SpikyAube ago

What is it specifically about our biology/the human body? I've always thought how insane the human body is, and no one ever seems to comment on it - that compared to other animals, including the great apes, our bodies are so incredibly versatile - all the diffferent things humans can do, from gymnastics, to climbing, to balancing on a tightrope, to swimming, to needlework, to catching a fast-moving ball while simultaneously running, at aiming and shooting a target, playing musical insturments and wihtout any training just knowing which notes sound right together and which don't, for communicating and telling stories (like charades! :-) ) all the different forms of dance... we are so far beyond any other animal in the diversity of actions available to us. But people always just talk about our brains and our opposable thumb and our lowered larynx that enables us to speak. Which are all very important, but how crazy that we evolved to be so flexible and versatile out of chunky hairy little dudes like chimpanzees. The image of a chimp or a gorilla doing ballet is funny because it's ridiculous, they couldn't do it! Is that just down to our brains being different, so that we have much finer motor control, is that like a by-product of language evolution or vice versa?

Sorry that was a tangent there! I understand what you are saying about the frequency/vibration - I have never considered anything like that before and have read a little about it, and I'm still uncertain as to what it all means and what I should be doing. No one close to me has woken up yet and I am worried for them.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Here's an article about Marina Abramovich and William Defoe's messed up Movie "Cut the World" there's a preview of the movie : http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/1237182

and: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/758850

ben_matlock ago

Ty @red_bird. (Fellow stlcardinal fan, by chance?) That was uncovered way back in the first EWO thread...don't know why I wrote SIXTY...this shit is fucking with my memory, sanity, and sense of reality...

thebabyseagull ago

Certainly looks like a tattoo of a pizza

TrollMagnet ago

Not sure if the Queen is trolling her, or going to do some Spirit Cooking later.

samhara ago


awarenessadventurer ago

Eric Kubli - and Patrick Crotty (artist) both sick fucking pig that likes this stuff. check out what he thinks is brilliant. Lets get this guy too...sickening art

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

wouldnt be surprised to hear willem dafoe channels satan every once in a while...you can see the evil in his eyes...Anyone ever see than Antichrist movie he was in? I haven't but i heard it is pretty weird/messed up

Silencio ago

The 999 behind the goat on the wine logo is just an upside down 666

SpikyAube ago

Malformed inside and out - I can't believe what happened to Bill Clinton, he is younger than the likes of HW Bush and yet looks like his long dead reanimated corpse! I wonder if some of these people aren't really into it themselves, their evil is in going along with it out of fear or greed, not for pleasure. I think that would take a toll on anyone. Or it could just be Hillary's been siphoning off his blood every evening for her nightcap, keeping him weak just for fun.

SpikyAube ago

They can't do anything if there is no one willing to work for them. The things I worry about is the talk of super secret advanced weapons and stuff - before I would have rolled my eyes at the idea, now nothing seems impossible. If they have some terrible tricks up their sleeve they might decide to resort to out and out honest tyranny instead of what we have now. But at least then we would ALL know who our enemy is, and the resistance would be stronger and better organised, because there wouldn't be so much trouble trying to work out who is with us or who is unknowingly and naively against us etc.

Honeybee_ ago

Look at this ad for a pizza brooch... seriously included a hot dog, and "ok" 666 symbol...


I did an investigation on Cythia Cisco Boone https://youtu.be/98urVOm2j-8

If you notice on her Facebook Page she has the "Big Boy Burger" statue as her cover photo as well as a cat with a pink wig on (pussy cat programming?), I'm looking into the BURGER symbology and pedo-code now...

justice4kidz ago

wow. can these people be any weirder? gathering from Alefantis's responses to Ryan Alexander on the phone, it's just "their culture". "pizza culture", where it is ok to bring children into the sexual culture at way too early an age. because they don't want to be parents. they want party buddies. they want sex buddies. death of the grown up. they have taken a belief in reincarnation and twisted it to say life doesn't matter. abortion doesn't matter, so killing at any age doesn't matter because that soul will be born again. but - that soul - will have SO MANY MANY WOUNDS to overcome. (if you believe in reincarnation of the soul). just saying. we have to fight their "CULTURE" as being so very, very wrong. they have twisted everything to be "OK".

chickyrogue ago

just bizzarros!!

PizzaGate711 ago

She could do with a hairstylist, a dentist and a decent jeweller. Too busy doing the satanic stuff to care.

Singleservename ago

Everybody in the know in Nl was aware Beatrix' husband Claus was a homosexual. As was the powerful court secretary Frits Salomonson.

Like a good jew the latter tortured little boys in the dungeon under his Keizersgracht , Amsterdam home. There's witness testimony from a survivor.

