The357Cure ago

So... you've done acid? You're literally brain damaged?

emeraldeye ago

Bills new frockwell, in my defence, considering what they teach in school these days, im quite happy to have gotten most of my education from real life experiences and not a university, which, these days appear to be run by marxist, indoctrinating pedophiles. I still stand by my original statments that I have never heard of any of these words ending in "phile" other than pedophile. It seems to me that all you get in school is a miseducation. My son came home from school recently with this "educational" book

Ocelot ago

Rules for thee, not for me.

zzvoat ago

I know we can get excited but can we all please stop with the hyperbolic titles. THERE IS NO REASON TO TYPE ALL CAPS.

It's just a post like every other post here.

The357Cure ago

I felt nostalgic for He-Man and Thundercats. I watched it as an adult. It is God awful horseshit.

Spoiler: Harry Potter is worse. Get unstoned for a week and see if any sparks will fire up in that grey goo in your skull.

Kcpedogate ago

This came from 15 minutes of rudimentary (at best) research from someone who knows nothing about computers...

1- Lumos logo is a butterfly...(this^ has been covered)

2- Lumos used to be called "Children's High Level group" but changed their names to change thier focus... "The charity co-founded by J.K. Rowling has today revealed a new name and a new focus. Lumos, chaired by J.K. Rowling and previously known as The Children’s High Level Group, will continue to work to help institutionalised children across Central and Eastern Europe but will move its focus from Romania to the Czech Republic and the Republic of Moldova. The relaunched website additionally mentions a planned expansion into other countries. The charity’s work in Romania will be continued by the Asociatia Children’s High Level Group, chaired by Baroness Emma Nicholson." Notice the republic of Moldova which has also been flagged as a cesspool for trafficking.

JK Rowling also supports "One Parent Families" an NGO that, "In 1979 the organization jointly produced a report with the Community Development Trust. Among other things, the report called for the abolition of the age of consent because the law at that time did not take into account consenting sexual relationships between young people, which resulted in pregnancies being hidden.[2]" (per wikipedia)

4-JK Rowlings OBVIOUS occult ties. SPIRIT COOKING anyone? It is evident that Rowling glorifies the occult and after reading and after reading a quick synopsis of her "childrens stories" in Beetle and the Bard. It rather obvious where her loyalties lie. (Summary of this lovely little story is about a man ripping the heart out of a witch and then cutting his own out)(oh and guess how she raised money for Lumos, she personalized rare copies of Beetle and the Bard ) under "events". Her Harry Potter logo is an in your face occultuc symbol.

5- Her SHAMELESS backing of Hillary Clinton, (check her twitter) which is rather interesting considering Hillary's foundation and her report confirming Haiti as a place for trafficking.

So please, please someone with knowledge; set aside your childhood affection for Harry Potter and do some REAL research into her NGOs

scvoon ago

Let's see, in Harry Potter kids are whisked away from the protection of their parents and family, taken on a magic train to some hidden castle/dungeon where they're initiated into occult rituals by a variety of eccentric adults in robes. The kids themselves are "sorted" like cattle by a decrepit old hat and told that wands (aka phalluses) are the sources of their power.

Hmm, nothing pedo about that at all.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago This society has talked about JK before...there is even an interview with her somewhere. I feel this is a Society designed to bring the ideas of the Satanist to the public in a sneaky way.

Finally, there is today a new and conspicuously overt expression of the esoteric, whose principal characteristic, while related to that of the 1960s, is even greater—because it has unparalleled breadth and scope across the planet. This new opportunity is the receptivity of the newest generation of our new millennium to teaching of a higher order that is related to, but more than, the dramatic occult powers and divination taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and exhibited by young Mr. Potter in both his apprenticeship and his exploits against the malevolent Voldemort.

Though possibly ephemeral, one needs to consider whether the Harry Potter phenomenon may be an “experiment” of the present age—another opportunity for the infusion of light. The substantial difference between this infusion and its predecessors is an enhanced receptivity for more light by literally millions of children and early teenagers in every corner of the planet who have consumed the books of J. K. Rowling (and the films made from them) with virtually unsurpassed thirst and enthusiasm. Yet this experiment, if indeed it is that, is only half completed at this point. As the next logical step in sequential order, the other and more significant half of the experiment would be to bridge the occultism of Harry Potter’s world to the sacred science of higher metaphysics.

The current works of Rowling do not, in fact, teach or otherwise convey in any clear terms the higher principles of the philosophia perennis, but one can conclude that was never the objective of the books. The books convey a wonderful and interesting fictional story of the education and maturing of a young wizard who undergoes the tribulations of learning his art at Hogwarts. To the extent that this was the primary objective of the books, the author has achieved an admirable degree of success. But the books also convey other, secondary objectives, whether by the author’s design or not, and they are key for the proper assimilation of esoteric knowledge.

