Yates ago

Weird vid of Demi making out several times with a young kid. Something is wrong with someone to do this to a child, not once but several times. At 1:22 listen to the blonde woman break out singing "Somewhere, over the rainbow" as she watches them kiss, I kid you not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjl8pK7x24w

First kiss starts at 01:22 Second kiss at 01:49 Third kiss at 04:36 A drunk Demi Moore passionately kisses 15 year old Philip Tanzini (General Hospital co-star) from a 1982 video, Demi was 19 at the time.. it was Philip's birthday.

CadiBug ago

According to George Webb they need social justice faces to hide what truly goes on behind the scenes...

DeSales ago

I worked for a long time as a missionary and one young man who was getting help (he was a drug addict and for a long time deeply involved in the occult) told me that he attended numerous occult gatherings and often times there was big name celebrities there, doctors, professors etc. He specially mentioned charlie sheen, Ashton Kutcher, and Brittany Murphy (when she was alive) and Charlie's sheen was very high up and always wore a long black cloak.

cheetoboat ago

I don't think he's in on it. The clintons are like the crooked cops that follow the investigation of their own crimes so they can manipulate everyone/thing. But by all means, its good to look down every corner.

AugustaJulia ago

I can no longer look at a good looking actor who started his acting career fairly young and not wonder whether he was abused as a child or teenager by Hollywood predators. Looking at Ashton - he has such a pretty, almost feminine face - I am asking myself whether he has been molested himself.

samhara ago

"I do believe I was right. Guess I'm not the only one who thinks that twat Kutcher is a front for child trafficking." - Day 116 - DynCorp Harvest, Killing Is Good Business, Part 2 - https://youtu.be/riMzcpdqj3w - Ashton Kutcher - Wearing -ILLUMINATI- Hat, Admitted Kabbalah Practitioner - FREEMASON? https://youtu.be/KtCRGvUaIIU

With the red string ; Kaballah, FWIW - http://blog.suitupp.com/2009/04/28/what-type-of-hats-are-there-part-ii-of-iii/ -

With Handler [?] somehow connected with "Freddie Moore" ? - https://www.withfriendship.com/images/h/35110/freddy-moore.jpg -


"Also in 1979, Moore (then 29) met the 16-year-old Demetria "Demi" Guynes at a nightclub. Almost immediately, despite Moore's existing marriage, the two became a couple. The two moved in together while Guynes was still 16, and married a few months later in February, after Moore's divorce from Lucy was finalized and Guynes was 17. Demi Guynes became Demi Moore, and she continues to use that name."


Masonic Symbolism in Fashion...Recent Observations http://www.unexplainable.net/info-theories/Masonic-Symbolism-in-Fashion-Recent-Observations.php http://www.unexplainable.net/brainbox/uploads/2/ashtonmasonichat.jpg

4warned ago

Ashton ran his mouth at the SAG awards against proper vetting of criminals entering the US. He's confused

cantsleepawink ago


gangpressorliber ago

Get out in front of it tactic... Brokered defeat.... Like a drug addict who wants to help you find your gold watch after it went missing when you turned your back on him.... He will dig everywhere and apologize... I should have been watching more carefully etc... etc...

NikitaVerite ago

oooooh fuuuuuuck. I really really REALLY wanted to think we had an ally! FUCK.

looking4truth ago

Don't trust hollyweirdos

DeletedUser ago

Podesta Missing Emails The Handler and Portugal (pizzagate) submitted 14 minutes ago by [deleted] Andrew Breitbart's last tweet, is about @johnpodesta being a "world class underage sex slave op cover-upper defender" #pizzagate

(latest video which people suspect is Podesta, could very well be an MKUltra trauma based mind control video. The flashing lights would indicate they are manipulating the brain chemistry, specifically the pineal gland.)

John Podesta is a Jesuit, he trained to be a Jesuit priest. http://keywiki.org/John_Podesta

Some people claim John Podesta was involved in the kidnapping of McCann child. http://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/podesta-brothers-revealed/

John Podesta deleted all emails from 5/4/07-6/14/07 Madeleine McCann disappeared on 5/3/07 https://twitter.com/AvgAmericanDude/status/832021848686727168

The Knights Templar base is in Portugal. Castles of the Knights Templar in Portugal's History Templar's convent and castle in Tomar, Portugal. Templar's castle Almourol. The Convent of the Order of Christ. ... The famous Manueline-style window in the Convent of Christ in Tomar. The main cloister of the Convent of the Order of Christ.

