"MADDY"????? Madeleine McCann

"Maddy was there for a day and ate at 14 restaurants"

"ate at 14 restaurants" = code for how men had "pizza for an hour"??

sheasie ago

at this point, nothing would surprise me

dontkillmehillary ago

The Belgian Royal family was implicated in the Dutroux affair a number of years ago.

Also, Joris Demmink allegedly had ties to the Dutch royal family.

Finally, there was an active Pedo ring in Denmark around 2008.

These are tangential connections, but considering Savile's connection with the Windsors, and the evidence of active Pedos in royal families in Europe, there may be more to Alefantis's trip to the palace.

redditsuckz ago

James Alefantis friend Christopher Boutlier is connected to Spanish Royalty;

cboutlier AKA Christopher Boutliler - Home Designer

Before graduating in 2009, he began working full time for one of his instructors, Lisa Adams, principal of Adams Design in Georgetown, contributing to design projects for the Biden family and a member of Spanish royalty.

Christopher Boutlier AKA cboutlier is More Connected in DC than Alefantis - Worked with Biden and ROYALTY

BackAgain ago

Theres a picture he posted of stacks of Euros and a Prescription pill bottle and someone replies "Ping Pong in London sounds tempting". I just don't see how there isn't code there with the usage of ping pong. Why would the actual game of ping pong be any different in London versus in DC? Why would it be tempting to play the literal game of ping pong in London?

Yuke ago

Does anyone have the picture from Alefantis' instagram of the Olafur Eliasson River bed in which the only person pictured is a girl of about 12 years of age?

Fateswebb ago

"christianshavn is a hippy | east village like part of time [they have seceded from the city and run themselves by stoned artists"

lawfag123 ago

Some 4chan cia larp said tonight that Braverman was murdered. Looking into that atm. Thanks for the mention

iamthepizzanow ago

On mobile as well. Right on, I will too.

redditsuckz ago

Nice find

There is also a ping pong related link/map on it...

could be similar to "pizza related map" like an earlier commenter said.

Then he went to Berlin Germany to see "Dr.Pong".

Another shady ping pong place.

Godwillwin ago

Dr pong is one of the realllllly weird ones

Antonius ago

They were bumfucking each other and lots of kids.

iamthepizzanow ago

Should def be looked into.

PizzaGate711 ago

Remember Podesta's special pizza map. Here's an odd one. Lots of Pizza, the Grand Lodge of the Freemasons, schools, the Residence of the German Ambassador, pharmacies, vet clinic etc etc ... Nearly 500 locations in DC and NYC - most in the past week This pizza mapper sure gets around to some weird places. Why so much pizza and so many schools and churches? Why the need for so many pharmacy visits? And all those African embassies? And the Exorcist Steps! And a cemetry. They all get 1/5 and the same 2 word review, 'very good'!,-77.0862066,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1?hl=en

redditsuckz ago


It looks like James Alefantis went 2 times there in 1 week. And we dont know if he took a tour or was invited.

PizzaGate711 ago

Trafficking? Remember the other instagram pics of him with the baby with cash destined for an overseas trip.

redditsuckz ago

Possibly....Its awful to think about but he might have been pimping the baby out to Royals or the elite in Denmark and in Europe and using Tony Podesta to launder payments using art.

BackAgain ago

In one of the pictures on Instagram with that Kid who he says is his God Child he says "That little Baby Loved the Farm". The thing that immediately struck me was the Podestas email about "Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber will once again be returning to the Farm in Lovvestville!" where they then of course explain the age of the children and call them entertainment. Lovvetsville is only 1 hour away from DC where Comet Ping Pong is. Obviously it could just be.......A regular Farm that he took this baby too but thought Id throw out the Instagram pic I saw. Plus I doubt theres many farms around DC, right? You'd have to drive fairly far regardless

redditsuckz ago

Yes is that Amalienborg? Because James Alefantis has pics from inside and from going through the instagram of the Royal Palace it looks like the pics are from the outside. So I was just wondering if its open to the public.


It looks like there are 4 Royal Palaces in Amalienborg.

Edit 2;

It looks like James Alefantis was invited to the palace??

carmencita ago

What is that little girl doing walk on dirt and rocks under the glass roof? Looks very strange. Someone remarks, Whoa! Maybe JA and TP were invited by the Royals to one of those "Very Special Hunting Parties". Well, they probably only reserve those for their own kind. Blue Bloods.

Forgetmenot ago

I do t see that pic. Where do you see the link ?

carmencita ago

Some images from his trip to Denmark, that is the title. So out of place.

redditsuckz ago

Do you know what Royal palace he tagged in his instagram? I cant find any links to "Royal Palace Copenhagen" instagram.

Edit...found it with a bing search;

Do you know if the public is allowed inside?

derram ago

FartOnYou ago

My guess? Being pedos. No other possible reason. Maybe looking for asylum