Chief among the secondary objectives is an elucidation of the principle of the pairs of opposites—good and evil, light and darkness, selfishness and sacrifice. It may be said that this principle is common and can be found in abundant supply in the world’s great myths, folktales, and fairy tales—and that is certainly true. Furthermore, one may point out that, together with ample presence of the magical and fantastic, this principle also inheres in other classics for the young (in body or heart), such as J. R. R. Tolkien’s stories The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and C. S. Lewis’s seven-volume Chronicles of Narnia.

However, what distinguishes J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books from these others is the clear, express, and unambiguous notion of the potential for development of the latent powers in human beings—even in Muggles. What is needed for that development is sufficient discipline and determination, set within the context of a nonempirical educational and developmental process that is based on metaphysical laws of nature and the elements. While these latent powers may be on the lower reaches of the vertical axis of higher metaphysical principles and the philosophia perennis, they are nonetheless an integral aspect of that vertical axis.

The understanding or even acceptance of such occult subjects among young readers, by virtue of the author’s treatment of them in a sympathetic and gently humorous manner, is nearly always a precondition whose fulfillment may lead to further development along this path. Indeed, it may ultimately lead to understanding the higher suprarational metaphysical principles as a consequence of growth and maturity. In short, Rowling’s books illustrate the graphic and undisguised conflict between what is commonly referred to as white magic and black magic, in their own terms. For many, including the world’s youth, recognizing this conflict is a necessary realization before undertaking the long and arduous path to liberation from the pairs of opposites. The pairs of opposites are represented by the “outer man” and the “inner man,” whose resolution occurs within at the point where these opposites coincide.

One may theorize that Rowling’s reference to Cassandra Vablatsky hints at the author’s understanding of a need for further and higher education for her readers. That being the case—unless Rowling herself undertakes this higher education in future works, in which she might have the graduate Harry Potter undertake the disciplines and mysteries of meditation and the study of the santana dharma while developing the suprarational faculty of intellection—it may be left to others to seize this opportunity. This, of course, is not to suggest that anyone produce a book under the fraud of a modern pseudepigrapha, but someone intent on maximizing this opportunity may well find a legitimate and suitable bridge to carry these millions of loyal followers of the exploits of Harry Potter to a new and higher metaphysical destination. In particular, associations of people who profess and promulgate the philosophia perennis need to be aware of such opportunities and to maximize them.

The overwhelming success of J. K. Rowling’s work, both in print and in film, testifies to the fact that the positive response to her works is enormous, is world-wide, and numbers in the millions of readers and viewers. To state this is not to endorse a purely quantitative standard for the ultimate significance of the Harry Potter phenomenon, for unless the ground prepared by Rowling’s books is planted with a commensurably qualitative spiritual influence from the center, and is subsequently nurtured by those willing to cooperate and assist in this endeavor, the phenomenon will have been only an ephemeral entertainment. The possibility of such a planting and nurturing for bringing more light to humanity, and thereby maximizing this cyclic opportunity, should be obvious. A failure to benefit the eager young audience of these books by further education in the first principles of the philosophia perennis that will lead to a higher understanding would be a missed opportunity. Not all such opportunities are taken, however, or even perceived.

For individuals who do perceive them, any effort undertaken toward maximizing these opportunities does nothing less than lend support to the work of certain bodhisattvas and all who actively assist them in their work. For maximizing opportunities inherent in cycles is in large part what that work is, examples being that which was done in 1875 and again nearly 100 years later. Those who undertake and guide this work always remain vigilant for the next such opportunity of the cyclic dynamic to appear and are neither sentimental nor conformist in the expenditure of their energies in taking the fullest advantage of the hour, for they have no energy to waste.

The new and emergent form arising from such an opportunity will invariably seem unlikely and may at first appear bizarre or foolish or trivial, but that is because we are comfortable with what we know and with what is generally acceptable. New seed sprouts and grows in the decay of the old, each on a corresponding and coequal but opposite mission. Where the new sprout promises to generate more light in the obscurity of darkness, in addition to all other consequences, that light will also serve to unfog the future.

diamonddust ago

A lot of people who move in the circles of known PG suspects follow J.K.Rowling on twitter. Just saying.

Amyamy ago

Dammit! Do any of these fucking adoption/ children's services/ fostering agencies NOT use a pedophile symbol in their logos? It's all over the place.

neurofluxation ago

all things glorifying spiritism

Isn't that subjective though...? I might find something glorifying spiritualism where as someone else might not find that it has that effect on them...?

21yearsofdigging ago

Get Frank Guistra, he continues to make my life and others, a living hell

Xpol ago

Maybe by itself a coincidence but JK Rowling goes on Twitter to talk about the gay life's of her characters.

