wtf_is_happening ago

I have wondered about the line "in the future she will have the power of life and death over you". Australian SRA survivor, Fiona Barnett, tells that she was destined from birth, by the satanic order in which she was raised, to be the next "Grande Dame", a term for the ordained mistress of ceremonies in this cult. I wonder if Evie is also destined for that role. What else could it mean?

gt8h65fg ago

This topic reminds me of this.

wikileaks podesta email which was talking about granddaughters and forwarding pics to podesta.

duhiki ago

When it involves webcams, yeah, it does.

roundhouse1776 ago

I think the mother signed a "contract" of sorts, where she had the children with the knowledge that she wouldn't be raising them herself. They were handed over to these monsters to be used in rituals, abused/raped, and brainwashed..


Weapons free. I fear its coming...

podesta4prison ago


Nobody ever talks about the "categories" that were on the Evie's Crib site:

Namely "Parental Manipulation," "ambien baby," "discomfort," "public intoxication," and "tranquilizers"

This needs to be included in posts about Evie's Crib. Further fleshes out the intent.

The full archive again:

duhiki ago

So much ewwwww in those categories. And what's up with categories of a male first name? Tom, Paul, Murray.. don't want to click and find out.

michelonwheels ago

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but I noticed on the blog that she writes: "Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire U.S. of A." Didn't Catherine Agnew say something about being Queen of the U.S. in at least one of her tweets?

Clinker ago

Also, note she (the mother of the kids) played the greek goddess Aphrodite in Xena: Warrior Princess

Aaanndgo ago

I saved a picture of 7 year old Evelyn Neaville from her grandmother's Facebook. I was alerted at first but 'm 99.9% sure is just children's marker.

There was a time before Christmas when I thought the Luzzattos were an important angle...Francis Luzzatto(Evelyn's grandfather) is decendant from Rabbi Luzzatto, I believe, who also may be associated with the occult...that part about Evie being queen one day is weird too.

ansipizza ago

Waitaminit! Wasn't there another picture of a shirtless child with strange marks on the upper arm, and people were saying it's probably just from leaning on the boat? Anybody remember this?

aleeum ago

what's up with those marks on her arms and face

shoosh ago

This has always been of interest and I couldn't find info re Francis Luzzatto, although he's mentioned in wikileaks as the mediator between Union and Jewish groups in Italy.
Do you have info about your source on Rabbi Luzzatto? I'd like to dig further into that and see if there's connections between Rothschilds and the Vatican group.

If you would please put it on pizzagate censored, cause it's guaranteed that it will be deleted from this site. Thanks.

dksogo358 ago

Excellent report. Suggest everyone tweet the report to Tamera Luzzatto and Alexandra Tydings. I'm sure they are eager to respond to concerns about the well being of their children.

ASolo ago

This certainly has merit. Great reporting. Upvoated and recommended reading. Definitely one of the more bizarre aspects to come forward. Who would advertise time with a baby like that and say those things? Out of her entire friends list of professionals, who would have the time or desire to pay for such a service? Odd woman.

aleeum ago

One of the strongest posts I've seen.

SturdyGal ago

Weird. Just weird. This is new to me. Thanks for posting. These people we are looking at seem very artistic and very free in presenting sexual imagery. Sex is something they need to express outside of natural channels. Not sure what to make of it.

justforthissubverse ago

wow good find!
What a fucking creep!!!!

carmencita ago

Wow. Finally.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Unreal. Bizarre statements that really can't be justified.

strix-varia ago

Wow! Thanks...

gurneyx ago

Holy crap this is fantastic! Got my upvoat!