OriginalSkullKid ago

According to property shark, this land is owned by James L. Avera who lives at 160 Shortt RD Santa Rosa, CA. Take this info with a grain of salt please.

Nrgiseternal ago

Umm guys...

Heres a review of camp cazadero from 2014 that mentions the "crazy mansion people" and "big john"


thisisnotagame ago

The camp, which sits atop the late 19th century location of the then-infamous Bohemian Grove, maintains a signature suspension bridge over which more than 100,000 young musicians have crossed.[2]

"crossed" as in "crossed to the other side"?

BackAgain ago

I just have a hard time believing Google Earth would Label John podestas Mansion (If he even has a mansion there) as "John Podestas Pizza Mansion"

It was the same feeling I had when people tried to claim in the fatherhood video that John Podesta yelled out "I'm John podesta!"

I just don't think clues are going to be THAT Obvious. It seems like a false lead. People have been saying to watch out for false leads and I think Podestas pizza Mansion may very well be one.

Nrgiseternal ago

His password was password and its very likely he labeled it

nomorepepperoni ago

I would be more inclined to agree if it weren't for other pretty blatant instances we've already come across (Elpida, CPP and other IGs, Pegasus, sketchy emails, the list goes on).

They may be ice-cold, baby killing elites, but even they are capable of getting too cocky, careless, or slipping and making mistakes.

That said, the sourcing on this mansion was quite sketchy and impossible to prove. However, it did lead us to a "hunting" camp next door that is very much real and might have better clues.

Pizzagatevoater ago

In this case the "dero" is used to define a place, like atolladero. Place to get stuck.

Phenomenonanon ago

We should find out if there have been any occurances at this camp

ClueRecluse ago

Fuuuuuck Cazadero music camp https://imgur.com/gallery/bSaWy

OriginalSkullKid ago

One of the reviews on their google maps had a reference to this organization. https://www.bampta.org/

Silencio ago

Guessing you spotted the swirl logo. good find :/

S3m8o3 ago

Again. Always that stupid logo.

Silencio ago

Found one myself, nyc food service... https://archive.is/uQrwi they used to have a cafe in the same building as haitian consulate near the UN building, they also serve the airports and hospitals here

nomorepepperoni ago

The more we just so happen to see generi-swirls, the more I wonder if they aren't a more subtle nod to the actual pedo symbols.

But we're gonna need more than that damned swirl, all things considered.

nomorepepperoni ago

Google Translate might be flubbing it up, then. My point was, it can roughly ballpark enough for me to trust hunting is in this place's name.

Edit: Found another translator that backs yours:


dmthirdeye ago

No matter what Hunt is the root word there. Seems relevant enough considering what we know.


Very interesting! Is there any way to find out who owns this parcel of land?

Sh0ts ago

thats what I am saying. Who owns the land? Weird structure just down the road from a kids summer camp with ties to some church org that also has locations around the country. If I have learned anything from all this its that when organizations related to kids are involved shit is fishy.

4realtho ago

California Government Code ยง 6254.21 prohibits the display of home addresses or telephone numbers of any elected or appointed official on the Internet by any state or local agency without first obtaining the written permission of that individual.

Taken from the Sonoma County assessor's website.

Sh0ts ago

So if I understand this correctly I have no way of knowing if a property is owned by a government agent unless I already know it is and ask them to confirm that?

nomorepepperoni ago

IAN a Spanish speaker, but I threw "cazadero" at Google Translate for giggles, and it returned "huntress". So they are promoting hunting in their name for some reason, that's for sure.

dogeminho ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1655536 @Sh0ts

They don't teach hunting either

dmthirdeye ago

Well fuck...

Sh0ts ago

I think its fine to have more than one thread on things fwiw. I'm not supper into this lead personally. I think it stinks of disinformation but hey I dont know everything obviously. It would be nice to have more details from the original video producer and his source. He alludes to this person being "connected" and "knowing things" he also ask for people from voat to contact him for more information.... that seems weird why not just put it out there?

dmthirdeye ago

Wrong thread maybe?

ThePuppetShow ago

I don't buy it. Anyone can add locations to Google maps.


dmthirdeye ago

Yes and anyone can have legitimate credible information about what is at this location. So theres that.