She's into the occult.

Apparently she has made the new villain of a Harry Potter movie a creepy gay pedophile.

Seriously can't make this up

PresudentMcCheese ago

The pedo symbol is hearts, so this isn't a pedophile symbol. Reminds me of when morons thought crossed ping pong paddles were a pedophile symbol.

strix-varia ago

Did she even write these books? I mean, wow, the greatest story ever... "Rowling has lived a "rags to riches" life story, in which she progressed from living on state benefits to multi-millionaire status within five years." (from wikipedia unfortunately). Total indoctrination are the these books. So obvious now.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

In this PDF, Rowling essentially lays down how the racket works. Donations from the first world fuel the orphanage industry. Parents in Haiti that don't know how to feed or take care of their kid are convinced by these foreign parties to give their kids up to the orphanage because they cant take care of them. Not only does this shed a lot of light on the pizzagate situation, it also sheds a lot of light onto socialism, institutionalization, and that other thing that I am not allowed to say, but I think you know it....

reasonedandinformed ago

Keep in mind, any organization that deals with stopping child trafficking or helping vulnerable children should absolutely know the basic pedo symbols. When they are incorporated systematically into their branding and communication, there's only one conclusion that one can draw.

Fatsack ago

This is why she's pushing the SJW shit so hard.

reasonedandinformed ago

You appear to be where I was when this started. When I first started digging, I was hard to be convinced of the legitimacy of these things. The more you see the patterns and how deeply they run, the chances of these things being not relevant and coincidences become quite low. Also, keep in mind, any organization that deals with stopping child trafficking or helping vulnerable children should absolutely know the basic pedo symbols. When they are incorporated systematically into their branding and communication, there's only one conclusion that one can draw.

Tanngrisnir ago

While that is indeed a butterfly logo the pedo butterly logo has hearts for wing sections. I'm not sure if a very vanilla looking butterfly qualifies as anything concrete. You would need more evidence than just that.

That said I loathe J.K. Rowling after she completely sold out to SJW's, wished death on a former fan who supports Trump and started acting like her books were some sort of incredibly predictive 1984 style anti-totalitarian novel instead of light entertainment.

OrwellKnew ago

Butterfly is also symbolic of MK-ULTRA programming and "Monarch"

FartOnYou ago

99.2% of the worlds population has no idea that symbol is related to pedos. Im not sure we can assume anyone using hearts is using a secret pedo language to communicate with other pedos through their logos

reasonedandinformed ago

That is the point...the pedos know. It is a subtle visual handshake. That is WHY it is highlighted by the FBI, because they regularly find it within pedo orgs/communication.

ASolo ago

There should be no debate on this matter, the logo is an mk-ultra butterfly and jk rowling is a witch. period.

DefenderOfTruth ago

The butterfly has to be made of hearts to be associated with the child lover logo. Not saying JKR is clean, but her logo is a plain butterfly, not one made of hearts. Let's be careful not to stretch the logos to fit.

I think the second two links the OP shared offer more evidence of potential nefarious operation. I wouldn't hang my hat just on the logo though.

reasonedandinformed ago

That is logical thinking...need to look at the broader pattern. Some will be highly relevant.

Rmm ago

I think everyone needs to be careful, the first link actually exposes the shadow side of these orphanages: …"In a report done by Lumos, the company said that there are some 30,000 children living across 760 orphanages in Haiti, but only about 15 percent of the institutions are officially registered. During that 2010 earthquake which collapsed most of Haiti, adoptions began to sky rocket and leaving some safeguards meant to protect the nation’s children were ignored. Experts say cases of human trafficking after a disaster are common as survivors are driven to desperate measures after losing their homes". I realize that just because they admit that trafficking exists, it doesn't absolve them from the possibility that they are guilty of it themselves, but if that is the case , then who are we ever to believe is actually helping children?

“The people who do this need to be prosecuted so that fewer people will think that this is a good way of making money.”

The357Cure ago

If you're older than 20 and think the Harry Potter books are good, then you're a quasi-illiterate moron whose opinion does not count for shit.

Those books are fucking garbage. They are the literary equivalent of a coloring book without pictures - fucking soulless abominations.

Mylon ago

It's just a butterfly. There's no heart shapes in Rowling's logo. This is reaching too much.

The357Cure ago

"Celebrity" seems to mean child raping Satanic cannibal. Rowling certainly didn't become rich and famous from talent. I'll bet she got where she is through human sacrifices and blood rituals.

gurneyx ago

These people must get special satan points for putting things in plan sight or maybe they get reward points or something because its just insane!

emeraldeye ago

Ive heard of plenty of words ending with "phobe" only ever heard one ending in "Phile". And I'm sure I'm not the only one who would say that. I have not studied science, maybe it is a commonly used term in that area.