Prince Claus was often spotted there from the early 80s on. I've commented on the Dutch before heres a copypasta:

The Netherlands was probably the first country to use traditions of pedophilia as blackmail operations against power players. Its early acceptance of homosexuality must have played a role here, since exposure of it hasn't carried the scandal it did and often still does in many countries, since at least WWII.

Also, the Netherlands is indeed a nexus of elites (former world center of financial power, invaded the UK just before its meteoric rise, earliest Western settlers in the US), so the tradition of pedophilia runs strong there. Ex-SS-er Prince Bernhard, founder of Bilderberg, was a scoundrel, a pervert and a fraud - and EVERYBODY knew. Even his wife the queen.

Laurentein's Brinkhorst sister-in-law Mabel Wisse Smith is a Tavistock/CIA agent who infiltrated the highest echelons of Dutch Mafia before traveling to Bosnia to work for Soros, ending up back home marrying the current King's brother - who became comatose after a bizarre skiing accident and has been euthanized last year.

The Dutch judiciary and DoJ have been infiltrated by pedos long ago. Many instances of high level judges and DAs involved in child porn and worse. Myriad Dutroux connections. Also, the general secretary of the Justice Department for more than a decade was a known pedophile and (highly) suspected child molester.

The Netherlands is, again, a nexus of this and many other deep rooted evils in the Western world. And its fake royal family - it was the first Republic of name in the Western world and the US Declaration of Independence can be traced almost literally to the Dutch text two centuries before) - has been at the apex of it all.

If it weren't for the staggering works of art and genius there, it's probably better off nuked.

samhara ago

Barely a mention of her dead husband Friso. Also: Looks like a super - spy. And she's using Royal titles when she's not technically entitled.. [Not that I believe in title anyway. But, yes, shows the fraud.. "Courtesy Title?" hmmm

thelandofchocolate ago

Jesus is dead. Long live the messiah.

kammmmak ago

A smile. They smile through their lives at it all and at us. The deceptive fog of a smile. They pay to make those around smile with money and power. Humans easily swayed by a few bucks.

TaosDeiopW ago

You people need to understand that the Satanic Elite Cult in the Western world is present in all western countries that are Catholic or Protestant (protestant are nothing but Catholic light version). The West is the Whore of Babylon. You need to get out of it, meaning you need to stop paying taxes, you need to stop shopping, you need to get out of urban areas and go live in rural areas, you need to start producing your food.

There is a reason why all Christian Orthodox countries are demonized by Western press. And that is because Orthodox Christian countries are not infiltrated to the highest levels by pedophiles. You better start thanking Putin that he and his team decided to help Donald J. Trump get elected. Putin and Trump is your last hope. If Donald fucks up, from there to the future WW3 awaits you westerners, and this time you will lose the war. God is not on your side now. You better start acting against your elite satanic demonic scum NOW. This is the only chance you'll get.

samhara ago

What about Abramovitz'a great uncle, Patriarch of the Eastern Church, who is known historically to like young boys and even rumored to have killed one. He's was acquaintenced with Rasputin. You can't tell me Putin is not involved with Drug Lords.. just saying

Trump is good at what he does because he is also a gangster "connected" person. Truly certain gangsters despise Pedos , so I think it's an insider war, just limited to the child killing [and eating : torture : whatever the hell else they do ] revulsion of the normal gangsters - who are truly brutal and truly despise pedos or anyone who hurts children.

I have a difficult time believing the so-called "reptiles" are just limited to the Western Churches.

jafbm ago


GeorgeT ago

All royals into 9th circle rings.

cantsleepawink ago

Now tell me that Queen isn't reptilian in nature.

quantokitty ago

That is so weird!!! Just weird, strange, scary!!!

Obrez ago

dress rehearsal posted lower in thread

that was willem defoe playing lucifer, eshewing the tennants of abramovic's "art"

This isn't art, it's uggly satanism in public hidden behind, the pretense of art and a vineer of awkward uncomfortable performance to make it unpalatable to outsiders. These are the same strategies 4chan used since 2005 when the first round of "chemo" to scare off, normalfags, furfags and gayfags was administered.

It was bassically just spamming gore, and CP to scare folks off, as dirty words weren't working to well on their own.

I'm now thinking either this cult is using the tactic of hiding in plain site or it's "Chemo" used as a smokescreen to weed out undesirables so the fuckers can chat in peace. Either way this is the epicenter of a secretive society of powerful people with things to hide and shaky morals.

samhara ago

I've heard immediate ban if you mention Miles W. Mathis on 4chan http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html

Klo3t3 ago

She als has a pizza named after her. This article in Dutch states she loves pizza.


8115165? ago

Not directly related, but they are mentioned there


The Rothschilds and Nobels. The Dutch royal family. The Rockefellers. These early titans of the oil industry and their corporate shells pioneered a new model for amassing and expanding fortunes hitherto unheard of. They were the scions of a new oligarchy, one built around oil and its control, from wellhead to pump.


