ThighHighSwampBoots ago

The Donner Party was mentioned in "The Shining". Jack said that it was near the hotel. Everything in that movie is said to be symbolic of Kubricks faking the moon landing. So where does that fit if the hotel represents the Illuminati? Nearby....hmmmm...

zzvoat ago

You can't make this stuff up.

Newfind ago

Neat find.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

he owns a condo there.

mooteensy ago

I wonder if he ever regrets saying this kind of this weird shit.....And then I see another new post with more damning info regarding Podesta. Jokes over bud

cakeoflightylight ago

Center for American Pedos

NoBS ago

"my condo in Truckee". While Podesta's name might be on the lease, it's the silent partners protected behind closed doors. If I was CIA management, I'd have property in the name of my employees. Think of it as a contract written in blood.

HunkaHunka ago

Red Rum

neurofluxation ago

GodLikeProductions - watch what you say, I got banned there for doing fuck all - overtly power hungry mods... And a metric fuck ton of racists...
Though, there are good stories in between the shit...

Stukov ago

Was back on GLP about 9 or 10 years ago, when they did one of the many "purges" that they do, after a group of people started sharing info about how the owner worked for the airforce psyops groups and the money coming from I believe Tavistock. I still have that info and the leaked slides on an old computer somewhere, but the whole GLP exists as a psyop experiment. I'm fairly certain we are seeing the stuff they learned from it a decade or more ago being applied today.

neurofluxation ago

Regardless of the "purpose" of GLP - the place is a heavy shitshow 99% of the time.

Hopevoats ago

Here's a gallery of photos from one of those trips.

Notice the Illuminati symbol on the hair salon door.

witch_doctor1 ago

Good find! They are trying to convey something with the hand signals...anybody got a clue?

Hopevoats ago

I've searched the hand symbols. My best guess was that it had something to do with the scoring of the game (Bocci ball?), and that the two flipping birds is something they thought was funny although, there is this.

The other signs could represent actual ones or twos, or they could have deeper meaning (as they do appear in various Illuminati hand symbol graphics). These are relatives on the Greek side, so could also be something like that.

witch_doctor1 ago

BTW, before you think I'm a weirdo...Podesta is known to be into cryptography..check out this email about midway down...

Hopevoats ago

I wonder if they don't mean "encryption"? It comes up in another email, about a book he is being asked to read.

witch_doctor1 ago

Probably referring to digitial encryption in this's just that he has had this long involvement in encryption technologies + some of the obvious coded text in the emails, pics like this make me wonder...the hand signals could mean something or nothing. Oh yeah, the 14 and fish pic is another good example of him relaying a message via symbology in a pic...

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah, it is kind of hard without context...I also wondered if it could be some kind of number significance, but I don't know what they could signify...

totals in each pic: 0 2 6

each person in each pic: 0000 11 2211

truthtrain2 ago

Thanks! This kind of contribution is super encouraged. It starts to paint a picture from the one brush stroke I have pointed out. Much love.

Hopevoats ago


I haven't had a chance to read all of the comments; but (if not already mentioned) there are quite a few emails in the Podesta files of Wikileaks, about these vacations.

pig_lifter ago

A decent find! Thanks for contributing

witch_doctor1 ago

Holy shit...I had not seen that quote before...this + the cannibal pic in his office+Tony's 8 foot Dahmer victim statue is normie red-pill material.

The funny thing is that I figured he went to Truckee because of the proximity to Lake Tahoe, but I looked on the map and it's not really that I mean that if you had Podesta's money and wanted to go to Tahoe every year, you would have a place overlooking the lake...not budget traveler driving distance. It's looking more and more like he wanted to visit his little Donner Party, if he has a place in the Andes mountains where that soccer team's plane crashed I'm really gonna hurl.

srayzie ago

How morbid! So that means he actually bought a condo there. He has a sick cannibal fetish. It's unbelievable.

LincolnsMullet ago

Excellent observation. There's motivation behind his choice. He wanted to be as close as possible. He could've picked many different cabins there. I vacation up there from time to time. Beautiful country and plenty of places to pick other than right next to where the Donnor party ate each other.

srayzie ago

Exactly. Wow. Just like his art, he wants to be surrounded by death and canabalism

NoBS ago

That's because Necrophilia can not exist in a civilized society. Feral societies come from denial. Or in your case Mockery. As if you live in a Mock Society. interesting.

WellSetTable ago

I bet he thinks honoring that shit will bring him a spirit that will make him rich and powerful. It's a kind of ceremony unless they really are having ceremonies .

Nothing would of been wrong with this until he had to brag about canabalism and also considering his ties to "pizzza" this looks BAD.

It's a damn shame when a teacher in Florida gets leave for speaking her mind but this ugly pervert gets away with being seriously linked to child rape.

truthtrain2 ago

You're right, not crazy to say if it is a one off. However, this is a small addition to the mountains of shit he's said and done. It is a shame. Justice shall prevail!