Maeglor ago

Bibliophiles love books.

Maybe learn more words?

eleminnop ago

The point is that most of the world knows only one word ending in -phile. It's a strange coincidence at best.

However, there are only a handful of major pedophile logos to make sure you don't use especially for organizations dealing with children. It would be an egregious error at best to use one for a fucking children's foundation. You'd think if they really cared about children, they would make sure to not include the symbol pedophiles use to indicate a "pedophile friendly" organization...

BackToBlack ago

I agree. To me it's very weird how she's acting, overreacting basically, especially given what she supposedly knows. I mean she's involved in helping orphans, she knows the statts on how many children are trafficked around and yet she fully supports Hillary Clinton? Like it makes no sense. Also some of you say - well so what it's just a butterfly, let's not blow this out of proportions - but what does a butterfly have to do with "lumos"- the spell? or the hp books? literally nothing. Some time ago I checked Wikileaks for JK Rowling and for Lumos - she had a book premiere at a bookstore together with Hillary Clinton - that's all I found there. But as much as I like JKR personally, and as much as I'm a HP fan, I cannot shake off the feeling that something is off here.

reasonedandinformed ago

Good observations

quantokitty ago

She is dirty, dirty, dirty. I don't believe anything of the fairy tale narrative about how this series was created. She's a willing slave/whore to a communist/global cause.

GeorgeT ago

Same logo as the one used by Comet.

noKnowthing3313214 ago

JK Rowling did not write harry potter, British Intelligence did.

GeorgeT ago

Glad people are waking up to it. J.K. Rowling is an actress, into witchcraft, she is not a writer.

FeLpZ187 ago

What about AHS?

PepeDidNothingWrong ago

Fucking. Hell.

SturdyGal ago

Children draw butterflies all the time. But they don't put dark rays emanating from them. This is subtle, but creepy to me. ' Lumos', of course, means 'light' and is in the ballpark of Lucifer. We had this post before. The whole website look is kind of dark for a children's foundation.

anotherdream ago

Fucking... mind...blown. Holy shit, - magic, death, fuck dude the is rabbit hole is mad deep, like - black hole deep , oh my - ... fuck man

ungpoop ago

Ok stop, there's obviously a trend in logos that are symmetrical but smaller like both the pedo and butterfly logo. But which came first? Did the pedos get their symbol from children's books or did the childrens books get there's from the pedos? This may or may not be a reach. Do more research on how the pedo symbols were formed and maybe they just are copying the children's books like if they all of the sudden take the Christian cross and turn it into their own symbol that doesn't mean the cross is their symbol.

reasonedandinformed ago

Look at all of the context...the whole thread of see that this is relevant. The logo provides a first clue, but the deeper dig reveals validity in the suspicion.

Oldno7 ago

Honestly curious of your thoughts on angels and demons. Would those also be considered what you called 'spiritism'?

Oldno7 ago


User890020 ago


it's like,

"You are either against the pedo-cartel, or you are for it"

SturdyGal ago

She really is. And pro muslim immigration. Why is she in the mix at all?

lordofthekek ago

because she is an etlitist billoniare! these peoples brains are wired different for the most part. their fucking sickos, how else do you get your dick wet after you WIN at life in terms of money / success. You fuck children and believe you're in a religion where you're essentially one of the Gods that can manipulate reality.

These globalists all hang out together and circle jerk. who knows what kind of hangouts behind the scenes

Aderville ago

They hang out at cloning centers. Research Donald Marshall and Aug Tellez.

micha_ ago

Have you ever associated childhood with a butterfly on your own?!

Why do they not associate kids with normal (=single!) hearts, rabbits, flowers,...

They use the same absurd(!) symbols, identified by the FBI, and those using them show strange connections to the Clinton Foundation, the pedo-satanic blackmailing network and you think that's coincidence, although Rowling is promoting occultism and Potter has been hyped to the extreme by certain parts of the establishment?

dem6nic ago

Cue the shitstorm of butthurt HP fans

Atatarkus ago

I find it very hard to believe that JK Rowling is directly involved in child trafficking. These are the type of leaps of faith that the msm will use to make a complete mockery of legitimate research, it's a fucking butterfly get real people, I've read a lot about possible mod shillery which I've taken with a grain of salt but the fact that this post still exists is surely proof. What could this honestly achieve other than to get a couple of hundred million Harry potter fanatics to hate us/ troll us/ never believe us.

DeathToMasons ago

I don't agreee at all. It is not a butterfly, but a symbol in the same shape as one. Look again. And you think it is ok for child services to ignore known pedo symbols and use them as their logo?

