thisHoCwilltumble ago the guy I believe to be robinson create this discord and wrote about it on the worldcorp discord. He goes by "Rio"

rooting4redpillers ago

The first time I saw one of these Robert Robinson videos, I immediately thought he was mentally ill. Several videos later, I still believe that. I feel like a real shit just watching him, and encouraging him by contributing to the hits on his YT videos.

I'm here every day, trying very hard to understand all the stories, all the complexities within them, how they relate to other stories, and how they tie in to the bigger picture. I'm not the brightest star in the sky, but I've not had much trouble understanding the relevance of a lot of the complexities of v/pizzagate.

When it comes to this guy, I'm lost. I hate watching his monologues, let alone trying to guess at wtf he's actually trying to convey. My first, and continuing impressions, he's a either a great actor or he needs professional help. If I was new here today, and one of the posts related to this poor wretch was the first thing I started with, I might not still be here.

If someone, who truly believes Robert Robinson is a key to bringing light to any part of this investigation, would take the time to spell it out in a full summary - start to present - that would be helpful for newcomers, and people like me who want to know why we should invest any more time to subs about this person.

Ushil ago

R. Robinson made one video with Comet Ping Pong in it, that's the main reason why people suspect him. And he's possibly a convicted sex offender.

Pinetreelaw2 ago

O.p please contact me and Rob somehow....

lordcantido ago

I didn't have enough points to PM you, so reply to this comment immediately after you get it so that i know to delete it.

EDIT: holy shit, I just watched your "wellness check" vid and it gives a hell of a lot of credence to what I've said herein.

Hello there Pinetreelaw(2), or should I say Mr. Robinson? Though I don't actually expect you to acknowledge yourself as such, despite the fact that you made it painfully obvious by making so many comments and then using a sock puppet account to upvote them to the top.

You should probably delete your comments to my post, because if I've made this observation others have too, and that only goes to discrediting my contentions. So... please do that if you would.

Look, I have no intention of coordinating a crusade for with/for you, sorry. I will, however, continue to comment/post unilaterally if this worldcorpo connection persists; if I've got the time to keep up that is.

I am afraid that this whole narrative was generated by the Clinton machine, as a lead-up to an assassination by either a "pizzagater" patsy or a "suiciding," to be blamed on the harassment; either way it further tarnishes pizzagate. The logic behind my prediction is that Clinton, yesterday mentioned "fake news having real world consequences," which seemed to me to be a cryptic threat.

In order to avoid such a fate one would have to place themselves in a position in which a "pizzagater" patsy would be an impossible scenario to manufacture, as well as, rendering improbable the idea that they would choose to kill themselves, at least specifically over harassment. Unfortunately I've only come up with one idea that would achieve both, but I can't endorse such a measure since it is illegal.

Though if one were to take themselves to a police station and confess to a fabricated murder, it would likely place them in just such a position. It would require that they memorize an elaborate recollection of events. It would be advantageous to make the victim a homeless man since there would be no record of a missing person to corroborate the story, which will be highly scrutinized, as false confessions are a common occurrence. It would also be advantageous to pick the middle of an extensively large wooded area as a burial site so as to waste as much time trying to find the non-existent body as possible. Lastly, in order to, in turn, prove their innocence when the time is right, they should leave behind numerous evidences of their intention to give false confession, in the form of video/audio recordings or just written, as long as they are well hidden (invisible ink techniques could come in handy for this purpose as well).

Once again I'll reiterate that I am not advocating this avenue of approach. I can only wish you good luck in coming up with a better solution if you are at all concerned by my prediction.

Pinetreelaw2 ago

Fucking hell

Pinetreelaw ago

Various moderators of this is very webform are trying to suppress evidence that this is happening to him The moderators of this web former making any posts that have to do with Robert being targeted with harassment mysteriously disappear using their convoluted rule system

Any post proving the targeted harassment magically disappears because of this magic blanket rule three

Pinetreelaw ago

These latest accusations are all being spearheaded by one particular YouTuber

Pinetreelaw ago

bad guacamole and honey bee and really graceful and multiple moderators of this very forum are all participating in targeted harassment against him

Pinetreelaw ago

Robert Robinson is a victim of targeted harassment

lordcantido ago

I didn't have enough points to PM you, so reply to this comment immediately after you get it so that i know to delete it.

EDIT: holy shit, I just watched your "wellness check" vid and it gives a hell of a lot of credence to what I've said herein.

