3141592653 ago

North Korea isn't truly communist. Its an abusive dictatorship

eyeVoated ago

You're goddam right I started to flip out, you worthless piece of shit.

Here's my ultimate response, faggot:

How about, YOU go live in Cuba or North Korea. I'm staying right here, in my home. You want to threaten people and tell them to leave the country. Not a chance, this is still America, PingPong, you worthless fuck. If you said it to my face, I'd yell it back. I'm right and you are wrong. I am staying because I am still free. And you're going to have to do a lot more than tell people to leave their homes in order for them to leave their homes. We'll shoot. That's the difference between the dead and the American militia--We actually fight for our freedom, and that's why we are staying. And that's why we flip out when faggot losers like you try to tell us what to do. Get it? Probably not, because you are too stubborn and unbegun to know your rights, and you are definitely too unawake to know that you don't tell people to leave their homes.

eyeVoated ago

I never advocated against capitalism. That's how delusional you are. Responding to your post doesn't mean I agree with the poster you responded to.

Take a course in logic, PingPong.

Holy Fuck!!!

Nigredo ago

Implementation of capitalist ideology systematically leads to plutocracy, it's part of the capitalist roadmap

And that's exactly what people got everywhere it was tried


Every post you make just proves that you've never read Das Kapital, it's a sociological text on the nature and effects of our dominant economic system, not a fucking political manifesto calling for the establishment of communist dictatorships. I'm done here, since you are unwilling to admit that you know fuck all about Marx.

eyeVoated ago

PingPong, now you're just projecting. What part of gun-owning business man did you not record in your scrambled brain?

Nigredo ago

unless the plan is just to lead the idiots into a perpetual state of dictatorship and grab all their properties in the process

Gee that sounds an awful lot like capitalism!

Which is exactly why it's completely retarded to build a society around it, let alone appose it to capitalism, unless the plan is just to lead the idiots into a perpetual state of dictatorship and grab all their properties in the process

I really don't understand why I have to repeat this, but Marx's work isn't a fucking thing to "build a society around," it is a critique and analysis of capitalism. The End. If you actually read Marx he doesn't say "and then you should get rid of private property and set up a dictatorship!" He talks about the flow of capital, the effects capitalism has on society, and the trend of capitalism to accumulate capital into fewer and fewer hands. If you actually read Marx you will be equipped to understand what is going on in our society, not solve it.

eyeVoated ago

virtue signaling leftarded whore

Wow. Says the gun toting, conservative business owner. Go fuck yourself PingPong

Nigredo ago

"Marxism" isn't a thing which "works" or "doesn't work," it's a school of thought which analyzes and studies capitalism. You're only exposing how ignorant you are by acting like Das Kapital is a communist manifesto or solution to capitalism rather than a critique of a system you slavishly defend.

I think it's ironic that people are starting to question all of the propaganda forced down our throats, but still refuse to question propaganda idolizing capitalism and denigrating communism. When a billionaire pays for a billboard in Times Square listing "deaths due to communism," ya might want to question what's in it for him.

Also, on that note, it's funny how pro-capitalist defense warriors say communism is inefficient, ignoring that the USSR literally went from a feudalistic society to posing a threat to the U.S. within a few short decades. They literally rebuilt the entirety of their industrial base 500 miles to the east, mid WWII, after the west was conquered by Germany, and did so quickly enough to blunt the German advance and push back into Poland.

Also funny how pro-capitalist defense warriors love to mention the Holodomor, Great Leap Forward, etc., as being "deaths due to communism" (rather than, you know, corruption/incompetence?), but they don't apply the same logic to the tens of millions who died in India due to famine when Great Britain tried laissez-faire capitalism, or the tens of millions who die yearly under capitalism due to starvation/easily preventable illness/etc.

This is even ignoring the fact that once Stalin stole power from the Soviet councils, the USSR wasn't even fucking communist anymore. Communism is democratic, the USSR/China et al., were not. But I'm going to assume that means nothing to you.

eyeVoated ago

You are such a moron.

Do you actually believe that capitalism and human trafficking are one in the same?

I asked you a question, and instead of answering it, you made a broad-stroke judgment. I am judging you on a personal level, you are using straw-man arguments and pejorative statements to deflect your totally retarded statements. You completely failed to understand my statement, which was: WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. I can't even imagine how that signal got twisted up in your brain. Your input here is totally fucking useless.

eyeVoated ago

Wow, you are a fucking retard.

