dogeminho ago

I appreciate it. It might be.

OriginalSkullKid ago

Could I see the link?

OriginalSkullKid ago

Check this out: On Cazadero Music Camp's Google Maps profile, in the reviews, there is a person named Maximus Francis who gives a 1 star reviews and writes: "they also canceled berkeley arts magnet trip" 9 months ago.

On the Berkeley Arts Magnet website there is clearly a pedophile symbol present in the header, it is the triangle spiral.

OriginalSkullKid ago

I have noticed that Santa Rosa California appears to have higher levels of Child Abusers registered on

OriginalSkullKid ago

another related point; On the Cazadero Music Camp's google maps profile there is a review from John Kittredge, he rates the camp at 5 stars and says "Best of the best especially if you are from Berkeley." Oddly enough, Berkeley seems to have a high frequency of child abusers on as well.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

old news, this has been discovered a while back, but it wasnt pinned as "podesta pizza mansion". Anybody can name a place on google maps, cant they? If i wanted to, I could go to any random location and name it whatever i wanted...

Sh0ts ago

you can look at the location using the google earth software and see previous photos of the location. Looks like there was a structure there that was taken down. I cant really tell what it was looks like maybe a green house? Also interesting is that the closest thing to this place is what looks like a summer camp for kids Camp Cazadero. This is there website

dogeminho ago

We should maybe look more into it?

Sh0ts ago

I mean my gut reaction is that the tag that hey said was on google maps was a joke or fake. Like why would podesta want that to be a thing people could see? Its goofy and seems far fetched. If someone can find any weird stuff related to this summer camp or some how find out of who owns the property in questions that would be a start.

dogeminho ago

They have something called Wolf school... reminds me of the saying "Wolf in sheep's clothing" tbh. Perhaps we can

Sh0ts ago

yeah I saw that.. Looks like they have kids camps all over the country.... there is always some kid related charity or something isn't there? I am fairly certain the structure was a temporary green house maybe they were growing weed out there in the middle of no place? There is a house near by as well but cant really see it due to trees.

dogeminho ago

And their churches are all over the place

thisisnotagame ago

Can someone drive there and film it?

dogeminho ago

That'd be nice! So weird...

Also, the guy wants someone to contact him so they can release the info he has

nomorepepperoni ago

Fishy as this lead is, I'd be extra careful should someone here approach him. It could be any number of dirty tricks (sending random CP claiming it's evidence he was sent, passing along anonymous disinfo, etc.). You'd think if he had something legit, he would at least give a hint as to what it was, or approach channels who are reporting or investigating with what he claims to have.

dogeminho ago

I agree. It could as be legitimate. People should be careful if they do

murphy212 ago

38.57833, -123.1276