Amino69 ago

The despicable WP have already laid a foundation stone in normalising cannibalism and is something we can expect to see more of from the MSM. I shudder to think of the millions of morons who will eventually be persuaded that paedophilia and cannibalism are life choices.

And don't forget the WP is owned by Jeff Bezos who also owns Amazon!

truthtrain2 ago

I shudder also. I hope this isn't the case but it sure does seem they are normalizing it. Thanks for linking Jeff, the more we keep names and entities linked, the clearer the picture is. Imagine looking through a large data set - you don't see much. Yet after your joins and filters, you have a good idea of what's goin on. Keep it up!

Ctrl-Left ago

NoBS ago

Spam is allowed because the Mods are compromised. Interesting.

Ctrl-Left ago

What spam? I replied to the guys question..

montyzpython ago

I believe it's Above Top Secret. I've only been there once or twice. I prefer GLP and Voat.

gangpressorliber ago

ATS is old and infected...... as a way of putting it.... it's a broad focused form and was instrumental in disseminating intel on the deep state early on to the masses.

LincolnsMullet ago

You could say, "Well, John has a dark sense of humor. Maybe he likes macabre things". I don't know John Podesta enough to understand what he considers humor, but from the Wikileaks e-mails he doesn't possess much of one. In that context this "joke" wouldn't mesh with the personality that we know of him.

And by itself, this is a non-issue. In the context of pizzagate and the photo he prominently displayed in his office: Podesta's Cannibalism this strikes me as an odd individual. I know plenty of "horror" fans who have their own art, etc. but don't prominently display or discuss in professional circles. The pic in his office is subtle enough to pass as art, which means he can display it without anyone saying anything. This isn't a SAW poster. He's displaying that picture because he believes in it in some way. It has a much deeper meaning.

truthtrain2 ago

You bring up a very pragmatic approach. Yeah we are not saying he is some cannibal because of this, we are saying this is not in the norm, and is piling up. It would be weird to see a person with this much fascination in these topics, especially how he voices it professionally as you say, and not actually be part of it. Time will tell..

LincolnsMullet ago

It's not out of the realm of possibility, but with the info we have it would be a big leap of faith. There needs to be more to link what we know and what we're trying to prove.

Most of the info we're seeing is painting a picture. I don't think most people here need any further convincing something sinister is going on. The next step is finding the missing links between what we know and what we believe is occuring. That's the hard part.

truthtrain2 ago

I totally agree with you. I was actually just reading old articles (looking into Tucker Carlson for non PG related stuff) and this came up. I figured I should share. Maybe we can separate stuff that paints a picture verses stuff that is incriminating evidence? With tags? Or idunnooo.

I have been lurking for a while and haven't seen a comprehensive compiled list of incriminating evidence citing past cases and precedents.Thanks for your input, it is super valid.

LincolnsMullet ago

This was a great find btw!

truthtrain2 ago

Thanks, first real contribution! :) Also, thanks for that sweet input on this investigation. I agree completely. There are plenty of points, but the connections are usually emotionally driven, misinfo, or some other form of mudda. I am working on maintaining objectivity for the sake of true progress.

LincolnsMullet ago

No no I don't mean to discourage your post by any means. This is all part of connecting the dots and building a case. As new information comes to light, old information may become relevant. Even in this case a seemingly innocuous comment in 2009 about the Donnor Party, which nobody even knew existed, now seems extremely macabre and dark considering what we know about Podesta.

I speak in generalities about people making conclusions based off these two items. Some people are quick to make the connection between this and actual cannabalism. That link is missing.

Hooliganscat ago

If you go to Wikileaks a friend of his named Ulrich Boser wrote a book about trust called the Leap. He sends Podesta a copy of the manuscript. In the introduction it mentions a group of people that resorted to cannibalism and how it built life long trust and became a sacred act.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Like that manager they filmed at CPP, 'when running a pizza restaraunt, I've come to learn how important trust is. We look out for our own, and they keep an eye out for us' bizarre.

truthtrain2 ago

I will have to look into this. This seems like it is making a lot of sense. "Join the club" or fail an outsider.

Hooliganscat ago

My hypothesis is that cannibalism is used as a method to build unbreakable bonds of trust.

MysticMa ago

I Just watched "In The Heart of the Sea" (disaster of the whaling-ship Essex) which was a real-life suffering. Up until now and maybe I am being naive but was not cannibalism considered an abomination? Something that was known to exist in extreme desperate circumstances. But have we gone so far off the ledge to accept kid diddeling, flesh eating monsters equatable as a fraternity(like Sk & Bn's) Ok not good reference, but I am just so sick of this PC fucking culture and "shock & awe" as a society's daily norm! Sorry, had to rant (now stepping slowly off the box)...

truthtrain2 ago

I agree this could be a cause for it! I am also interested in if they are seeking health benefits, or believe they are.

21yearsofdigging ago

Hide in plain sight much do ya John??

John Podesta, Center for American Progress: “I am going to my condo in Truckee [Calif.], like I do every year — will sit on my porch and do conference calls 50 feet from where the Donner Party ate each other.”