We at v/pizzagate are fighting child sex trafficking.

Where do you think you are? I think you are in the wrong forum, douche bag.

Nigredo ago

"How to prove you know nothing about Marx, The Post"

eyeVoated ago

Why? I'm staying right where I am and fighting from here. Koreans and Cubans should do the same. We are all slaves until this gets fixed.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Yeah this clip was much worse than I knew.

Nigredo ago

The terror literally is capitalism, ugh, I wish some of you would actually read since the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of an elite few is predicted

redditsuckz ago

The terror is who controls the money supply. Elite billions dont matter if that money can be worthless paper dross the next day.

So who controls the money supply?...you have 1 guess and 1 guess only.

Mommyplayer571 ago

The terror is selfishness. We need to think of others.

Nigredo ago

And since capitalism as a system provides incentive and reward for selfishness... hmmm...

3141592653 ago

Maybe we're all agreeing that the terror is greed

123_456 ago

Damn it! What the fuck is up with Bills?! Bill Maher, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby...!

TrishaUK ago


dem6nic ago

POS. Smarmy Twat. What the fuck was Religulous? An amateur attempt at theology.

surgeson ago

Can we get a separate place for all the raging anti-semites where they can regurgitate their baffling hatred? Thanks.

mrjdouble ago

Agree or disagree, that's what free speech is. no?

surgeson ago

You're right of course. It's just so moronic and ignorant it makes my blood boil.

mrjdouble ago

I don't agree either. There is evil in all walks of life, but to generalize any one large group and make pre-conceived notions of a lot based on a few is lame. But hey, say what you want and i'll listen, even if I think it's total horsepiss.

quantokitty ago

Nothing new. I hate this jerk and have no idea why people listen to him or consider him a spokesperson for anything other than garbage like this.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Unorthodox?? No man, that is just plain sick.

DeathToMasons ago

Maher has backed the establishment over every fake shooting, every fake racial divisive psyop, every phony terrorist false flag, and now their creepy pedo agenda. But this should be assumed, he is given a TV show. You are not alowed to get far if you are not beholden to TPTB. So this is really not news. Apply it to all corporate media celebrities.

Amino69 ago

He's a degenerate Jew, what more can you say!

DeposeMilo ago

Christ. Wake up to the MSM cover up of the real story: Milo witnessed elite Hollywood men drugging and raping kids, and not a single "journalist" at his presser went near it. They are attempting to both capitalize on the tenuous jist (vis a vis the Bannon connection) AND distance from the key detail (vis a vis the Media's complicity in VIP pedo rings). Milo says he didn't mean it? Milo says they edited the clip? Search the Rogan Milo Pedo interview. In 6 minutes you'll grasp what Milo saw. He must be put under oath, and the PedoGate PizzaGate communities must push for it. #DeposeMilo

Tomioka ago

I think the rest is rather interesting as well. Not so much in a pedo context, but still, Maher's got some problems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBYM0dQ4zUU&t=7m59s

Keep in mind the show's called Politically Incorrect, so I'm guessing he'll either ignore the matter or use the "it's a joke" defense.

brokencookie ago

It's just as exploitative for a mature woman to start a sexual affair with a young teenager, as it is for a man. It's not only about sex, but the fact that she has entrapped this kid into fatherhood before he's had a chance to live for himself and decide what type of life experiences he wanted for himself. She manipulated his naivete to get what SHE wanted.

Also just a reminder. This situation is not one of pedophilia. Pedophilia involves attraction to sexually immature children. Attraction to adolescents/teenagers isn't pedophilia -- however an adult pursuing a relationship with a teen is still exploitative because of power imbalances between the two parties. There's a reason why statutory rape clauses exist and should exist.

Atatarkus ago

Upvote for cutting through the bullshit.

scott4964 ago

Just like Milo....

Ocelot ago

I feel like Milo's was different because he was the younger in his story. I hated what he said, but it seemed like a voice out of a damaged person.

DeathToMasons ago

Well said.

vacvape ago

I thought he might be edgy at first or something but rapidly devolved and there was no recovering. He's overbearing and obnoxious and that's before you're at all subjected to his nonsensical/falsely rational 'opinions'.. his guests are all fucking slime who just need to butter you with PR. That whole (((white wash))) schtick is fucking insufferable. In a meritocracy the whole fucking lot of them would be eating out of dumpsters. Plenty of babies in those after all.

