Vindicator ago

Hey Forgetmenot,

I saw @l4l1lul3l0 removed you before I could. I wanted to let you know that we are trying a new thing -- a weekly Open Discussion Thread where you can post unsourced stuff like this on the main board and get comments. The more people who post in it and upvoat, the more it will be seen and used. You can either put your whole thing in there as a comment, break it up into multiple comments people can reply to individually, or make an independent post in v/pizzagatewhatever and put a comment in the Open Discussion thread inviting people to it.

I believe you can start your comment with a headline to make it stand out by typing whatever you want to title it, hitting return twice, writing your comment. Then you highlight the title part and click the 10th button that looks like an H and it will make it a heading.

Looks like this (H1)

Or this (H2)

Or this (H3)

If you are on mobile and can't see the buttons, go to your browser settings pulldown and choose "view as desktop" or "request desktop site."

Pinging mods @Millennial_Falcon @abortionburger @sensitive @SpikyAube so this reminder appears in their inbox for copypasting ease so they don't have to look up the Open Thread link. :D

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you. I appreciate it!

Narcissism ago

Look on the bright side, if you ever need a new heart its available for $200k no need to worry about who got murdered to supply it.

DarkMath ago

"The nation is in the midst of a coup of sorts".........Oh it was definitely a coup. It started in 1963. Have you seen Oliver Stone's JFK?

Long story short is George H. W. Bush and his CIA pals offed JFK so they could basically take over. They've run the show ever since. The President is a figurehead only. The Shadow Government makes all the important decisions. The less talking a President does the better. The best is if you can get a closeted homosexual who's posing as a heterosexual. He might even have a wife and two daughters to prove he's a heterosexual. He just doesn't want it known he's living a lie. He'll eat out of your hand.

That's the ideal. Sigh.................

Forgetmenot ago

This has been going on too long! It's out of control.