vector3rector ago

Juliana Frifield was the Assistant director of the State Department during Hillary's tenure.

She was the one who approved a $1.7 Billion dollar, "repayment" from a $400 million dollar trust fund from 1980.

That means with inflation, this should have been approximately $1.1 Billion. The payout was $1.7 Billion., Meaning a interest of 64% on principal was paid. This is astronomically ridiculous.

Obama administration is negotiating behind closed doors with the Islamic Republic of Iran and using taxpayer dollars to pay the regime,” he said in a written statement. "Worse yet, more of these payments are likely coming."

Secretary Kerry still refuses to answer whether the $1.7 billion U.S. payment to Iran was related to the release of American hostages held by Iran. While we celebrate the return of these hostages, this administration could be setting a dangerous precedent, as innocent Americans continue to be held in Iran and around the world. I will not stop until we have all of the answers and will do all in my power to stop the Obama administration’s dangerous Iran policy.”

May I add., The court that made the final decision, granting the Iranian people damages was the Hague Tribunal. An international court, created to settle legal issues among international business and commerce.

Rumored to be owned and funded by Soro's, A Rothschild lackey.

draegspir ago

What is the source of this article? The text looks like something released from the FBI Vault webpage.

MasterSwampDrainer ago

Newer tweets from the cath_agnew account don't ring true. Why now is 7thFloor mentioned? I don't remember seeing it so much before. It is trending online--that's the only reason. I don't believe thi is genuine. What do you all think?

lude ago

i agree, why is this being pushed so hard? why is it all of a sudden a thing?

departmentofthefence ago

Holy shit - she worked for CPS. This explains why they fried her brain... she was one of the cover-uppers.

JrSlimss ago

John Kerry has a ton of phone numbers in Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book." Just sayin'.


Ted Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy's father, is also in there, as are all the Kennedy's extended family.

Blacksmith21 ago

Ted Kennedy is not Patrick Kennedy of State's father.

JrSlimss ago

You are correct - who knew the Kennedy family had so many Pats.

Blacksmith21 ago

About as many Chins in a Chinese phonebook.

quantokitty ago

That's right, make like gophers ...

Littleredcorvette ago

This website may have some good information; it requires a subscription though.

It is a collection of travel and other information. There was some travel info on Jennifer Stout. It's (crappily) posted below.

Here's an archive of a freeview I got:

- View Details / PDF Dates Destination/ Purpose Cost View trip details View original PDF 03/17/05-03/25/05 Melbourne, Australia - Sydney, Australia

Educational fact-finding trip for defense, trade, and foreign affairs. Attended Melbourne Internatio... more $12,533.15

View trip details View original PDF 12/04/04-12/12/04 Korea Economic Institute of America Moran, Former Rep. Jim (D-VA) Seoul, South Korea

Cultural and educational exchange on trade and security issues $7,288.57-

OhGoodGwief ago

All their first names begin with J.

So does John Podesta.

Coincidence? I think not!

jangles ago

That is a conspiracy. Pizzagate is not

OhGoodGwief ago

It's only a joak.

dogeminho ago

Jennifer Park Stout serves as Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State John Kerry. Jennifer has served in a number of capacities both in and out of government.

We're sorry, that page can't be found

Forgetmenot ago

If you want to post questionable stuff about David seaman and bitcoin and gold money than just find a forum about journalism or maybe try pizzagate whatever. No one is interested in those long rants and complaints. I applaud the mods deleteing threads that have to do with personal attacks against a journalist...

Marthvedderette ago

I see it. This place is a dump. When we first came on here, anything could be posted, then somehow a bunch of "mods" that have no interest in pizzagate took over. They made stifling rules, that are highly suspect of limited hangout. Steemit is better, 4chan is dead.

Forgetmenot ago

Maybe just go there. Too many shills here anyway.