The British oiligarchs, including the British crown with its hidden controlling stake in Anglo-Persian Oil and the Rothschild’s merchant Marcus Samuel at Royal Dutch Shell, sought to counter this German threat to their commercial and strategic interests. They used Armenian-born naturalized British citizen Calouste Gulbenkian–the architect of the Royal Dutch / Shell merger–in


The Dutch royal family not only gave its royal imprint to Royal Dutch Petroleum, they are still rumoured to be, along with the Rothschilds, one of the largest shareholders in Royal Dutch Shell, from the days when Queen Wilhelmina’s Anglo-Dutch Petroleum holdings and other investments made her the world’s first female billionaire right through to today. Bernhard’s guest list at the Bilderberg Group reflected his position in the oiligarchy; alongside him at the Swedish conference were David Rockefeller of the Standard Oil dynasty and his protege Henry Kissinger, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, E.G. Collado, the Vice President of Exxon, Sir Denis Greenhill, director of British Petroleum, and Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Bernhard’s own Royal Dutch Shell.


The oiligarchs’ interest in the burgeoning pharmaceutical industry converged in companies like I.G. Farben, a drug and chemical cartel formed in Germany in the early 20th century. Royal Dutch’s Prince Bernhard served on an I.G. Farben subsidiary’s board in the 1930s and the cartel’s American operation, set up in cooperation with Standard Oil, included on its board Standard Oil president Walter Teagle as well as Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., itself headed by Jacob Schiff of the Rothschild broker family. At its height, I.G. Farben was the largest chemical company in the world and the fourth largest industrial concern in the world, right behind Standard Oil of New Jersey.



QUOTE “Saudi Aramco, which handles the marketing of Saudi Arabia’s crude, is the successor to the Arabian American Oil Company, a partnership between Chevron, Texaco, Exxon and Mobil established in the 1930s and 1940s.” … “In 1988, Saudi Aramco bought a 50 percent stake in Texaco’s refining and marketing operations in the eastern US and on the Gulf Coast, which was named Star Enterprises (“Saudi Arabia, Texaco join forces” Los Angeles Times, 1988).” “In 1997, Royal Dutch Shell joined the joint venture, subsequently renamed Motiva. When Chevron merged with Texaco in 2001, Texaco’s interest in the combined refining and marketing operations was sold to Shell and Saudi Aramco and reorganized as a 50:50 joint venture between them.” …. …and more….


brokenwings1986 ago

Disgusting old hags

Mad_As_Hell ago

Haha that's who I thought it was at first but then noticed the flat chest, apparently it's Willem Dafoe! She's definitely their hairspiration though

numbat ago

Religion just leads t more peadophilia. Catholics Muslims Jews. The kid fucking all stems from the old testament.

DeathToMasons ago

Yeah, Maybe it is a Star Destroyer. Good lookin out.

dtneslo ago


DeathToMasons ago

These people are absurd, grotesque and need to be brought low. A pizza brooch for the Queen? Really?

TomDrew87 ago

I know of a Dutch guy who used to work for Queen Beatrix and apparently she had someone to wipe her arse for her!

cantsleepawink ago

If someone has that attitude towards another human being, just think what they could be really capable of.

erzmichael ago

All 'royals' feed on human blood for reasons that e.g. David Icke has explained long ago. Read up on negative Rhesus factor and on the scientific background of why 'blue blood' is actually called such.

Gorillion ago

Is this the old "Royal Bleeder" Hemophiliac thing? Been ages since I've seen that referenced. Used to almost be a common trope in stories to denote some high-born genetic inheritance.

dmthirdeye ago

So does anyone know about this Willem Dafoe and Marina Abramavic show called The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic? Some really fucked up shit here take a look : ((

http://www.studiointernational.com/…/Marina-Abramovic-Wille… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=natT4xHY39k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDqNpa-GU4Y&t=146s

Now I also found yet ANOTHER fucking weirdo pizzagate connected artist. Here is his picture of willem dafoe baby eating pizza.... https://twitter.com/burtdurand/status/497194149897314304 and he made a pizza filter for snap chat... nice. https://twitter.com/BurtDurand/status/829751851285356544 Hail Pizza... and a pizza pentagram shirt while throwing up the satan horns nice. https://twitter.com/BurtDurand/status/690689505968324609

Sick fucking people.

Gorillion ago

I bet he's one of the scene "survivors" who became one of the players.

juhos ago

Wtf https://twitter.com/BurtDurand/status/516747637283106816

Who wants to go on a Pizza Meeting with me?

yes, we need to discuss these pie charts

It's no fun bc you know the secret translation

samhara ago

Sept 2014

heywhatsgoingon ago

archived https://archive.fo/h8ctg

Evil bastards.

dmthirdeye ago

Dudes entire twitter is insanely obvious....

