StrangeHologram ago

The Ape is Alefantis

TheHolyGrail ago

Why were they in the whitehouse performing?

Yuke ago

"Back to James Alefantis – who, by the way, has also visited the White House numerous times – twice to specifically meet with now former President Barack Obama." - I hate seeing this sort of thing in this investigation. He went to a dinner with hundreds of people, he did not "specifically meet" Obama.

TheHolyGrail ago

Yes he did, there are pictures. :) So has Amanda.

Yuke ago

There are no pictures that I've seen. If the one you're referring to is the one where Obama is playing ping pong, that is a photograph by Alefantis of a framed photograph at the White House. If you have other pictures I'd like to see them.

Rightfight ago

Well yes , but when you get layer after layer of this supporting evidence ,to suggest that there is an interest of worrying proportions with child porn . This is what is the key sway for most people . The continual links with Child abuse , All the Art work , The Posts from collegues , These bands , the Signs are very obvious and strong and when it comes out ,in time . I don't think people will be saying 'Well they were the last people in the world we would imagine were abusing kids!'

DeathToMasons ago

So are the pedos and shills who cover for them,wink.

vector3rector ago

Should add the Kleinman Ape's Directory to the CitizenInvestigators thread.

Singleservename ago

Nick Pimentel brought The Apes to Comet Ping Pong, as he's a friend of Alefantis and did the music programming for him.

He also own Room11 and Bad Saint on 11th Street.

sugarskull ago

There is a claim to fame haaha I am the talent coordinator for all things perv.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

Someone had once posted that her outfit was made to resemble a changeling--the evil fairy child that becomes the replacement for the stolen human child.

I should say 'or his' or 'its'.

DeathToMasons ago

Seemed like Alefantis is Majestic ape. Isn't Kleinman supposed to be Majestic Ape? Woudln't that mean Kleinman is Alefantis. I haven't looked at this early stuff in couple months. I might be remembering wrong.

echo-sierra ago

There is no proof that Alefantis was Majestic Ape - my findings and many others in the Amanda Kleinman discussion here show that she had prior history with that costume. Posture, stature, the way she held the microphone, and several other character traits all point to her being MA. There is a remote possibility that Alefantis may have donned the costume, but seeing that Kleinman's previous band was "the Apes", and there are several photographs of her in that persona from the time, lends me to think that it's not Alefantis.

chordwonder ago

You sure it's a "she"? Or even human...

looking4truth ago

It's a she. You can hear her real voice sometimes

Archenheimer ago

It sounds like a she when she/it walks near the camera at the CPP party. You can sort of hear her over the voice changer.

Catchthem ago

Verry well put together. Well sourched.