21yearsofdigging ago

Why would you say that to us? Johnny, are you there?

21yearsofdigging ago

tried today. Other need to blast pewdiepie's youtube with pizzagate He might be ready for the truth

kekistocrat ago

Sea ice is melting???!!!??? Try this: fill a glass with water near the top. mark the level. put ice in glass. mark level of water. walk away. wait. return when ice has melted. Conclusion: There is no difference as the ice has already displaced the water. Melting makes no difference... the sky is not falling and humans are not to blame

OrwellKnew ago

I would steer clear of the Satanist angle and stick to the basics. Good idea

ZalesMcMuffin ago

iamthepizzanow ago

Separate movement, keep it at that.

Pufferf1sh ago

My best guess is the surge in # gates is to bombard norm is with so many of them they disregard the whole lot.

ZalesMcMuffin ago


I've been saying this for a long time. Nobody wants to listen to me. It looks like you've triggered some light bulb moments for people. Well done.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You're going to be surprised how many "people like [nadrewood] are still in existence", and more all the time. Protip: you're on the wrong side. Climate change is, as it has always been, driven by forces well beyond man.

You might start with looking up "Climategate", a scandal which the media stifled in order to perpetuate the lies.

blipblipbeep ago

Gonna take a bit I got a lot to do. I will PM you in an hour or so.


blipblipbeep ago

Yeah I saved it mate. Lol, I got a few mates and fam's that love to pass their innocent ignorance off to me as their side of a debate that I was never trying to start. I'm getting close with some of them though, as I can see the red pill is on their tongue. This could be all it takes to get them to swallow.

I gonna ad some tube links about [scripted media] from further up this page, clean up the formatting and cut out the band stuff (I feel that the band stuff, while understood by the voat community, could distract the waking as the pill is going down, PG info should get its own red pill subtitle.) and archive it to /v/voatindex under a new subject title of 'Red Pills made easy to swallow'. with a subtitle of ' Fake news explained'. I will PM you a link to the finished page when complete.

As you are new here, please feel free to look over the /v/VoatIndex content as I originally created it to help newcomers understand how voat works, and also for it to be used as easy to find, navigate and use linked references for all.

Thanks for your input and time Pure mate :)

chat soon,


crudzilla ago

No need to make your plan some huge conspiracy like you have written out here. You have made your plan sound incredibly manipulative and nefarious, people who followed the hashtags and then read your this post would feel very misled (and rightly so imo) But the concept is sound, and there is actually a solid thread connecting the two hashtags.

Just make posts tweets that talk about the two points as the connection is obvious.

1.) # pewdiegate has shown the media to be completely untrustworthy.

2.) The media are deliberately suppressing news on #pizzagate

3.) #pewdiegate #pizzagate

djpepe ago

Hey, I just posted a comment with #pizzagate in his video. I even joined his channel in support. If he reaches another million subs because of this, MSM will know they can't play smear campaigns with ease as they used to do before internet.

Beaucephus ago

Really feel we should drop #pizzagate and add #pedogate The first is a bit of a joke to many people The second is unmistakenly ugly in nature are impossible to refute.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

And I feel strongly we should keep Pizzagate. The media has bet ALL their credibility on it being "fake news" and "debunked". That's a jugular in desperate need of slashing. Bust the pedos in pizzagate, take out the media at the same time. New world.

BlackSwordsman ago

Fuck if we could get him to flash #pizzagateisreal for 2 seconds at the beginning of a video, that would be all it'd take. Someone needs to dig into him. Tweet him peeps! I don't have that shit.

thatguyiam ago

U do it in a way there's no confusion, in a way it's obvious that it's not him linking the pizza leaks

Otherwise you'd get him in trouble!

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Great idea....but I just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what a pewdiepie is....

Fuck, I need to tune into corporate media more to know what the fuck is going on with the brainwashed masses.

I rely on yahoo and Bloomberg headlines for my fix of nonsense. And also duck duck go's home page.