Atatarkus ago

I didn't say I think it's okay to ignore pedo symbols I said that this is counterproductive to the cause because it's tenuous at best and could alienate millions of people. If it so happened that this particular organization also had serious provable links to child trafficking or the Clintons like the elpida home then fair enough but this seems like a minor coincidence. If it turns out I'm wrong then fair enough but I never saw anything compelling enough in the op

Edit: actually on second inspection there is a link to Clintons, my bad lol.

DeathToMasons ago

No, we have to think critical. Your good..

dem6nic ago

She's not directly involved, she peddles their belief system through kids' literature though.

cantsleepawink ago

Because Lumos and that symbol are very reminiscent of the MKUltra thing, the New Age movement which ties in with the teachings of Alice Bailey which is taught through the Arcane School at the Lucis Trust which is a United Nation organisation and is all tied in with their Transformation of society agenda and that's why Harry Potter because transformation is an alchemical process.

neurofluxation ago

Quote the passage ffs..

dem6nic ago

I'm just going to leave this here.

"As a former witch, I can speak with authority when I say that I have examined the works of Rowling and that the Harry Potter books are training manuals for the occult."

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Doubt it. No blood sacrifices are shown in Harry Potter. That is a tool the elite use. You can't claim everything is the occult because of magical themes.

I can see Horcruxes being symbology for DID however: the fracturing of the soul for more power; a theme the elite believe in through the use of MK Ultra.

Aderville ago

Dude, voldwmorts immortality was based on ritual murders.

PrideOfOshtekk ago


podesta4prison ago

Copypasting my comment from a deeper thread for visibility as I think this is an important consideration:

Marina Ambromovic has a relationship with certain very influential celebrities that are very vocal advocates against Trump, and for this collapsing global system that thrives off terrorism, trafficking, fear in the news, etc. Some or many of them may know exactly what energies they're channeling. J. K. Rowling is a well-read woman, I'm sure she's not ignorant to the globalist system she is supporting with her massive influence.

Weeks ago, we discovered Rebecca Goyette, another fucked up "artist" whose work resembles witchcraft, and who is literally a descendant from a woman in the Salem trials: We discovered her as she was advocating violence at the Berkeley protest, and is a member of Antifa, an anti-Trump student cult. That may sound like hyperbole, but testimony from students that have left the group describe cult behaviors and tactics.

At this point, I think it's wrong to dismiss and ridicule anything spiritual. Even if it isn't "real," the elite are indulging it.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I know Rowling is sketchy. I believe in spiritual concepts; I was simply skeptical of Harry Potter being an occult manual.

podesta4prison ago

Sure, I tend to agree with that sentiment too.

lordofthekek ago

harry fathers parents. boom! blood sacrifice ; and now she her self (JK ROWLING) is comparing DTrump to Voldomort, when it is really the globalist / pedo / trafficking system . Illegal things are highly expensive/profitable things.Great Profit margins

Think if you are an occult; Trafficking children = money; putting them out for sex = money; sacrifice for occult; tradition/get drugs from the andreline gland of scared child; harvest and traffic the organs = money. Call up James Alefantis for a new cheese pizza - Rinse and repeat,

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Fair enough. That blood sacrifice point you made has merit.

dem6nic ago

Now i know you haven't read through any of the links I posted.

darkofthemoon ago

One of those links uncritically copies from a very memorable Onion article that became viral among people who didn't realize it was satire. That one article may have been Onion's all-time greatest hit, which helps explain how I was able to recognize it after all these years.

Back then I thought there was no way Harry Potter would really be Satanic. Nowadays... my preconceptions have been shaken a great deal.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Reading through the second link and most of it is christian bullshit.

Stories of magicians and witches are nothing new. Moreover, having occult knowledge does not make you someone who is trying to normalize it. Heck, WE have occult knowledge based on the research done on voat, 4chan and reddit. Harry Potter is clearly portrayed as fiction, not non-fiction. So you can't say its a handbook. It simply uses real practices to paint a picture.

EDIT: that being said, I forgot about the mandrakes. The concept disturbed me as a child too. I thought "why would you kill wooden plant babies, especially if they look like our own human children?". I know for a fact that Rowling is sketchy; like Bill Gates, she is "too good to be true". Just wasn't completely sold on it being an occult handbook until I was reminded of babykilling jokes in Book 2.

I would also like to make clear that esoteric knowledge can be used for the good of humanity. Awakening the Third Eye is perfectly fine; its about how one uses it and what path they take. Service to Self (as the elite do) or Service to Others?

reasonedandinformed ago

Yep...insta response. Pretty certain u have been arguing w CTR. If not, it is someone too lazy and closed-minded to see the reality that has been unveiled, even if it is contrary to his preconceived notions. Kudos for your efforts, but it is a brick wall for some.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Shut your ass up.

iamthepizzanow ago

Garbage, gtfo.