Piscina ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbhMfZRhsXw Queen Beatrix the pedophile and child killer. Ritual abuse survivor speaks.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A1o1Egi20c Child sacrifice in Holland--ritual abuse survivor speaks.

heywhatsgoingon ago

She names Geert Wilders as attending a killing! wtf...

jewsbadnews ago

Kek will. The bringer in of light.

BukChinaski ago

Erin Moriarty with CBS on 48 Hours wears Boy-Lover Charms. http://imgur.com/a/89jhy http://imgur.com/a/LY4pz

She wore a giant Gold boy-lover brooch on the 'Innocence Lost' episode. Check at 12:34 http://www.cbsnews.com/news/innocence-lost-the-yogurt-shop-murders-09-01-2010/

DeathToMasons ago

48 hours had that bullshit special on Sandy Hook. I knew they were part of the controlled media. Remember the kid at Sandy Hook giving the owl drawing to Obama? Anderson Pooper Cooper showed it to us. Title Here

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

its a triangle shaped brooch...not a pizza slice.

Unless i'm mistaken and it states somewhere that it is an actual pizza slice?

And is that willem dafoe on the right? scary...

julian_assanger ago

God damn it, we just love having cat eyes and eating infants! Is that any less gay than gay?!

doubletake ago

Queen Pizza? Could it be? Sure has the resume for it.

Queen Beatrix, the Netherlands and the paedophile ring


murraryrothbard ago

Seems like I remember beatrix was related to the bush family.

thebabyseagull ago

I think they use pizza as religious symbolism.

Its a perversion or a mocking of the Catholic blessing.

Catholics eat the sacramental waffer to represent the flesh of Christ and drink wine to represent his blood.

They have swaped the waffer for pizza and the wine with the actual blood of raped and murderd children.

Also they don't use a pizza its always a slice.

The slice is triangular so it can be used as illumanti/prymid symbolism.

Gorillion ago

I totally buy this. It's exactly what a subversive artist would come up with. Simultaneous mockery and hijacking of the concept of transubstantiation.

thebabyseagull ago

A subversive artist like maybe Abramovic?

heywhatsgoingon ago

Pretty solid theory

thebabyseagull ago

You can see it in some of the weird Instagram accounts and tumbler pages related to this.

Its like a sub culture,a secret religion,maybe an old religion with modern symbolism incorporated into it?

I can see similarities to Crowley's works.

The FBI triangle symbol I think was used for a long time,but in modern times they have replaced it with pizza symbolism.

I also noticed alien symbolism.

Aliens worshipping pizza and such.

They roleplay as aliens or they think they are aliens.

Maybe they think their rituals actually turn them into aliens/extra dimensional entities?

Its still a working theory ,I know it seems wild but that's where the evidence takes me.

TaosDeiopW ago

It is an old religion. It comes from ancient Babylon. In ancient Babylon they did all this sick shit: rape of children, child sacrifice, sex with animals, they even produced hybrids beings between animals and humans (this part was done before Noah's flood). It was soo sick, that God needed to wipe it all off the face of the Earth. After the flood, these Nephilim creatures were only in spirit form, did not have a body anymore, so they started to influence mankind with ideas. That is why possession of a human is soo important to them. All these elites are possessed by these entities, and I believe that is also willingly. They literally want to create a Luciferian empire here on Earth. The Mark of the Beast will be some sort o mixture f demonic possession and hybridization of humans with these sick evil entities, that once you have the Mark, you will not have free will anymore.

DeathToMasons ago

Gunderson and others tried to tell us about this years ago. This is not a some new theory. Monarch programing has been known to the truth community. Those who got redpilled because of pizzagate are catching up to speed. I was redpilled from Sandy Hook and later learned the truth about 9/11. Some knew the day it happened that we did it. Bill Cooper knew it was coming months before. The Matrix has been smashed for many of us for years. Glad the newer ones are aboard. I was new about 4 years ago.

heywhatsgoingon ago

I see. I didn't fully understand why pizza of all things until now.

B_dog ago

I have no idea if that's true. But it sure sounds plausible.

Dauphin ago

What they do is terrify, torture, and rape little children... By terrorizing them, two things can be accomplished. The children release adrenaline into their pure blood which is then drunk upon the child's death giving the person a "high." They believe this is opens alternate dimensions, they are looking for the dimension in which they are a god. It's all lies though... they don't always kill the kid though... celebrities, singers, actors, politicians many of whom were tortured as children intentionally to have multiple personality disorder or DID (dissociative identity disorder.) TL;DR: Pizza not only is a triangle, it literally represents a circle "a pure child or mind" being split up into triangles... not to mention cheese can kinda represent skin and sauce blood.

