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AHuman ago

....Continued (PLEASE UPVOAT THIS)

I have included the shipping masifests not because they are incriminating but to show you what they look like and to give you an understanding of how the commercial shipping world works.



  • CEO: Thomas B. Crowley Jr.
  • Est. Revenue: $380.0M
  • Est. Employees: 1,234
  • Year Founded: 1892
  • Industry Sector: Transportation & Warehousing

Crowley granted $31.9 million contract to maintain seven surveillance ships | Jacksonville Business Journal - 12/16/2014

  • Crowley Maritime Corp.'s global ship management group has been awarded a $31.9 million contract to operate and maintain a fleet of seven ships for the Military Sealift Command.

  • The contract includes four 12-month option periods which, if exercised, would bring the total value of the contract to $170.5 million and extend the job through November 2019. Six companies bid for the job.









  • A Refuge for Christian Children in Pakistan | The Thomas Foundation - Raising $5,000 for a school community project
  • Background: The Islamabad Convent School was created to provide Christian students with a quality education.

  • Description: The Convent School would like to be able to educate more students, but receives no funding from the government; leaving it to rely on private donations.

  • Assessment: By providing a safe environment for Christian students to learn, the school is providing a quality education to a minority of society.

  • Plenty more funding projects here



  • Somethings going on at Maedwell

Developer Maedwell Companies plans to break ground on a mixed-use project called the Denizen in DC’s Bloomingdale neighborhood during the second quarter of 2017. The developer’s president, Syga Thomas, tells Washingtonian exclusively that he’s in talks with potential cooking school and grocery tenants for the ground floor of the building at 1634 North Capitol St., NW.


MAONO - Domain currently up for sale

In the summer of 2011, a then young diplomat Syga Thomas new that he wanted to start his own brand. He traveled the world, >exploring the origins of bespoke craftmenship and wanted to bring those goods to the global marketplace. A passion for high-quality >goods and frustration with the lack of affordable goods in the luxury retail space, led him to build MAONO. He hasn’t looked back.

MAONO is an active venture highlighting Thomas’s belief in assisting others, whilst creatively cutting out the middleman in his >business in order to donate the savings (accounting to 5 percent,) to the Boys and Girls Club of Greater D.C.



Showcase your knowledge, experience and credibility in the green building marketplace with a LEED professional credential.

A LEED professional credential signifies that you’re a leader in the field and an active participant in the green building movement. With jobs specifying the need for green building expertise, a LEED credential shows a clear commitment to professional growth, while underscoring your value to LEED project teams and sustainability-focused organizations.


JA connection to Dupont Underground ref

...and, James Alefantis for patronage above and beyond...

Under "Fundraisers and Supporters" in the "Thanks" section (p.85) in this Dupont Tunnel proposal it mentions Comet Ping Pong right below the Open Society Foundation (Soros)



Diplomats hold a lot of power and privileges. They are above the law (literally). They can pass through any port in the world unchecked. They travel the world speaking to the most powerful leaders and heads of state in the world. There are 294 U.S. Embassies around the world.

It's anyones guess if these 3 are involved in trafficking. But the fact all 3 are linked to this in one way or another and the types of positions they hold made it worth investigating further. I provide you with a perfect example of the types of people that could facilitate that kind of large scale trafficking we hear about.


Trafficking victims by shipping container would be by far the easiest method. Large commercial shipping ports are nearly fully automated. There is just enough staff to keep the machines running. All it takes is one or two corrupt workers or owners to turn a blind eye for 20 minutes and there you have it, A shipping containers full of trafficking victims loaded off a huge boat at night. Loaded straight onto the back of a truck and driven off to a secluded warehouse on an industrial site somewhere. Drive straight into the warehouse where you have the time and space to split them up and sell them off.


To Be Continued...

Votescam ago

Wow -- all archived, I trust!

AHuman ago


AHuman ago

Its a bit old now but I wanted to cite this article. Not because its to do with UAE but because it highlights the problems the port industry has with polotics and how easily it could be bought up by an elite private company to facilitate criminal activity. There are no checks on you at a shipping port if you are the boss of it.


VieBleu ago

From the article - "Every day nearly 26,000 shipping containers arrive in U.S. ports, and with the U.S. government inspecting only one out of 20 containers, the responsibility for screening the rest belongs to the company that owns and runs the port‘s terminal operation."

Just like a sieve. Anything could get through as long as it can fit in a crate. Just be friends with the guy who owns the port. I remember this outcry about Bush selling port/s to the Saudis - at the time it seemed totally insane. But if you think about the business interests of having your buddy in human or drug and weapons trafficking own the means of transport, makes perfect sense. Another example of how this whole thing is neither left nor right - but elitist.