Flat_Truth ago

Yeah!! There's no such thing as the Satanic occult....that church Crowley was a part of...attended by politicians and entertainers...who's members wrote a play in the 30's called "The Uplift of Lucifer"....oh hold on, That was Walt Disney's club called the "Uplifters" back then who wrote that play....Disney he wasn't part of that church. But am pretty sure that church quietly closed their doors and gave up aspirations of corrupting and ruling the world. I mean if they were operating, by their very nature of being "occult" and occult meaning hidden....then I'm sure it would be obvious they were afoot and at play in society. (sarcasm)

iamthepizzanow ago

Are you a wizard?

Flat_Truth ago

If you mean someone like Jimmy Saville or Jack More like some kind of druid dude.....lifting the veil...

iamthepizzanow ago

I'll take that as a "No"

Flat_Truth ago

What do you mean by wizard? I don't get it? Do you mean that satanic stuff is real? Or you talking like Harry Potter style? What about witches? Do they count? If they've proven the seven wonders? Or are the seven wonders just a Stevie Nicks song? Stop playing like that stuff is even real.

iamthepizzanow ago

There's nothing to get, its all bullshit.

Flat_Truth ago

My point exactly the occult doesn't exist. If it did, then it would be as seen on TV....and we know that's all just BS. By their very title "the occult", which literally means hidden, then there's no doubt if they did exist it would be fairly obvious.

iamthepizzanow ago

There's a fine line between obvious an hidden, at least you can see through the bullshit. Cheers.

dem6nic ago

Thanks for your opinion. You gtfo. Why garbage? Children being introduced to occult practices via school curriculum and 'harmless' books is garbage? Look around.

iamthepizzanow ago

You're welcome. I stand by my statement. Please elaborate the claim of "occult practices via school curriculum"

iamthepizzanow ago

You're elaboration consists of an irrelevant link with no context. Thanks for coming out, but not really.

dem6nic ago

Now I know you're a harry potter fan. Go cast some spells for a couple shillings.

iamthepizzanow ago

Your ignorance defines you.

dem6nic ago

It's your ignorance in debate here.

iamthepizzanow ago


podesta4prison ago

All you're doing is dismissing and ridiculing people that think there is occult spiritual aspect to this. The evidence suggests your ridicule is unfounded.

Marina Ambromovic has a relationship with certain very influential celebrities that are very vocal advocates against Trump, and for this collapsing global system that thrives off terrorism, trafficking, fear in the news, etc. Some or many of them may know exactly what energies they're channeling.

Weeks ago, we discovered Rebecca Goyette, another fucked up "artist" whose work resembles witchcraft, and who is literally a descendant from a woman in the Salem trials: We discovered her as she was advocating violence at the Berkeley protest, and is a member of Antifa, an anti-Trump student cult. That may sound like hyperbole, but testimony from students that have left the group describe cult behaviors and tactics.

At this point, I think it's wrong to dismiss and ridicule anything spiritual. Even if it isn't "real," the elite are indulging it.

iamthepizzanow ago

Filling the basked full of shit that you don't need.


stillinit ago

Downvoted. That's not the same logo.

DeathToMasons ago

Check your eyes potter fan. They are usualy very similar but not exact. That is the idea. I'll say again, if they are innocent, they are victims of their own circumstance. They should know better.

stillinit ago

Ive never read a Harry Pooper book in my life, assumer.

micha_ ago

If this is not a butterfly symbol, what do you see? :D

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Okay srsly guys? are we that desperate? It's not a pedo logo, it's just a butterfly. jesus!

sentryseven ago

If you see that symbol in connection with a children's organization it should raise a red flag. By the FBI document alone it is worthy of further investigation.

reasonedandinformed ago

Look at the broader context and dig before dismissing

Mooncutter ago

the buttlerfly is a pedo logo, did you now know that?

DeathToMasons ago

Your telling me that child services are not aware of the symbols? Or that they are aware and just thought they would put that symbol anyhow? That would be a lack of priorities. Considering so many child care companies have pedo symbols, we are supposed to believe it is continually an accidental oversight?

Mooncutter ago

Yes. You can't you ASSUME every single pedo symbol is an accident. That's on you. It doesn't say anything about the reality of the situation.

reasonedandinformed ago

Why assume it is not related and dismiss the many other relevant connections made?

eleminnop ago

Because that would be too logical. Seriously, who the hell are these people commenting?

This "iamthepizzanow" guy is all over the place making sure to tell everyone there's nothing to see here. I believe there is something to see here, and I'm not even as motivated as they seem to be. I'd use caution when dealing with that user...

micha_ ago

Just coincidence, nothing to see here, move on...

neurofluxation ago

Mk ultra. Monarch. Elites. Occult. Esoteric symbology. Look it up.