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

He's taunting us.

21yearsofdigging ago

This guy definitely is obsessed with his cannibalism!!!!

kidavenger ago

Hey! It looks like the unit that lists Mary Podesta as a resident is for sale, which allows me to share this fun fact - California law states that if a death has occurred on the property within the previous 3 years, the seller must disclose it. The seller must also make available the location(s) of any known sex offenders in the area. I'm not sure if disclosure of SRA is covered in California property law. I'm not saying any of these things have happened there, but it is something to think about. We know what a stickler JP is for adhering to the letter of the law. He is a Georgetown law professor, after all. There's no way he would miss an important detail like that. /s. (edited to add link to property listing.)

deucebolt ago

There were two with her name, I believe. One for sale, one not. Not sure if that implies they used to stay there or currently own it. Just another crumb for the autists.

User890020 ago

I'll bet spe_z is somehow connected too. He has to be.

huhhh ago

Spez, Zuckerburg, Dorsey, Thiel, whoever the fuck else CEO, all either cannibals/pedos/Satanists etc. I'm sure Richard Branson is dodgy too.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Branson id definetley off, always thought so, and Im sure ive heard some things about him. has an island in the caribbean and is always bring out 20 y/o models/actors/actresses

strix-varia ago

Lets not forget hitlery and billy.

Amyamy ago

I was just thinking about this this morning... thinking of all of the sickos out there and what percentage of them are cannibals, pedophiles, other types of psychopaths... and of course how sociopaths tend to try to achieve powerful positions. And then of course how Podesta is all about cooking and a "foodie" and trying weird things. Out of many of the DCers he's got a lot of traits that are more obvious and questionable. I wouldn't be surprised if he participated in cannibalism. Aside from all of the allegations, that cannibalistic art on his wall (man laying down and two other men with forks/knives hovering) is peculiar in itself. Why would someone want that type of art if they weren't expressing some dark aspect of themselves.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I think generally 1/100 are sociopaths, but they are in positions of power far more frequently than that.

Cara_C ago

Especially when the powers that be are recruiting pedophile psychopaths because they are politically useful, as they don't have a conscience and can be controlled, and when pedophile psychopaths are recruiting their friends, placing or helping them into positions of power, and then protecting each other.

Blacksmith21 ago

DC region is infested with tons of sick fucks like Podesta. Not all have his money and power, but they look at a guy like that as their life's goal. These people aren't going to know what the fuck hit them if/when Pizzagate blows open.

Blacksmith21 ago

If Podesta is "Pedo Light", I would hate to see "Pedo Heavy".

cakeoflightylight ago

Yeah I don't buy the pedo light line

duerheltdum ago

Allegations of cannibalism with no evidence makes pizzagate look stupid. Great work.

Phoneaccount1 ago

No allegations were made. All that was said was cannibalism is not foreign to him. Shill.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Is this near Bohemian Grove? He likely is getting ready for some kiddie fucking and torture at that grand fun party spot.

quantokitty ago

He's a sick Skippy. No doubt.

nitro169 ago

I thought skippy was pee nutt butt hair

NoBS ago

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Australian Pedo protecting governments approved broadcasting. Oh, back in the the late sixties or early seventies.

Good old days when subliminal adverting was used for social engineering with reluctant governments. Today it is rather in your face. edit. found a fake news link:

Rmm ago

This speaks volumes about his soul if he even has one now

ObamaFAG1 ago

They are all sociopaths, They had NO soul OBVIOUSLY and public hanging is the best "cure"!!

NagaJolokia ago

It would have been fine if he didn't have to add that last part of the statement. Donner/Truckee is a beautiful area. That is the heart of tahoe skiing in my opinion.

First post!!!! Voat is the only safe place for these discussions....Came from ATS.

DustyRadio ago

I used to post a lot on ATS 7-8 years ago, but I really am not a fan of the site now. Welcome!

ben_matlock ago

@NagaJolokia welcome to the team! here, have an upvoat.

NagaJolokia ago

Thanks man...I've been lurking for too long. Time to contribute!

ben_matlock ago

damn skippy!

ben_matlock ago

oh crap...guess i can't use that expression any longer lol.
how about....darn tootin'!

truthtrain2 ago

I completely agree. He makes it weird by almost glorifying that tragic event.

HunkaHunka ago

John Kerry probably meets him there, and sticks his tongue out on the flight all the way there.

sugarskull ago

Right hilarity ensues when you think about the desperate Donners in their last days... If you are a deviant...AGAIN FUCK YOU JOHN PODESTA!!

memphistre ago

The dude is a cannibal - he gets off with this shit.

GeorgeT ago

Just look at his mug. Podesta should audition for Hostel 4, non make up required.

PizzaGate711 ago

Thanks to letters and journals kept by members of the Donner Party and their rescuers, it has long been accepted that cannibalism occurred at the party’s main camp at Truckee Lake (later renamed Donner Lake) and among a smaller group that tried to escape the mountains to get help.

truthtrain2 ago

Thanks for the supplement information!