CynicalLurker ago

Heres another use of the hashtag #pewdiegate:


We can use this momentum.

theviralvideos ago


I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I think changing the names a good idea, but some people seem to be turn off by anything that ends with gate.

Freemasonsrus ago

The other thing I'd point out to people is this targeting is about not allowing any one person or organization, outside the chosen, an ability to control the narrative. They don't want anyone to have a platform so powerful that they could actually red pill millions. So they seek to destroy those voices with large followings. Andrew Breitbart is an example of these methods, along with the still running Breitbart.com. If you were to listen to any MSM about Breitbart.com it will be called "alt-right" and racist. That way, when/if a new person visits their website they will be viewing the content through that filter. It's actually sad how many people do not have critical thinking skills or seek to find the truth instead of lapping up a narrative from these swamp dwellers. T/D has been amazing to be apart of for this reason bc so many people admit to coming there to make fun or troll and end up being red pilled, apologize, and are blown away at their own minds being opened to actual truth. It happens every day there, someone comes on and says "hey I voted for HRC or I was a Bernie supporter and after lurking here for a while or seeing something (like the riots), I'm now wide awake".

Whether FBIanon is real or not (I believe he is) his message is so important, in that we can't slow down or ever get down or distracted. Our message is VITAL to gaining control of the REAL narrative. And don't ever think the other side will stop trying to subvert it through any means necessary. Rules of politeness don't apply here. We need to be loud and consistent. It was amazing to see that #medialiesagain was trending #1 on Twatter earlier today. That shows how powerful even just a handful of us actually are.

CynicalLurker ago

What are you even doing here then? Fuck off.

phlux ago

ELI5: what is pewdiegate?

kekistocrat ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMDb2lWRArc -- PewDiePie is the guy and PewdieGate is the debacle.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

2 things about this idea. He just lost a deal with Disney and he's probably not too much into a shitstorm. As implied on one of his latest videos. (He is happy for the support he gets from subscribers.) If you want to cater to his audience. You'd first have to research who they are and how old they are. Then make appropriate content for them. Instead of bombing the shit out of them. I agree they're critical people a bunch of them.

echo-sierra ago

I would think it being a fruitless endeavor, tbh.

A few searches on the demographic make-up of his followers puts them at between 13-16 years old. Hardly a "force" when it comes to enacting any change. I would surmise that most of those would be in a privileged group. Sure, in a few years they might really care about the world outside of school, their friendships and "teenage desires", but they are definitely not the demographic we would think has the resources to enact or demand justice.

CynicalLurker ago

Good point, although I wouldn't underestimate the influence teenagers have on their peers. I'm pretty sure I could've easily made my parents and friends look into this kind of stuff when I was that age. But that is purely anecdotal of course.

echo-sierra ago

It has already been suggested that the generation that comprises the bulk of his followers are more conservative than the millennials that preceded them, who appear quite brain-dead in their SJW-following, These kids have obviously been "red-pilled", hardly watch TV, thus appear immune to the corporate mainstream media, The sheer number of them is definitely a good sign, and we'd hope Pewdiepie uses his influence to mold them into a giant conservative bloc when they do reach voting age. We can only hope that Pewdiepie is aware of the influential power he has, and uses it for good - sounds cliche, no doubt, but he's the "accidental hero" and from watching his latest "response" video, does seem like he's awake to the MSM's manipulation.

CynicalLurker ago

It's hard to get through to him individually. Which is why we need to redpill his followers until enough of them pressure him to do it.

Oldno7 ago

That's true, but most small family owned businesses are LLCs as well. Just try using the term "corporate media" instead of MSM a few times when taking with millennials and liberals. It works. They resent it almost immediately

DryMartini ago

Yes, Corporate Media is the most effective frame. They are actually not 'mainstream' at all, since their reporting is for the benefit of the establishment / elite and their objectives & values are not shared by most 'mainstream' people. So using the word 'mainstream' gives them a 'man on the street' positioning that they do not deserve.

