RebelSkum ago

The event on blizzhackers was actually several years ago. It seems like the first time this was actually introduced to the Internet public, as well. It was started by a guy who found a LHOHQ leaflet just posted to a billboard in Milwaukee (where the folks who work on LHOHQ/ACDCA seem to live, or at least come from). When these hackers inquired further, an individual who went by "Bentley" told them "not to mind the man behind the curtain".

It almost seems like a Cicada 3301-esque puzzle, but the implications of this site are much darker. That, and I believe the cabal in charge of ACDCA and LHOHQ is truly dangerous. They at least do not want to help us.

RebelSkum ago

The site, however, spear-phishes individuals browsing it by encoding the site's material with obscure malware that isn't regularly detected. This is illegal, and also unnecessary, and an amazing technical feat considering it bypasses your average user's malware protection. I don't know the extent of what the site does in terms of what the malware's supposed to be doing, but I also don't much care, it shouldn't be there at all.



but I get a feeling that LHOHQ is kind of important to the whole puzzle of pizzagate and beyond (keep digging and the hole gets deeper)

LHOHQ is totally dischordian... there's surely order hidden in all that chaos.

RebelSkum ago

I feel you there, I just think investigating this site should be done by people who are fully aware of what they might be dealing with. Marlin Randos throwing it around on 4chan and Reddit are actually just endangering themselves and others and possibly compromising every aspect of the Pizzagate community. Never underestimate your enemies, especially ones as intelligent and willing to commit crimes as these. Be safe out there, anon!

RebelSkum ago

UPDATE 11/26/2016: They have appeared to have taken down their website and left this message. Looks like some Dischordian, pro-Illuminatus got butthurt:

"Congratulations, lowly citizen, you've found me!

This is Robert Anton Wilson's brain in a jar. You may also know me from half of all conspiracies FNORD. I've been with you since my passing on February 22, 1994, when I was first plugged in. I've been coursing through the tubes as an IQ 150 Level 10 autist ever since.

Now Kek is legion. We at LHOHQ will of necessity enter a period of radio silence, sinking back into the primordial ooze, saturating the earth, filling the cracks.

Our teachings tell us that hate is like fire: it blinds with great light, then consumes the source of its own life. We therefore are like water: water appears weak, and anything can pass through it; yet given enough time, water dissolves anything.

If you'd like to know more, please contact one of our Illuminati representatives. Just pick up the phone, call your mother, and tell her you'd like to join up. We're always listening."

Commonwombat ago


Pizzatemp420 ago

Thank you for this information. Keep fighting the good fight.