Hello there Pinetreelaw(2), or should I say mr. Robinson? Though I don't actually expect you to acknowledge yourself as such, despite the fact that you made it painfully obvious by making so many comments and then using a sock puppet account to upvote them to the top.

You should probably delete your comments to my post, because if I've made this observation others have too, and that only goes to discrediting my contentions.

Look, I have no intention of coordinating a crusade for with/for you, sorry. I will, however, continue to comment/post unilaterally if this worldcorpo connection persists; if I've got the time to keep up that is.

I am afraid that this whole narrative was generated by the Clinton machine, as a lead-up to an assassination by either a "pizzagater" patsy or a "suiciding," to be blamed on the harassment; either way it further tarnishes pizzagate. The logic behind my prediction is that Clinton, yesterday mentioned "fake news having real world consequences," which seemed to me to be a cryptic threat.

In order to avoid such a fate one would have to place themselves in a position in which a "pizzagater" patsy would be an impossible scenario to manufacture, as well as, rendering improbable the idea that they would choose to kill themselves, at least specifically over harassment. Unfortunately I've only come up with one idea that would achieve both, but I can't endorse such a measure since it is illegal.

Though if one were to take themselves to a police station and confess to a fabricated murder, it would likely place them in just such a position. It would require that they memorize an elaborate recollection of events. It would be advantageous to make the victim a homeless man since there would be no record of a missing person to corroborate the story, which will be highly scrutinized, as false confessions are a common occurrence. It would also be advantageous to pick the middle of an extensively large wooded area as a burial site so as to waste as much time trying to find the non-existent body as possible. Lastly, in order to, in turn, prove their innocence when the time is right, they should leave behind numerous evidences of their intention to give false confession, in the form of video/audio recordings or just written, as long as they are well hidden (invisible ink could come in handy as well).

Once again I'll reiterate that I am not advocating this avenue of approach. I can only wish you good luck in coming up with a better solution if you are at all concerned by my prediction.

Pinetreelaw2 ago

Oh okay so you're a fucking idiot who thinks that this shit is real...

Btw.. There's also going to be a video

lordcantido ago

You're one to insult my intelligence when you expect people to believe the you're "Robs Lawyer." You should be taking this far more seriously. Just because you got scapegoated doesn't mean that the whole thing is "fake." I honestly think it's possible your life could be in danger. Take some kind of action to avoid this.

Pinetreelaw2 ago

we're going to take action... we're going to sue every single mother fucker we get our hands on

lordcantido ago

Rob, you're being so fucking ungrateful right now. You're making me regret trying to help you.

surgeson ago

The profile picture is fake, reverse image search it and see for yourself

surgeson ago

The profile picture doesn't match because it's a fake pic. If you do a reverse image search you can see it has been used many times, kinda like a joke. The picture of him in a bathtub is him though. Worldcorpo's old tumblr page is called scatfreak99, and this confirms for me that he's at least involved with worldcorpo. Just because his name is now connected doesn't mean it has to be him in those videos though, it could still be anyone. He could be the one filming it. It could also still be podesta, as there's a loose Comet/Robinson connection. Who knows at this point.

lordcantido ago

The picture of him in a bathtub is him though.

Oh really, unimpeachably so...? Yeah, I've seen the bathtub photo too, it's not nearly enough of a likeness to make such bold declarative statements.

DarkMath ago

"worldcorpo abuser is a dead ringer for John Podesta".....Really? The only connection is both are wearing a hoodie. And that isn't even the same color.

"dead ringer"......You just said only post if you have legitimate evidence. Then you use "dead ringer". Do you know how many people wear hoodies? That's not a connection.

I do agree the actor in the video screaming at the child IS NOT Robert Robinson as far as I can tell. But you should know that Robert Robinson has trolled /v/pizzagate relentlessly. He knows what he's getting into.

lordcantido ago

What I'm implying is that the voice of the abuser is exceedingly more similar to Podesta than Robinson. And notice that I didn't say "John Podesta is undeniably the worldcorpo abuser."

DarkMath ago

Have you seen this connection?

nomorepepperoni ago

Yeah I'm done talking about Rob the Pedo without more evidence he's tied to WorldCorp (and he could be with similar usernames, the photo isn't the clearest evidence).

Just make sure the shifty child abuse videos get looked at and professionally compared with Podesta. Given WorldCorp having an email in the past to send things to, I wonder if their "ARG" featured a legit abuse video, potentially without their being aware of it.