je-sui-pepe ago

i dont think he is but who the hell knows anymore. Jesus. But in my own opinion, Scalia held a lot of power as one of the top Justices of the Supreme Court. I don't think he was one or compromised because he always never bent to rule against doing the right thing. Had he been compromised i think he would have upheld Obamacare or taking away guns or some such ruling that would benefit the clinton obama cabal.... but thats just my 2 cents.

rippingtheveil ago

Sure enough, he was in secret hunting society, can I say snuff film, able danger speaks of these type films

OnHoldWithBreitbart ago

How did Scalia reconcile his Conservatism with his alleged pedophillia...


Many people practice things they wouldn't approve of in theory. It's called being human.

crazimal ago

In this posting you are picking up the shit you already threw at the wall which did not stick.


wgtt911 ago

the virus spreads....

Insubordinate ago

It's fair to question David Shurter's claims and credibility. But, his in-depth knowledge of the Franklin scandal has proven to be factually spot on. He knows the names, faces, and places involved. His claims regarding Scalia aren't from an anonymous source... it's firsthand knowledge.

Rangers_justice ago

Yea, I remember reading about this a few times a while back. I can't say I'm not surprised because this pedogate thing is massive. It's a global brownstoning operation to get elite individuals to submit to their agenda. I wish people would start calling it pedogate instead of pizzagate. Here are some more links to Justice Scalia that I saved while researching.

Touchdown50 ago

Who knows. I think they all are pedos. Im surprised podesta is still alive.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

For me Scalia being a possible pedo was the most shocking! I still am in disbelief.

Is there proof that Scalia was ever there before, this visit where he died? Obunghole meet with Scalia just b4 he died. Could this all have been a setup to make Scalia look bad? Idk with all these other revelations, who the freak knows.

OnHoldWithBreitbart ago

Came accross an article Obama had the goods on Scalia and approaced Scalia with the evidence.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yet, Obunghole is a Pedo also! These freaks are Evil!