dmthirdeye ago

@honeybee_ Not sure if this was posted yet but I did find this ( Odell Edsell Huff Jr. was booked in Unsorted, DC on 10/29/2013 ) Nevermind that seems to be the date he moved to DC and had to register in DC with their sex offender registry. Still looking. Found at least 7 properties hes list as owning, all look like houses. Seems to be a theme with pedophiles all being millionaires

I did find he his family has ties with the military could be a way he garnished influence.
Father = HUFF,ODELL,E - 05/06/1927 - 12/31/2000 - US MARINE CORPS - PFC
Uncle = HUFF,CHARLES,B SR - 2/24/19 21 - 12/21/1999 - US ARMY - TEC5

Honeybee_ ago

Awesome! I'm going to keep digging, I had to take a break today, my head is spinning from finding information about these freaks

dmthirdeye ago

Ya I've just returned after at least a month off for the recovery of my mental health. Crazy stuff.

Honeybee_ ago

Rule 2 eh...

dFrog ago

Hats off. Good work.

ich1baN ago

Don't let the refugee crisis slip out the purview of your mind... there is still some sort of connection to Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism which OPENLY accepts marriage between older men and girls younger than 11 years old b/c Mohammed married his niece, Aisha, when she was 6 years old... and it's hard connecting concrete dots to the Arab connection but I know in my heart of hearts that this refugee crisis is being used to usurp innocent children.

There are videos posted on instagram from someone in Iran that shows a man slapping a 6 month old baby in the face repeatedly (with force), and I found that by searching for terms in that pedo coded message from Richard DuBeshter's Trolley Facebook page that I posted about a while back.

This is likely why the Bush family and the Clinton family in addition to Carter have all received MASSIVE amounts of donation money from many of these Sharia Law loving countries that accept marriage of old men with little girls.... which circles us back to none other than the Clinton Foundation and its deep money connections to Arab countries.

ich1baN ago

Another way they distract us by normalizing pedophilia is by saying people like Jerry Sandusky are not homosexuals when they have sex with boys.... this is an utter despair attempt to separate homosexuals from some of their deepest deviances:

From Henry Makow:

According to LGBT logic, Sandusky isn't a homosexual - he's a pedophile heterosexual. GLAAD stressed that Sandusky is married and that most pedophile cases involve "straight, married men." Thus they try to transfer the stigma of gay pedophilia to heterosexuals!

Let's be honest. Heterosexuals are repulsed by same-sexual activity. Saying that men that rape boys aren't homosexual is absurd.

A homosexual demands intimate contact with members of the same sex. The history of homosexuality carries with it a strong connection to pederasty, and a disproportionate link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Why else are most child molestation victims boys when less than 2% percent of the population is homosexual?

The mass media is afraid of the "H" word because it is run by the Illuminati, and it is afraid of gay lobbies.

micha_ ago

Never heard of her. Great job, lovely girl.

Muh_safespace ago

Jesus that is some sick shit. I wish my job was physically punishing these monsters.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

It reminds me of that "Lucy daughter of the devil" episode where they had the sex offenders openly campaigning for that one politician.

At first i thought the joke was meh, but as i think about it, that would be one nasty lobbying group. Even if they where not allowed to vote in an election, they can still donate money, volunteer, and lobby. More importantly, do we monitor them to make sure they don't conspire with each other?

abcdefg222 ago

I wish this post was at the top. Thank you for you investigative work. This is something all of us should see. Stay focused y'all.

The_Kuru ago

Someone mentioned anthrax in the comments and it made me remember that when Dr. Bruce Ivins committed suicide or was suicided as the FBI was at his door to arrest him, I did an immediate Google news archive search and found multiple letters to the editor of the Frederick MD newspaper of Ivins using his real name and defending NAMBLA and various pedophiles around the pedo-mecca region. Then days later I went back and couldn't find them because Google purged it from their archives.

This was the guy in charge of all the anthrax and other biological wmd research for the US government and he sent anthrax in the mail and killed and injured many people.

The msm and the government never wanted to talk much about this so the deep investigation that never happened has to be done by citizen journalists with skills like this woman.

Edit. Frederick MD Post was the newspaper Ivins sent letters to and they have an archive and I just found letters to the editor from him dating back to 1998 but not the ones that I read in the Google archive the day the news hit. Instead his letters in the archive sound like a mild-mannered conservative. Even while he's anthrax ingredients the country he's writing letters to the editor admonishing radio shock jocks for saying G__D___.