As for his views on Islam and that.. I would agree his guests have had their few moments. Those moments get shared on social media.. I think they probably would without that letterhead. Maher is inessential. A wort. I think he's another degenerate useful idiot.

He's probably doing more to exploit it than to expose it. The people are simply entertained. I think what I'm saying is I couldn't not hold it against him. He's unbearable. Recent clips of him do seem more desperate.

Ultimately he's narrative control.

smokratez ago

You guys are this salty about milo that you use their tactics on people from the opposite political spectrum? I thought you cared about pedos.

patriot_saints ago

Typical gynocentric thinking, a woman can literally get away with rape, but a man has to be socially ostracized over having consensual sex with an appropriately aged woman.

I know The Young Turds also have the same reaction as Maher whenever statutory rape between and older woman and young man takes place.

micha_ ago

Another jew throwing an extremely bad light on jews.

vacvape ago

He's been an imposing cunt / pseudo intellectual, total creep all along. What you call a horrible interviewer.

Maybe you just evolved in the last few years? It's a closed circuit safe space for them anyway.. mutual fart suck society. It's hardly a big deal having assholes on his show when it's marketing for them to people who've got their guards down.

Mommyplayer571 ago

He's a bully like O'Reilly.

vacvape ago

You're right their schtick is not at all dissimilar.

salvationman ago

I came here to say that I don't agree with jailing that woman either seeing as they have kids and it would seperate the family unit. But after reading the other comments about Bill Maher, I'm not going to defend him.

micha_ ago

Yeah, lets rape kids and when they become pregnant, we call for the prootection of family! The same family we despise and do everything to destroy.

Are you mentally ill?

Blondmyth ago

Reminder that Bill Maher has never married

Reminder that Bill Maher called his company Kid Love Productions

Reminder that Bill Maher was the Pizza Man (Trump is the bad guy in this movie, no seriously)

Reminder that Bill Maher was losing his mind about Anthony Weiner's emails

Reminder that Bill Maher thinks JonBenet Ramsey is comedy material

pakitochocolatero ago

Reminder that Bill Maher is an usual guest of elite sex parties in LA

"At a swanky party in a Beverly Hills, Calif., mansion last Saturday, I spot Bill Maher in a sea of beautiful young women and make my approach."

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Seems like a nerve was struck with these replies you get. Waay over the top hatred.

Lobotomy ago

To be fair, JonBenet Ramsey IS comedy material.

JesusRules ago

From Abel Danger: "Crown Sister Cheney's Lockheed and Sohonet JonBenét

"Hawks CAFE is asking UKIP to investigate Crown Agents' Sister Lynne Cheney and her colleagues' (see notes) re the apparent use of Lockheed Martin's Access Graphics technology to backhaul images of the JonBenét Ramsey murder to a pedophile snuff-film archive allegedly operated out of Ogilvy and Mather's offices and the Sohonet post-production community in London." http://www.abeldanger.net/2010/10/sohonet-jonbenet-backhauled-images-of.html

redditsuckz ago

Reminder that (((Bill Maher))) is jewish and is advocating for sexual relations with young boys.

(((Milo))) is advocating sexual relations with underage boys.

uncut 5 minute video of Milo Yiannopoulos advocating for Pederasty involving '13 Year old' and 'olde


(((Sarah Silverman))) makes jokes about it...


And (((users))) here defend them.

Nigredo ago


DeathToMasons ago

Troll alert.

abortionburger ago

Jew camps are so last season.

ObamaFAG1 ago

Little billy boy has been mentioned in alleged pedophilia. He will get his real soon

SaneGoatiSwear2 ago

let's make sure the shills get theirs, as well

v/reportshills is now up and running and under new management. shine the light on shills in v/pizzagate today. specific proof of consistent disinformation tactics and/or fallacious speech required.

call out shills consistently, let the light of truth shine on them and dissolve their subversive power.

ArthurEdens ago


google_is_useful ago

is that what we're calling them now?

ArthurEdens ago

Is that a jew joke?

google_is_useful ago


GuannaRue ago

I would expect nothing less of Bill Maher.