The Ouroboros eye is The Holy Grail that has been protected all of these years, as it's the bloodline of Christ. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1533663

Mad MCkann has this distinct marking but it changes position http://s715.photobucket.com/user/Sashamorsal/media/ColobomaPosition.jpg.html


bopper ago

Anybody here believe that Gabby Giffords is (badly) acting? My wife smacks me if I ever say that :)

samhara ago

Yes, she is. That killing "event" in Tuscon was staged, but the Judge involved was likely really targeted and killed.

.. And her "husband" "twin astronaut" is also a fraud.


bopper ago

That Challenger story (the link you posted) is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. Can't figure it out. And I know some of the top people at NASA, some very well, but I don't dare mention anything to them.

wearesven ago

Very relevant https://www.reddit.com/r/HillaryForPrison/comments/5debww/remember_the_silsby_and_james_alefantiscomet_ping/ Someone mentioned over in r/conspiracy how this may be used as a a limited hangout.

NikitaVerite ago

excellent link - thank you

cantsleepawink ago

we've been writing about that on here for ages. Maybe now people will begin to start paying attention to the IT systems that are actualy aiding the trafficking. Nice post.

Crunch43 ago

Ran out of upvotes... This is great, thanks!

bopper ago

For crying (no pun intended) out loud. This is an actor who, um, acts. Who they fooling? And a lot better than Robbie Parker.

jbooba ago

fake ... Distraction for upcoming Hollywood arrests?

blackguard19 ago

I noticed during Ashton's speech that he spoke about bizarre "neural nets" that "got smarter the more you use them" and also went full shitlib at the end talking about how we should treat refugees.


Kristina_Gilliam ago

WOW... as soon as I saw this topic you triggered my autism and I remembered this segment from six years ago. I even remembered the date because of what I was doing at the time.

Adam Carolla Discusses Ashton & Demi Strange Lack of Enthusiasm for Their Cause


Chad_Stethoscope ago

If his intentions are truly to help children and victims of human trafficking and slavery, I commend what he is doing, as should we all. I only hope that he is not the controlled opposition.

Many, including Kutcher, were wearing the occult Red X during their congressional hearing yesterday. Was this a signal to those with eyes to see that the proceedings were a sham to fool the masses?


SayWhatNOWAY ago


demoTheGorgon ago

There is a massive effort underway to not talk about the corruption / collusion of that center for missing and exploited children, the amber alert people, Silsby.

If Kutcher and Thorn do have ties to CGI and the high level pedos, it's likely this is the re-direct that will make sure normies don't pay attention to the institutionalized abuse of children.

Crunch43 ago

Think about this. If children and adult feel like they can trust Ashton and Demi because of their fame and popularity, they might be telling this organization things they wouldn't even tell law enforcement. What if they use their fame to get people to talk and once they talk, Demi and Ashton pass that information to people involved in pedophilia and/or human trafficking. Especially if they snitch on high level people.

thelandofchocolate ago

How could software work to thwart trafficking or locate trafficked victims? Seems like they're counting on tech illiteracy of the bureaucrats to extract more cash for their criminal enterprise -- just like the financially illiterate were duped into accepting the current banking system or the scientifically illiterate were duped into funding quantum theory.

gangpressorliber ago


RockStrong ago

? Government oversight to this software? That? It was 9 years ago he visited Seaside, Oregon. Is there a more recent visit? Curious here. Not doubting you.

GeorgeT ago

Or all of those who fell for the flat earth psyop. Ashton is as real as Bono's Live Aid.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I want to know if there is any government oversight to this software, because he's making it sound like they're a third party software developer that has access to a bunch of CP. What's stopping some third party developer from selling this CP or using it for their own "entertainment"?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I would imagine there is certainly government oversight, and I'd imagine they produce, tax, and blackmail using snuff and CP

samhara ago

G. Webb. mentions PROMIS software that was stolen by the government from its developer, so it is said.

The man following the story in the early 90's Casolaro, ended up (after going to meet an alleged informant who would "give the documents to supply proof once and for all ") with slit wrists and dead in a bathtub in Virginia - a "sucide" . The local coroner burned his body before the family was notified and a maid cleaned the room . His notebooks were gone.

They killers apparently forced him to sign a "suicide note"

Even one of the people who wrote the book on it "The Octupus" ended up dead at Burning Man after a small injury to his leg sent him to the medics there..


According to Webb the PROMIS software was used to track criminal nets that were already in existence and then take control of them by killing the top dogs.

It was around week 108 that Webb mentions this?