GeorgeT ago

100% Butterfly logo. J.K.Rowling - typical myth, single mum, out of nowhere writes 7 books in no time, gets translated in 55 languages!

MolochHunter ago

i beleive you - but if we are tactful we can use this to redpill Rowling

neurofluxation ago

Mk Ultra's, Project Monarch also employed butterflies...

TomDrew87 ago

Yes many monarch victims have tattoos of butterflys, a lot of pornstars included. The monarch butterfly symbolises the disassociation that the victim experiences during the Trauma bases more and control and thus represents the infants mind escaping from the pain through creating multiple personalities

TomDrew87 ago

  • that was meant to read Trauma based mind control

Pizzagate871 ago

I always heard stories that harry potter was satanic propaganda but I dismissed it as bs...what if jk rowling is involved in these pedophile rings? omg..that means the satanic influences in harry potter could be a thing

Aderville ago

This makes me sad, legitimately. My daughter and I loved Harry Potter but... the more educated you become about occult symbology the harder it is to enjoy the movies and books.

I've often thought the series could be written with the elite psychopaths as the powerful wizards and us as well, muggles. Their bullshit magical Satanic drama is spilling in to our world. It's fun to think about.

scvoon ago

There are so many transforming cultural phenomena that seem to take the world by storm, and when you look into it, there often seems to be some kind of government/CIA influences "helping things along". Facebook and Google for example. I'd argue the Beatles as well.

Harry Potter was huge when it first came out. Strangely huge.

What kind of cultural effects might they have been aiming for?

Ronnilynn31 ago

It always pissed me off that people kept throwing in the Satanic references. I'm a Christian and a huge Harry Potter fan but I thought they were making way too much of it and were just over zealous. Not so sure they were wrong about that now....can't say I'm sure about anything except that I'll never see things in the same I did back some 6 months ago.

Lionheart1488 ago

I think William Ramsey speaks to this a bit, he's a really incredible researcher.

While it sounds fantastic and maybe a bit paranoid to some, there definitely seems to be homages to Crowley and other occult things in her 'work.'

Xpol ago

It is.

She either personally had knowledge or someone told her what to write. The book is full of real occult symbolism, spells , names of demons rember how popular it was and how many kids read it .

Part of the occult agenda is called externalization of the hierarchy. They have to show you how it really works. They also do it to taunt, but it's mainly the first it's a spiritual law

ASolo ago

What kind of a newbie doesn't know HP is satanic propaganda from the start? Saw another comment where someone said they didn't know anything about Freemasonry. Who is running this shit show?

You kids better buckle up for safety or put some armor of knowledge on or you're going to get crushed. Good to have so many inquisitive minds working on this but you all better wise up.

Rigg5 ago

Her new screen write is FULL of NWO Elitist and Magick propaganda: Fantastic Beasts movie. It's literally a movie about Secret Societies being magicians who run the world in secrecy. That's the open plot of the film.

153sdsd ago

I went down this road about a week ago and I am now sure it was the reason it became big, the changes they made to influence the story, I always though the same about the anime and dragon ball, the guy was called mr satan but come on, I gues I'll look it up now

GeorgeT ago

It is a known conspiracy that J.k. Rowling is an actress & occultist while the Harry Potter series was writtem by s number of high degree occultists. The book refers to ordinary folk as muggers - this is a term according to occult expert Michael Tsarion, used by high degree freemasons to describe non initiates. No way an ordinary single mum would know anything about that term since it is an insider information.

wtf_is_happening ago

"Muggles". Yeah, that's us aka normies. The brilliant conspiracy essayist Miles Mathis claims Rowling is probably a front for multiple authors (as "Carolyn Keene" was a pseudonym for the various authors who wrote the Nancy Drew mysteries.) Here is the link: A woman called Emily Gyde has also claimed to be the true author of HP.

GeorgeT ago

That is exactly who she is. Fits the narrative.

MattHelm ago

True. JK was long ago a welfare mother she had an idea to do a book series she wrote the outline and her publisher brought in a team of ghost writers to help her with the book. Whoever the ghost writers of the entire series are they are very well paid enough money to remain hidden and secret. There is no way she wrote all the books herself. She is now very wealthy but not as wealthy as her publicity claims she is. All that money from the books and the movies is divided up between the publisher and the real ghost writers who did the hard work of creating an illuminati narrative across 7 books and 8 movies.

dem6nic ago

There's a plethora of information regarding the HP series and Wicca magic here:

The HP curriculum in contrast with Wicca study books; The introduction of HP into schools; Wicca terminologies and rituals mentioned in the HP books; the list goes on.

iamthepizzanow ago

You heard stories relating to satanic propaganda from the retarded religious sects that try to make the same point that dinosaurs aren't real.