'Corporate media' is accurate, does not give them any benefit of being associated with regular people, and carries with it the nuance of being driven by profits or other management objectives vs any innate desire to inform or educate anyone.

More aggressive terms to describe them may be accurate and may be understood on a friendly forum, but may also turn off newbies who we want to reach. It's also helpful to initiate the conversation from a position of reluctant concern, i.e. someone who has just been seen that pedogate is real, vs a position of frustrated rage. Example Joe Rogan interviewing Alex Jones on his podcast seems to have reached a lot of people, as did Ben Swann.

Oldno7 ago

Exactly, I really do think the MSM would die faster if alt news started calling it the "corporate media"

joey4track ago

True. The term 'main' is now stripped from them. Corporate media it is

bb22 ago

Here's another idea: Hijack all trending hashtags with compelling Pizzagate/Pedogate info.

CynicalLurker ago

I suppose that would take too much time and wouldn't be as effective. This case is special because people that follow pewdiepie are the perfect target audience for our cause.

bb22 ago

Good point. With limited resources it would be more cost effective for everyone to target pewdiepie's followers, at least for the moment.

ashes_anon ago

Who did #pewdiegate hijack? No one, don't go hijacking things. If people care about this they will care.

za-throwaway ago

Or just ask Pewdiepie if he wants to mention pizzagate for us.

GeorgeT ago

That is a stellar idea, and you're right. Just draw parallels - Pewdigate - pizzagate. Less is more. Nothing more just that, pique curiosity. Bait - let them find out. What is pizzagate?

CynicalLurker ago

This is exactly my point, thanks for your opinion!

GeorgeT ago

Word is spreading guys, I have friends in Russia who are telling me that mothers are tuned in and are up in arms.

8toborrm ago

Great fucking idea OP.

CynicalLurker ago

Thanks mate!

jv209 ago

you guys need to calm down and just be happy that pewdiepie is redpilling his audience. you don't need to overwhelm people who are just waking up to some of the most fucked up shit. if they really are awoken, they'll go searching for the truth and eventually find out one way or the other. I'm not trying to promote passivity, I'm just saying moderation is important.

CynicalLurker ago

I definitely see your point, which is also why I included the warning not to overwhelm these people with the horrible details. But I don't think it will do any harm to subtly slip pizzagate in when defending pewdiepie against the MSM.

8toborrm ago

Piss off

Edit: I disagree with you

jv209 ago

you seem unhinged which just puts people off from our side. you guys are going to scare the common folk away by being overly-aggressive. it's an extremely touchy subject yet some of you guys seem to not get that and think just autistically blurting out pizzagate out of context is going to do jack shit besides make us look desperate.

Freemasonsrus ago

See this link I just added above: http://www.alternet.org/media/owner-washington-post-doing-business-cia-while-keeping-his-readers-dark#.WKXthOe4-4Q.facebook

I think it'd be a better first step with #followthemoney

8toborrm ago

That's funny, I never even suggested how I propose to attach the pizzagate tag to perdiedie. I haven't done anything or suggested action that is unhinged in any way.

Spreading awareness is a good thing.

jv209 ago

so why come at me like I've said something offensive or wrong when I just want to have nuance to things instead of trying to drop bowling ball sized red pills onto kids who are just coming onto our side? The legitimacy of the movement will come. the evidence is on our side, we don't need to be overly-aggressive and scare people away.

8toborrm ago

You're right, my reply to you was childish, I was wrong, I apologize.

jv209 ago

I appreciate that. Sorry if I'm coming across as holier-than-thou, but I'm just stoked pewd's has helped us out this much. if some people want to take advantage of this situation to spread pedogate, I get it, but I just think it's too much, too soon for anyone who is really being red-pilled.

8toborrm ago

Nah not at all. It was a fair BS call on your part. Absolutely fair.