I have no idea why the government didn't just pay the developer for the software, but they decided to stiff him and then sell it all across the world, to dictators et cetera. The developer only found out about it after the Canadian government called him for some tech support!

cantsleepawink ago

GOV'T oversight ? I'm afraid that's what got us here in the first place.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I'm not saying the government is without problems, but I don't feel like some third party entity (which is friends with corrupt and powerful people) should have access to this technology and CP.

cantsleepawink ago

I hear you :)

pbvrocks ago

Demi and Ashton Kuchar formed something called DNA to help children and address trafficking. At some point the org was renamed "Thorn" and is headed by a gent named Chambers who is a UN fella in charge of Malaria and most recently a global health initiative...in addition he is also tightly tied to the Clinton Foundation http://lastmilehealth.org/financing-alliance-launches-cgi/ would guess Chambers is another Pizzagate choad and this organization is another shill org to traffic...

2BuckChuck ago

And let's not forget Laura Silsby. Gets arrested for child trafficking, gets bailed by the Clinton's, then gets a job at (can't make this shit up) Amber Alert.

druhill007 ago

NOOO. wanted to believe in ashton.

first post btw. want to say massive thank you to everyone plugging away at this. you guys are the true heroes of this moment in history where the elite cannot suppress the truth for much longer

micha_ ago

They can! Kill Trump and remove Sessions and everything would be solved...

Pizzagate709 ago

They cant. Too many people know now. Anyone who runs now could potentially be on our side.

micha_ ago

It's all about power, not knowledge. Nobody is risking his life for the truth. And the very few that do, aren't heard. And if they are heard, they can easily be shut down, too.

There is no justice without power! Never has been. Never will be. The good does not prevail, because it is good. The good only prevails, if it has the power on it's side.

druhill007 ago

Power is an important factor. Tough to combat since these evil bastards have been OCD scrounging for every nickel and dime of systematic power for their entire lives.

Funny thing is though... All systematic and hierarchical power. All power that can be gained in our world, is fleeting. The foundation of the universe is divine ;) this means that evil can never truly win

gangpressorliber ago

Clean up crew for the messy Clinton's is all that is.

DevilintheDetails ago

Haven't looked at him but malaria+CF=vaccines and ptsd-like brain damage. I was reading about that recently.. if I find it I will link it as well..or if someone knows what I am talking about and has a link!

2impendingdoom ago

It was a thread about WJC bombing a facility in either Tanzania or Kenya in the 90's that manufactured chloroquine anti malarial drugs and the problems that resulted. (meanwhile the alternative anti malarial (larium) is know to cause psychosis and other troubling side effects).

V____Z ago

His crying during the testimony did seem like acting to me, that's what first alerted me not to trust his motives. We don't want media stars like him and Alex Jones placing themselves as spokesmen for pizzagate, especially if they give disinfo, like Jones saying Comet is probably innocent and was set up by the governmet just to distract us or throw us off the real trail.

micha_ ago

His crying during the testimony did seem like acting to me, that's what first alerted me not to trust his motives.

Absolutely correct. He was acting. And quite badly, btw. Just switch off the sound. But his emotions while talking about his kids seemed honest to me. But they could have been honest in that moment and nevertheless it all could have been acting...

V____Z ago

Sure! I've lied before, and relish that moment when i can be truthful because lying is so uncomfortable. This is what appeared to me, that's also how you can so easily compare authentic vs bad acting. There is a reason he only does commercials for the past few years, he's a bad actor and washed up.

Crunch43 ago

I trust Alex 95% of the time... I think he said that about comet bc people get stuck thinking pizzagate is only about Comet.

V____Z ago

He's a disinfo agent, and they always tell mostly truth, and they always have to have people make excuses for them. Did you know half his family works for the CIA, and that he hired someone from Starfor as the editor in chief of infowars? He refuses to discuss it, and when this news came out he cancelled his planned talk that night.

addie89 ago

If Alex is disinfo then I don't know who to believe anymore.

GeorgeT ago

We gonna trust Ashton? Alex the shill! Let's get real here!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Another rubber room ready Beck, on show for Congress! Never support HollyPedoVille!

153sdsd ago

Got it

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Aston Kutcher and Demi Moore have been on Obama and HRC's team from the begining. Never trust an actor. Their job is to make you believe they are someone they are not.

justanotherpizza ago

There is more here. Look at board of directors. JOE LONSDALE Is on it, co-founder of Palantir with Peter Thiel. Peter is an advisor to Trump. I am telling you, there is no clear lines in this war.

micha_ ago

And Thiel is a huge fan of parabiosis!

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer! Very hard to tell, is Moore/Kutcher are in the cult, or if the Clintons cleverly keep them very close.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Absolutely. I wondered about him.

Flat_Truth ago

Aston is an actor. Clinton is a criminal. Not buying anything either has to say. :/

Poot_McGarvey ago

Guys Asston says he personally developed a super secret a neural net AI with a 10th degree flux capacitor...

Its all really complex and it will take care of everything. Just watch him on TV and feel good about what he is doing. Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain.

micha_ ago

You are correct, his claims to be the maker of the software really stinks.