Clinker ago

Pizzagate is about the Podesta brothers and the gigantic pile of circumstantial evidence which all points to sex, torture and murder of children. There is certain amount of evidence that Hillary Clinton is as involved, as the NYPD supposedly was shocked at emails found on Weiner's laptop. Breitbart story on this

It is the shadow government on the 7th floor who was in charge of filtering Hillary's email for the FOIA requests. I.E. taking out all the email about 'yoga classes' and 'Chelsea's wedding'.

So I think the 7th floor is exactly the people who had full knowledge of all this stuff. They are part of it. It is as relevant as it gets.

jangles ago

Believe me I have had my fair share of posts deleted. This one is up because of the changeover happening at the state department. The connections are 'special access' so we don't know exactly what is going down. The mods are not here against this community, they are trying to avoid too much crap. This is a digging effort not a fully sourced discussion.

Littleredcorvette ago

Julia Frifield Lives here: 1616 19th St NW Apt xx, DC

This site might be useful to look at: Clinton Email Investigation Timeline-- a list of all posts that have been tagged as “Julia Frifield”

State Department Defends 17-billion Settlement with Iran

Excerpt: The settlement relates to an arms deal between Iran and the United States that fell apart after the Iranian Revolution in 1979. Iran had been seeking money from a trust fund related to the deal, as well as interest for more than 35 years, according to the letter. In June 2014, Iran raised the issue of bringing its claims to the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The Hague, which was set up after the Iran hostage crisis. In addition to the trust fund claim, Iran also wanted architectural drawings and fossils from the U.S. The United States also settled those claims, Frifield wrote, with the drawings going to the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and the fossils to Iran’s Ministry of the Environment. The White House has previously said Iran was pushing for $7 billion or $8 billion for the trust fund claim. The settlement payment reached was a combination of $400 million in the trust fund and $1.3 billion in interest. “If Iran’s claim for the trust fund balance and interest had gone to decision in the tribunal, the United States could well have faced significant exposure in the billions of dollars,” Frifield wrote. “Iran was of course seeking very high rates of interest for a period over three decades. We were able to secure a favorable resolution on the interest owed to Iran and avoid a much larger tribunal award against us, saving the U.S. taxpayers a significant amount of money.” Iran still has some large claims against the United States, while the United States has a “significant” counterclaim against Iran, Frifield added.


State Department asserts privilege against Benghazi committee 7/1/15 The State Department has informed the House Select Committee on Benghazi that it is withholding "a small number" of documents from investigators on the basis of "important executive branch institutional interests." The statement, made in a letter from Assistant Secretary of State Julia Frifield to committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy, amounts to a de facto claim of some form of executive branch privilege.

Frifield made the claim in a letter turning over 3,600 pages of Benghazi-related documents from three current and former administration officials: Susan Rice, Jake Sullivan, and Cheryl Mills. Rice, a former United Nations ambassador, is now national security adviser, while Sullivan and Mills are close aides to Hillary Clinton who worked at the department when she was secretary of state

From LinkedIn:

Experience • Senior Advisor for Global Affairs Johns Hopkins University February 2017 – Present (1 month)--- • Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs US Department of State October 2013 – January 2017 (3 years 4 months) Principal adviser to the Secretary of State on Congressional affairs. Coordinate State Department interaction with Congress. Develop and implement Congressional strategies to achieve Obama Administration foreign policy priorities.--- • Chief of Staff US Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) 2003 – 2013 (10 years) Chief political, communications, policy and management adviser to Chairwoman of Senate Appropriations Committee and Dean of bipartisan women Senators.--- • Legislative Director Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) 1998 – 2003 (5 years) Principal policy adviser to US Senator. Developed strategy to implement Senator's policy objectives. Hired, trained and supervised legislative staff.--- • Legislative Assistant Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) 1995 – 1998 (3 years) Advised Senator on foreign policy, defense and intelligence issues. Staffed Senator on Foreign Operations and Defense Appropriations Subcommittees.--- • Legislative Assistant Senator Harris Wofford (D-PA) 1992 – 1994 (2 years) • Special Assistant Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) 1989 – 1992 (3 years)