Yes, it's an invasive way to spread information. But I have recently started believing more that anything that needs to be spread, should be spread without qualms of appropriateness or politeness, especially on the internet.

The currency of the moment is memes. Attaching pg to pewdie spreads awareness that the meme is still alive and well, which consciously or subconsciously sparks curiosity. Genuine curiosity is one of the first stages in the redpilling of a normie. Especially when, like you said, the evidence is on our side, genuine curiosity is the fish hook that will tear them out of the water.

In execution I personally would advocate for an approach that casts a wide net, by attaching to this trending topic, then simply linking to a slow, fact-filled, non-sensational, informative video regarding the questions that some of our leads have prompted. In this way it is both aggressive and conservative. Aggressive in the spread of the meme, and conservative in it's claims and assumptions. Due to the nature of pg, once curiosity is sparked, it is next best to further stoke the curiosity by simply presenting the facts of the evidence. For example, to introduce a theory about Alifantis' exact function to a normie is innapropriate. All speculation is innapropriate at this stage.

The point isn't to devise memes that convince people pg is real, and the crimes have been committed. The point is to devise memes that spark, stoke, and encourage the proposal of honest questions from rational minds.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

pewdiegate #pizzagate

meowski ago

Done. Nice idea OP.

zzvoat ago

• Is there any downside to doing this or pitfalls we're not seeing?

• Will Pewdiepie take exception to it or be harmed in any way???

• Since there is now this post organizing it, can Voat be sued?

gurneyx ago

omg i was just thinking about this after watching this!!!!

2impendingdoom ago

do it, report back on the results!!

Oldno7 ago

I've also found that I get a much better response if I call the MSM "Corporate Media" instead of Mainstream media. Millennials hatethe word corporate.

Bratton912 ago

Going to start doing this. It is both factually and persuasively true.

Oldno7 ago

This video is a good red pill for sheeple as well. Proof the corporate media is scripted https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eZVv2AOCnaA

MolochHunter ago

HeHe I got another one of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM8L7bdwVaA&feature=youtu.be

just disgraceful how they manufacture conformity

Freemasonsrus ago

Here's another great red pill. Along with hashtags you mentioned I'd add #followthemoney:


Dasistnichtgut ago

How about calling it what it is, which is the State Media?

OrwellKnew ago

Mockingbird Media

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Which state, israel?

redditsuckz ago

100% Proof The News on T.V is Fake - It Can't Get No Clearer




Proof TV Media 100% Fake - Fake/Green Screen Compliation (2014)


Green screen magic!


MolochHunter ago

Calling it State media is dangerously misleading and outdated thinking. Its Globalist media which is working to undermine State power that might stymie globalist aspirations. If it was for the State it wouldnt be blocking and opposing Trump at every turn

LostandFound ago

Political propaganda

Fateswebb ago

Really it's mostly the CIA media and fox maybe the Mossad and Saudi media? Idk but they all have intelligence services controlling them.

turitelle ago

CNN, MSNBC, Faux, Washington Post, New York Times, ABC, CBC, BBC... they are all propaganda machines. You know its fake news if they all start blathering and ranting about the same thing but offer zero proof. They never do any investigative reporting on the subject, just parrot what every other station is screaming about. Occasionally you will catch a glimmer of truth from one of them but that is the exception.

carlip ago

Not so much CIA, more state dept. Look up voice of america and the Office of War Information.

Fateswebb ago

Well they just got fired so. They aren't the state department anymore, they are the deep state. But the real money isn't even those dudes...

Oldno7 ago

The billionaires blogs

LA_Trump ago


CynicalLurker ago


getitkim ago

Like this? https://twitter.com/getitkim/status/832753592968687616

If we can get enough likes and RTs on tweets like that it may hit broader audience.

CynicalLurker ago

Yes exactly, nice job!

derram ago

https://archive.is/f1pIY :

pewdiepie on Twitter: "t.co/avxDnfUBD6 A great video that takes this event to a broader scale. Watch!"

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