Certain religious sects condemn magic, wizards and witches. Same ones you refer to.

micha_ ago

I am not Crhistian and have sympathy for the old "witches" and spiritualism . but Harry Potter and how it has ever been pushed by the media felt strange. You didn't notice, how it was pushed?

153sdsd ago

Felt it all the way in south america

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I did think it was strange how much media hype it received. I decided to check it out and came to the conclusion that it was one of the most unoriginal and generic children's books I'd read.

iamthepizzanow ago

Your religious status, just as mine, is irrelevant as is the sympathy you have for witches and spiritualism. It's not about it being pushed by the media, because it hasn't been. It's about how the hardcore religious sects condemn anything to do with witchcraft and magic, and even Dinosaurs.

dem6nic ago

Hardcore religious sects also condemn murder of children, would you also put this down as a crazy belief? Just because they believe a crazy notion that dinosaurs were put here to test faith doesn't then give you authority to dismiss all of their beliefs, some of which could be rational. Like quit fuckin with magic, it's satanic.

iamthepizzanow ago

We're literally dealing with people that condone the murder of children, not condemn. You're a long way from home, stick to witches and wizards.

dem6nic ago

You make no sense. Either you choose to be ignorant or you are purposefully misrepresenting the discussion. There's no way you can be this thick.

iamthepizzanow ago

Delicious denial. I don't have to choose anything.

You're the one trying to dignify your baseless allegations on facts with absolutely no credibility.

dem6nic ago

Truth requires no dignification. If it is true, someone will dig, someone will care enough to talk about it, and there will be nothing any denier can do to stop it. Just because you can't see the wood for the trees doesn't mean the forest isn't there. Mr, 'absolutely'.

iamthepizzanow ago

Truth requires no dignification

  • If it is true,*

Lmao. Enough said. Keep your rhetoric bullshit on the sidelines where you belong.

dem6nic ago

How have you come to that conclusion? Why are you laughing your ass off? Something funny? Enough said? Elaborate. You sound like a smarmy twat.

emeraldeye ago

I have visited the Harry potter studio, they had a huge banner inside the entrance saying "welcome all potterphiles" found that really odd and disturbing. I have never known of any other word ending in "phile" other than pedophile, that is commonly used and well known not to say there aren't any, but they are not normally used.

microbutton ago

there's 'audiophile'. those that's into high quality audio and gear.

153sdsd ago

You know what, Im on your side, these people dont miss a bit on the symbolism

podesta4prison ago

-phile is simply a suffix that means "love of." Iconophile, for example, is love of symbols. Western Christianity is an iconophilic religion, while Islam is not.

123_456 ago

Ahem -- audiophile.

logjam ago

Audiophile. How about that one?

emeraldeye ago

Heard of audio file :) never audiophile

RedGreenAlliance ago

Don't find it that odd.

We have Russophile, Anglophile, Francophile - to describe people who have a fondness for / expertise in a certain county or culture

PizzaAccount ago

Japanophile is probably more common, but the first one that came to mind for me was bibliophile.

emeraldeye ago

Never heard of any of them words before now

brother_dave ago


combining form


indicating a love of: philology, philanthropic

Word Origin:

from Greek philos loving

emeraldeye ago

I still found it extremely odd. I never knew of any other word ending in "phile" other than pedophile, not to say there aren't any, but they are not normally used.

markrod420 ago

However that logo... that's a child molestation logo.

markrod420 ago

There are actually tons. Like the guy said. That is the grammatically correct way to form a word that means lover of potter. A potterphile. It's just correct use of language. Not necessarily a clue in my opinion.

TomDrew87 ago

That is quite creepy, Westminster is one of the biggest pedophile protection rackets in the world!

brother_dave ago

I agree it's odd, but in this case there's plausible deniability.

I've heard terms like 'audiophile' or 'cinephile' used before (though I always thought those were odd as well).

gangpressorliber ago

plausible deniability is how you communicate to the unconnected, then through personal interactions deeper more confirmed communication is made.

Californiadeplorable ago

Probably why she has been so anti trump lately

neurofluxation ago

And so incredibly anti-pewdiepie. Distraction.

Ocelot ago

Do you have a link or something about the anti-PDP stuff? That is quite odd.

Ocelot ago

Thank you! And now I must say: Wow, what a bitch.

But it also seems like she might've simply drunk the leftist koolaid. I don't know.

Could also definitely be a satanic pedo though. You never know these days!

ddavidson ago

anti-pewds too? Dafuq?! What interest could she possibly have with him. That IS suspicious.

je-sui-pepe ago

EU and Haitian Governments.... well we know the Haitian connections and EU has a vast pedophile network.