21yearsofdigging ago

You are so right on, amazing. Yes, made a film about it, it just came out

AugustaJulia ago

Why can't they just take DMT for seeing alternate dimensions?

the_wasabi_debacle ago

Because DMT is supposedly less potent than adrenochrome.

Also, I would suspect that DMT is used for introspection a lot of times, while adrenochrome is adrenaline that helps them do what they normally do but feel like a god while doing it. The last thing these people want is to do a drug that will make them face up to all the evil they've done.

AdmiralByrd ago

They extract pineal glands from near death kids and chew on it. Similar to the scene in the movie with Anthony Hopkins. Kind of alive, kind of dead. Extracting the very gland that produces it while it is producing it.

Dauphin ago

they record the ceremony and then use it to blackmail the participant. Been happening for 1000s of years... first it was prostitutes (you would get the death penalty for adultery.) Compromise the king/leader/politician with a prostitute and you control him... when adultery no longer worked (laws/public opinion changed) they moved on the homosexuality... that's what they used for sometime... Aleister Crowley discovered on his own child tantric sex magic in the early 1900s. He was instantly knighted to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry for his "discovery." It's all about blackmail/control and occult. They believe they are opening a portal so their "god" can rule over this world. They have been raping kids for at least 100 years now (if not much longer.)

samhara ago

They give that to others before they kill them / or to make them insane and suggestible. Terence McKenna , who promoted it heavily, did not take it himself. according to his brother, but only pretended to take the massive doses and encouraged others to - . http://www.gnosticmedia.com/McKenna-Agent -

There's hours and hours of research on it. The drugs were promoted on purpose, to incapacitate an important segment of the population - at the time - young people. It was a project in MKULTRA, likely headed by A. Huxley .. i.e. British intel http://www.gnosticmedia.com/

Still is a project, being updated and refreshed . http://www.gnosticmedia.com/SteveOuttrim-ShadowHistoryofBurnerse-pt-5a-257 Steve Outtrim Interview – “Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Part 5a: Burning with The Man” – #257 ^^^ You might listen to the whole series to get the full picture, who is involved, how, where, et cetera.

RecycledUser ago

Is there any possibility that the brooch or faces could be Photoshopped? Just putting it out there. It looks pretty damn lame for a Royal's brooch. Once I was convinced the Hannity interview in the Embassy was CGI, I am skeptical of everything that gets put out there.... Edit: damn spell checker. And my post was just being my skeptical self, so pls don't shoot the Msgr or call me a shill. Thanks.

ben_matlock ago

Godammit. It is him. Fuck you, Willem Defoe, formally one of my favorite actors.

DriftingDevoid ago

I've been so disillusioned the last couple months about so many famous people I used to 'worship'. Now I now there's only One I should worship.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

That looks dumb as fuck. Dude is embarrassing himself.

dtneslo ago

I know. Me too :(

Godwillwin ago

It looks like flowerbuds in the shape of a triangle, which is weird. But even more weird a Queen meeting with this satanic spirit cooking weirdo? Whaaaaaat???

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

The meeting itself is the problem!

Votescam ago

The very concept of "royal" or "elite" suggests sometime other than normal. Notice the security being provided for Bilderbergers where we have to suspect that they know at least something about the people they serve and what goes on at these meetings.

Newfind ago

Marina Abramivich is a tranny bitch.

samhara ago

I don't believe "she''s" 70 - They lie about everything.

ben_matlock ago

No, a SIXTY YEAR OLD witch.

gardenofbacchus ago


MrO ago

I think I'm gonna throw up...

silverstar23 ago

Absolutely disgusting!

carmencita ago

What a bunch of ugly people. Queen Beatrix looks like she has suffered the horrible results of years of inbreeding by her ancestors. Ugh.

redditsuckz ago

Bilderberger Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands leaves the Bilderberg 2014 meeting. (HD)


Bilderberg Group Spiderweb;


TomDrew87 ago

He father Prince Bernhard set up the Bilderberg group. He also set up the WWF (agenda 21) with Prince Phillip, he was also a Nazi collaborater.

lude ago

WHAT IN THE WORLD.. WHY would they be wearing a pizza broach? Bad judgement in wake of things? Poor taste because why?

