Millennial_Falcon ago

@David_Seaman, we can't undelete posts. Just repost, please. I will leave it, since someone pointed out your tweets, which are acceptable verification.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah, I didn't read the whole post the second time. Just looked like the same post. Even just putting a link to his tweet would have made it obvious.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Well, I hadn't checked his Twitter. All he had to do was point me to his Twitter the first time, but instead he just reposted. This is looking like an attempt to smear Voat mods, because the message that appears in this tweet was never sent to me.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Don't let them slow you down David! Whatever gets said on Voat doesn't mean shit to your coverage on pizzagate. Many of us are very grateful for what you do!

jstayz44 ago

You have my full support, always have and always will. You stuck your neck out on PG in a way that most folks wouldn't, and for that I am eternally grateful. I am one of the fools that recognized strange emails within the Podesta email leaks, but did not recognize them for what they were. Once people recognized the pedo-ease, it became 100% obvious that something extremely nefarious and ugly was going the extent that the average person would have a hard time believing. I'm not telling you anything that you don't know, except that I was with you then, and I'm with you now...and so are a whole ton of believers in this cause. Don't let fuckwads get you down...they want that, and you just can't give it to them. Keep strong physically and mentally, my friend. The cause is good and we are right. It will come to has to! Peace.

FriesischShipping ago

David, we know. We also know and understand what kind of harassment campaign you are in. It is designed to disrupt and destroy your life. Some of us on this board have been through it too. The objective is to drive you to insanity so you kill yourself. Keep a cool, sober head and surround yourself with friends and family you trust. Getting multiple people involved with my safety was the only way the harassment stopped.

Tanngrisnir ago

Hi, David. I don't see the big deal about being hated by Jezebel. That gives you street cred. And anyone even remotely informed about the Huffpo already knew they relied upon volunteer contributors and didn't pay anyone. Also why should anyone give a shit that you were once very Liberal? It isn't like Trump wasn't once a Democrat. Those attacks are weak.

That said, it is probably in your own best interests to sell your share in Goldmoney and not mention them in your videos. You don't want to seem entangled in groups where George Soros owns a considerable share. There are other gold stocks. I am convinced you are legitimate but you don't want dumb bullshit like that convincing others you are controlled opposition when it is avoidable.

Yuke ago

You're one of the few people attempting to make money off the back of Pizzagate, your intentions are crystal clear.

Markb63 ago

Great work David

Millennial_Falcon ago

I say again, please repost with a verification picture (a pic of yourself holding something that says "Voat 2/16/17", or something to that effect), or at least send one to me. Removing again per rule 4.

V____Z ago

What pizzagate related info has David shared that you find suspect?

V____Z ago

David, I'm glad you don't come here often. for your own good. It hurts me to see what they type about you, and it's embarrassing to be part of a community with such poor reasoning skills, hardened hearts, and/or people who take money to discredit those trying to save children from the satanic elite who run this world.

lawfag123 ago


witch_doctor1 ago

No, you are intentionally lying...Millenial Falcon deleted's even in the original link.

nowiknow ago

ah, you're right i see it.

Stacia42 ago

Save the anger you feel for the continued fight you have so bravely risked your good reputation for. I have been told I risk losing people that care about me because of my "obsessive" posts about child trafficking. If you don't speak for the children who will. You keep the momentum going and are an extremely important part of the cause. Thank you

witch_doctor1 ago

David's twitter feed confirming identity:

witch_doctor1 ago

Not true....deleted threads can be accessed in the mod log, right side of page.

Singleservename ago

Mods please delete again. Enough with this asshle jerking off in public.

AgainstTheNWO ago

Why, he can not defend himself? What kind of shill are you? This kind of dictatorial thinking is what we are fighting and for me the kind of post of you here is just a shill post and nothing else.

witch_doctor1 ago

Hey David, glad to see you here and thank you. Hope you stop by more often. The good news about your ganglion cyst is that it popped...should heal up and go away permanently. What sucks is when they won't is not even recommended anymore because they almost always come back.

And yes, that post about you was an obvious wall of text character assassination attempt. You have consistently called out PG when others were scared to touch it. As far as you getting paid through Patreon..capitalism is cool, and I think it is a brilliant move. That is what true independent journalism have individual consumers that are willing to pay for your content. We will see more of this as more people realize how the MSM censors news and cut the cable cord.

Now that Rogan was red-pilled by AJ on Pizzagate...any plans for you to go back on his podcast?

iwokeup ago

demurrage ago

too many good comments. so he tries to bury it?