smonkey ago

the HTML source for the "pedosta" link (a play on podesta and pedo words) they host has a few hundred URLs in it, that don't sound link ones I want to visit: view-source:

Saibra ago

Whoah... I don't know what this website is about, but I took a random paragraph from it and put it in Google translate and it comes back as Uzbec, but it can't translate it but a few words interspersed in the sentences. One word that it was able to translate was "whereabouts." And awful lot of references to McCann. I wonder if this is code for something?

cakeoflightylight ago

can you post what you found here so we can see it / look at it?

iamthepizzanow ago

archive of the whois of the website:

thisHoCwilltumble ago

EDIT: According to a discord chat from a hidden link in the site, synt is some dude with schizophrenia and just makes weird stuff. his twitter: and reddit:


idk how to go about deciphering that (Warning, Really annoying noise) This is also interesting. There are several pages with podesta and clinton literally written all over

wearesven ago

Weird shit. Looks like synt has random things copy/pasted all over his twitter. Careful here too, mentions of FOXACID in his twitter posts. And here's his github. He does lots of video game coding, C and Go and whatnot. He knows computers damn well.

memphistre ago

Guy is highly autistic

remedy4reality ago

The 'Red army' website has ground zero target for a nuclear detonation test at Bikini Atoll, named Operation Crossroads/The Baker Event.

Many may recognize the video >>

Karlhungus80 ago This thread was suggesting that they're some kind of anti-anonymous, and warned against checking their links. I already did, so hopefully that's BS.

Fateswebb ago

Was it archived it appears to be gone

Mad_As_Hell ago

LHOHQ was found by someone on old Reddit pizzagate sub, it sounds weird as hell

Rmm ago

Just copied LHOHQ and got this video on youtube

Mentening ago

if it's any help, Listopad means November in polish

noKnowthing3313214 ago

This one is particularly interesting.

JesusRules ago

what the fuck is that? some kind of MKULTRA programing