I dont get it other than Pedophile Satanic Child Abusers

neo50 ago

I think that they wear jewelry or have signs, like corporate symbols or a shield/badge that they use as logos. To the uninitiated, it doesn't mean anything. For those in the know, there calling cards.....customers can easily identify where to go "shopping ". Hidden in plain sight.

awarenessadventurer ago

it also hold a frequency. dark magik.

lawfag123 ago

Haha god dammit

OhRutherfordBehave ago

My god, even if you scratch the surface with someone on pizzagate, its not like you would ever get around to this. All this does is fuck with the people like us that know all about pizzagate and make us realize it even more, while most people are walking around have not realized the paradyme shift we have experienced since we found out about pizzagate. Well people, we need to start thinking about life after pizzagate. If we don't see all offenders go down, including the elites on which we have irrefutable proof, we can no longer validate our government or our justice system. The law applies to everybody, and in my opinion, it applies in a much greater extent to those who uphold the law. Their right to uphold the law must extend from their own righteousness. What we are seeing now is a sick sick twist of humanity, and if they are victorious, humanity will surely lose. The good will cease to reproduce, and those who torture, rape, kill, and eat will be the ones to reproduce, all while culling a slave race, I might add. If we do not see justice for pizzagate, we shall no longer validate your justice system for it would be impossible to validate a system of justice which enables the predation and torture of children. If we do not see what is in Hillary Clinton's 33K emails and Anthony Weiner's 650K emails we shall no longer validate your system of justice because it justifies a system of humans which are "above the law". Hillary, you are not above the law. You will hang.

justice4kidz ago

this is when we have the right to establish a new government. we have tested the DC police system (Titus Frost - hacker - child porn downloaded from comet pizza, sent to DC police on Dec 5th, NOTHING HAPPENED, no arrests), and the system has failed us. and the children. you are 100% correct.

justice4kidz ago

Titus Frost is NOT the hacker btw he just passed on the info.

Carolyn8 ago

"The good will cease to reproduce..." I can agree with this. The pedophilia, kidnapping, child trafficking, not to mention other things like the declining education system and economic "slavery" problems, are all in the long list of reasons that I don't want to have children. I can't willingly bring a soul to this world, knowing that that child could be at risk to encounter these things. But while I'm here, I'll try to pitch in and help those who are already here. :)

OhRutherfordBehave ago

@Carolyn8 Stop depending of federal entities to educate you. That is how they institutionalize you in their institution and it has proven time and time again that our children and humans in general do not thrive when they are institutionalized. Children thrive with a loving family, not federal institution.

SpikyAube ago

Yes this is a question of our survival as a species, and a question of breaking free from tyrannical rule by the most malformed and depraved of our kind. When I think of all the poor young men and women who are right now languishing in prison for things like drugs or stealing a car or even just for stealing something from a shop, or basically for all sorts of petty crimes, and then think of what these monstrous creatures get up to and get away with and it's SO unjust my blood boils so hard its a wonder it hasn't all evarporated. I feel like we should break out everyone who is in any prison or jail other than maximum security. How many prisoners were trying to expose this stuff and got lied about and incarcerated as a result? I read the other day about a case in Britain where a woman is still being held in prison without trial, without knowing what evidence there is against her or even what the charges are, just for speaking out about the elite pedophile problem.

What we have is worse than anything I could have imagined, it's worse than all the dystopian futures presented in books and film, because they get us to vote for them, to freely give them our money and our labour, they get us to fight wars for them and to defend them when a victim comes forward with their claims - the people trust them over others they have more in common with, over others who have no reason to lie. In most dystopian novels or films, TPTB steal peoples' souls, their heart, their money, emotions, and acquiesence to laws, but in our nightmare world they steal reality itself from us, they steal and manipulate our very will, so that we end up willing what in reality we would abhor.

It is quite possible that not much will come of all these pedo arrests etc, and the global pedo ring will carry on spinning its dark web - hopefully there are too many people who understand now what is happening, but getting people organised when there is so little trust about who is and isn't legitimately on the side of the children makes it really difficult. Maybe watching some of those dystopian movies will help PG investigators come up with some ideas!

justice4kidz ago

very insightful!!!! agree.

justice4kidz ago

it's about reaching a critical mass awareness. eventually, good will prevail because it is true.

cantsleepawink ago

Really well written. Just wanted to address your last paragraph. I believe that something is happening at an energetic level with all this knowledge that is coming to the surface. Many people are becoming aware (yes, and many still are not). This causes a shift within ourselves and has an impact on the environment around us. We are going through a paradigm shift, geopolitically, and our current leaders are attempting to control and direct that transformation, perhaps even alchemically. However, there are many more of us than there are of them. We have a unique opportunity at this point in history, I can feel it. The one major weakness that I have noticed is that as people 'awaken' they then look for new leaders in new movements, and this is how they are then trapped, rounded up and lead into another field of dreams, all carefully stagemanaged. Be wary of bright young things that appear on the horizon, constantly talking about this new 'movement', who start up new alternative media outlets that are destined for overnight success. The new 'fake' leaders have been planted and are slowly gathering their sheep. Important to discover one's own sovereignty, own it and take responsibility for the life that we create around us.

justice4kidz ago

very insightful as well. it is ALL about energy. what we put out. even this research - we have to do it right in the sense that we cannot fester in the dark too long but go back and nourish ourselves from the Source. to be free, to be loving, to continue in expansive energy and not contraction (dark) energy. and yes, rather than look to someone like Trump as a savior, we now are the leaders.

