cosmicmind ago

I'd like to know about Blair and GW Bushes real relationship. Wasn't Blair a pedo? Bushes daddy Bush is named in the Franklin Scandal, and also in Kathy O'Briens documentation as a pedo.

The commonwealth countries need to make some noise and demand the monarchy be dismantled and not funded by their tax $.

But we're all programmed citizens of the world who find it hard to rise up against programming of all kinds.

voteforfreedom ago

The royals have a history of bizarre fucking behavior...always held court amongst the weirdest mother fuckers

Think about Charles and his BFFs Savile and Harris + Andrew and his BFF epstein...a convincted pedo with a private island

Guess you can't inbreed normality...who would have guessed...

gotta roll out the guillotines

Theupsidedown ago

Really what I think it comes down to is a combination of power and lack of accountability. It's like if you use cheat codes in a role playing game...pretty soon you get bored and start killing all the NPC's.

These motherfuckers literally have no accountability and a shit-ton of power. They ran out of things that actually made them feel powerful, so they started fucking and murdering little kids. As if to say, look how powerful I am, I can even get away with THIS.

There is only one answer. They must be burned at the stake.

voteforfreedom ago

Les Deplorables (the little people) should use a guillotine = cheap + humane, dont want to go down to their level

The royals are fucked up depraved because they have been interfucking like race dogs for so long that they acquired many weird fucking diseases.

The <blue bloods> have been interbreeding and feuding like dirty pigs for something like 1000 years

their mental depravity has been catalogued for a long time. The facial deformities and genetic diseases found amongst the royals of the world is stuff of legends

carmencita ago

I know I have heard on the news and read that Hillary, BO and some others are related to each other. It is all very bazaar. I believe Obama is related to someone in Ireland. We should look into how the are connected. There may also be some inbreeding here as well. Btw BO is in Hawaii again.

voteforfreedom ago

Bush is linked to the Queef of England...the elite go round and round