jangles ago

Egypt –“ Qadhafi added that this act, which is a malicious sex crime, reveals the ugly face of those who introduced the AIDS virus to Africa in order to exhaust its strength and deplete its resources with the intention of gaining control over Africa. He remarked that Africa has turned into a market of high demand for pharmaceutical and other AIDS-treatment medical products. He claimed that international monopolies strive to continue disseminating the AIDS virus as long as possible in order to double their profits from sales of pharmaceutical products, which inhibit the effects of the disease.” delete and archived more on aids Bulgaria-bengazi

Hajjuj, who were condemned to death in Tripoli 19 December 2006, on charges of spreading HIV-AIDS amonth hundreds of children in a Benghazi hospital. The Kadhafi Foundation said 10 July 2007 it had reached a compensation deal with the families of children infected with the AIDS virus that would resolved the case of six foreign medics now on death row in the case.

Littleredcorvette ago

Julia Frifield

STATEMENT BEFORE THE HOUSE OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORM COMMITTEE BY Julia Frifield, Department of State, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, January 7, 2016

PDF WARNING! Plain text paste from pdf below.

Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Cummings, and members of the Committee, I appreciate this opportunity to testify on the State Department’s response to Congressional requests for documents.
The State Department is committed to working with Congresson Congressional investigations. Secretary Kerry spent nearly thirty yearsin Congress. He believes strongly in the importance of Congressional oversight and led investigations when he was in the Senate. Since he arrived at the State Department, his clear instruction has been forthe entire Department to be responsive to Congressional investigations and requests. I share his commitment. Before joining the Department, I spent my entire career as a Capitol Hill staffer, I have great respect for theCongressional role in conducting oversight.

Today’s hearing focuses on requests for documents, which I will address at length. However, it is important to underscore that our commitment to working with Congress is not limited to requests for documents. In 2015, the State Department’s Legislative Affairs office provided over 2,500 briefings for the Hill on foreign policy issues. We worked with Consular Affairs to respondtoover 5,000constituent cases for members of Congress–everything from lost passports to missing constituents overseasto helpingwith visas for constituents’ family members. We arranged 536Congressional Member and staff delegation trips abroad. Department officials appeared at168hearings, and we responded to over 1,700 Congressional letters. With crises occurring around the worldand Congress 2intently focused on foreign policy, we are working hard to meet all of our responsibilities –and we recognize that cooperatingwith Congressional investigations is one of them.Yet frankly, we at the State Department have struggled to keep pace with the increasing demands of Congressional document requests, which have expanded in number, scope, and complexity.

We are now responding to dozens of investigations by nine different committees, involving hundreds of specific requests for hundreds of thousands of pages of documents. This is approximately twice as many as we had in 2014. While some of these investigations are relatively focused, others are broad and complex, involving many different bureaus within the Department, as well as other agencies. But let me be clear:we know it is our responsibility to answerthese requests,and we are working to improve both the way we respond –to make it more useful for Congress –and the pace of our response.Historically, when responding to Congressional requests we have followed a process similar to responding to FOIA requests, relying primarily on the same Department infrastructure and technology.

Asboth FOIA and Congressional requests increased, we found that both types of requests were competing for the same resources.To compensate, at times we have pulled together ad hoc teams from functional and regional bureaus to respond to Congressional requests, i.e., pulling people from the work of diplomacy to respond to Congress.Clearly, this system was not sustainable. Werealized we needed to institutionalize the way we process documentsto speed up the pace of delivery. We knew we had to upgrade our technology.This past year, we have transformed the way we respond to Congressional requests. I worked with my colleagues at State to create a Congressional4been collecting documents for thefive requeststhat you have outlined in the December 18 letterand we arecommitted to producing thousands of pages of documentsto your committeealong with providing requested briefings on the mattersdescribed in that letter.