Lileee1010 ago

I have thought the same way- what if nothing happens. Just arresting pedophiles is not going to make this go away. The whole system has to come down. We are literally trying to take out a "religion" that has been going on for 1000's of years. That's where this all comes from Luciferian/Baphomet shit. if this part of it doesn't come down, it will never stop. I don't know how this is actually going to happen. Until recently most of society has just kinda sat back with the govt and said you don't bother me and I won't bother you. Well at least I was like this. Of course that was until we found out that they eat babies. WTF!?! I never thought it would be this bad or this horrific. My dad was talking about this back in the 1980's and I thought he was crazy. I don't want to lose hope but sometimes it's hard to think this is really going to stop because it's so big. How do we stop this? I don't know. It's true- we've worked our asses off and paid our govt and those taxes have supported this. I would really like to know how much of our hard earned money has gone to support "hotdog and pizza parties" or this orphanage or that one so they can have access to children. How many lives have been lost in wars that Have been fought for nefarious reasons and for what? To have access to refugee children? Are we going to have another war to try and hide this shit? Is there any government in the world that is not involved? They have played the average citizen well- worldwide. I get so pissed off. I cry. I just don't want to loose hope but there is no way that I could ever go back to sticking my head in the sand and excusing the government or people from this.

hels ago

I love Trump as the President but I believe he will only continue the problem. He cannot have power without influence, those with influence have evidence on them that would fuck them up big time. So there is Trump's moral dilemna, do you fight for 350+ million or the 350,000 children? I don't have the answer.

We have seen many small scale people and rings being brought down these last few weeks. This is fantastic. Every child and life saved from the predators is invaluable. Lock the predators up forever, every level of child trafficking should have a life penalty in my opinion. Everyone is as guilty as the levels above them.

21yearsofdigging ago

Millions of lives have been wasted sacrificed for their evil plans. The whole ship must sink and the snakes must have their heads cut off otherwise they just come back again and again. I hear Mars is nice this time of year, maybe they can all escape there and yes eventually we easily round them all up.

micha_ ago

You think about those in prison. Think about the average girls and boys! How filth and poison in TV is hammered into our minds, as if it was normal! All the worshipped egoism comes at a price.

I always believed, that many people just are that way. But since I learn about PG I learned how everything seems globally infested. My impression is, that all the sick and upside down stuff promoted as being normal and cool in the media (i.e. pop culture), is not the result of normal people making it and accidentially becoming successful and famous, but is heavily pushed with the goal of intentional injection into people's minds - and the forces that do that, are part of the worldwide blackmailing pedo-statnic shadow government.


I learned how to shoot a Barrett when I was 15. Don't worry. There are people out there. Change is coming.

ObamaFAG1 ago

Exactly, if Trump can't right this wrong this time.... WE the people certainly can and "THEY" know it. I'm not afraid to die for these kids.


Lol. That's why they've faked so many shootings to try to take our guns away. See this channel for the full extent as to how many shootings have been completely fabricated:


It is quite frankly spectacular (in the literal sense of the word), just how far they are willing to go.

We are the last obstacle to them on the planet. We are almost 100 million strong, speak the same language, and comprise the military which they have bastardized as their own.

This is also the reason they are trying to make our population heterogeneous. It is necessary to keep us divided and asleep. We finally have STRONG solidarity between brothers of black and white skin. Now they are trying to bring in Muslims and sow extreme division, while making the version of Islam that is brought here very conservative. It's fucked up, but anger towards anyone except the monsters at the top is insane at this juncture.

ObamaFAG1 ago

300,000,000 Million, yes Million guns in the US and about 50,000,000 owners (that "they" know of). You know the majority of the police and military and former military will side with us. "they" the subhuman feces, know they can't win but they leverage the "main stream media" which is their propaganda machine to scare the sheep. If anything EVER happens to Trump and or if Trump and stop this madness WE the people WILL.


Buddy. I am sorry to let you know. Trump is part of all of this. He isn't really against the media. It's a pony show. It's a giant trick meant to abuse those looking for someone to change it all.




ObamaFAG1 ago

"LAME LITTLE MAN WITH A LAME LITTLE STORY" Yo FUckface, first of all I am NOT your "buddy" and secondly John Podestaaaa, you have already been exposed on voat numerous times as a shill so get David Brock's dick out of your ass and suck on it.


Please open them all the way

ObamaFAG1 ago

is that a quote from David Brock about your asshole??? YOU come on voat in a forum with the sole intent of exposing these satanic, subhuman murderers, child traffickers and YOUR only contribution is to discredit Donald Trump with some amateur propaganda videos?? If you are not a pedophile satanist YOU are an enabler which puts you with them. I have a solution for feces like you but I will leave that for another day. Rot in Hell "buddy"



I think that we found the shill.