AHuman ago

And those estimates are from 2006. Thats 11 years ago. We only just had smart phones, Youtube and FB back then.

AHuman ago

Indeed true.

Ultimate money and power allows you to be/do anything.

JoJoVoat ago

Several were sold to the EU during Obama administration. Ft Lauderdale and others...

Correction: Bush

This should never be allowed to happen. Uranium, shipping ports. period.

VieBleu ago

Of course the criminals want to sell the ports to their buddies in other countries, who they ship the drugs, kids, weapons and contraband to. If anything ever would come out of it, they could point the finger at "them" but no one could really sue anybody. Pizzagate reveals a vast criminal structure within which insane things become part of a bigger picture.

Someone else here said it was like a Grand Unified Theory which make so many things finally make sense - pizzagate GUT I call it. .

JoJoVoat ago

When I found this out (re selling our ports), I seriously flipped out. WTF are we doing selling our shipping ports? really? Holy shit.
That and selling our uranium alone are 2 HUGE red flags.

VieBleu ago

For me it certainly fed into the narrative that 911 was accomplished by "traitors from within".

VieBleu ago

Also, is this Wylita from the Trolly Park thread?

AHuman ago


VieBleu ago

Reposted from above:

this will take time to look through.

Overall, not only do I agree with the general theory that certain key people who can travel all over the world with legal immunity would be vital to a criminal enterprise. Can we believe that these individuals KNOWINGLY set up shipping for illegal trafficking? Ultimately, yes I can believe it and there also is the chance that as key operators they are only given instructions and information on a need to know basis, which keeps them insulated from some of the reality of trafficking children, organs, weapons, drugs, who knows even illegal wild animals.

They could fly on private government airlines, get waived through customs, and never even get their car pulled over for a traffic stop, so no chance of finding contraband that way either.

I just wish that law enforcement would look at this. Also, will the Trump administration keep these people in place?

Finally, this post reminded me immediately of the fact, verified in many articles, that Tony Podesta is literally traveling all over the world all the time, supposedly to buy and sell art. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to put together money laundering through art sales, and someone who trafficks internationally selling, setting up and taking payments through art sales for whatever is in demand, children, organs, drugs, weapons, whatever.

Just take a look at this article, it is like a joke almost! "Culture 'It's a form of addiction' What makes Tony Podesta travel thousands of miles just for a gallery opening? He tells all to John Hooper" " Most people in their positions would spend their leisure time unwinding. Instead, they make what Miller calls "Herculean" trips to Europe and further afield to buy art. It is perfectly normal for them to leave Washington on Friday evening and return the following Monday morning, having visited more than one European capital in the meantime."

Also the article talks about how their home had to be unusually reinforced along the floor for their special basement. ""We had to get a structural engineer in to sort out what sort of support it needed," says Podesta"

So, in short, seems like important work OP in uncovering some of the players and the mechanism that could be involved in a massive criminal network operating within the government.

AHuman ago

Thanks for your reply. It's all connected. I have finished my conclusion now. I think its rounds it up well.

MAGABoomer ago

The shipping manifests look like household goods. Not that it couldn't be used for trafficking but when serving overseas you get a shipping allowance and it's weighed. The allowance is "rank based". Personally I've had five crates... That's an entire tractor trailer flatbed and a half. I can say that diplomatic shipments are not inspected because the crates are sealed. Not sure if they run any infrared over them, but they're not opened. You can also ship a car. That is inspected.

AHuman ago

MAGABoomer ago

yeah hon I get why you posted them, I just thought I'd flesh out what they mean. It's not impossible to use that for ill, but as you mentioned in other areas, there's a whole lot easier ways! OMG that's a sick thing there...easy ways to move people. This has ruined me.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Me too....I look at everyone differently now...everyday I work to save lives, and these people don't have a problem killing them without even hesitation...makes me sick

MAGABoomer ago

Miss Meadows. That's all :)

AHuman ago

No problem

VieBleu ago

did you see this?

and this ?

I can't find it reported anywhere else so far. Set up for fake news meme?

MAGABoomer ago

Nah that's just a compilation of recent arrests under the head PG. Whether or not these are all linked, we won't know until the fan and shit hit the upper level stuff. The arrests are real, linking them to PG (as we know and hate it) is supposition. It's NOT out of the realm of possibility. Rarely do you arrest at the top and work down. You get the buyer, then the dealer, then you go for the supplier :)

They are eagerly jumping the shark. But it's not really fake news.

VieBleu ago

ok, thanks for that.

AHuman ago

  • ¬^¬

VieBleu ago

sorry, not familiar, what does that mean?