Specifically, OnAugust 13, 2015, we provided a briefing on the New Embassy Compound in Jakarta. We have produced three tranches of documents, starting in August. To date, we have provided nearly 6,000 pages on the Jakarta New Embassy Compound,and we continue to reviewdocuments for future productions to the Committee. •We have begun our document production on Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabiaand we continue to review documents for future productions to the Committee.•We have provided a briefing to your staff on the Art in Embassies Program on January 4 and began to produce documentsto the committee.

The Congressional Notifications, 2,137 pages,on overseas construction were sent to the Committee on December 30.•We testified to the changesin Danger Pay in Septemberandprovidedan in-depth briefing to yourstaff on September 30.In closing, while we have implemented significantimprovements to respond to Congressional investigations, we are striving to do better.The obstacle to responding is not one of commitment. Fundamentally, it is a question of balancing resources in responseto multiple large scale Congressional requestsfroma number ofdifferent committees. We are trying to find innovative ways to respond better and faster. I look forward to working with you and your staff to ensure that the State Department and the Congress work together to provide the transparency that should be a hallmark of our government.

jangles ago

excuses for FOIA requests, typical

demoTheGorgon ago

Possible disinfo but not to be ignored. It should not be the only path of looking into this stuff, IMO.

BackToBlack ago

ok, here are my notes:

"Everything is set. They obey a schedule and never deviate. If you know what they do when, you can fuck with them. Look at the people you suspect and what they're doing and where they are on Wednesday nights"

also have some notes next to it, not sure if related: Calico; Northrop Grumman - investigate before they merge with Lockhead Martin

GumbyTM ago

Well if that's accurate here's the washed data:

Berry, Randy W. Survived

Keiderling, Kelly Survived

Stevenson, Susan Survived

Adiga, Mala MIA

Aggeler, Angela Price MIA

Albright, Richard MIA

Anand, Manpreet Singh MIA

Arreaga, Luis E. MIA

Arvizu, Alexander A. MIA

Ashbery, Wayne MIA

Backemeyer, Chris MIA

Balton, David A. MIA

Barclay, Erin M. MIA

Barlerin, Peter H. MIA

Benaim, Daniel MIA

Bennett, Virginia MIA

Bergmann, Max MIA

Betts, Timothy Alan MIA

Biers, Dan MIA

Blair, Oni K. MIA

Blanc, Jarrett MIA

Brigety II, Reuben E. MIA

Brink, Bridget A. MIA

Brown, Cynthia MIA

Brown, Paul A. MIA

Buangan, Richard MIA

Busby, Scott MIA

Cabral, Roxanne MIA

Camilleri, Michael MIA

Chomiak-Salvi, Tania MIA

Chulick, Nicole MIA

Cohen, Jonathan R. MIA

Conley, Tom MIA

Cook, Nerissa J. MIA

Costello, Alexandra MIA

Creamer, John S. MIA

Darby, Brooke MIA

Davis, Eugenia W. MIA

Debass, Thomas MIA

Desrocher, John MIA

Dietz, Stephen B., III MIA

Dillard. Marc MIA

Dolliff, Phillip MIA

Dougherty, Thomas MIA

Douglas, Walter MIA

Driver, Katie MIA

Dunnigan, Robin MIA

Dyer, Lisa MIA

Edel, Charles MIA

Engle, Thomas S. MIA

Epner, Stephanie MIA

Eustace, John M. MIA

Fishman, Edward MIA

Fitzsimmons, Elizabeth MIA

Foote, Daniel L. MIA

Frechette, Alicia MIA

Friedt, Anita E. MIA

Gallegos, Gonzalo MIA

Ganzer, Ann K. MIA

Goldberger, Thomas H. MIA

Gonzalez, Juan Sebastian MIA

Gromoll, Jr., Robert H. MIA

Guha, Sumona MIA

Guhin, Michael MIA

Handelman, Kenneth B. MIA

Haris, Kate MIA

Haskell, Todd MIA

Haslach, Patricia M. MIA

Hatfield, Scott MIA

Hawley-Young, Margaret MIA

Heffern, John A. MIA

Henick, Jonathan MIA

Henshaw, Simon MIA

Holman, Amy MIA

Holt, Victoria K. MIA

Hunt, Baxter MIA

Hushek, Thomas MIA

Imbrie, Andrew MIA

Iverson, Erik MIA

Izzo Jackson, Nancy MIA

Jacobson, Tracey Ann MIA

Johnson, Hillary Batjer MIA

Jones, Natalie MIA

Jones, Stuart E. MIA

Kamian, Harry MIA

Kamins, Scott A. MIA

Kang, C.S. Eliot MIA

Kausner, Gregory M. MIA

Kavalec, Kathleen A. MIA

Kehoe, Melissa MIA

Khan, Shehzi MIA

Kimmage, Michael MIA

Klajn, Tamara MIA

Klaus, Ian MIA

Knudsen, Ciara MIA

Kozak, Michael G. MIA

Kramer, Rori MIA

Kreikemeier. Chad MIA

Kubiske, Lisa J. MIA

LaBarge, Blair MIA

Lacey, Edward J., MIA

Lacina, Patricia MIA

Lee, Alex MIA

Lenderking, Timothy A MIA

Lusin, Adam MIA

Lussenhop, Matthew MIA

Lyng, Ted MIA

Malik, Arslan MIA

Manogue, Robert D. MIA

Mansbach, Shana MIA

Mansour, Amanda MIA

Margolis, Jonathan MIA

Markoff, Michele G. MIA

Matthews, Matthew J. MIA

McClelland, Caryn R. MIA

McCracken, Drew MIA

McGurk, Brett MIA

Miller, Bill A. MIA

Misko, Sean MIA

Mohandas, Siddharth MIA

Moretti, Scott MIA

Murphy, W. Patrick MIA

Nakagawa, Melanie MIA

Napier Zoller, Julie MIA

Nelson, Eric MIA

Nesheiwat, Julia MIA

Nilsson, Brian MIA

Norris, Ann MIA

Nowrouzzadeh, Sahar MIA

Ofori, Nuku K. MIA

Oudkirk, Sandra MIA

Outzen, Rich MIA

Paeth, Brian A. MIA

Palmieri, Francisco (Paco) MIA

Park, Josh MIA

Parker, Samuel MIA

Paschall, R. Carl MIA

Pennington, Joseph S. MIA

Perez, Carol Z. MIA

Perez, Samuel MIA

Peterson, Chad MIA

Rabens, Andy MIA

Rangaswamy, Roopa MIA

Ratnesar, Romesh MIA

Reid, Donald R. MIA

Reifsnyder, Daniel A. MIA

Rice, Kurt R. MIA

Richards, Marie MIA

Riley, Timothy J. MIA

Rochman, Daniel MIA

Rodriguez, Laura MIA

Romanowski, Alina L. MIA

Rose, Frank A. MIA

Rosenblum, Daniel N. MIA

Rothstein, Michael D. (Maj. Gen.) MIA

Rubin, Joel M. MIA

Rudesheim, Frederick S. MIA

Saarnio, Sue MIA

Saba, G. Kevin MIA

Schneider, Deborah MIA

Schriefer, Paula MIA

Schuler, Reed MIA

Schurman, Christian J. MIA

Schwartz, Larry MIA

Sheriff, Glenn MIA

Siberell, Justin MIA

Smith, Demian MIA

Smitham, Thomas MIA

Sokolsky, Richard MIA

Stein, Sean B. MIA

Stewart, Mallory MIA

Storella, Mark C. MIA

Stout, Jennifer Park MIA

Stromseth, Jonathan MIA

Sullivan, Tom MIA

Syed, Ike MIA

Szewczyk, Bart MIA

Taplin, Mark MIA

Taylor, Jerry A. MIA

Tekach, Mara MIA

Temin, Jon MIA

Thames, Knox MIA

Thompson, Griffin M. MIA

Thornton, Susan A. MIA