ObamaFAG1 ago

"LAME LITTLE MAN WITH A LAME LITTLE STORY" anyone OTHER than a shill can read my comment and postings and know which side I am on and after reading your PRO PEDOPHILE bullshit CONFIRMS which side you are on. You are a special kind of retarded and need some "special" attention.


Donald Trump is a pedophile. They should all hang. All of them. You got caught up in the rage, in the politics, somewhere back down the road.

ObamaFAG1 ago

Hey John Podesta, WE are coming for YOU!

julian_assanger ago

Come faster, damn it. I can't shoot my gun because I live in a city.

julian_assanger ago

Those motherfuckers stank up DC so bad that my congressman let me in with a gun.

EDIT: and security gave me bro hugs



julian_assanger ago

36 portapots per hour, dude

zzvoat ago

Satanic Baphomet :: Baroness de Rothschild wearing the Baphomet



Satanic Goat of Mendes ::

Bizarre, I know, but there are no animals in the UK that I could find that have spiral horns like that. Note: Why would a branch of the UK's armed forces depict an animal as their emblem when there a no animals like that in the country. (maybe you guys can find a match)


Truthseeker3000 ago

Oh I know. Google search images of this BEAST of a woman. She's absolutely VILE looking. A walking NIGHTMARE she's always donning some satanic crap jewelry like she's so important.

Nana66 ago

I think the last link might be an antelope which are very fast running animals but IDK how that should link with the air force...

thunderballs ago

Her ring looks like owl eyes.

micha_ ago

Great photos of the neclaces. They hide in plain sight.

numbat ago

lions are a symbol of the British they don't have them either

the_wasabi_debacle ago

Many Gnostics have characterized the demiurge (the evil/insane god who rules over this reality) as having the head of a lion. It would make sense for people in power who believe in Gnostic ideas and use them for evil to use lions to represent themselves.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Wow those Rothschild necklaces, I mean how can you explain those things in a nice, benign way?? They're shoving this shit in our faces!

Mylon ago

The ram necklace is just a ram necklace. It's not a demonic skull or anything. I can't explain the horned pointy eared devil though.

listenandsee ago

It looks like an African antelope called a kudu to me. Not sure why it would be used for a British insignia.

Girthcontrol ago

Badge A markhor's head. Chosen to commemorate many years of service in North West India the markhor being a mountain goat frequenting the Khyber Pass

Source: Title Here

ThePedoHunter ago


juhos ago

This is why they don't scare us. They own the most powerful people in the world.

ben_matlock ago

Good grief. Guess we'll add this to the pile.
Is that Willem Defoe next to the witch?

Obrez ago

I think it is, it's very public info that he enjoys cross-dressing and in several movies he does this along with sleeping with underage brown boys.

dtneslo ago


B_dog ago

My guess was Bob Geldof. Or the Joker.

Newfind ago

No, it's Dennis Leary after a meth binge.

julian_assanger ago

=/÷ lol

WellSetTable ago

Was just going to ask the same thing

ben_matlock ago

WellSetTable ago


That was stupid. I can't believe people like this shit. She's really full of her self to think she's so important that everything is bye bye because she says so.

WellSetTable ago

Another actor I lost respect for and he looks like a fucking retard in this makeup.

joey4track ago

I think that is him fuck! I was just making a joke the other day about who I would want to see play HRC and JP in a movie about pizzagate and I said Jessica Lange and Willem Dafoe.

remedy4reality ago

Hollywood would become a ghost town if the truth comes out to the world.

SpikyAube ago

Oooh, no, Glenn Close and Steve Buscemi, with Ron Pearlman playing Trump. FBI anon would be played by Liam Neeson.

ben_matlock ago

Obrez ago

HOLY SHIT; that was willem defoe playing lucifer, eshewing the tennants of abramovic's "art"

This isn't art, it's uggly satanism in public hidden behind, the pretense of art and a vineer of awkward uncomfortable performance to make it unpalatable to outsiders. These are the same strategies 4chan used since 2005 when the first round of "chemo" to scare off, normalfags, furfags and gayfags was administered.

It was bassically just spamming gore, and CP to scare folks off, as dirty words weren't working to well on their own.

doubletake ago

WOW!!! Next Stop: East Jesus. stranger and stranger.

joey4track ago

No surprise to see these crazies together tbh, lol. Sucks seeing so many people I once respected seemingly involved in some unforgivable sick shit.

ArthurEdens ago

Looks like him to me

ben_matlock ago

ArthurEdens ago


ben_matlock ago

I was just joking but, after these past few months, literally NOTHING would surprise me anymore.

ArthurEdens ago

That's who it looked like to me too before even seeing your comment. He was in that movie the antichrist which my friend said is mighty f***ed

dtneslo ago