, as if it is consensual, be in this forum? Maybe he is looking to find friends among our targets??

mediaisevil ago

I agree.


Great catch!