Todd, William E. MIA

Tribble, Conrad R. MIA

Turner, Bruce MIA

Valliani, Amira MIA

Venugopalan, Urmila MIA

Visek, Richard C. MIA

Walker, Joshua W. MIA

Walles, Jacob MIA

Walsh, James A. MIA

Ward, Mark S. MIA

Warlick, Mary Burce MIA

Wharton, D. Bruce MIA

Whitaker, Eric P. MIA

White, Jerry MIA

Wier, Anthony MIA

Willett, Colin MIA

Williams, Karen MIA

Wohlers, Laurence D. MIA

Wright, Janey MIA

Yamamoto, Donald Y. MIA

Yee, Hoyt Brian MIA

Young, Urenia MIA

Ziff, Benjamin G. MIA

Ziman, Lesley C. MIA

jangles ago

Huge Changes

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I only found THREE names the same

Clinker ago

Note that the FBI called out particular individuals on the 7th floor in October:

On October 17, 2016, the FBI issued nearly 100 new pages of notes and interview summaries concerning the Bureau’s decision not to launch a criminal charge against former secretary of state Hillary Clinton over her use of an unsecured email server. There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE [State Department] officials that some referred to as ‘The 7th Floor Group’ or ‘The Shadow Government.’ This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) process. Congressional records, and everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries. The known regular attendees included Jonathan FINER, Chief of Staff for Secretary of State John KERRY, Jennifer STOUT, Deputy Chief of Staff, Heather HIGGINBOTTOM, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, [Patrick] KENNEDY, Julia FRIFIELD, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, [REDACTED] Office of the Legal Adviser, [REDACTED] Office of the Legal Adviser overseeing STATE’s [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].

BackToBlack ago

wow, there was an anon on /pol/ that said it's important to pay attention where people spend Wednesday afternoons - it was months ago. I took notes from what he was saying, will try to find them and will report back if I find anything relevant.

JoJoVoat ago

IN regards to shadow government. Wonder if FEMA is on the 7th floor.

FEMA is the SUPER power...and I mean big time. More than any of the others I would say. They have the power to take everything from us and do anything period. Take all or transportation including boats, our guns, all vehicles, cut off our internet, buy only prepacked food, sieze and redistribute land, take your children, etc etc. etc.. they would seize guns first.

So the thought is that if there would be so much chaos inside our borders, that the president signs/activates FEMA to control the chaos, but of course the people have no idea, they would welcome the help... That's whats up w/ all the BLM, Nazi BS and all Soros organizations... supporting the hatred.
Once they seize, then they conquer.

Oh and btw .. THE CONSTITUTION WOULD BE SUSPENDED, INDEFINITELY BUT FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS, and there is nothing President Trump can do. He wouldn't be president any longer. Jimmy Carter instituted this

President Trump needs to write a new EO on FEMA.!!!!!

fetuspizza ago

Divide and conquer.

Conquering would be a lot better with no weapons. Explains the call for gun bans all the time.

Dividing is easy. If you're left, you're victimized. If you're right, you're racist. Are you any of the following? (list every minority except white male) Then you're a victim!

Primus_Pilus ago

FEMA cannot self-activate unless you have proof. Interested. Thx.

Clinker ago

Don't forget Hotdog Stand guy refers to 1600 (The White House) and the 7th floor just before he reminisces about the glorious hotdog stand in Hawaii. He is Todd Stern, who has been around the Clintons since the 90's. Todd Stern's BIO

jangles ago

Todd Stern 65 years old - Born 5/4/1951 WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE & DORR LLP Name Variations

Todd David Stern , Todd D Stern , Todd Stern , Todd D Stein , Dodd D Stern




abcdefg222 ago

Where was this image pulled from?

Astrodreamer ago

[Patrick?] KENNEDY