Jakestr ago

What struck me about this video is then Dennis hastert, a speaker of the house, was exposed as a pedophile by Sibel Edmond she also claimed that people with dark past where actually preferably chosen into positions in the government, here is that video

VictorDaniels777 ago

Great work. This really opened my mind into just how much pedophilia is going on in government. So much more research needed. Thanks.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you for posting this, some of the stuff I put on voat has been downvoated immediately and died in its tracks, but I'm really pleased to see that this voat post is successful! Finding this information from non fake stream news is probably the most important part, it's not special or unbelievable though, it's simply just putting the time in to taking a look like we all do here at Voat, we can all help others see the matrix. Thank you so much for putting this up @starseedlover

srayzie ago

I watch your videos. I seen where your friend gave his life to God. I just wanted to tell you that I think you're a beautiful person. You have a beautiful soul. ❤️

Honeybee_ ago

♡ thank you, that means a lot.

ThePaleoHorse ago

Here's some more info on Odell. Looks like he got busted back in 2003 and his probation was revoked. Probably why he has to check in every quarter now.

ThePaleoHorse ago

Also, I have some more info on him that I tried to PM you, but I don't have 10 comment points...when I do, I'll send it to you.

Honeybee_ ago

Haha keep commenting!!! Those dockets are great, where did you find them?

JusticeWarriorNow ago

This is AMAZING research! Wonder how we can start linking these people to higher level people?

User890020 ago

We need to meme this into public consciousness

sugarskull ago

Thank you honeybee!!! This is UNREAL!!! This has furthered my resolve to see this to the end....a final and just end for the kids..we are with you!!

DeathToMasons ago

Good research. Seeing people move forward and continue to expose our criminal subverted government makes me proud that there are still some aware and active citizens pushing through the BS to expose the reality of the country we live in. A reality that the corporate media is designed to hide. No longer.

Honeybee_ ago

Amen to that, if all Americans just took even the tiniest peek at the details that these monsters put in plain sight, there would be rioting all over the country, I often wonder why people aren't as fed up as they should be, denial is a comfy exsistence, I prefer fighting against this uncomfortable reality

k9walker ago

Something I noticed including the companies listed to Hillarys house are IT companies, IE IT child porn

nitro169 ago

How many non DC, non govt. employees convicted of pedophilia have their crimes erased from the news on the internet and need to use the wayback machine to find anything?

nitro169 ago

This is a great tool, everything normies are able to explain away, when you are able to show proof with people like Hastert it becomes unarguable and not a theory.

sugarskull ago

You know if being a 'normie' means having my proverbial arse in my posterior..then I will take crazy thank you!! haahaa

sugarskull ago

head in the posterior that is...sorry its early and it may in fact be close.

BethesdaDC ago

CIA fronts

Fateswebb ago

Honey bee is awesome, let's get her research documented in here as in collected and stored in text form that's easily referenced. Start some lists.

YingYangMom ago

Excellent Post! I love the fact that she is actually connecting the dots through research and coming up with real, undeniable evidence. It's these kinds of threads that people should be mass-upvoating. I don't know what's going on lately, but a wave of shit posts has been hitting the pizzagate sub like crazy and it pisses me off. More posts to links like yours are needed. Thank you and please check out this link that I found through this thread's comment section posted by @voatuser-x .

Well, what do you know? Leon Rouse, another convicted pedophile working for the government and pushing for Equal Rights laws.

2impendingdoom ago

Rouse -- Podesta's daughter Megan is married to Gordon Rouse, this might be a family connection.

YingYangMom ago

Yeah, I don't know if there is one, but it would be very interesting to find out there is. Needs to be verified.

2impendingdoom ago

says unmarried, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a kid or two floating around... It's is interesting that he was involved in the Anthrax.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

A sex offender badge on a passport is a great idea, keep track of these pedos leaving in and out of the country.

Thrulkggls ago

cut off their genitals and staple them to their foreheads. THAT is fair branding

CynicalLurker ago

I agree, but it needs to discriminate between the hardcore offenders and the drunk guy that took a piss a little too close to a playground.

GeorgeT ago

Tattoo them - that's an idea!

deucebolt ago

I say a spirally triangle branded on their forehead.

2impendingdoom ago

And, it has to say CHILD RAPIST right across the face.

windsse ago

Many countries won't allow them to leave at all. Australia is one, I think.

ploppy ago

there might some new leads here.